Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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*tap tap tap*
>Please... user...

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little porcelain butt

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memes aside, Night Owls is worth a watch if any user hasn't seen it yet.

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Alita's berserker body is anatomically correct.
Alita is an adult woman
There is nothing wrong with her having sex. Waifu fags and daughterfu fags need to shut up. Let her live her life.

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>Thanks for dropping me off at my Motorball match, user! If I win, you have to treat me to some chocolate milkshakes! Be back in a bit!


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I'll let you save it... THIS time.

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concept design for the sequel
constructive criticism only please

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No Alita! I'm a girl...

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It's perfect but add cat ears

New jobanon here- got a call today telling me to keep up the good work. I attribute it to my positivity and /healing/ from the generals

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Deckman: Sit down.
user: Care if i talk, kinda of nervous when i take test
Deckman: Please don't move.
user: Oh, sorry. I have already taken the captcha test this year.
Deckman: The main factor is the reaction rate, so take a closer look. Now, answer as quickly as possible.
user: Sure.
Deckman: You're in a landfill, walking in the garbage, and suddenly ...
user: Is this the test now?
Deckman: You are in a landfill, walking in the garbage, and suddenly you look at your feet ...
user: In what?
Deckman: What?
user: In which part of the landfill? In the center is dangerous, in the north ...
Deckman: It doesn't matter The questions are completely hypothetical.
user: But how did I get there?
Deckman: Maybe you need parts. Maybe you need to be alone. Who knows? You look at your feet and see the upper half of the body of a cyborg girl
user: Upper half? What is it like?
Deckman: Her body apparently is it tore in two.
user: I have never seen a cyborg girl. But I understand what you mean.
Deckman: She is half full of rubbish, but you can see it perfectly ...
user: Do you make up this questions yourself? Or someone writes them for you?
Deckman: The girl lies on her back, the sun burns her face, cyber and bio blood flow from her, she will not survive without your help. But you're not helping
user: What do you mean? I'm not helping.
Deckman: I mean you're not helping. Why is that user? They're just questions user. in answer to your query they're written down for me. Its a test designed to provoke an emotional response. Shall we continue?
user: [nod head]
Deckman: Tell us in a few words about the crimes that come to your head ... when you think about the criminal Alita.
user: About the Battle Angel?
Deckman: Yea.
user: Let me tell you about the Battle Angel!

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>Tonight, in Kansas Alita.

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higher-res healing

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You guys like Rosa? I like Rosa.

little nymph body!

1 billion guaranteed


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It hit me like a wrecking ball. I expected a vapid chick flick but instead it made me reflect on my shitty life. The whole movie was basically a 2 hour honest-to-goodness discussion with yourself. I did not expect those kind of feels. Top notch acting from Rosa.

Tfw years from now we’re going to discuss which Alita movie of the trilogy was the best

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>falling for a middle aged spic goblin
Why do Rosafags have such shit taste?

Pic related. In 10 years she'll look like Jeb's wife.

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Time for bed frens, night night everybody

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Trick question since they're all perfect

I want to FUCK Alita

a full-porcelain mechanic loli doll to kiss her in her porcelain lips and teach her to dance


sleep tight fren!

Attached: good night, alita.png (851x473, 704K)


Sleep well.

bullshit, you just want to fuck with /alita/

Based. I'd keep a framed photo of Alita or collage on your desk just to remind you why you're doing it and to cheer you up at tough times. Or on your phone if it's not a desk job. One look at Alita puts me at ease whenever I'm feeling down.

gonna ask you to delet

Well I have no chance of marrying her anyway so...

>tfw marathon the trilogy tuck in comfy blanked while is heavily snowing outside

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dubs and we all get rosa wives

I just laughed loud enough to get the neighbor to look. Fuck you.

I hope the new movie inspires some Japanese doujin makers...

Any anons here skate?
Motorball scrimmages should be a real thing

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>when you wake up in the morning do you picture her by your side

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My current phone background

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Just wasn't meant to be.

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Virgin soi goy cuck

Every day it’s just a little more amusing how this will never get a sequel.

Realistically how big of a cock do you think her URM body could take?

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>correcting the horizon for the BR2049 shot
The fuck?

>we all get rosa woves
My trips confirm.

When the blu ray releases I’m going to take hq screenshots and frame a pic of Alita for eternal /healing/

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Her body can adapt to your cock size, so any.

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just because you were polite and got dubs

We will

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400,000,000 and we are definitely getting a sequel

you didn't live a day in your life till you met me
I wasn't ready for this

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we'll meme a sequel into existence if we have to

>still haven't lived a day of my life
Well, shit.

