What was the purpose of the doubles forming a massive human chain? ik the hands across america thing shows up on TV at the beginning but I figure it was just foreshadowing. Still confusing me a day after seeing it.
also why didn't the doubles try not murdering anyone, and why scissors and matching outfits? Like if they'd gone to the news right away so people wouldn't attack their doubles and the govt wouldn't secretly genocide them?
and also why did they choose then to come out? they said this was the moment they'd been waiting for or something. What was so special about then that they knew? Seems really easy to leave that underground facility whenever they want too
What was the purpose of the doubles forming a massive human chain...
Other urls found in this thread:
I kinda wish they hadn't explained anything, the movie sorta worked until then.
I'm gonna watch this.
why did they kill people?
because it was a bad movie, the story had no real consistency
because that was the only major thing that real girl remembers from the outside, you can see her reflection in the TV in the beginning
they're reclaiming the souls that they believed to be theirs
idk, coincidence, probably shoddy writing
>that scene crammed with exposition by the antagonist
I kept wondering if we were gonna get the lame "twist" at the end and yup, sure enough. The hands across America was kinda funny but overall it was another disappointing movie in a long ass line of underwhelming and insincere schlock. I swear Hollywood is actively trying to kill off joy and talent or maybe it's incompetence and laziness.
The biggest question is how can this many people possibly enjoy the absolute pile of trash that was that movie
Society might be experiencing some sort of crisis
This movie left me so dissapointed man. I really liked the trailer for it. There's just nothing here at all, and it leaves more questions after watching it. The sad part is, people will praise this as GENIUS OPEN ENDED DEEP FILMMAKING
It should have just stuck to being a creepy clone movie instead of trying to explain anything.
i’m with you man, i thought this was going to be peele’s crowning achievement, but it just felt kind of dumb
The doppelgangers should have been demons, not stupid fake clones created for a dumb reason.
Even worse, is that in the context of the "twist", her exposition made zero sense. Red said "you could've taken me with you", and explained the government project to the woman that originally stole her life away. Why? It makes no sense and is probably only in there as a result of Peele wanting the twist to be at the very end and realizing that there was almost no exposition throughout the movie
The biggest problem I had was that you literally cant eat fucking rabbits like that. You get protein poisoning by eating rabbits. Makes no fucking sense.
Why didnt the clones WALK OUT?
Jordan saw that episode of venture bros where those kids get stuck in an underground tunnel system with only VH1 reruns.
>government makes 300 or so million clones only to find out that their plan didn't work at all. i mean really? wouldn't they test this out on maybe just a few people instead?
Actually, post ways that you would fix this trash heap of a movie:
Instead of this being some sort of nationwide uprising, have it be about the main family being cloned, and then the government abandons the clones because the plan to control them didn't work, and have the clones track them down and exact revenge you could even keep the twist that the girl was switched
>You get protein poisoning by eating rabbits
I'm willing to let that go, but wow, I never knew that was a thing. Interesting
>Why didnt the clones WALK OUT?
yep, fucking retarded
Lol, no one builds one for a fucking 80s secret underground science facility
Does anyone else feel like it was kinda killed by EVERYONE having a clone? I thought it was just gonna be the family
You don't need answers for everything. I honestly think it would be better if they didn't explain it was a "government experiment"
The whole part where she'd going down into the tunnels felt like some silent hill shit.
I'm sitting there in the audience the entire movie unable to shake the rabbit thing. Not enough vitamins in rabbit meat to survive. They'd have all died so quick.
Honestly the lack of exposition was the biggest complaint. It didn't give an explanation for anything until you're already past the point of wanting one.
What do the rabbits eat?
Yes. I think introducing the white family was stupid. They had two scenes.
This is a small complaint but another thing I hated was they never explained Jeremiah 11 11. I bet everyone in the audience had to look that up afterwards.
They eat eachother. Infinite resources.
They probably just walk outside and eat grass and come back in.
I dont understand if the clones have control of their body or not. Like why do stuff and not leave if you can control, yet they are actually able to leave, idk. And like do they magically get items that the real person have. Like how did clone get balet putfit and kid get match?
This movie just seems like it was made for some reddit movie trivia facts. Like "Did you know that the Dad's tethers name is a reference to blah blah blah." THese types of things are fine when they supplement a movie but in this case it seems like that is all this movie is.
I don't think I've ever been this dissapointed in a movie before. I honestly had high hopes Peele. God damn it.
why the fuck would they come back in after that
and how would they get up a fucking escalator
we step up the escalator
then we slide down the hand rails
There is no food down there, so they walk outside since there was NO reason the people couldn't have left. I don't know, they hop their little bunny butts up the damn escalator. I'm sure that fucker wasn't running 24/7 for 30 something years.
Eh. Some cool details that arent force fed to you like most movies. Like the reason the son has a burned face and significance of the hand holding line.
What do you do when you live in the world of The Emperor's New Clothes?
Why you design the best invisible clothes anyway has never seen. Everything can mean ANYTHING, even if it means nothing.
fuck, so true. I can see it all now. A bunch of clickbait articles with red circles and bold words
*anyone not anyway
fucking autocorrect
shit now that i think of it there was one that hopped out of the door when she opened it wasn't there, sprry anpn
i still don't think they would go back though
Why was the son's face burned? I suppose I missed some sort of connection
Yeah he was going to get some clovers and grass for take out and take it back to his bunny buddies.
In a thread earlier today, someone said because every time the kid would do the trick with his shitty spark hand thingy, the other kid was lighting a match and burning his face— idk if that's what this user was concluding though
I just noticed the scissor handles look like two faces. and it also looks like rabbit ears
not sure if on purpose
wait, but they're on a beach, there's no grass at a beach, fuck
The real life son would try to do the magic trick but was never able to get the fire to come out while the clone was able to get it every time and it burned his face
Is there an actual difference between the tethered and humans?
email buzzfeed with your bright idea boss
I liked the scene itself ignoring the context. Felt like she was descending into hell and duality of going up it also made it look like a heavenly ascension without the lighting changing.
Well it’s not like Us is the first movie to not explain bible verses.
Since my thread on it isn't getting many replies: So were they government clones of everyone in the US? How did Zora and Jason have copies, then? The mom said they were abandoned and forgotten. It's why she was able to wander upstairs without interference, I'm guessing. It seemed like the program had ended by the time the girl got replaced.
“Souls“, in reality they were 1:1 the same
This is why the government experiment part was dumb. It should've just been a mystery.
