Who did it better, comic or TV? Comic had more impactful deaths but actually getting to see the zombie heads move was a good effect.
Walking Dead Thread
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Nice backgrounds. Is this fucking Bleach?
No its HXH
Pour one out for the fallen milkers.
judith is for cuddles
you bastard, i laughed
TV. Fuck Henry
>tfw you don't have to pretend you like a neckbeard anymore
Negan as the main protagonist fucking WHEN.
>tfw my Savior husbando DJ got piked
Let's have a productive Yea Forums + /k/ think-tank session lads; how would you defeat the Whisperers given the resources available on the show?
carol is going to kill lydia? why?
The tv show sucked. They killed a bunch of no named shitters and characters like henry tara and enid are not in the comic and do not fucking matter. Anyone who says the tv show did it better is either a shill or someone who has not read the comic books either way your opinion is invalid as fuck.
This show died the day carl got bit
I set the fucking forest on fire, and I mean that quite literally
they effectively killed off everyone associated with the Hilltop, must not want to pay for the set there anymore
burn them in their sleep, fire spreads fast, a few molotovs, fire arrows thrown in the right place would do the trick
Literally just start a wildfire.
I feel ya lad, we might be the only ones who cared about him but fuck I'm sad
What did they do with the bodies?
That's a lot of breastmeat.
This. And they spared Ezekiel only because he's black and in an interracial relationship
Oh no, how can the show possibly continue without these memorable characters.
They should have killed Gabriel, Rosita, Ezekiel and the Seaside womyn leader also.
>Suprise Cast Member isn’t even one of the big 3
Nice job amc
>Special guest is that stupid old lady
Really? I'm off to bed. Fuck this.
They used Enid's body fat to make candles
What Total War game is this?
So, where's Heath?
lets just be thankful that the creators had the good sense to kill off Henry
granted no idea what the fuck they will do with Lydia now but w/e, that's a problem for another day
Everything thats fucked about this show goes back to Gimple. The deaths could have been much more impactful if he didn't fucking kill everybody that was interesting. As much as I liked Tara i'm legitimately shocked that she survived until now.
Who was Henry? The /ss/ kid that Carol was into?
same thing they did when you asked this in the last thread.
they'll probably kill her off as well when the whisperer arc comes to a close
I didnt want to point that out but this show is fullblown SJW fantasy. They destoryed the comics integrity and are killing off all the white characters most of the straight characters and all relationships on this show are gay, interracial or both. I could understand maybe letting rosita live cause preggers but ezekiel needed to die here, if not him maggie, if not her michonne. A major leader was supposed to die tonight. A bunch of literal whos and characters that should have died SEASONS ago none of which are from the comic.
She will be adopted as Daryl's daughterfu
No more men
The leads are now deaf couple, Carol, lydia, michonne and yass Judith
If AMC had any balls they would have had Negan execute Rick, Carl and everyone else in Alexandria in the episode where the tiger saved them at the last second, then turned Negan and the Saviors into the new protags.
With Lydia gone Enid's headless body will be used for any sexual emergencies the male whisperers have.
I stopped watching this show around season seven and I genuinely don't understand how people are still watching it several seasons later. What's the point of developing a cast of characters, killing them off, replacing them with a whole new cast of characters, killing THEM off, and repeating ad nauseam? It would be one thing if they were building towards some end point like GoT but they just seem to be continuing indefinitely without any sense of purpose.
Anyone who still watches want to explain the continued appeal? I'm not attacking anyone - people like what thay like - I'm just curious why someone would watch a show where it seems nothing that happens will matter in the long run.
Tara was sort of the defacto Hilltop leader, but your point still stands because fuck Tara
>they only kill Tara once she went back to taking a dicking
Gonna miss seeing his handsome mug on screen every week, hope he gets more work soon.
>kill off the only character they bothered to develop
Classic TWD.
He was a shit actor though, this was clearly a Carl season. The writer's were probably mad at Henry's actor being awful so they killed him off as punishment.
Lydia is kind of pointless now and they'll probably kill her off next week to raise tensions between the communities for 2 episodes next season
They put so much screen time into Tara and Enid killing them off seems stupid.