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Me 24/7

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is the number updating in real time? how long will it take to get past 400m?

Looks like the horny underage shitposters have woken up so this seems like a good time for me to hit the bed. Good night alitans.

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When you fap to alita, what do you think about doing to her? is she the sub and you the Dom? Do you make her wear one of those cat tails that's actually just anal beads?

Can you make an edit with this?

Attached: alita thirsty.jpg (640x640, 66K)

Nah Rosa's Italian heritage is preventing that. Jeb's wife is 100% pure Hispanic something.

only rewatches of night owls and Alita can bandage the hole in my soul.

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No, i can't

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based and mediterraneanpilled

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>me on the left

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Sleep well user

>aiming with that kind of scope out of an moving vehicle that's bouncing all over the place
She isn't gonna hit a goddamn thing

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That number is so absurd like just push it over the line already

I've been having the urge to watch the Maze Runner movies again just to see Rosa

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Go easy on me, guys.


Never saw myself writing fan fiction. What the hell has Alita done to my brain?

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Sheer power of love and autism together are an unstoppable force

>me getting flipped off

>Oh... What's this? Looks like someone's already been here before. Naughty girl.

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you shot me down bang bang

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based and fanficpilled

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I am wondering What other kind of weapons the U.R.M. use in their dar against earth.

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Fine then, I'll do it

Watch Man Seeking Woman (season 2) for more Rosa. It's actually a funny show except season 3.


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Beautiful work friend. Your language flows very well. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff.

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Very good user
We need more writefags

Um wow, rude?

I watched chips yesterday. It was meh , rosa was qt however

is there any way you can buy movie online that let's play around with the file?
I don't want it tied to some service
probably not
thinking I'm going to buy the movie and then pirate it anyway


wow that's really fucking cute

>Box office: $399.9m

Oh come on, it's like they're toying with us now.

Normally I have no problem at all pirating, I've downloaded dozens, but pirating Alita makes me feel uncomfortable. I'll probably still do it, since I'm going to buy every version they put out on blu-ray. Figure that makes up for it

>Buster Bluth as a footfag
brb watching this

>.07 nanoseconds without a reply
it's over bros it was fun while it lasted but you gotta admit it's time to hang up the boots

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clearly just twisting the knife.

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Yup let's wrap it up bye bye everyone

Thanks, guys. I had a blast writing it, even if it could be like pulling teeth sometimes. Think I'll start another one up tomorrow!

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How much do you think It will make off blu-rays and dvds?

I imagine it's going to be quite successful on Blu-Ray and DVD, perhaps a situation similar to Dredd will happen

Why even have the general anymore? Is anyone even discussing anything?

Threads die for these.

>99 /abag/ threads
>pushing past 230+ /alita/ threads
>Chinabros fucking killing it
>movie performing beyond what was expected
>fanbase is only growing stronger, more resolved
it's a good time to be alive

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It’s going to be really successful. A lot of people are waking up to it

Nice job.

we may not have a 'pure' discussion every single thread but it does happen. Quit being angry, these generals don't affect your life at all.

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I am not angry. But having a 24/7 general is pointless. It's pure wankery for the OP and just an excuse to waifu over the robot bitch.

I suppose it's better than 20 Marvel threads, but only because you guys contain your autism.

Be careful friend, if you keep writing you just might find that you can't stop! Write well and I eagerly await your new content.

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Some rare Rosas

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>Threads die for these.

In the catalog...
>>when you realize the zoomers currently attending columbine high school weren't even alive when the shooting
>>I'm sorry, sir. Only members of the American Nazi Party are allowed in.
>>Is awalt real Yea Forums?Are all women like that?
>>If we hate Jews so much why do we all worship a kike-loving britbong?

I mean, we can afford a few to die off...

Don't watch this. I literally cried in rage. Some sick, nasty jew wrote this show.

lol. literally kill yourself, you pathetic twat


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This is the best timeline we could have realistically gotten. Never forget all the
>It won't make $400m

I'm glad I was able to experience the past month

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owww sorry for erasing such quality content like the sneedposters, the jazzposters or the cunnyposters


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I’m so excited for the Blu-ray release anons

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Mouse has the money, why don't he buy one.
but these are something money can't buy

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so then what's your problem? We keep it contained and if you don't like it you have plenty of other threads to visit. Why even waste the time to post here?

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The other threads suck because he ruined them already and now he's here instead.

Checked digits and perfect pic this is the power of /alita/

>robot bitch
5 insults
>i am not angry
You are absolutely furious you rancid roastie.

