Nude scenes are always unnecessary and tacked on. You know I'm right.
Bonus points for using body doubles or CGI, why not just cut the scene? They're never needed for the story.
Nude scenes are always unnecessary and tacked on. You know I'm right
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah there was a time when just showing them turn out the lights was enough to get the point across. Now we have to show two lesbians spitting into eachothers mouths.
The movies are trying to complete with unlimited free porn though, who can really blame them.
I find sex scenes embarrassing. I don't want to see other people naked. It's supposed to be a personal thing between two married people. Not something on display for all to see.
Movies are supposed to move the audience in other ways besides getting off. Porn isn't supposed to be their competition.
Do sex weirdo
>Bonus points for using body doubles or CGI
So you think CGI actors are better than real ones?
Have sex and fuck off you kike manipulating son of a bitch
It's true.
>Not needed in Halloween to show Michael Myers' childlike disgust at sex which partially inspires his murders
>Not needed in Mulholland Dr to show Betty's fantasy life and her idea of rescuing the fragile heroine
>Not needed in Under the Skin to show first how the alien seduces men with the female form, then tries to understand it, and is finally destroyed in it.
>Not needed in Oldboy to show how royally Oh Dae Su fucked himself
Come on senpai. Not every movie needs it, but some movies clearly need it
u boomer
They should make their cgi doubles have massive boobies, otherwise why bother?
I think he meant points for extra badness.
i see niple
I'm sure this has happened. Not massive, but increasing tit size
Porn is for sexual gratification.
Nudity in films is for appreciation of beauty.
I'm sure all of you glorified that scene in Viggo's movie
This is probably one of the weirder memes on TV. Nothing in a movie is necessary. Its just fun to watch
I beg to differ.
it’s a great scene, agonising and badass as hell
>those 15/16 year old prime titties
>he's not into a handful or less
The objectively superior breasts.
well, that means OP is wrong
But you’re perfectly fine watching Joe Jackson gun fags down in his revenge run.
This is proof that people would rather kill than see tits in a movie lol
>Not needed in Grandma's Boy to uncontrollably ejaculate on the other guy's mom when she bursts into the bathroom.
If my peepee is already inside the girl, that means I can freely caress her tits without getting into troubles?
Boomers were the ones who literally invented it.
No I don't like violence either.
Tarzan should be in a Tuxedo in the jungle
women and social media, name a more destructive combo Yea Forums
you already post that in other thread
Agreed, instead they should just have skimpy outfits and gratuitous feet shots. That's all I need
What's the most disappointing nude scene ever?
>titillation is never needed in a spectacle
You are wrong. Stop being wrong. Just because your superpower is being wrong doesn't mean you have to use it.
Autism and nuclear weaponry.
anything with marina sirtis
All of Game of Thrones?
what would you have done instead of the entire nude plot in Titanic?
I've masturbated to nearly all of those scenes
Not a single pair over 7/10, and most well under.
>he didn't see the girl from Spartacus
Peak incel
Fakes are an auto zero
Well fuck you, most of us don't live in the valley of the ultra vixens.
Eastern Promises
That scene.
No, that other one.
Really upped the brutality of the moment.
So Alain Resnais was a hack? You're American aren't you?
Post your 10's you little shit.
>Fakes are an auto zero
more like.. this make your opinion a zero, they aren't fake
They are
Top left four squares alone are all 10s
Jenna Coleman
No way. They were perfectly fine, just average larger tits. Most disappointing has to go to someone with actively awful tits.
Have sex
>No Eva, there are no shirtless scenes in this movie, it’s rated PG
>Eva please put your shirt on.
Just can’t stop this girl
You have never seen tits in person.
Nice b8 but we all see Dreama Walker's god tier tits in the bottom left from that comedy about McDonalds
>get me a replacement, this is a family film
>I've got just the girl
can I uh get some titles
some look like some kind of art, like this one with Biel or that one with Paltrow and probably many more in the golden age
man how would sex by like with juno?
i agree. it's such an 80s thing to have tiddies in your movie. That used to be a major reason people watched that shit, but nowadays everyone is always a few seconds away from looking at Jennifer Lawrence's asshole. You don't need to go see some fucking movie to see lewds and nudes anymore.