Never Let Me Go was better.
Why did the real girl say all that crap about the tethering and shadows and why did she plan the uprising? She was old enough when she was kidnapped to know that she was real. The twist makes zero sense. Why does the real one have superhuman abilities and the “shadow,” who we root for the whole movie, behaves just a normal woman for 99% of the movie? Wtf.
You could hand wave the fact that the kids tethers exsist because since they mimicked there above world counterparts perfectly the same child is born on the surface and underground. But that opens up a new plot hole where has to be a point where they stop mirroring the surface people which means some kids shouldn’t have tethers at all.
I just want to know why in the world the Tethered all follow their above ground counterparts but when Red appears suddenly that doesn't happen anymore. It just makes no sense, the boy is the only one it happens to after that. Could that other family have controlled theirs if they gave it a chance? Could any of them survived had they just started a marionette act like the son did?
I'm also amazed the son sides with the mom after Red does her exposition dump since now he knows Red is his true mother and the doppelganger isn't.
Get Out was far better.
yeah, it just doesn't make sense, and the government angle REALLLLYYY does not help.
See, saying its just demons or some shit, you aint gotta really explain shit— it might even help to make it creepier. But here? Hell no.
Like, the government creates a duplicate experiment, stops the program, but leaves everyone alive inside, provides electricity and I assume pluming, and cleaning for this facility, and holds this secret government mistake inside of an open to the public - working - yet abandoned - fun-house— and this whole facility can be accessed by escalator? Yikes
I think we can all agree this movie felt better overall in terms of how it was directed but the script is really contradictory to the point where even though the directing was better than Get Out, the script makes the movie worse than it. Hopefully Peele gets a better script or writes something better because he's a pretty good movie maker.
his real mother was adeleid not red since she was swapped when she was a kid
Red was switched when she was 6 so the clone would be his real mom since she's the one he knew his entire life.
on another note, if Red didn't want to fuck the dad clone why didn't she just move out the way? i'm sure he wouldn't have chased her
Ok, so what happens to your tether clone if you take a trip somewhere outside of the US?
Oh I know that, I mean now that he's had the revelation you'd think he'd be absolutely terrified of his "mother" because she's one of the Tethers.
It was decent, like 65% horror, and then 35% comedy that reminded me a ton of -- idk why specifically -- Shaun of the Dead. I had a fun time watching it and the dad was my favorite
idk, there were a lot of things that confused me a lot of them were mentioned by OP but I'd like to know why they go out all using golden scissors as a weapon (is it just because they thought "hmmm I don't know any horror films where the iconic murder weapon is golden scissors, so that'll be unique"? I'd like to think or hope there's more than that to it).
OP mentioned the scissors too but also the outfits, but I guess you could reason that the outfits are the same because they're copies of other people so they don't want to accidentally kill each other.
Last thing, how big was this underground bunker? Weren't there copies of all, or many of, the people in the US? Maybe there were many bunkers across the country, but why would copies of the main family be there when they don't live there and it's just a beach getaway place for them?
idk, maybe everything is answered and I just missed the details.
Again, probably top 10 dad characters of the last 1 or 2 decades though.
The dad was great, exactly like I would expect from a father caught up in all that nonsense.
First half: Pretty good. But slowly loses its pace. I was thinking, "something more than just home invasion better happen soon. We still have an hour and a half of the movie left and no way are any of the family members gonna die soon."
The white family is slaughtered. Okay, I'm with the movie again. Did not expect that to happen. HOWEVER, while the movie gains its pace again, this half-way twist also kinda pisses me off. I thought there would be more to the clones than simply killing their originals, but if the clones real purpose is to kill their counterparts, why dont the clones just kill the black family immediately like the white family?
Second half of the movie: I began the second half more into the movie because of the slaughter and action that took place in the white family's home and because of the sudden apocalypse twist but the movie quickly fell apart when the exposition happened.
Jordan Peele seems to not understand that ambiguity is fine. You don't need to explain everything. In this case, the more the movie explained why clones existed, the more retarded the plot becomes.
Looking away from the plot for a movie, I also didn't really understand what the movie was saying. As in, what were the themes? And what did the movie want us to learn about those themes? Was there something about class issues? or race issues? Maybe what it means to be human? I thought a lot about the movie and I just feel like the movie has literally nothing interesting to say.
Overall, I'd give the movie a 4/10.
Anyway, if you want a good movie with similar ideas, I highly recommend Funny Games, You're Next, Cabin in the Woods, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
good review, i felt the same way
I agree, although I felt like the exposition was the weakest link in the movie. When things were explained, it only brought more questions up rather than answering the questions that the audience already had. Also having everything be revealed at the final quarter made me throw my hands up and whisper "I don't know what the hell is happening" to my girlfriend multiple times during the movie.
I thought it was excellent. The ambiance of certain scenes really drew me in, the set design of the rich family's house, the hall of mirrors, and the "prison" were all so excellently done that I was completely immersed in the movie. Everyone's saying the story contradicts itself but I don't see that at all. While I thought the actual spatial reasoning of the "prison" was strange (how did all those clones replicate the very multi-directional space that is the surface in a tight linear hallway) and the explication was a bit too condensed into like two major parts I thought the story was nonetheless convincing. The idea that Red was "being tested by God" and was living under a childish delusion that The Hands Across America thing was her only chance at redemption was very compelling and haunting, and for anyone looking for a purpose to the film, like , I'd argue that it's about the inability for Americans (US) to truly connect with one another in meaningful ways because of the shadows of our psyche wreaking havoc in our relationships. Another meaning could be the underclass is relegated to a place where they can't be seen but are nonetheless instrumental to our survival. I think the main drive of the film was about family, though, about staying together and realizing what actually matters is that we're together. The scene where Elizabeth Moss is crawling towards Tim Heidecker or when Jason "accepts" the truth about Adelaide or when Moss' doppelganger grieves over the loss of her doppelganger husband all seem to point to this idea.
>Jordan Peele seems to not understand that ambiguity is fine.
This makes me worried for the twilight zone reboot. A good number of twilight zone episodes have zero exposition. In fact, the episode that inspired this movie does not explain why doppelgangers exist.
The things to pay attention to are:
>Hands across America happened 33 years ago
>”We are Americans”
>both “real” families are affluent with nice cars and summer homes
>The Shadows’ outfits resemble prison jumpsuits
Get Out was a reflection of Peels fears growing up as a black kid in a majority white neighborhood and the way white people were overtly nice to him. Us is about his fears as a rich man today; the anxiety that the only reason he’s afforded a comfortable lifestyle is that it’s built on the backs of the impoverished and that one day there will be a class war and he’ll be first against the wall.
