What did he do to her
What did he do to her
8 er puss
he ate her ass
Rubbed up against her with his dickless mound
Why did they throw this romance in? It's weird
The Coloreds, children. The Coloreds!
>elite member of a military cadre that's been trained for combat since childhood with no other purpose in life
>presumably beaten or worse whenever they failed in any aspect
>has the physique of a 14 year old boy
Why didn't this dude start doing pushups or something when he was signed on to the biggest show on television? Why didn't they set him up with a trainer to at least fix his posture?
They needed her to be with a man that she would have full power over. So they picked a eunech
Daily reminder that all the good men in GOT still alive are crippled and emasculated.
stuck his nub in
>Why didn't they set him up with a trainer to at least fix his posture?
the virgin unsullied vs. the chad golden company
>When people talk about phantom limbs, an amputee might have an itch where his foot used to be. So I've always wondered, do eunuchs have a phantom cock? Next time you think about naked girls, will you feel an itch?
nigger tongue my anus
The hottest chicks in the show were the ones Ramsay hired to torture theon
that's not how you say "Alys Karstark"
>ywn run your fingers through frogfu's hair
ew imagine how hairy, smelly and greasy their pussies must be
>dat gyno
Fuck man why don't they have that dork at least work out a LITTLE for the role. Dude looks like he hasn't so much as picked up a stick his entire life... yet he is supposed to be some elite soldier.
fake and gay.
she's wonderful, and her curls are heavenly.
This user answered before I could. Game of Thrones is literally modern feminist propaganda at this point. All the men you are supposed to root for are literal eunuchs, or physically detrimented in some way (dwarfism or missing limbs), and they can also never be shown as stronger or more intelligent than the female characters like Yass Khaleesi or Yara "Completely Different Character in the Books" Greyjoy. I am literally rooting for based Euron, Cersei (only female character whose success is earned), and/or the White Walkers, everyone else are unbearable faggots.
shouldnt he not have any sexual desire?
I thought they were all castrated as toddlers.
yeah, pretty dumb, desu
suit yourself. more for me.
I guess you forgot about Jon, Beric, The Hound, Tormund, Gendry, Bronn, and Jorah.
Jaime doesnt have his sword hand but he still has lots of development and we are clearly supposed to like him. Sam is just fat so I dont know if that counts as detrimented to you.
Davos is old, so i dont know if that counts either to you but either way you "forgot" a fuck ton of characters.
This is compared to, who? Daenarys? Shes been set up to be this way since day fucking one. Whether she made jon kneel or not doesnt matter since he's clearly the chosen one and she wants his dick anyway. I'll give it to you on Yara, shes annoying as fuck. But I think the showrunners realized their mistake with her since they killed off the sand snakes and had ger get captured. Theon is going to rescue her now.
Sansa and Arya are annoying as hell but I dont think even one person in the show or audience genuinley thinks they are better or more important than Jon or even Bran.