Jenna Coleman, Natalie Dorner were disappointing but Neve Campbell was actually sad.
"Everything more than a mouthful is wasted!"
based and redpilled
Teri Hatcher, Meg Ryan
If only that happened in Casino Royale.
This. The human body can be very beautiful.
It's not supposed to be a comedy.
theres a shitty horror movie called Jane Doe or some shit and its about morticians being spooked by the bodies. anyay the dead girl is naked because she's dead and on the autopsy table and the whole movie is about figuring out how she died. So did i find the exception?
We need a list with names
I can think of some times when I'd have liked to see even more skin
lel, Green's tits are on the lower end in this image, same with Jolie's.
so you can keep edging along
It's pretty obvious that in certain scenes a character would logically be naked, so the question is not why would you show the nudity, the question is why would you hide it. The answer is either to protect the rating/tone or because the actor is not comfortable with it. If neither of those things are a problem then of course you should show it. It would be retarded not to.
Eva Green didn’t take her shirt off in Casino Royale? That’s new.
She was my first though, but it was a weird angle so I'm still holding out hope that we'll get a better shot of them.
this is a nice chart
has a woman ever let a guy suck her tits in a movie
Sometimes, implying is better for the gestalt of the thing.
The correct answer is Katie McGrath, but for your own sakes you're probably better off not going to check.
edging, meaning masturbating almost... almost... and then BANG!
Comin atcha
Stop posting that one dummy
I just had sex an hour ago user.
Are you insane?
Congrats. You're better off than me. I thought it was a question about my reference to edging. That's all.
Also, congrats, again.
>They're never needed for the story.
Checkmate, fucker
Doing God's work. I knew most but thanks for the rest.
erika eleniak got them good tiddies
Thanks man, also I never liked edging. Just git er dun and do something else.
I agree but you're being a cunt about it so fuck you what are you gay???
>t. incel
I always went to origami afterwords since I was at peace of mind. Also, not into edging, either. Agreed. But the running order of those pics seemed to imply that was the point (for me).
Sigh... it's been a while. I remember the git er dun an move on didn't always work in my favor, so take heed. Or move on like a boss.
I wouldsay the forerruning are
Erika Eleniak and Gracie Gilbert
roll :^]
>the question is why would you hide it.
The question should be what does the nudity add to the scene. Authenticity, or do you just want to see the actress' tits. I don't mind nudity, I actually there should be more, especially male full frontal nudity, but just because you get out of the shower in a scene doesn't necessarily mean it has to focus on the nudity aspect. Context and execution also matters.
Americans are fucked up, if they honestly believe this.
>those torpedos in column 4 row 3
God yes
should have the sex scene from Mulholland Dr it's a 2 for 1
I will never have sex
Is fapping to porn a good way to relieve anxiety and stress or is it as evil as /pol/ says?
Only with signed and dated affirmative consent forms, one for her, one for you and one for her attorney.
Dont pretend you've never fapped to porn. I can believe we have alot of things on this website with our nazi jews, fag homophobas and black klansemen. But what we DONT have is people that havent ever watched porn.
>that blonde leg fur
It's only bad for you if the girl has a tattoo. Sometimes you have to watch the whole video to make sure.
have sex
Amusing how this meme stemmed for Captain Fungletoes and now everyone is using it to get free attention
the irony
Sometimes similar scenes are better without the tricky editing and camera work.
Natalie Dormer. I have no idea why she wouldn't at least get those titties partly worked on. She doesn't need bolt ons, just a few modifications.
Runner up is Emma Watson because that slut used a body double.
stop fapping to porn or the devil will snatch your soul
Because rumour has it she was abused as a child and has some body issues as a result
Guess how do I know you are from murica?
>that sex scenes in the matrix
That's always what I think of when someone mentions shitty and unnecessary sex/nude scenes. What a revolting sequence.
Pretty much
You're autistic and gay.
Shes harier than I am
This. Obscenity in the Media wasn't a thing.
