I can't believe I'm agreeing with a woman but she's right

I can't believe I'm agreeing with a woman but she's right

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>women can't understand how basic marketing works
there are actually people THIS DUMB

>distribution and marketing have no effect
Stupid bitch LMAO

>popular things are good unless its republicans winning elections then its bad

Literally who?

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Maybe they both suck. Fuck Millennials can't make movies even if their live depended on it


is nobody gonna touch this one, seriously?

I'm sure studios will rather fund quality movies instead of 99% success rate of a capeshit film. That's the main problem. Thanks to manchildren, capeshit doesn't fail in box office, making them a good investment.

>the average person would rather see a bunch of superhumans fist fight each other than a bunch of depressed people being boring and mundane

Really makes you think

death to capeshitters.


>the majority of people is composed by fine intellectuals that can appreciate complex works


>adult making ad populum fallacy

I thought only children fell for that fallacy.

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she played on the song Cum on Eileen

The French Laundry doesn't have a sign that states over 1 billion served. Serving over a billion people is clearly a mark of success, and so if not as many people consume it comparatively that must be saying (((something))).

she's wrong, like nearly all women are

...but Trump lost the popular vote, retard

>Imagine thinking films are art
If you want real visual art go look at a painting (not modern art painting) or go watch a theater as in a play

This is why Marketing is such a lucrative business and why I also despise marketers. It's one thing that people are already stupid as shit and susceptible to blatant advertisement, but it's another to continually exploit that fact with more and more efficient methods with each passing year.

Just makes me sad desu

>McDonald's is he most popular restaurant, so it must be the best!

Almost got me.

She's right. Indie movies used to be good & the ones who made it to Searchlight we're usually very well done, like Juno, but then these companies just made indie a "style" and indie movies lost the realness that made then attractive in the first place.

Trump won the popular vote except for California where they illegally had non-citizen votes counted. Be honest.

>I can't believe
then stop being an incel and believe NIGGERFAGGOT

>capeshitters think like women

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Really makes me realize how society is now filled with 30 year old children.

ok this is epic.