Roman Reigns

>Roman Reigns
>gets pushed to be the next big babyface of wrestling
>fans hate him
>WWE keeps pushing him anyway
Who is the Roman Reigns of Hollywood?

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rent free

His cousin

>inb4 litty


people love mcu tho

>Who is the Roman Reigns of Hollywood?
Don't we already have enough Brie Larson threads?

Taylor Kitsch

Jennifer Lawrence

subtle Brie Larson thread

Star Wars. Game of Thrones actors.

Jennifer Lawrence
Emilia Clarke
Jai Courtney was but I think the finally gave up on him

J.J. Abrams

Cara de Levigne or however you spell it. I've lost count of how many big budget flops she's starred in.

johnny depp

saw him wrestle live
that was cool, didn't know who he was and he wasn't scheduled to show
imagine getting to see The Rock wrestle live, that must have been awesome


By all accounts he's actually a decent guy, he's just a total void of charisma and has no mic skills

Fans like Roman now though.

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only because Vince is using cancer to get people on his side

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This and Miles whatever his name is that one jew

>mfw I was at Backlash 2000 to see Rock beat Triple H for the strap

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the madman

Did he escape by hiding under the tarps?

kind of jelly


>house shows chanting "nigger" at Rocky
Austin was great, but your typical Austin fan was without a doubt lowest common denominator tier.

sounds about right

Didn't watch long. I stopped around when John Cena came in. Only began to learn what an good guy he was.