You're programmed and addicted to obscenity.
Why do they never have anal sex or 69 in movies?
It's not the best way to treat yourself, but if you're going to do it, for God's sake stick to solo female stuff that isn't overproduced.
Maria Bello and Viggo Mortensen go into a lateral 69 in A History of Violence and it looks stupid and embarrassing for everyone involved. Surprised they left it in the final cut.
What's 69?
Helen hunt
3 x 23
it's actually a dumbshit meme attempt from Yea Forums, whose 4 or 5 users just sit around all day trying to force memes.
>Runner up is Emma Watson because that slut used a body double.
When? She's never even been nude
I would watch whole 2 hour movie of prime Eva Green walking around doing mundane tasks topless.
Is the whole CG nudity claim really a thing or did it happen like once and now people think it's everywhere?
What if one needs to save a terrible storyline with a quick fix?
Has any actress done more or better nude scenes than based Eva?
Ana de Armas
>that girl
>he didn't see her bathtub nudes
God bless foreign actresses that have zero problem with doing nude scenes.
prolly best bobs on show
Who will never do nudity (and it pisses you off)?
I checked...sorry I did, but still, it's not the most disappointing. Someone like Teri Hatcher is....
on TV period
Judaism has a perverse sense of art that is becoming more and more emboldened
A board full of virgins who jack off to cartoons and comic books complaining about seeing real live women naked bc theyre unnecessary.
>the new generation of american males, ladies and gentlemen
Feels like this board has a lot of paid shills going on about nudity lately.
>let’s let right wing “Christians” take over Yea Forums. What could go wrong?
OP is just being a giant faggot as usual
>The movies are trying to complete with unlimited free porn though
It's all European "cinema's" fault.
Sometimes a character would logically fart, so the question is not why would you show the fart, the question is why would you hide it?
She's a big girl.
Could have used a better pic to showcase Diora Baird's GOAT tier tits
Emma Watson
the GOAT
Explain the French
>model photo shoot
>essential for a movie
yeah really moving the story along there
for you
It’s just like my Chinese cartoons !
morena baccarin
Dropped as waifu the moment i saw her nude in homeland
As mention in the thread, it's really down to context, the story, the character and the tone of the film should dictate the nudity, not peoples pussy sensibilities.
Also, I do wanna mention that arousal is an emotional state, if the artistic vision of the filmmaker is intended to evoke an arousal emotional response from the viewer then whats the goddamn problem.
it's a basic hack to get a little adrenaline shot into the viewer to deceive him that this movie is actually lit. editors often place the sex scene at some middle part where it's otherwise boring as fuck
You know this isn't Reddit, right? You don't get upvotes for sitting through boring frog shit
It is a travesty for a woman that beautiful to look like that naked.
>Jamie Lee Curtis
Fraulein Sarah Silvermann, that jewish fox
>Olivia Hussey
Goodbye user
And that's a good thing
I know right? It's like a curse by god. It was sickening to see, frankly.
Homeland also gave us topless Melissa Benoist. Good shit.
you wot? her tits were nice
its unnecessary if ur faggot
There's no joke there, her tits were great.
Nah, sorry guys. I'm not saying I wouldn't smash her guts until I desiccated, but her naked body just plain did not live up to the legendary beauty of her face and smile. Looking at her all dolled up in Firefly, you would expect nothing but a top-tier beauty under those clothes. That is not what we received.
and it's unnecessary even if you're straight. keep your interests separate. There is never enough nudity in movies to make it fappable, there is never enough story in porn to keep it interesting.
i watch one for one thing, and the other one for the other thing.
You sound like a boring faggot. What the fuck are you doing on this site?
Jessica Alba
why did people go so nuts for this chick? GOT is full of tits, every episode
>it's boring to not want to beat your boyfriend up
you girls are insane.
Im surprised movies don't have full on penetrative sex at this point. It's about time.
it's like The Sopranos. It's full of awful tits, the only good pair is in Season 3 Episode 6. Once you're bombarded for seasons of mediocre type can't-even-find-porn-work tits you notice
Projecting much? My post has nothing to do with that bullshit.