>I'd argue that it's about the inability for Americans (US) to truly connect with one another in meaningful ways because of the shadows of our psyche wreaking havoc in our relationships. Another meaning could be the underclass is relegated to a place where they can't be seen but are nonetheless instrumental to our survival.
I would have shown more of these themes with the humans. Like, the dad not being able to connect with this children, or the mom and dad having some marital problems. Those are all there I guess, but they're so subdued that they may as well not be. The black family felt too perfect I suppose? The dad accepted that his wife wanted to leave the summer home fairly fast. He didn't get angry at all, he was slightly upset at most but still very understanding. Not upset/angry enough to make it seem like they were having marital issues.
Also, show more of the underclass, rather than being metaphorical of everything. Like, the two affluent families mistreating working class families in some way?
>underclass is relegated to a place where they can't be seen but are nonetheless instrumental to our survival
Except the clones did literally nothing for 30 years until they all came out and killed everyone
I don't really agree about the marital problems. Peele seemed to want to depict a happy, thriving family who nonetheless ape white families of affluence.
The best depiction of the underclass to me was that carnie yawning after introducing the Whack-a-Mole game to Adelaide's father. Such a subtle touch.
They didn't do "nothing" they literally controlled the actions of their counterparts on the surface.
Could argue that, in the case of a class war, this is how the rich would view the sudden uprising of the poor. For 30 years straight, the rich see the poor as nothing but brain dead sheeple, that is until the day the poor slaughters the rich.
>But only rich people can afford to travel
Biting commentary
>They didn't do "nothing" they literally controlled the actions of their counterparts on the surface.
Isn't it the other way around? I thought the humans were controlling the actions of the clones.
>why dont the clones just kill the black family immediately
Because it was personal, Red wanted to torture her counterpart
No, the clones were invented for that very purpose. When Red decides to start dancing to console her parent's fears of her being lost to them Adelaide is forced to dance down below. Jason could control Pluto only because he was half-Shadow.
not Red, Shadowlaide* I meant
The tethered are supposed to be a reflection of the underlying hatred and anger of all people. It's not a class war allegory, it's literally saying we're going to end up tearing each other apart because we hide away our problems and pretend they don't exist.
Something to do with race, guaranteed.
>They didn't do "nothing" they literally controlled the actions of their counterparts on the surface.
Wrong, in the exposition scene Red explains that the government project failed and as a result they were abandoned in the tunnels.
Kind of contrived imo
>he was half shadow
Brainlet-tier analysis, the clones are the same as humans genetically, the only difference is that they don't have souls. Are you implying that Jason was born with "half a soul" or something?
The message is staring at you right in the face and most of you nigglets are forcing some stupid race war garbage. The whole movie is about how we are our own worst enemy.
They're literally called "Tethered" retard, the govt. abandoned them because they're unintelligent creatures
you are both wrong, pluto was the real one the whole time, jason was the clone
Why did Red talk in that weird voice? She clearly could speak fine as a child. Even if I did not speak out loud for 25+ years my voice wouldn't change.
her throat got crushed and didn't heal right
A sane and rational Channer?
Was that explained in the movie bc I just watched it 30 minutes ago- off a shitty camrip.
As a class allegory it actually functions pretty well but the premise is a half-baked mess. Nothing makes any sense by itself or in context with the later 'twists'. The logic of the world is completely contradictory and arbitrary. how many times could the black family clones have easily murdered the black family but instead repeatedly let them escape and do nonsensical acts? Why does the clone dad put the dad into a bag and take him out on a boat?? And then when you get into the second act and every other clone is immediately and ruthlessly killing their counterparts it makes even less sense in context.
Maybe it could have been salvaged by keeping it extremely ambiguous and creating that kind of nightmare atmosphere as something like 'It Follows', but instead you get a HUGE exposition dump which doesn't explain anything at all and just further conflicts with what occurs prior.
Its just like someone took a really great idea and put it through a paper shredder and spent five minutes connecting a couple threads. Very frustrating movie.
>It's not a class war allegory
Absolutely brainlet.
So no can agree who was the villain of the film?
I also thought it had to do with disuse of her voice... which does actually make sense. The choking thing is probably the real reason though, because the voice gives you a hint that something violent was done to her and lets you pick up the pieces and put them together once you realize Adelaide is the Shadow
no it wasn't, but it makes sense I guess
shows her throat being chocked and her unable to make a noise when waking up
The villain is Red for orchestrating the needless slaughter of millions
Yeah I guess when she was dragged down to the laboratory I think she was led by her throat.
i thought it was obvious that the real one wanted the family to suffer rather than just being killed off
Because for the black family, it was personal. Everyone else was just doing what they were told.
the clone you fucking brainlet
shit i liked it just because it wasn't a race bait piece
this part I'm actually fine with; the little girl who got trapped underground just goes crazy, and the clone who escapes and lives a normal life just wants to keep that; she made it out and she doesn't want to lose that normal life. She knew the girl she usurped would come back for her revenge someday, but she didn't know it would be a whole uprising with matching outfits and shit like that. That's why she calls the police *immediately* after the family shows up, even before the doppelganger family starts being threatening, because she understands what's happening right away.
Some of the small detail stuff in this movie works really well, and exactly as much of it is completely fumbled.
she had superhuman abilities?
I took it as she was a good dancer while the clone sucked shit
but she's still his real mother, and he's part clone himself. That's probably why he was able to control his doppelganger like that, because they were both half-human/half-clone, the only character whose soul was shared equally across the two bodies?
She doesn't have superhuman abilities, she just learned how to control her kids and her fighting skills are derived from her ballet skills. She went insane and started thinking the "Hands Across America" thing was her test from God to liberate the Tethered. The shadow learned over time how to speak and "express herself" through dance and eventually also learned all the affectations of being an American but still never really learned small talk and the like because she is at her essence a Tethered and fucked in the brain.
If that's the case then the sister should have been able to do the same thing.
Yea, I agree with this at least. Class issues are a way bigger problem in modern america than race issues. It was nice to see a black and white family depicted as mostly equals. Sure, the white family had more, but the movie never made it seem like race played a part in that.
there is no part clone, he is a clone. Him and the mom
not from fatty domestic rabbits
She never realized it though, and Jason never told her his observations. Not enough time to really process it. The "click" moment was the firebomb trap scene, and by then Zora's Tether had already been BTFO'd by her.
well i thought that was there home while the blacks were using a summer home that used to be their parents
his dad wasn't a clone, he was born above ground. just his mom.