Never change Yea Forums

You seem to think I'm particularly invested in this. I'm not. But I do peruse Yea Forums and I noticed for the first time there's always a fucking Alita general, so I poked my head in to see what could possibly be so interesting. It's just memes and waifu shit.

Were living in his head RENT FREE

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>But I do peruse Yea Forums and I noticed for the first time there's always a fucking Alita general
If you really perused Yea Forums, you'd know there's been an Alita general up almost 24/7 for the past month

>It's just memes and waifu shit.
Correction, there's quite a bit but there is discussion.
As for the catalog? It's all trash.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you can't. That's why you're here, desperate to fit in but unable to figure out how.

>tfw 20th Century Fox owns the movie rights to Alita
>tfw The Mouse now owns 20th Century Fox

Attached: Literally OP right now.gif (200x200, 3.14M)

I can't remember a movie I was less invested in the success or failure of. I am completely neutral on Alita, as I have not seen it and have no special love of Cameron. But I'm not surprised by the box office. It was always a strange bird of a movie. The manga is old as shit and as far as anime goes it's not well known to western audiences at all.

>*ring ring*
>It's getting pretty late, but I found an alley shop that's still open! Let me grab you something before bed!

Attached: Nighttime Shopping!.png (682x680, 752K)

let's be real: who else would try to make a clone of Rosa

>>tfw 20th Century Fox owns the movie rights to Alita
Oh you poor summer child.

As usual. Give me love and strength so that I will not go out of my way ...

at least he's being vaguely polite.
checked yours as welland 'what's your problem' was the reason I used that pic
you took the time to investigate and post... sooo??? You are a bit invested.
>It's just memes and waifu shit.
wow very different than the rest of Yea Forums you really got us m8

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Can you get me my very own Alita? Thanks. Also a Coke if they're out of Alitas.

like a broken record, again and again and again and again.

James Cameron has had the rights to all Alita adaptations since like 1998, the Fox/Disney merger doesn't have any effect on this

>tfw 20th Century Fox owns the movie rights to Alita
stopped reading lol

>as I have not seen it
then go see it
you have even less justification coming in here saying those generals are pointless if you don't know what you're talking about



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I just saw this movie and holy fucking shit it was so good. Instant classic. Hopefully Cameron and Rodriguez understand the value of movies becoming cult classics over time and give this a deserving sequel in 8 years. Wow.

More fruit stripe gum please!

Bring a wedding dress for you to wear

Can you get me some love?

I'm waiting to pirate the blu-ray. Cameron et al are beyond rich, they don't need any more cash.

Is there going to be a confirmed trilogy? Or we just hopin

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> “I’m not mad”
> is mad
> We’re all going to sleep comfy, dreaming of Alita
> seething user is going to cry about us not taking the bait

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Cameron will always find a way to finance his films.

and until then please fuck off

Just what exactly is this anyways? Is it pure ignorance that people keep spouting this ad infinitum or are people doing this just to get free (You)s?

I just hope it doesn't take another 20 years for Alita 2 to get made

he'll never have this kind of support

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It's impossible to displace comfy of this magnitude

Its a good movie. Go to the movies and support it and push for a sequel

>Rosa'll probably be 40 by the sequel

;__; mommy's aging

4K healing.

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I'm happy that RENT FREE got over in this general

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hahahahaha what the hell is that?

That's a terrible excuse. I'm sure you'd pirate it either way so you're just trying to justify it. Do what you want but don't pat yourself on the back for it.


Attached: icameheretoliveinyourheadRENTFREE.png (500x522, 201K)

>b-but muh bots

sweet & prepubescent little soft nymph body made for kisses

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I can tell a few Yea Forumsies are here

i need the alita last order volumes form 22 to the end of the serie


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This webm actually makes me so happy

She's a hardbody though

so is candy

Yeah, but that only makes your post half true. Also what is cotton candy

As a non Yea Forums poster what's the original story?

>take me to McDonald's, then to walk and then to take a nap together while we watch my favorite show drinking Nesquik

Chewable morphine please sweetie.

Don't expose the business brother

her lips are cotton candy

one liter of sprite pls xoxoxox

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no her lips are batteries

Just regular shitpost banter
When an user starts SEETHING about a wrestler they don’t like we call it out because they’re living in their head rent free
Alita lives rent free in the head of trolls who don’t understand her healing powers

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How is she so flexible

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>Also what is cotton candy?
Somting you stuff in your cottonmouth.