>I genuinely don't understand how people are still watching it several seasons later
>Talking dead trying to make people feel for these literal whos
Highway leader man was cute not gonna lie, would let him protect me/10
who the fuck was Frankie, think I would have remembered a ginger cutie like that
Do you really think it's that simple? People just keep watching it because they've been watching it previously?
Highway ma literally died trying to save literal whos, he was a good man, the show didn't deserve him
>Dont care for Enid and Tara
>Somehow feel very bad for them anyways
what the hell
the show has 2 original characters left
im staying
but based on how they are handling the show. They wont ever kill them off after they got rid of maggie
Tara's transformation into Maggie was the most jarring and hamfisted move in this entire series. Enid has done literally nothing in her whole time in this show, I'm convinced that both of them were from the casting couch and are out of a job now that the new director isn't a carpetmuncher.
what else is there to watch on Sunday until Game of Thrones comes back?
Its literally why we're all here
One of Negan's thots.
>nu characters
the only characters in this show are the characters from the first like 4 seasons. And even that is arguable since the first season was the one casted by darabont
When they kill carol and daryl the show is officially over
Why did they decide to kill off Tara now this far into the series?
You're a titman.
>They wont ever kill them off after they got rid of maggie
Maggie is in limbo right now contingent on how her new show does
That plus the fact I have nothing better to do/watch on Sunday nights is why I still watch. It's always fun posting in a live Yea Forums thread.
The should have piked negan, daryl, carol, michonne, gabriel, eugene, rosita, and judith and ended the series here.
Those two Highwaymen were the Sneed Brothers of the Walking Dead, gone way too soon.
its fun also i like zombie apocalypse
because they realized how shit all the jewish characters are compared to deaf people of color and obese observant muslims in overalls
they neeed to kill a leader, she was the only expendable one
actually she wasn't, they could have killed the fish wife, no idea then why her, probably pissed someone off or the scientology people decided to stop supporting this show
Honestly this. Ive got nothing better to do.
Angus always plays best boy
Your redditspacing is worse than mine. I saw Henry as a lazy continuation of Carl
The real question is why did they decide to keep her on for so long? Her highlight was the episode where she was visibly obese and the writers made her run around all episode, giving her lines like "I love running".
>maggie is in limbo
lmfao no , she wanted a raise and AMC told her to fuck off and she walked and they wrote her out of the show with a single line from another character
AMC doesnt need "actors" when they have a revolving door of shit c listers to choose from who would DIE to be on the walking dead.
Which is a shame because frank darabont built the foundation of this show with good actors and now only 2 are left and suprise , they are the only characters that are any good.
Yeah I didn't like Enid because going by SHOW plot reasons she made Carl more depressed which led to his death so I should relish her being Whispered but I don't actually. It all seems a waste and with them losing more and more originals it's beggars belief why viewers would still watch.
How did the whisperers capture them? Wasn't paying attention
>teary-eyed Enid in a sweater on a Talking Dead interview
God, I really want to cuddle then roughly fuck and impregnate her
>i saw henry as a replacement of carl
then you are a fucking retard
I am, might as well see how they end it all, season 7 offered some good laughs too
So Rosita or Ezikiel didn't die? I haven't watched this show in some time but I kept up a bit with the comics.
Rome: Total War
Its a Barbarian rebels army
I miss Enid.
>quiet now
*danny boy playing the distance
Tara was one of the worst offenses of the show desu, took up was too much screen time and progressively more fat in a show where resources are scarce
I'll miss her milkers for sure
>scott gimple is still in charge of this show
its incredible.
Big opportunity here with how they handle Negan in the season finalle. I doubt they'll get around to Negan's little gift he brings back, but they HAVE TO at least close it out with Michonne freeing him.
She was in Negan's harem, one of the ones that hung out with Eugene. I should've figured it was a death flag that she was being shown for the first time since season 8, as far as I remember.