I thought there was a reason for the sister not being able to, but you're right, I can't remember it now. And believe me, I'm not defending this movie, it's a clusterfuck. i'm just trying to figure it out.
The same is true of the daughter as well and she shows no control of her clone besides the chase around the car and even then it could have just been to look creepy.
I took the white family as demonstrating that the black family wanted to be like them as much as possible, hence owning the summer home and buying the fishing boat and yadda yadda. The black family was the metaphorical shadow of the white one. In that way, it was about race.
he was replaced last time they went on a vacation
it was just the dad, though, the rest of the family didn't care about them
i heard somebody else say this, but I don't remember what they were basing it on. Was it something to do with the grandma's death?
You're literally just making shit up
This was a fantastically underwhelming movie. Overhyped as fuck. Decent direction, decent acting, but dumb as shit story.
I was set for this to be a horror masterpiece, but the scariest it ever got was the ten minutes after the clones first showed up. I wouldn't even rate this in the top 100 horror movies I've ever seen. Not even the imagery was particularly disturbing.
there several clues that suggest that he is a tether.
oh, that clears things up, thanks
I saw 3 people pull out their phones to look it up right after the homeless guy popped up.
And I'm not going to say them, and I'm going to reply to this post screaming about not spoon feeding people even when I make a silly vague statement.
Anyone else notice the CHUD vhs at the beginning?
Yeah, I got that. Making it about some government project only the muddied the waters. This whole movie would have worked better if it had been overtly supernatural, á la Bradbury's Dark Carnival.
who builds tunnels on the beach, says kiss my anus, doesn't know what rhythm is, and doesn't know what a lighter does and forgets things that everyone else expected him to know.
Get Out was better.
other vhs were
The Man With Two Brains
The Goonies
The Right Stuff
and one more the the right of that I can't remember. Man With clearly has some sort of meaning, and Goonies is underground, so...?
except for the mom, none of the other clones can speak at all, him cursing isn't some sort of giveaway
you're forcing meaning on these things, they never mention the kid being significantly different from the way he used to be the way Adeleide was after getting switched as a kid, where they had to take her to therapy and everything
the reality is that the movie doesn't work
what did they eat in their bunker?
Absolutely agree, and even that one wasn't particularly great.
kara boga
I liked seeing Tim Heidecker getting killed twice and also one of his daughters had nice big tiddies.
Rabbits. But here's the kicker:
What the fuck did the *rabbits* eat?
At least it was tight and concise. They didn't try to expand on anything beyond old white people transplanting their brains into niggas.
I began to zone out on this shit when the LOL GOVERNMENT shenanigans started happening. And no, just because a movie ends on some pseudo-abstract ending where the viewer needs to think about whatever shoddy themes it's trying to present for themselves does not make it good.
i agree with you but there are moments where the sister, dad, and the twins imply he is weird
When the protagonist's dad said he was going outside for a cigarette during the therapy session I half expected him to bail.
the twins were dumb bitches, him and his sister were just going through normal brother/sister shit, and the dad's a little surprised by the kid growing up (cursing, talking back); and he IS a weird kid, being into magic tricks and wearing the werewolf mask and stuff.
but he's not a clone
it could be inferred that he had a stronger bond with his shadow the same way his mother did
I agree. If the logic breaks, then the allegory needs more work.
Also, pet peeve of mine: why is the kid Spider-Manning around? He's not supernatural. He gets no benefit from it. I hate it when characters do shit just because the director thinks it will be scary. Red has the same problem. All those affectations to sell "I'm crazy and scary." It's cheap manipulation, not well-crafted horror. There were moments in this flick that drew laughs from my audience that I'm pretty damn sure it didn't intend to.
roaches, but what did the roaches eat?
well there was moments where he seems to forget things.
Roaches can eat just about anything and I hate them for it. I hate them, user. I hate them. I fucking HATE them.
Those twins were hot
I swear one had bigger tits than the other.
Was anyone else profoundly disappointed by how little bearing the Biblical passage had to the story?
this kinda
shouldnt you just want to make clones of like a dozen or so actually important people and not countless literal nobodies idorts?
wasn't it a rapture quote?
I'm sure it was just put there for analysisbait.
No it's about worshipping false gods
>giant underground complex on California shoreline
desu clones are dead after any earthquake. Jordan Peele is a hack, but Lupita Nyong'o' is cute and she should be in more movies.
For sure
Wow a 10 year old kid getting called weird by his older teenage sister? That's unheard of, the only explanation is he's a clone
i would be okay with having crazy mom like that because it was 100% obvious that she was crazy protective over him and not dangerous to him. At the end of the day she was still the one to tuck you in,kiss you on the forehead and tell you "i love you".
there are inconsistencies and distracting logic gaps but regardless had me entertained and engaged and appreciative of the performances, concepts, and soundtrack.
I liked it more than get out but can't really begin to describe why
thats what i liked, it asks the question of who is the most human and deserving of their life and it's sorta cruel how many people would say the clone is and does.
My main issue is that the clones can be taken down like normal humans. Yeah it's scary that there's a copy out there that wants to kill you, but all fears disappear when you realize a bullet can take them down and windshield wipers are a bizarre and alien concept to them.
I initially didn't have an issue with this because the clones are attacking what is basically an upper-middle class Californian family, the LEAST LIKELY TO OWN GUNS, but the ending was retarded now that it's happening across America.
Attacking a sheltered Californian family is one thing, but all of the US? Hell, even the Californian police would probably have taken them down once the reports of "bad guys are wearing red" and simply opened fire on the fucker. The whole movie should have just focused on the family and their clones.
One sequence makes this film infinitely rewatchable to me: The "Good Vibrations" bit. I haven't been as spellbound by a song choice in a scene since "In Dreams" in Blue Velvet.
What do you mean? Of course the villain was the one who instigated genocide.
>inb4 someone says GOVERNMENT = BAD
wait, there were scenes outside of cali?
I thought the whole movie was saying california sucks and is filled with npc's
Being below ground is commentary on those not privileged in society. While they can mirror the actions of the privileged they will never quite have the same experiences because they are so limited in their opportunities. That’s why the scene with one of the tethered putting on lip gloss for the first time is so emphasized. Being a tether, she’s mimicked this action hundreds of times but she’s never actually experienced the feeling of wearing the lip gloss.
the dance/fight scene at the end to the tune of pas de deux was pretty fucking kino.
