How did Eddie Murphy become such a box office draw in the 1980s?

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He was genuinely funny and spontaneous without being threatening. He was also hilariously vulgar as hell. Will Smith was the pg version of Eddie Murphy.

it was back when black actors brought people together. plus he was very funny and talented

>Uh hue hue hue hue
Just a likeable guy, had that cocaine energy popular at the time.

because he was actually funny

Kevin Hart > Eddie Murphy don't @ me

Because he was funny and starred in Kino like Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2.

beverly hills cop
axel foley gonna find those drugs

budget pryor

hollywood promotes 1 black person per decade

the 70s was richard pryor
the 80s was eddie murphy
the 90s was will smith
the 00s was dave chapelle
the 10s was tyler perry
the 20s looks like it's going to be Peele

He was funny and could do low tier action flicks that were real kinos, like BHC and The Golden Child.

A number of those actors relevancy carried over to the following decade. Murphy in the 80s to 90s, Chapelle from the 90s to 2000s. You're also forgetting guys like Martin Lawrence. zoomer detected

>the 10s was tyler perry
>the 20s looks like it's going to be Peele
That's fucking tragic.

Who the fuck is Tyler Perry

he had an infectious laugh

He makes movies dressed as a fat black lady.

Thata Martin Lawrence

Cocaine should be obligatory for all xomedians.

cuz hes a black guy who hates fags, the 80s never seen nuthin like that before! that was new and fresh back then. now everyone is a black guy who hates fags so its not that exciting no more. u had to be there mannnn!

Because Americans are obsessed with niggers. Threads on Yea Forums and /pol/ that are nigger-centric always reach bump limit. It’s honestly embarrassing

Martin Lawrence does the "Big Momma's House" movies. Tyler Perry does the "Madea" ones.

90's-00's were Samuel L. Jackson

Literally never heard of those

10s was Glover

hi zoomer

10s are definitely the Rock or Kevin Hart

dave chappelle never had a real film career and never really tried

the sole movies i can even think of him being in were You've Got Mail, Half Baked and Star Is Born

>box office draw

It's box office drawer, dummy. Like a cash register.

but the rock isn't black

Blue Streak

that was pryor, faggit

Imagine a black Chuck Lorre

Nutty Professor is his magnum opus, and he deserved at least an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of the Klump family. First time I watched it I literally thought the family were a bunch of different actors/actresses. Phenomenal job by Murphy, that dinner scene is turbokino

He made Normkino with the hit "Screwed!"

How did Jim Carrey become such a box office draw? Comedy changes year after year. What's funny to us now is not funny to us years later. The people that make us laugh right now are at the top of their game, just like eddie murphy in his prime. Comedy is a rough game. It's a thankless job.

>no martin lawrence

Never drew a dime, ya pinhead.

Acting like a real black person, and not a token or SJW tool.

Fuck, Yea Forums in 2008 during this was a different thing. I wish I was here during the Norbit era.

stuck a banana up 6000 tailpipes never drew a dime

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>Tyler Perry
This is how I know you're a zoomer. This peak era was "Diaries of a Mad Black Woman" via 2006, so no, try again.

Have sex, I’m ding-dong diddly begins ya.

Samuel L. Jackson was just a generic angry black man, and still is. He's had no cultural impact whatsoever compared to the others.

He's a black Bruce Willis.

If your house was infested with roaches, and they were in your food, and your bed, and your clothes, and trying to swarm all over your baby while it's sleeping in its crib, you'd have roaches on the brain a lot. Doesn't mean you like them. Means they're a problem you're trying to fucking deal with and fix.

the rock's about as black as obama is

tfw you realize the brother character in the Klumps is just Eddie doing an impression of Charlie

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>Tyler Perry
fuck what a disaster that was