They literally didn't show, they implied alpha was luring them out
Show died when carl got bit, the corpse was raped when rick disappeared is presumed dead and will do made for tv movies with not a character jadis and he will never see his family, they chopped up the raped corpse when they sent maggie away, they came all over the bits when they did a time jump and made it focus on not carl and a little loli that was supposed to die at 2 weeks old under her dead mums body, they ate the cum covered mutilated remains when they killed the most badass character they had on the show Jesus, they shat out everything they ate and ate it up again when they dropped the ball on the pikes tonight. Show died the second it was revealed that carl was bit. At least jerry is still alive. But if you have watched this show since carl was bit you are actively part of the problem.
Giv Milkies
They don't show it. They go from alpha walking around in a wig to everyone in a barn about to be killed. Apparently she's very persuasive offscreen.
We failed to protect her smile, lads.
They are saving Ezekiel like they did with Glenn.
Who the fuck are these characters? I only recognize the last two.
not only the show, the entire franchise, he has a made up title that basically means he makes every call without getting blamed for it
They seemed like the obvious choices but I honestly believe they were kept alive in order to continue and expand on the amount of interracial relationships in the show.
People would call me a schizo a few years ago but I don't know how anybody could not watch this show and not notice the agenda by this point, it's comical.
>show died when child actor that couldnt act for shit was killed
Carl dying was good.
This show died when merle died
All of darabonts characters are what fuels this show. All but 2 are gone.
Nope they changed that from the comics. Honestly the show kills off people alive in the comic and the comic kills people alive in the show. It'll be like this for all of time.
Delete this
"ayy anons u wan sum fuk"
>shouldve died in season 4 war, or the wolves attack, or the cannibals, or the all out war where no one on ricks side died or any of the countless other times she shouldve or couldve died.
All new characters besides Edith and Tara.
Highwaymen (yee-haw motherfuckers), negan whore, grandma that rescued a baby, two teenagers that were friends with Henry (nu-carl), Enid, Tara, and not pictured is Henry (nu-carl) himself.
But I wanted to fuck her so bad regardless of fat or lesbian tendencies.
>people in this thread giving a shit about some hunchback jew bitch
Do people forget what they did to beth?
the show died when shane died. prove me wrong
So when you remove their teeth, just how mindblowing are zombie blowjobs?
>She wanted the coal
>Killed before it happened
Back when writers cared
Let negan do what he does best. Formulate a good defense for betas puny retaliation. Not that hard. Theyve dealt with mega herds before.
>a bunch of actual literal whos and tara died
>reviews and reddit saying it's red wedding tier
is this what shilling is?
id buttfuck al fa
so true
Michonne is being removed from the show at the start of next season also. Presumably to be put into the movie trilogy.
They hear Rick talking on the radio next episode.
the show just feels lifeless without Rick and Carl, they were the main duo the show revolved around, the only good episodes without Rick were the governor and negan ones and even then the negan ones got boring fast
It was a mercy killing, Everybody Hates Chris was definitely going to BLACK her if she didn't die. I'm glad my Bethfu died a pure virgin.
>literally every person on the pikes were white
The show died when Rick's horse died.
That's dumb
Anyone else feel Ezekiel has far overstayed his welcome? I feel absolutely nothing for the character who seems to escape a bunch of bad death situations because of contrived coincidences since he's now the new token black character.
she had a hit sitcom show back in the days
Is Nicotero stil on the show? Hershel's walker head was 100% better then this trash.
I'm pretty sure one was Asian.
Somebody posted a really good idea in the last thread. Loot tear gas or other chemical weapons from military bases or police stations since scavengers probably weren't going after those since they're useless against the dead, then lob those fuckers at the giant herd and laugh when the Whisperers collapse and get devoured. Have some scouts find out where they are camping then start a massive forest fire near them.
fucked off to compton to start a rap group
>jews are white now
The first two were from a group introduced a few episodes, they were highwaymen demanding ransom from The Kingdom but Carol offered to officially employ them to protect the roads. The third was a Savior from season 8, he didn't really do much but he ended up with Alexandria after the war. The fourth was one of Negan's former wives. The fifth was the mother of the guy that killed on the supply run earlier in the season, and adoptive mother of the Whisperer baby that was left to die. The sixth and seventh were some of the kids Henry was drinking with.
tl;dr no one
What did you want that fat muslim woman on the pike? or the deaf worthless one
They are going to kill him later one probably. They are just saving him like Glenn.