The entire revolution and the clones killing everybody was so god damn needless. The fact they even needed to explain the clones off instead of just calling them supernatural doppelgangers further muddied up the movie.
I get that they were trying to make the clones represent marginalized society but still, if the setting and events of the plot fall apart how can the themes of the story hold up as well?
well i meant on a personal level in comparison to the clone that stole her life
guess it depends on how much they are willing to look over or forgive really.
Sometimes the emotions/ thoughts invoked and how well the themes resonate with the observer take priority
I can't even deny a lot of the so-called "sloppiness" of this film, all I can do is affirm how moved and disturbed I was by it. There are multiple masterpieces that don't have airtight logic, and I don't think allegory is necessarily the place for that when the movie isn't really about the apocalypse, but about how we're already living it, every day.
I came out of this movie wishing it really had been more overtly about race. I would have preferred the tethers to have been expressing impulses and thoughts their counterparts really had instead of being inarticulate, imperfect copies. That could have been a more compelling story. A more hopeful one, too, as you could push the message that the people we try to be are of greater value than the people we try *not* to be.
>I came out of this movie wishing it really had been more overtly about race
I like how you can see the twist from a mile away once the clone exposition happened. I fucking swear the cliche of making the "real" person actually the clone and vice versa is so overdone.
For those complaining about the government involvement shit, you must remember that Red is an unreliable source of information, and she only surmised what she "knew" from years of observation, not from actually finding out cold hard facts. It's literally her theory.
Why did she exposition dump to the woman who had lived down in the tunnels?
she probably figured she had forgotten
>the rabbits escaped faster than Red
Oh man. There's even one in the mirror maze at the end.
this felt like a two hour episode of the twilight zone
That's so fucking stupid, why would the double be playing with matches? Like, am I the only person who sees what a shitty explanation that is? He just always happened to be holding matches? What? The trick didn't even resemble lighting a match.
It was surface level as fuck.
i get the impression that the tethered carry out vague imitations of their above world counterparts. would explain why red gets raped by abraham, why the doppelkid like fire, why the sister still runs, why people mimic the motions of whats going on above but not exactly (ie whack-a-mole becoming punch a wall). but it still doesnt explain why red exerted very little influence over adelaide. no mention of adelaide using scissors all the time or loving the color red, or even a sudden belief in god. i guess she liked to hold hands with her son but im not sure thats a reference to hands across america. besides dancing theres no real similarity between the two
The film is great up through the home invasion, and after that it completely falls apart.
This was like a completely different director trying to do a "spiritual sequel" to Get Out and failing miserably.
Dont forget that the government obviously supplied the underworld with a shit ton of matches but everyone eats raw rabbit meat.
The clones were invincible when the plot demanded (like Tim) which was lame.
I wish the goal for the doubles was something a bit more interesting. Like they wanted souls and thought that they needed to kill their doubles to become 'real'.
You know its good writing when you need to disregard the exposition dump
>Like they wanted souls and thought that they needed to kill their doubles to become 'real'.
but that was what they believed, kill their counterparts and hold hands
Shadowlaide untethered herself, essentially, because she was the one living a full life while Red had to suffer a life of nothing and madness down below. Shadowlaide's personality was one she fabricated over years of observing humans on the surface, meanwhile her human counterpart was doing nothing but contemplating her Hands Across America t-shirt and dancing occasionally. Shadowlaide didn't have to mimic Red anymore because she had essentially discovered a soul. I think the movie might've been trying to say that the dark side of the ego if given enough light and sustenance will eventually become the real you, while your "good" self and its intentions get distorted (The "test from God" madness from Red)
>tranny dopelgangers are just dudes and chicks with mangled genitals
>yfw it was Us all along
the experiment failed because the clones would eventually untether themselves, so they abandoned the subjects
No they just killed them for no particular reason other than Red's plan. Its why some were so shocked by the luxuries of the surface and hesitated on linking up. She had a martyr complex and a revenge fetish.
That's not my point, my point is the "exposition dump" isn't actually from the director, it's from Adelaide. It makes you question her rationalizations as a whole; the young girl trapped down there needed things to make sense and so she concocted a theory about government involvement. It very well could be something else entirely and she could never process what that was.
What were the dolphin noises when Shadowlaide first enters the hallway? Maybe those were overseers of a kind? The noises are never explained. The Tethered had already left by that point and it wouldn't make sense that it was Red and Jason.
>I think the movie might've been trying to say that the dark side of the ego if given enough light and sustenance will eventually become the real you, while your "good" self and its intentions get distorted
The project was abandoned generations ago and spare me your bad fanfiction to explain away the bad exposition dump.
exactly, it's why she fed them the bullshit about recovering there souls.
The clones wanted to sever their connections and be free
It's not fanfiction, it's an obvious interpretation of the film you obviously missed. How could Red have gotten any concrete information from down below? It's not like there were manuals lying around, it was just rabbit cages, tables, benches, rabbits, and that's fucking it
>It's not fanfiction, it's an obvious interpretation of the film you obviously missed.
Its the obvious interpretation of the film. To disregard the exposition dump we are given as incorrect.
This was the moment that made the film for me, i just accepted that i liked it.
It was obvious this is one of those films that doesn't care about the logistics and just wants to explore themes and concepts on human conditioning. All in alll i rolled with it, alot of people can't and that is not their fault but the films but ultimately was not a problem for me.
It's greatest strength is that it will get people thinking and talking, not just about how it is not logically airtight and deserves scrutiny but how it explores themes of class, human consciousness, and self
Not incorrect, unreliable. Plausible? Yes. Truth? Not exactly. You have all the subtlety of a tractor.
>You have all the subtlety of a tractor.
It would have been more insulting if you said "You have all the subtlety of Us."
1,000% this.
Should have been completely ambiguous.
K, goodnight
Badnight to you, fuckhead. The exposition dump is near universally shat on, the only retards I see defending it are the vocal nuts like you screeching about NO NO YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DISTRUST HER AS AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR when its just bad writing.
>Badnight to you, fuckhead
I thought you were leaving, dipshit? Or are you doing your Red impression and you're stuck in this thread for 33 years?
General audiences love a twist but won't sit around thinking why it doesn't work. I guarantee that was pushed by the producers/testing
I wonder if that's why they added that stupid tunnels thing at the start.
