Why was his death so iconic and so talked about compared to every other walking dead character?

why was his death so iconic and so talked about compared to every other walking dead character?

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probably because hes one of the only two characters anyone cared about

did the crossbow redneck die yet?

entire episode dedicated to killing him whereas other deaths were a flash surprise

He was a very well-liked character who went through an actual character development. At the time of his death his wife is pregnant. The actual scene itself was brutal considering how pg13 the show had been for a long time.

He was introduced in the first episode. Shane was also a pretty big deal when it happened.

Because unlike all the other mindless drones on the show he was unique and kept his moral compass throughout. He was guided by what he thought was right rather than a one dimensional need to survive

His death in the comics is also the most memorable. That smashed skull haunts me to this day.

Because season 7 episode 1 of twd was unironically the most brilliant cable television episode of any show ever.

It was also unrealistic as hell. No way your skull would get that bashed in without you losing consciousness/and or spazzing out.

>popular and likable character
>got probably the most brutal and graphic death scene of any major character in TV

That's why. Shit was pretty crazy. I mean say what you will about TWD but no other show has killed off a loved character in nearly as brutal of fashion.

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work in ER.....

The cliffhanger

nope, daryl is invincible

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because he was one of the few likable character left on the show

Mmmmmaggie ill find you

Because he cute

It's because we live in the Asian Century, and he's the only (east)asian in the show

Can I get a link to 9.15?

Did anyone care when Carl got killed off?
I haven't read the comic's but isn't he a critical character to just kill him off like that?

It's worse than that, the writer of the books said the entire story is about Carl. Rumor has it he considered suing the showrunners for deciding to kill him off.

Carl is so hot.

>the show is a boring, unfocused mess of dreary dull and depressing shit
>hey let's kill off the only two remotely comedic characters we have in one fell swoop
This show was never more than popcorn to me but man did it become a complete shitshow in the later seasons


His death was a dumpster fire

Because it also represented the death of the show. No one really cared about Negan the way they were supposed to and viewership has been catastrophically down all throughout the eighth and ninth seasons.

>why was his death so iconic
because people really liked him as short round in temple of doom.

because it took two episodes and a summer to kill him

What is this show even about these days?
I stopped watching after season 2. How far can they stretch a zombie apocalypse?

It's not about zombies anymore. It's just drama with the occasional zombie passing by.

I wish I had done this.

Why do people watch it?
Is it just Stockholm syndrome?

Because the reactions were hilarious. I cannot believe how some viewers become so attached to such mundane fictional characters.

I kept watching because Carl is hot and dropped it when Carl ded.

>10 year old girls
>just bursting with endurance, focus and combat effectiveness.

i havent seen the show in years dont tell me shes a leader or something

there was few years timeskip
its ricks daughterfu

Check out some cartel execution videos. Humans unfortunately have a knack for staying alert. Glenn was also incoherent as fuck. It was pretty realistic.