You could have saved her Yea Forums

You could have saved her Yea Forums

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No I could not have saved her. No one can save women from the dopamine rush that is social media and fame

a whore is a whore

god damn she is sexy

now is the right time, she had to have her slutty moment and it was worth it
>the pissing pictures

I don't have the goodwill or the optimism required to save anyone anymore

uh what?

oh no no no

>the past is in the past
>so what if I pissed on a sidewalk and showed my vagina to terry richards and blew hundreds of black guys? I want you now!

>mfw this nigga actually said ok

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nothing can save a foul servant of slannesh but the deliverance afforded by the emperor's own promethium

maybe she has a nice personality

have sex

go back

kek im actually glad that turbochads like him go for used up roasties, leaves some of the few good women left for incels like me

It hurts.

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God's Will.

Who is user to challenge the fall. The divine plan must unfold if user is to inherit the Earth.

She is the poster child next to those two rap thots for the slut culture. You cant save someone who is beyond redemption.

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she should've gotten implants desu
her tits are at this size where they're too big to be cute and too small to be sexy

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Implants are never the right decision. Ever. Under any circumstances.

>t. virgin who thinks natural body parts don't have inherent aesthetic flaws that can be improved.

The problem is that implants are pure quackery that always look ugly. If they didn't look ugly that'd be fine. But they're hideous, with medium-small natural tits she can go around topless instead of having to cover up surgical abominations.

There's no such thing as good looking breast implants. You're a brainlet boomer if you think otherwise.

>those tits

what the hell is the matter with you

>hollywood thot
>nice personality

She'd make a pretty corpse

This desu

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She stopped the whore schtick already she's doing innocent again

your dubs confirm

You just KNOW

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Reminder that it's not really her.
The real Miley died in the New Mexican desert years ago.
Someone had a really detailed picture comparing how her tats and bone structure has completely changed, too.
Do what you wish with this current 'whoever the fuck she is'.

I can see what you're saying that they aren't, but they really pretty much are.

Guys a fucking fag.

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Just imagine her limp on a hotel room bed.

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her tits are perfect, but the skanky tattoos and overall demeanor that makes them seem like grody socks and her skin seem like its crusty with semen

Well, she was murdered somewhere and dumped in the NM desert, but yes.

It's the hair that ruins it for me.
If she just kept that long brown hair, her nudes would be god tier instead of disappointing tier.

You know without this picture you just faggot, right? Well now you know

Absolutely patrician

the hair is fine at first at that moment when she's just leaving her teen years and becoming a whore, right when she's about to dip into being sullied

but after that moment of slutty teen it becomes grody as shit, just a callous mess pissing on concrete

You're going to get me arrested for thought crimes
[Spoiler] they are just thought crimes, FBI, I will not hurt anyone [/spoiler]

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this chick and ariana grande are tiny little flat chested sticks, i don't see the attraction
i need some length and some hips at least

Imagine being this gay. I mean scarcely having a thought in your head besides cock. Terrifying.

I once had a dream where she was on some dumb TV show which involved jumping off a high dive into a pool, but she fucked it up and landed really badly. The sight of her in a bikini being fruitlessly given CPR by a paramedic woke me up with a massive hard on.

>mentions cock out of nowhere

Implants practically always look better than natural tits

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Your posts breathe life into me, friend.

Implants sometimes look okay. They don't always suit the person though

They only look non-gross inside clothes and even then push-ups and other sneaky bullshit equals them. They make silicon cup-enhancers that go on the outside of the titty.

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>They only look non-gross inside clothes

No, that's natural tits, and even then only with push ups or in a corset.

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depends on the aesthetic, cyrus isnt the bimbo with ample strong features type, she's the skinny teen used to being a sex kitten for men since a young age

I've had several dreams about dead celebs. The other obvious one is the time I dreamed that Natalie Dormer was kidnapped and strangled to death in the back of a car, and pics of her body were posted on Yea Forums.

>depends on the aesthetic, cyrus isnt the bimbo with ample strong features type

I think every girl has the potential to be one, though. That's the beauty of plastic surgery

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Exactly. Bimbo titties wouldn't suit her. "Small" perky implants might though.

More details in the next post
I have nothing to contribute but my attention

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and i thought real Yea Forums was dead

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No one could save her, she was killed and is buried in a desert outside of Hollywood around 2010. This person is a body double.

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These seem to be the best kind of implants, not too obvious, but a nice boost over a surf board.