>made me throw my hands up and whisper "I don't know what the hell is happening"
>being that guy
my normies were bored
literally saw people checking their watches
the movie was so overcomplicated that it stopped being fun for them, they got sick of having to figure stuff out. It was only a straightforward horror movie for the middle half; the first half-hour didn't engage them, and by the final half-hour they'd checked out
I did like the reference to that passage throughout the film.
For example, the guy at the carnival in 1986 and one of the twin girls in the present day were wearing a Black Flag shirt with 4 lines going down it (11:11).
One of their most well known songs is "Rise Above", which obviously fits with The Tethered's plans. That was probably the ONLY symbolism in the film that wasn't heavy-handed, although if had to suspend my disbelief for a bit because 1) why on Earth would a 15 year-old zoomer girl know an original punk rock band, and 2) I found it hard to believe that many of their problems couldn't have been solved simply with firearms.
7/10 movie, Get Out was better.
>be real
>get chocolate cake for birthday
>doppelgänger gets a “cake” made of human shit decorated with rabbit turds
>get 27 birthday spankings from guests at my party
>doppelgänger gets the shit beaten out of him
There were multiple people in my theater loudly whispering "What the hell is this" and "What the hell is this movie." Personally I thought it was pretty easy to understand, it was just a very ridiculous premise in and of itself. You need a real suspension of disbelief (and disregard for some ungraceful writing) to swallow the plot.
I think normies would have liked it more if it was just evil mirror reflection family with a supernatural origin.
>That was probably the ONLY symbolism in the film that wasn't heavy-handed
Seriously? They wouldn't fucking stop with the 11:11 stuff, they kept showing it. It even showed up on the fucking clock.
Seemed like a pretty limpdick attempt to mislead the audience into expecting a more supernatural/divine explanation and less of a sci-fi one.
This was my biggest problem with the film.
Peele seemed to think he NEEDED some ham-fisted explanation for it at the last second and it makes the movie worse as a result, because it just raises logistical questions about why the government would do that in the first place and how they could do it with just rabbits.
It was symbolism wank without as much substance as it thought it had. And I say this as an NGE fan.
this, i personally loved the theme dealing with upbringing and what makes a person them.
Our circumstances is what shapes us.
Hereditary understood how to keep things subtle without banging the audience over the head with nonsense.
Oh man now you're making me want to watch that again.
What a fucking wild ride that was.
red pepe when?
Soundtrack was kino
also i have a thing for lupita now damnit
Look up the Jungian Shadow, which manifests as the literal dark side of each person's psyche that each of us must overcome (pic related talks about it all the time).
This was very much a literal interpretation of that idea. My main problem with the film is the unnecessary exposition at the end about the government being the cause of the doppelgängers. It's extremely contrived for no reason and I really haven't figured out a good way to explain it.
I was just thinking about how good Hereditary was with handling subtext. That was another movie that had a pretty bland exposition dump at the end to spell shit out to the audience but at least it wasn't insulting in its presentation.
Now this is interesting.
Yeah, I really enjoyed the movie as a whole, but the hamfisted verbal explanation must have been pushed by executives who didn't want to lost the normie crowd.
Hell, by the end of the movie, I DID think there was a possibility that Good Lupita was Evil Lupita all along because of her going mute in the flashback, then the movie outright SHOWS IT, leaving no room for speculation
There were ways to imply an ambiguous government involvement with no exposition dump needed. Maybe there are old tattered posters on the walls with some legible text that Addy walks by? Maybe we get to see a bit more of life in the tunnels for the doubles (the bit where she's walking down the hall while the rabbits are screaming was incredibly unsettling to me), maybe there could have been ANYTHING in terms of environmental storytelling beyond the rabbits. But nope.
I really wish they had made all the doubles nude or in the jumpsuits, because them having magic clothes to match their surface counterpart was fucking retarded if the project ended generations ago.
Red (who was technically the real Adelaide) had a grudge against the clone fir effectively stealing her life away and so with the black family it was personal.
Wait did Hereditary have an exposition dump at the end? I thought the whole cults and demons shit caught people off guard hard?
It had the woman explain "You are Paimon the prince of hell and we your servants have revived you lol" to the possessed kid. It almost seemed like a voice over, it was so oddly done. But it didn't act as a detriment in the way this exposition dump did.
Normal people wouldn't have gotten it, either you explain the magic mumbo jumbo or you get
>this movie is dumb and makes NO sense at all
Oh that. Well yeah I think there's no harm doing that at literally the very end of the movie to leave people's head scratching. Like how many fucking people even know who Paimon is aside from autists who love reading about Solomon's demons?
The one in Us is just so egregious and helps the movie in no way whatsoever except maybe telling the audience about its themes about MUH MARGINALIZED society.
>dark side of the ego will eventually become the real you
It hurts the movie because it takes this chance for the two characters to talk 1 on 1 and instead serves up an exposition dump for the audience at the expense of characterization. Both characters were from there and both knew it, so why the song and dance? It was for the sole purpose of misleading the audience about the twist on who was the double.
This, i don't care about logic breaks in this. It's like trying to make sense of an episode of the twilight zone or old school scifi horror.
What does piss me off is the blatant pussyfooting.
Nothing should have been explained, leave it all to speculation. In a premise like this the moment you try to explain it you put yourself in a corner. Like the film but man did that pissed in my cereal
This, should’ve just kept it a mystery for the most part because the explanation was laughably dumb.
A lot of people seem to be troubled by the explanation that the whole thing was some kind of government cloning experiment. But wasn't that whole exposition was from an unreliable character?
She was trapped in that place for decades and came up with these ideas while she was going insane, but really she had no idea what was going on. And she even began to think it all must be a test from god.
That's what I got out of it, anyways.
The whole place seemed to operate under supernatural principles
Why didn't they just make the chain? This way you raise awareness but also good will. Since you didn't just kill millions of people.
I don't disagree that the actual 11:11 wasn't heavy handed and used way too much throughout the film as a "see? Look at how smart I am lol!" motif, but I did like the Black Flag reference as both the literal punk band and their song and the fact that a black flag is associated with a jolly roger, which pirates use to steal other peoples' shit. In this case, it was their actual surface world lives.
There are many other films that did the themes of this film better and with even more ambiguity because ambiguity actually works for the film and Peele dropped the ball on it.
>because them having magic clothes to match their surface counterpart was fucking retarded
is it that big of a deal?
Wait yeah what the fuck
Okay so why didn't they just let Red delude herself into thinking of another reason that's more appropriate for the themes of the movie instead of "lol government"? It doesn't matter if it's unreliable exposition. The important point is that exposition still happened and served no purpose other than to further shit up the movie.