We still have the only two white characters that matter: Negan and Eugene
>doesn't kill ezekiel because either muh diversity or muh curveball
Nice to see this shit show is still embarrassingly bad.
The governor redemption arc should have been a spin-off desu. As a lead, his episodes were leagues better than the main casts'.
You should notice that the comics were absolute shit and the best parts of TWD show are when they deviate from the source material.
S2 onwards should have been totally OC, Shane should have lived for a few more seasons as a start.
are you joking? these heads looked much better than the hand puppet hershel head
That fat uggo needed a good pike
Reminder that she's a based scientologist
Lol he literally didn’t know how to react. Traitor confirmed.
No the show died when Rick and Shane's retard deputy friend was killed during Rick's coma. He was a big guy in the comic (no I'm kidding lol)
They didn't kill him because they are running out of characters who are actual characters and not just random redshirts because half the cast wants out of the show. They have to keep anyone who is willing to stay.
>I don't know how anybody could not watch this show and not notice the agenda by this point, it's comical.
The comics are much worse in this regard. Seriously, it's much more toned down in the show.
she is the genetically jewish megan mccain
>he still watched the walking and talking dead
>Gimple's reaction
Did they finally killed the samurai sheboon?
I'm pretty sure the saliva carries the zombie virus too. Plus gums can still tear away flesh probably.
the way he recoiled was AMAZING
and then gimple was like "there is no such thing as a palestinian"
this talking dead episode owns
That was four fucking years ago.
The show improved and eventually, so did discussions about it when the internet pseudo-alphas living vicariously through him stopped watching.
fuck you i'll never forget her
She's leaving sometime next season.
oy veyyy
the governor was far more interesting character than the meme villain negan became, his episodes explored his psyche and showed just how demented he was, felt like i was watching someone insane trying to be normal just to completely lose himself, every scene you felt the struggle, like something wasn't right, then he goes batshit at the prison and starts a massacre for no good reason, meanwhile negan just went around telling stupid jokes, they are doing a better job with him now tho, at least he seems more human and not a cartoon
did you just insult beth?
Im not watching the talking dead: did a troll caller slip through or something?
holy shit post a link
reminds me of beth when she was on talking dead after she was killed off
>needing to feel special
Why are non whites so fucking weak and always have to rely on victimhood.
Lol and then Everyone Loves Chris got one of the worst deaths in TWD history. Considering Beth kinda died for him and Tyreese died for his getting back to mom bullshit mission that seems fair.
I miss Beth and Lizzie, fuck everyone else.
Asked sadiq's actor if he was a traitor.
As someone who quit after Carl died and hadn't really been enjoying the show in Seasons 7 and 8, is it worth it to catch up and continue on?
The show died when Kirkman's dad forgot to pull out and conceived him, then failed the DC 15 charisma check to talk Kirkman's mom into the morning after pill and the DC20 check for an abortion a few weeks later.
caller said that "did they let sadiq live because he is a traitor?"
and then the actor who plays the muslim got super pissed and offended and gimple basically put on a pepe face and played along with the caller because he is a jew.
the difference is the gov was always fucked up mentally after he lost his brother/family and negan was a fucking gym teacher who was never actually insane
A caller asked if Sadiq was allowed to live because he was a traitor who sold everyone out in some way, and the people on the couch including Scott Gimple and Sadiq's actor didn't know how to answer because that's probably where they're going with it. I bet Sadiq bartered to spare Rosita/his baby's life.
Yes, S9 is somehow pretty good. Maybe it's just because my expectations after Rick leaving were non-existent so the bar to clear was low but it's worth a watch.
This might be the show's saving grace. Without Rick or Maggie and Daryl rumored to leave anytime soon he's what they have left cause Jesus gone too. Watching him set loose on the Whisperers might actually be kino but fuck it Gimple won't do it of course.
Season 9 is the best it's been in years desu but it's still not a good show by any stretch
it's the same old shit except even worse considering all the good characters are gone
they just spent this entire half season developing a kid to be the new carl and killed him off too. amc has no idea what they're doing
>he likes/tolerates that the show has devolved into the daryl and carol show
>A character who does not exist
>A character based on a comic book character by name alone the similarities between tv and comic carol end in like season 1 episode 4.