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The detail of the dream that I remember is that the pic of her was of her obviously dead, topless, with her hands tied behind her back, bunched up on the back seat of a car, with an obvious, massive, piss stain in her pants.

damn jb looks like that?

anyone knows where the black&white gif of her semi nude covering her pussy with her hands is from?

she has long hair too

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Why was she murdered?

Nah, as a guy who thinks all implants look like garbage the only possible way to go is all out balloons. They're not going to look like tits but they're not going to look broken/lumpy.

Because she wouldn't suck dick, is the story that went around.

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That's not even the same miley billy ray sold to disney

big yikes

Hee hee

what is she up to lately anyway?

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any more?

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That kike makes such good rage fuel

He probably has his own nasty secret

Please don't tell me those things are your ideal tit implants. Those bimboobs look repulsively veiny.

seek professional help

she was never attractive and only zoomers from reddit wanted to fuck her

Of that dream, no.

I've also dreamed about Avril Lavigne being shot dead in a desert. And also of watching Melissa Etheridge drop dead of a stroke live on TV / stage.

Sucking kike dingaling!

Haha ew gross who would fap to that?!

Look up Psycho Thriller Films

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>Riley Reid did a PST/PKF film
>I can’t find it

That shit is the reverse of what I want, all about the murder bits. Most of it isn't even pornographic.

I know all about them user.

No. Ideally they could be much larger.

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He loves loli hentai

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


Yeah, nah.

She was never attractive even as a teen. You starfucker faggots only find her hot because she was broadcasted over your greasy, 13" sansui hdtv.


Get woke, go broke.

Both are good. I prefer the ones where they piss themselves at the end. The "Death of a tennis player" one comes to mind.

I hold a personal grudge against Billy Ray and also didn't like Miley til she turned into a whore.

search krissy lynn, she did some rapey murder shit but no necro

she's doing fine and is still cute cute cute!!!

A good chunk of the videos is usually the woman struggling while she's being strangled so you're good
No shit

>saving a coalburner

yikes at Yea Forums...

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Why are their vids so hard to find anyway? I've neved been able to find the sauce for the webm

I'm more concerned about Katy Perry

Miley could be found dead in a ditch tomorrow and I wouldn't give a shit.

>Miley looks EXACTLY the same but got a haircut
>has her hair back for years
>retard conspiracies

>Ariana Grande LITERALLY looks completely different

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>Fake tan and makeup
>everything else is the same

only useful metric from photo conspiracy bullshit is ear pattern and they're all too retarded for that.

she’s engaged to Orlando bloom, why are you worried?

>everything else is the same
nigga you faceblind as fuck

Actually pretty hot.


you really think there is that high quality necrophilia footage anywhere?

why doesn't anyone call her out for brown face?

Apparently the girls get embarrassed and have it purged.
Or what some user said, they thrive on "limited release" so intentionally delete their own videos from their site; which makes no sense.

Cause I'd like to rather call out her name while shes fuckung me in her ass.

Latinas don't have enough power to do it and I'm not even sure most people care enough.
Black people seemingly don't care.
White people don't have any reason to risk backlash for it.

Because she looks hispanic and she's a slut, and people like her for it, so who cares

Because there's nothing offensive about spending too much time in the tanning booth

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seriously, wheres that from? pretty hot seeing her as a fuckslut with long hair

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Current year Miley makes my dick so fucking hard. I don't know how many times I fapped to the Malibu video

Funny how South Park had predicted it. Maybe, she wasn't meant to be saved

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yeah im not gonna search her entire social meda, i assume it could be some porn-ish leak

you're retarded and don't understand what that south park episode was actually about

>no rehab
>no arrests
>married from an almost decade long relationship

>demi and selena
>multiple rehab stints
>some as early as a few months ago

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>married from an almost decade long relationship
>cheated and fucked around for almost a decade

2013 was a weird year

>market singer as wholesome musicians parents can let their daughters listen too
>have her become a slut so teenyboppers will enter a downward spiral
Jews are a blight

You know when someones dead when their tounge is sticking out.

What the fuck does that have to do with the episode? That south park episode is from 2008, 11 years ago. That whole episode is a joke on cultist movies like the wicker man, but also reflecting on how society can fuck up pop idols in the head. Just like what happened to Lohan, and Bynes.

Save her from what?

Security must be difficult in the US when half the people who are supposed to be there look like loitering thugs

the tits are great, it's the crappy teeth that make her unfuckable.
Elay Smith and Ava Addams have great fake tits, because they had some breasts to work with.

Please, her big breakout song that launched her into stardom was her bragging about dyking out. She was lost from the word go.

Kind of a shame that she never "accidentally" leaked a sex tape online.