>But wasn't that whole exposition was from an unreliable character?
And we're back to the "the exposition dump is fine as long as you view it as incorrect information being told to you!"
They could have even tied it to MK ULTRA or some shit, but nope we just get that bad exposition at the end that just leaves us with bad logistical questions.
>There are many other films that did the themes of this film better
Name them then.
You didn't think it was fucking weird that the double of Addy got a carnival shirt prize? Really? In the abandoned government tunnels?
>It doesn't matter if it's unreliable exposition. The important point is that exposition still happened and served no purpose other than to further shit up the movie.
>The whole place seemed to operate under supernatural principles
It serious had to. The explanation that the government was behind it felt weak. The parallels between the clones and the real people were too on the nose, even when they had kids. I just assumed that when Adelaide descended down in the house of mirrors that she actually went into another dimension.
Of class inequality in a horror setting? Night of the Living fucking Dead. Dawn of the Dead too, for that matter.
either way we all knew the government had to be involved in some way so why the dump?
Simple flashbacks could have sufficed
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Cabin in the Woods
Funny Games
her shirt wasn't a carnival prize
>The Cabin in the Woods
>Invasion of the Body Snatchers
nope and no
Except the escalator was going down you dumb fuck
You don't get it. She got it as the real girl was given a carnival prize. Where did it come from? Where did any of those clothes come from?
are you saying that going up an escalator that is going down means you are going down?
Or are you saying it is impossible to climb up an escalator going down
a storage? idk and it doesn't even matter. Nothing changes regardless even if it was just a jumpsuit
>Our circumstances is what shapes us
glad someone got it
>a storage? idk and it doesn't even matter
>dude just turn your brain off bro lmao
Christ you people are cancer to any film discussion.
I think everyone got it. The film isn't exactly subtle, considering our ending "hero" is the double and the "villain" is the real girl taken at the start.
Because it's made by a dumb nigger.
im not saying turn your brain off. im saying have sex
So you got yourself cloned, what's the next step of your master plan?
>dude lmao you're criticizing a movie? Turn your brain off and get laaaaid xD
Yea Forums is 18+, kiddo
i don't think they cloned 300 million.
I think that kept procreating following the actions of their counterparts
So many contrarian wearing fedora faggots. The movie was good.
And all the kids of the doubles were conveniently doubles of the real kids, how quaint.
Honestly forget all that marginalized shit the movie was trying to show off.
I was honestly more interested on the tethering mechanic. I think you could have made a better movie revolving around that instead of just forgotten clones rising up.
I enjoyed it, but the ending made it a 7/10 max for me.
I thought Get Out was better.
The movie was great up through the home invasion, after which it promptly shit its pants and fell apart.
>I was honestly more interested on the tethering mechanic
I somewhat agree.
I don't even understand why the government would want to abandon an experiment like that. Like it's just so baffling.
because they would untether
fictional clone science has always been bad
And? They just abandoned millions of people into tunnels but kept the lights going? The elevator was fucking working 33 YEARS after Addy first escaped. This movie asked for way too much of a suspended disbelief for how little effort the writing had put into it.
I don't know. The fact that the clones were even able to give birth to kids that are exactly the same as the real kids is pretty interesting. I think that clone setting was rife with potential.
no idea, this is why they should've left everything a mystery.
I was hoping that the reason Red took the kid down into the tunnels with her at the end was to trick Addy into a situation where she'd reveal that SHE was the shadow, in an effort to turn her son against her (only to have this blow up in her face when the kid still sides with the shadow).
But nope, it was just a dumb fight scene.
i mean that's basically what happened.
the son clearly is suspicious on what his mother is by the end but chooses to accept it.
And the fight scene was kino
Yeah but they did it in a totally lame, uninteresting way.
And no, the only part that was particularly well shot was them heading into the darkness.
i disagree, she clearly led her with that little dance to the room where the son got to witness his mothers feral nature.
Your way suffers from the same problems as the shit exposition dump before the kino dance fight
that was the majority of the fight so ok
Nah, my way gives the characters a chance to interact in a way that isn't the screenwriter talking directly to the audience.
And yeah that was obvious, it was just poorly handled.
That was literally 10 seconds of the fight, the majority of it was fought in the classroom.
All of this could have been avoided if they'd just went with a supernatural explanation and dumped the apocalypse angle. Family gets attacked by dopplegangers and it focuses on just the family.
The more the copies stay on the surface the more they start acting and talking like the family. I thought they were gonna go that route with the literal REEE'ing clone dad and the raspy voiced mom. Over time they start making coherent words and sentences.
How creepy would the film be for the father clone to start speaking words instead of tardenese? Or for the daughter clone to start showing other emotions than smiling? The son copy was actually great because he was the only one that DID this and almost used it AGAINST the family.
The mom stays raspy voiced because she's actually real and keep the twist.
But since the true mom got hoodwinked as a doppelganger, doesnt that mean the doppelganger is Jason's true mom?
why was the fight in the classroom bad?
And your way sounds like
>haha i tricked you, now boy what do you think of that, your mom is a clone, my plan worked
>it was just a dumb fight scene.
fuck you. that fight scene was actually kino.
>turns her back and just starts taking random steps around.
>perfectly blocks the firepick with the scissor then shanks her and turns around taking 3 more steps
>one Addy gets more and more desperate/sloppy with her attacks while the other is just perfectly dodging and blocking while continuing her foxtrot
>Pas de Deux intensifies
I wish I had a webm of that. probably the only part of the movie I liked besides Clone Tim Hiedeckers performance.
>why was the fight in the classroom bad?
Bad choreography
And no, it was more about consistency with her original plan of making Addy suffer - taking her son from her would accomplish that. Red's plan was already a success beyond actually getting rid of Addy, the HAA stuff wrked.
No it wasn't, and the more you guys say something is kino the more you sound like children with a shiny toy.
You want actual "kino"? Go rewatch the mirror maze part at the start of the film.
>Over time they start making coherent words and sentences.
>How creepy would the film be for the father clone to start speaking words instead of tardenese? Or for the daughter clone to start showing other emotions than smiling? The son copy was actually great because he was the only one that DID this and almost used it AGAINST the family.
But didn't they do this already by making the mom a clone? She was basically indistinguishable from a human until she went feral when killing
kino is basically just another word for "I enjoyed it" or "I found it interesting/good".
take the stick out of your ass.