>Carol shouldve killed herself in the prison season 3.
You are cancer. I bet you watch all the disney live action reboots and singles and watch every single marvel movie like the good manja eater you are.
dude Hilltop is fucking done, no leadership (Gregory, Jesus and Tara) and no medic, Hilltop is the comic Kingdom.
holy fukin tits
Rodney's asian but yeah this show isn't subtle at all
>is it worth it to catch up and continue on?
No... But S9 is objectively one of the better seasons.
There's still some awful schlocky stuff you'd expect, like the whisperers talking in spooky zombie voice to eachother when there are no zombies around and awful decision making to build suspense like risking their lives moving an antique caravan over glass floor with a herd beneath so that they can learn how to design more carts and wheels.
Abraham was such a chad
i remembre him saying his was also abused by his dad or something, then ending up cuck waging it at a desk job just for his wife to die in a car accident and his daughter at the beginning of the apocalypse, negan was fucking around his cancer ridden wife and just living life has he pleased until the apocalypse hit
Get out shill.
Oh look, even more shills.
Kingdom is abandoned next ep anyway due to the winter storm and Hilltop gets overrun by the zombie horde in the comics meaning everyone probably ends up at Alexandria in the show before the inevitable trek to Pittsburgh and then the Commonwealth
We don't forget, little one. But we must go on with our lives.
It is not.
carol and daryl are the best characters in the show and have been for most of the shows existence
the comics suck dick and are full of worthless faggot dialog written by a SJW neckbeard homo.
The only reason this show is successful is because darabont touched it 1 time
>All of darabonts characters are what fuels this show
Too bad most of those characters were boring until seasons 2 and 3. Darabont was and always has been a hack. Season 1 was decent, but doesnt hold a candle to seasons 3-6. Let's not lie to ourselves here.
The comic is shit and the show was at its best when Darabont was deviating heavily from it.
I didn't say it was good now, it's just refreshing to see a little less doom and gloom after 6 years of depressing gimple filler. S9 is more fun than what we've had, I think they should go even further with the Western theme like in FTWD where they go back to Mexico and it's like Tatooine.
The show died when Shane shaved his head.
>darabont is a hack
Lol the guy who made the green mile and shawshank is a hack.
I really want to have sex with Enid
More and more shilling.
you know what they should have done with fear the walking dead?
actually delivered on the concept of "the world falling apart slowly" instead of rushing the end of the world in like 3-4 episodes
>Lol the guy who made the green mile and shawshank is a hack.
Its funny because those are the exact movies I had in mind when i was calling him a hack. 6/10, safe, family friendly, Spielberg-core is kino to you?
you don't have enough reach son
Best you can get is a BJ now lad sorry
Thanks, I probably won't then. How would you rank it among the other seasons of the show? This is my ranking of the seasons I've seen
>Season 1
>Season 5
>Season 4
>Season 2
>Season 6
>Season 3
>Season 7
>Season 8
Only other episode i've seen since the one where Carl died is the one where Rick died. It was alright but I had some issues with it(Sasha instead of literally anyone else, Helicopter ex machina, etc)
>good movies are bad
Imagine if this show had balls and Rick, Maggie, and Hershel Jr. were on the pikes
>R-rated movies are family friendly
>bad movies are good
That was the whole purpose of that shit show and they couldn't even do that. They fast forward through everything to show a house in California. FUCKING HACKS
Just stop. Carl wasnt a bad actor and his character in the comic is for the longest time the most based character in the show.
imagine if they casted good actors so that the show wouldnt need "balls" to get rid of the only good actors on the show
how is he still alive?
exactly, i think they wanted to do that but then remembered amc woudn't give them the budget so they just said fuck it and wrote it so they're always isolated in places you can work around, gated neighbourhood, boat, and the easiest of all, mexico which in it of itself is already an apocalyptic shithole so they had their work cut out for them
I'd put it above 6.