Thanks user
She's a titlet, why do you care?
there's a dozen pairs better than those in GOT
Jews and influence
Not tits like that, it isn't
Elizabeth Olsen is low-key kino
I've busted so many fat fucking nut globs to Eva Green it's not even funny. It's honestly kind of ridiculous.
Nothing low key about it, her tits are fantastic.
>forgetting the GOAT
>it's a couple in a long term relationship
Missionary or Cowgirl
>It's a one night stand
Overly rough and frantic Doggy style
they have plastic surgeons in Westeros?
i wish people around me had higher standards.
decent should become the new mediocre
great should become the new decent
i can't fap to a girl unless she's stacked or flat. the in-between just makes me feel like she's 15-30 years old and that's disgusting
Are you trying to claim her tits are mediocre?
i am, but I'm straight. beta cucks who "eat girls out" will feel differently. size is the matter, that's literally what size means. size matters.
there's not nearly enough hard cock in movies. vincent gallo is fucking disgusting and doesn't count
When Atheists took over, it went from rifle classes/prayer in school to Columbine.
should get Imogen in there, good tits
You ain't gonna make it here with the wolves, kid
that redheaded titcow
You Tumblr retards have literally every website out there to push liberalism but still insist on coming to the one site that allows free speech.
Most unexpectedly good nude scene, go.
Subtlety and mystery can be very effective in art and narrative. Sometimes nudity is tasteful, sometimes it's gratuitous. It's all about how it's done and why it's done.
>gap tits when you only have B cups
christ enough with the whiny playing the victim
>I have never seen tits before
>You Tumblr retards
Yeah, you're a fucking idiot. Needy as hell too.
You'd have to be stupid to think those are Bs
her , I thought she was going to be flat
I fucking knew the Scarlett Witch was working with Thanos this whole time
>that noise as the guy gets his neck impaled by the knife
Jesus christ
Because for a emotional connection you need the couple to be looking into each other's eyes and faces
she has a nude scene?
this is kino tho
from early in her career she seems to be pretending never happened, unfortunately only available in low quality cos the series its from was never released on DVD
itt: a bunch of incels discuss the merits of sex without understanding the emotional impact, and thus the aesthetic value of art, that is copulation with a female you love and trust
I think it was a double
much more stacked than expected, thought she was flat this whole time
post the BLACKED nude scene Bryce Dallas Howard did when she was young please!
and yet you manage to be the biggest faggot in the entire thread
god damn....
Christina Hendricks
This. Ever since lost this has been my celebrity crush. She was so fucking hot on lost when she was 24 fuck me its in like season 4 when the others capture her and sawyer and have em haulin rocks prison style and ben that slimy little fuck has her wear this cute little sundress while shes hitting rocks with a sledgehammer and sawyer is justin takin 5 mirin her cute little butt and ive just never been so attracted to a woman just fucking jesus. And no ten years have passed im a little older and shes gone full on MOMMY god in the hobbit she played an elf i mustve beaten it to the thought of fucking her tight little elven snatch wishing i was that dwarf she was wet for turning my back on all my dwarf bros so i could make off into the woods with her just slayin that elf poon for like 400 years before i died with a fuckin smile on my face goes i got to smash elf evangeline lily for FUCKING centurys. Ant-Man came out and if i thought she was MOMMY-af in hobbit it was pathetic compared to hot she was in this movie. I thought i wouldn't get to see based paul rudd lay some pip to this goddess but he came clutch. End of the movie hank goes to say something to him and catches them post-kiss and just the way she looks in a mans arms..... oh just so fucking sensual and like shes almost a little annoyed with herself that she gave in but just still so vulnerable and sexy. Fuck me user based evengeline lilly you have god-tier taste
Eurotards always use this argument, not realizing that seeing two people have sex is much closer to sex than seeing a killing is to performing one.
or to achieve another artistic goal.