Put a stick in your ass, because your garbage opinions are leaking out of it.
...that was kino too, what the hell is your point?
Also bad choreography how?
yes and no
I'm probably talking over people's heads here, but the tight camera shots limited us to mostly about 1/3 of the human body in much of those shots. With the focus on Red's dancing abilities being what was obviously the focal point of the fight. This lead to LOTS of fast cutting and awkward shuffling around the desks, obscuring action. If we're talking rule of thirds it was a total clusterfuck of where to focus. But hey, not everyone here works in film.
The movie isn't about our inner selves you mongs
Its about the upper, middle, and lower class
>Pas de Deux intensifies
shit was great especially how the fight was choreographed specifically to the song
i just saw the fil and you are full of shit, the only close ups are of her missing and hitting the desk and her catching the scissors with the chains.
Also the hallway was 49 seconds of the fight, and classroom was 59 seconds
>i just saw the fil and you are full of shit, the only close ups are of her missing and hitting the desk and her catching the scissors with the chains.
>Also the hallway was 49 seconds of the fight, and classroom was 59 seconds
Doubly incorrect. When you have to lie on Yea Forums to make a point you've already lost, dude.
it's both you retard.
There is no rule in fiction that you cannot have multiple themes.
Because The Beach Boys is literally gods among men
>doubly incorrect
negatory faggot.
> literally 10 seconds of the fight
legitimately false and not even close
Frankly I thought it was a bit of a groaner that they did the "Alexa-stand in misunderstands something as a song" gag, kinda killed the nice thing they had going with a joke you could see coming from orbit.
for me the shitty shot was the close up fish lens when she was monologuing during the final showdown.
I get they did it so they could have a indistinguishable stunt double in the back but the CGI made it look so bad. It was so fucking distracting.
The whole descent into the the tunnels is fucking kino desu.
how did the clone version of her develop tard strength off a diet of just rabbit guts?
Yeah that was not a great choice, not sure what their reasoning behind that was. Its a shame since those tunnels were really quite beautiful and offered a lot of cool visuals. This movie had a really nice color pallet in general.
she never had tard strength
>pressed down on her face so hard it was cracking the glass
>completely on terms of power with her feral version and would have beat her had dues ex machina not mandated she go for that retarded downward backstab bullshit in the last scene.
yeah no
despite living in worse living conditions without any sun or proper food she was on par is not stronger even than her "clone" feral half
People actually watched this movie? Or you're larping?
Wait what? Then why were the tethered forced to pretend they were on a roller coaster and shit?
So were there clones under every state and city? Because, it makes no sense the husband has a clone otherwise since he was not from that area.
Are all the clones of every US citizen located at Santa Cruz? How did Red and her the husbands clone meet each other, if Red is not bound to copy surface world's movements.
If Red is forced to copy her movements, why?
So who is in charge? The tethered or the untethered? The movie says the clones control the original, but shows us mainly just examples of the clones being forced to mimic the originals actions. This shit makes no fucking sense whatsoever
Thanks for your fan theory
No it wasn’t just on the surface the guy underground wrote it on his head too
the clones were SUPPOSED to control the originals but they couldnt because they had no "soul". they were all defect and instead it was the ORIGINALS(soul) that controlled the clones (soulless).
when they killed thier above ground selves they were freed
Plot makes no sense. Peele is a hack.
How good of a lay do you think their tethered versions would be?
Fun fact they played Emma in friends
Peele's movies just aren't scary, because the premise isn't scary and thwarted by social commentary.
Why is Lovecraft scary despite the themes of race and xenophobia? Because it's a dark and deep sentiment alive in every culture, it's the unknown, and even if we can't agree with Lovecraft, his social commentary is vague and very hard to fully pick up on as an average reader.
Peele's commentary is very direct, very open about what it's saying, and not based on any common fear, but a desperate attempt to retrofit Peele's fears into a movie, which translates poorly.
Or name Adiele something like Naomi to at least allude to Project Naomi (MK Ultra's title after MK got it's cover blown) that would have some actual thematic ties to the government and real life stuff
>The movie is about Peele walking in the shadow of Get Out and having to deliver
Doppelgangers are pretty scary though. I don't know what this has to do with lovecraft.
>review and viewer reception is pretty good for this movie on RT
>ok I'll give it a try
>good setting, movie was pretty ok
>30 mins before the end of the movie, characters started doing things that makes no sense in horror movies (mom went out of the car, by herself, to confirm kill on the puppet daughter that her real daughter just rammed into the forest, and none of her family decided to stop or follow her and let her just wander around by herself)
>Dangan Ronpa/shitty mystery anime tier reveal of the whole plot device (hurr we have cloned entire humans and they all live underground without anyone ever finding out, and they all somehow mimic things the people above ground do)
>shitty twist that was added at the last 1 minute of the movie (BUT WHO WAS PUPPET)
I think the only ones who liked this shit are absolute normies who never watched or played any mystery anime. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch to imagine this sort of shit being done in $3 self published visual novel game
>Peele's movies just aren't scary, because the premise isn't scary and thwarted by social commentary.
I agree. I was actually surprised by how many people rated Get Out as a horror but when I watched it I was barely scared at all. Even the concept of bodyjacking didn't get a goosebump out of me.
What the fuck do the rabbits represent?
literally like doing a wild child version of yourself.
lots of scratching and biting probably. theyre literally crazy halves
His cat was named Niggerman
I’m saying I don’t think the rabbits would make it up consistently to find food.
>nothing matters
Doppelgangers arent scary.
the thought of a EVIL one wanting to replace you is but just "what if there was someone else that looked like you" isnt scary.
Post a link to one (1) film you’ve made
The worse thing about this is she was the real addy
So why didn’t everyone solve it by controlling their clones?
had nothing to do with the rabbits, just rage
>lovecrafts social commentary is hard to pick up
In case you’re wondering that was where I stopped reading your post
>>shitty twist that was added at the last 1 minute of the movie
i think you may be the only one in this thread who didn't see the twist coming an hour before the twist was revealed
>(mom went out of the car, by herself, to confirm kill on the puppet daughter
she was a puppet too.
>and none of her family decided to stop or follow her
Dad had a fucked leg and the mom didn't want the kids to follow her
>what if there was someone else that looked like you
aren't you leaving out the trying to kill you part
My point is, if you rammed a zombie during a zombie apocalypse, the last thing you'd want to do is get off the car and check if the zombie is truly dead
how come its always "there can only be one" bullshit whenever there are two people.
why does every clone= automatically evil