That really pissed me off. We were promised answers to why the world fell apart beyond what we got in the webseries, shorts and Rick's first episodes but they shit on that too.
and Negan nutted on the heads to show he is the new Beta
I literally could not believe they did that. I was hyped for that show. and then the military was defeated in like the 5th episode lmfao
actually the only purpose of FTWD is to get based Daniel on the main show
this. the show at least has the common courtesy of not making character into secret gays.
Between 7 and 8 or even below 8. It really is that bad, don't listen to the shills.
seasons 1-5 are good, with 3 and 2 being the weaker ones, after that it's not worth sitting trough, negan was promising but they completely fucked his character and the war arc, season 7 première is fun to watch for the special effects and negan cucking rick but that's about it
>carl wasnt a bad actor
he was an exceptional child actor. It turns out child actors cant carry themselves through puberty and has been the case forever.
imagine believing user's opinion
bro, just watch it
Ftwd was never good and got better when it became the Morgan show. Prove me wrong.
>spend all that effort to rescue some random black guy who dies three episodes later
I can't believe this happened
first episode was neo-LA kino actually it perfectly described the apocolyptic hellpit that LA is. And then zombies showed up
if anything making it the Morgan show killed any chance it had of going on
i only wish they kept ofelia around so she could be badass with her father. but i'm warming up to the new cast, especially john and al
i was really hoping negan would get some screen time, but it looks like they're done with him until some time next season. that fucking sucks.
anyone have the spoilers for the next episode?
Weird she called out Magna. I thought Libtards were ok with white people as long as they're LGBTP
user all the /pol/ shit about movies and tv shows currently having a specific agenda are true. Last weeks google newd and other news sites said HEY EVEN IF YOU DROPPED THIS SHOW YEARS AGO WATCH TONIGHTS EPISODE ITS GOOD WE SWEAR. They did the exact same headline for this weeks show to.
>tfw millions of people are literally getting brainwashed and their attentionspans evicerated each week. Theres a few people trying to heal the blind eyes of the unwashed masses but we might have reached the point of no return.
Wrong. Daniel, Strand and Nick were all way better than Morgan.
>>Season 1
>>Season 5
then 6
rest are equally bad tier
>it's a carol loses her kid for the 100th time episode
Season 3 was great. 4 is a large downgrade but still better than the first two seasons.
holy shit its actually snowing
True but I atleast wanted to see the aftermath of the dam. They cheated the audience out of it because they wanted back to back episodes linking the shows together
fucking hell i can't believe i continued reading these fucking things after this
>that preview for next week
Comfy as fuck desu
>we want the game of thrones audience
Snow kino is HERE
The irony of this statement is hilarious
aren't all the communities moving somewhere tough, won't they bring negan along?
it's just comical at this point
Awfully nice of the whisperers to leave Addy's glasses on her severed head.
Glen died exactly when he was supposed to.
if you like that kind of thing, you can drop this fucking show and watch the only good thing amc has put out in years, the terror, one of the best miniseires out there, good memories of pirating with my fellow anons last year
Not to mention Ed, Tobin, Tyreese, Dale etc. Her arc is a never ending cycle. They should just kill her and let Ezekiel go insane.
>wanting TWD fags to come into our fandom
I told all you bastards she'd be hot as shit in a few years while season 4 was airing but you all called me a pedo.
surprised the highway man didin't have his hat on as well
I stopped around there, has it gotten worse?
I fucking hate this chick because she's all happy about diversity completely overlooking the fact that a bunch of people fucking died both white and PoC to get that small diversity so her "well I'm glad few white straight men are with us now" is so fucking inappropriate and borderline psycho too. What a cunt. But Kirkman thinks this is so progressive I'm sure. Even tho the other women are looking at her like she's a fucking retard that she is regardless.
Not as overstayed as Michonne, Carol, Eugene, and formerly Tara
>no rick no carl
Negan and eugene are based Ill give you that but 90 percent of negan kinos comes from his interactions with rick and carl and that complicated relationship. All the best shit from the comice never made it to the tv.
She looks like an insta thot now.
no, they're about to have a big conflict with the Commonwealth and rick killed Dwight because he rebelled against the Commonwealth leader, that's about it, seems like we're entering another big conflict arc that results in nothing as usual
is that lizzie? she looks like shit
>comics shit
Get the fuck out maybe currently but from issue 100 all the way until the end of the whisperer war was amazing and it only petered out during the transitional time skip
S4 was painful to watch, they should have continued with the Cowboys vs. Indians kino.