>Nude scenes are always unnecessary
It has it butjust in rape form
Love making full penetration is not allowed
>like she's 15-30 years old and that's disgusting
wew wath a fucking fag
Literally the peak woman aesthetic lifespan and you think it's disgusting
Also you are talking as if tits grow larger after 30 wtf you are clearly deluded and slightly retarded fren
Just responding to your bullshit
Good. I fucking hate children and it amuses me greatly when the little shits get BTFO'd.
Stone in The Favourite for me.
yes but its only temporary
neve campbell
tfw when you're only watching this emo piece of shit for a chance to see Ellen Page's Junos
Fuck, she's taking him apart.
She must be a tiger irl
Neve Campbell had hit the wall and was sliding down by the time she showed any skin. Waste.
Hathaway rape face lmao
>shits on reddit
>then proceeds with the most reddit comment and opinion.
have you ever seen movies that come out of any country that isn't the UK or US? With few exceptions they're always low-budget dramas or comedies, all with derivative stories and bland plots. The gratuitous nudity is literally the only thing getting people into the the theater.
not a good way
>smallish tits
>pencil eraser nipples
totally worth it
I agree most of the time. I have seen some nudity that set the tone but it is very rare.
B&gap = best tits
>not realizing that seeing two people have sex is much closer to sex
theyre necessary for my dick you dumb beta bitch
but why
Just look at the thighs go
>flat stomach
When sudden 10/10 tits appear unexpectedly on your TV you pay attention and remember it
How do I become independent?
Christina Hendricks
Felicity Jones
Both Fannings
Avril Lavigne
if you're going to do nudity for a sex scene you really should commit and do a porno, like that caligula movie, anything short of that is an inauthentic portrayal of the experience. Either do a porno, or omit sex scenes altogether.
literal CG nudity isn't really a thing
have sex
after sex moments a pretty important irl and they are naked irl
I don't see why they shouldn't be realistic in the movies too
>Christina Hendricks
I'm pretty sure it would be quite disappointing, she can be much sexier clothed like in Mad Men
Hussey, MacDonald and Birch are the best. Even Uma. Alexandra and Jamie Lee are fantastic as well.
Her nude leaks are awesome
They're also not real.
>Julianna Guill
Was anyone else pathetic enough to watch this shitty teen web series called "My Alibi" just because it had 2008 Julianna Guill and Alison Brie in it?
Avril had a topless picture leak before
Eyes Wide Shut basically blows this entire argument out of the water.
Before internet porn they were more vital
OP is so painfully American.
she did?
Didn't Bunuel said once that if you're a director that has to go all the way to show kisses, hugs, sex and that kind of stuff in order to show that your characters love each other then you're a failure?
>those tits
Sounds like a guy who couldn't get laid
like 12 years ago, a pic of her flashing the camera
No, because when you finally get the real thing, performance anxiety will kick in
That's as far as people get in real life now, no one knows any better.
No a proper topless pic leaked in the fappening.
Prime Eva is so hot, man.
for you
What would happen if we took the shirt off?
Heather Graham, Angelina Jolie, Erika Eleniak and Anne Hathaway are my favorites.
Who's most overrated?
Belucci. Theyre big but have a bad shape so they look best when she's not topless
Birch. Only really notable for being large.
>Olivia Hussey
user, I...
>made for bbc
>almost unrecognizable when she smiles
Am I faceblind?
If it's good enough for high school English class, it's good enough for Yea Forums. also, don't ever respond to me, fucker
And it was good
Not if you just bee yourself
Jennifer Conelly and Eva Green
>1968 Olivia Hussey
>Olivia Hussey
Farewell user
is this some kind of terrible meme attempt?
she was underage
Wow, what a revelation. No one cares.
Redditors don't know how to act here
Where do I find girls who look like Eva Green?
I'm real fucking serious.
Those many long hears on her chest. I guess hairy chests are very strong in her linage.
A son with her would be king under the chest bears!
In reality, all women look like that when backlit by the sun, the bodyhair is invisible normally.
Chase Masterson
How has this thread lasted 20 hours without hitting bump limit?
Not so long. The ones i know have more like the ones on the neck area.
Nah, they're there. You just don't see them.
Really? The ones i saw till now, didnt looked like this picture here.