>But Kirkman thinks this is so progressive I'm sure.
I've read that he only does this shit to appease the comic audience, if you read the Q&As at the end of the issues, the fans write in about SJW topics.
because she is
Wow, it sounds like they're really dragging their feet with this. I dropped it last year around the time Michonne finds the picture in the commonwealth.
>comic's first snowfall: issue 7
>show's first snowfall: episode 131
A little EFFORT—you know, doing anything other than fucking around on the back roads of Senoia every summer—would've gone a long way in keeping people from losing interest in this show.
A pretty big oversight. I thought it was Luke at first.
They're outdoors and exposed literally all the time
Daryl got easy kills on them just kiting a horde
Eugene could easily teach them how to make improvised explosives and mustard gas and the whisperers would be absolutely fucked
That's not even getting into the obvious answer to walkers which is to make ww1 era gatling guns. They have the ability to machine bullets and they would only need to make like 2 per community to be able to completely level entire hordes of walkers. This would devastate the whisperers too since they dont have trenches or buildings. They would have no defense
Fuck you suck a dick and your fucking pedo prophets fake alien god. Suck a dick. A long hard dick. Go spend some more money on your cult you will die because of it.
With Maggie, Rick, Carl and Jesus gone, and Michonne leaving next season it was kind of obvious they had to keep Ezekiel. Not gonna lie I was tense the whole time because I knew this was the heads episode. Made me feel /10
The show itself is a meta allegory to the zombie-like nature of modern existence, brainlet
You're both losers lmao
Maggie will be back next season 100%, her ABC show is shit and will be cancelled
I wished Alpha used Henry's stick to mount his head.
I'd rather have enid than black predator
I'm a huge revengefag so I want her to be the one to get Alpha's head and go in a killing spree.
AMC should off-screen her and her mutt baby just for being a cunt and walking out on them
No. Just no. Especially if you are a fan of the comics.
bullshit that's not her
are they gonna release negan any time soon?
>mustard gas
This holy fuck, make home made gas masks and mustard gas and just wipe them all out. Hiding among the dead doesnt mean jack shit when against GAS
Holy fuck zoomers don't know who the fuck the Grace Under Fire granny is my fucking sides. She also had an over glorified cameo in The Leftovers. Obviously she needs work in Georgiawood after her 90s show.
you cant contain mustard gas
Kirkman wasnt pulling sjw shit until recently you fucking lying shill faggot.
I need to know whats it like to be a jew or a woman in her late 40s or older? Because you are one the other or both.
Funny cause SJW Tumblrinas tend to not actually buy comics. Or buy subscriptions to AMC for that matter.
imagine just how fucked the whisperers would be if the communitites weren't comprised of literal brainlets, you'd think eugene would come up with something like this but he's too busy chasing after thotsita
Use a really big fan
Why would the Whisperers kill teen girls though?
They lost their cum dump so they took Enid
I think they came in recently as another user said in this thread. The comics started off great and weren't SJW friendly.
Can you fuck off back to israel and refrain from using the internet? Is that so hard to ask
Am I the only one who wants to have hot, rough, animalistic sex with Alpha?
Fuck this shit was underwhelming. Fuck the jews at AMC for killing Carl (which led to Andrew Lincoln leaving the show). Oh look 3 more teenage actors dead because they didn't want to pay them more.
Saxon looks so much better
Quick question, Alpha has a daughter, iirc, in the comic who's forced(?) to have sex with fellow whisperers. Did they get rid of this in the show? I figured they would not touch this one.
I stopped after beta was defeated I just read the synopsis now on the wiki
Still can't believe they killed off based Carl
Yes. If the show had started out with the same level of quality as the past two seasons then it wouldn't even be around for us to watch right now.
A bunch of horny sex starved males would be a challenge to alpha's leadership. Lydia is gone so someone, or something, has to take her place.
Seems like they did. Which would make it completely pointless that they ever brought up how much Negan hates rapists.
What the fuck, I miss Tara now
you will lose ur head user
She kinda reminds me of my fat autistic dyke teen stepsister minus the shaved head so yeah I do.
She looked better when she was illegal the jews changed her. Oh wait she isnt even 18 yet. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU HIT THE WALL BEFORE 18.
When she said "that is a habit that needs to be broken" I wanted her to smash me.
Meant issue 1
The main protag of the show is in this image
the fuck
yes she is
She was my Jewbewbfu, now she gone
So is Angela Kang just killing off all the White people now or what?
This, people always shit on us Tarafags cuz she was a big part of the absolute worst episode in the show's history but Tara a qt and always been endearing. She didn't deserve this
I would have liked Carl more without that fucking haircut.
Yeah probably cause you know people of color are huge subscribers to AMC you know?
yes, soon the only white characters left will be daryl, judith and negan, and i'm not even sure negan is safe since the show has such a hard on for killing kids
Genuinely disturbing.
Googled saul silver laughing gif. Never been on that site, didnt even see its logo on the bottom of the gif until you pointed it out, if anyones a loser here its you for even knowing what that website is/getting that booty blistered by my comment you analyze a gif to try to insult me. You are a basic bitch
I feel like they were trying to appeal to the androgenous/twink crowd or something.
is this edited?
What if they were all black?
Henry was unironically better than Carl due to the actor actually being good then they do him dirty like this
Move it
>Negans whole eeny meeny miney moe is him making fun of well thats racist.
>Lydia gets raped all the time.
>Your leads are white manly man and his son who slaughters children
>Little ass kicker is born and then two weeks later the governors lilly shoots and kills lori who falls ontop of the baby.
>minorities exist and its not like HEY LOOK I EXIST.
>Most of your original black characters excluding morgan and tyrese are piece of shit criminals, gay or both.
>Carol burns coal
>Coal meets coal
>Gets blown by coal while carol cries and watches.
>Carol personally pays the toll.
>Children were decapitated.
>Hershel sees his entire family die before him before begging god for death
They replaced it with scars from beatings with no signs of rape, for it to resonate more with Daryl's past as the de facto main protagonist now. I'm OK with it. The new showrunner is trying her best to try to this near-decade of serialized slop into something cohesive and meaningful. Tonight was the last time I remember using the words "The Governor;" before, it was like everyone completely forgot about that time the madman in a tank crashed their gates. No mention of it in the Alexandria review tapes, no mention of it in regard to Negan, nothing. It's just stupid.
Agreed, Riggs was trash and even admitted he was barely trying in some reddit AMA, imagining him trying to do his Whisperer story line is cringy. It's bad enough he fucked up the kino Negan/Carl relationship from the comics. Henry was an acceptable "recasting" for Carl, killing him off is dramatic and surprising but kinda sucks. Interested to see what the fuck Lydia's character is going to be now without Henry
You are a shill nobody who left this should be tricked into watching this garbage leftist post apocalyptic interracial fag agenda pushing show.
All of the whisperers have had their turn multiple times with lydia hell even in front of alpha but no the tv show is based you should watch it(that was sarcasm) Her rapes were intended to make her stronger in the end it is the rapes which were endorsed and encouraged by her own mum that is the reason negan gets her to let her guard down.
>no post-timeskip pussy-slaying Chad adult Carl
We got robbed.
>from twink to chad
it's not fair bros
Dude beta exists. Beta wont let any of the whisperers touch alpha because he holds a flame for her. Negan calla alpha out on her bluff. Everything about alpha is a sham.
And he would have looked so great with his eye scar and short hair
It feels so good knowing that killing off Carl knocked off 20% of the show's viewership in one go
Short hair, or just pushed back like the post-timeskip comic. He looks so much better without that grown-out bowlcut.
Yeah, either one would be great. His hair was at the point where he needed to cut it by Season 7. Stupid Gimple the Simple wouldn't let him
IIRC Kirkman vetoed that. Partly because he was terrified the show was going to create an actual reason for the zombie apocalype whereas Kirkman explicitly wants to leave it vague.
So Kirkman's a fat fuck hack like GRRM? Good to know