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because she's not made of meat

>user's crying made me leave the thread a few minutes.
>Everything in the rest of Yea Forums is straight up shitposting and baiting.
>Literal /pol/ arguments.
>Go to /pol/ same shit.
>Start getting pissed at the things I'm reading and about to respond.
>/alita/ is still here.
>Close window before dropping (You)s and come back.
Yeah, nah, fuck the rest of Yea Forums. I'm not going back. This general dies and then I'm out because I realized the rest of this site just isn't going to measure up.

/ALITA/ generals are as comfy as they come. It’s peak happiness and online entertainment

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>told someone to fuck off
>he actually did
>now I feel bad but not really because that fucker said he was waiting to pirate it

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Also a massive OC factory.

Surprised both Brie threads and Alita threads are coexisting together on Yea Forums

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there's comfy places here, you just have to find them. /Alita/ is reigning supreme though with 0 sign of slowing down. I typically go to /fa/ or /tg/ for the /hhg/ but I'm sure other anons have suggestions.

Attached: grewmouska.webm (960x402, 2.99M)

>0 results both

haha made you look

PFT got me you silly user

/tg/ is good and the generals on /fit/ like /plg/ and /fat/ can be places where you get the sense of the community that places like this produce n-no homo

Oh wait, I take it back. There's four threads.
All of them shitting on her or demand recasts.

he got what he deserved, user

Honestly, this general feels like really old /pol/ from years ago. Not the crap one we have now.

You mean this one ? Its actually quite funny.

>*ring ring*
>Here you go, night owls! Even got a bonus Gally!

Attached: 5th Delivery!.png (682x680, 816K)

Yeah like 2006-8 pol before it went full insanity

Peaches is this you?? I have to know

Hello, I’ll be your waiter for today. How would you like your Alita sequel?
>nonexistent like the Warcraft movie
Or my personal favorite
>a greenlighted sequel with a significantly lowered budget
I heard recently that the latter is a personal favorite of Robert Rodriguez every time he comes here.

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Thanks, Alita!

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imagine her holding her heart out for you and giving it a kiss and feel it beat faster wouldn't that be weird haha

Why Perú and Chile are not incluided in that list?


Our countries are similar to Colombia on taste.

I saw ALITA BATTLE ANGEL La Ultima Guerrera in my city (Lima, Perú)

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I... I actually wasn't expecting... my own Alita... uh uh uh uh uh uh...
I need to clean up real quick!

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thanks alita! you are the best

Nah, more like this one with anons talking about her tanked career as a bitchy pop punk princes

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a meatgirl did dat pose you silly

i-is that... a flintstones vitamin.... peak cozy

>implying she wasn't also a cyborg

I think it's ironic that her album was called "Finally out of P.E." when she was homeschooled and didn't have to deal with shit like locker rooms or uniforms or any of that

wow user that's weird what if she stared intensely into your eyes; so much that you struggled to maintain eye contact and she pulled in close to you as you held her heart and kissed you sweetly on the cheek as you're worried about keeping her heart safe and she pulled away and you could feel the full, emotional connection emanating from her and you to her. haha wouldn't that be weird lol think about it tho

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I know I was trying to be funny


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I can't edit a video to save my life, so nope!

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I was just playing mane


It's the only OC born in Briethreads?

These threads have SO many people making good OC it's nuts.

56% pure cyborg right?

Attached: one hand.jpg (400x600, 28K)

I don't know about her heart but YOU RIPPED MY FUCKING HEART OUT OF ITS CHEST.

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I think a lot of it is people share their templates and pieces so others can build on it.
Then we have a few really good people who can do stuff others can't while the spaces are filled in with mix-and-match and raw mats being made.

sorry guys I usually try to keep these quick stories short and sweet as I don't think Alita is for anything beyond cute things. I try to make it goofy by adding 'think about it tho' but I'm sorry if that fails..
could've fooled me but you're quick on the draw with your oc, user. Very impressed.
definitely not seeing anything besides that.

Attached: how-much-more.png (1280x538, 1.11M)

go on tho

Ironically, it's probably made by an Alitan playing around.

cutout-user has definitely sped things along. He's our unsung hero like Archivist-user.

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Plz tell me she has a functioning pussy

user as the person who wrote Swan Song never apologize for making people feel. I can't think of anything worse than losing the feelings these generals give me, both good and bad. It's part of what we a share. That being said you went straight nuclear well done.

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Yeah huge shoutouts to cutanon. I wonder if we're going to get more cut outs once we get an ad-free HQ rip.

I like writing fiction but I don't have the drive or focus to make a cohesive short story like writefag.

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Yes. As many as you post.

Thanks for all the stories, writefriend!
I would include a happy reaction image, but I don't have any

Oh FUGG we're gonna move these generals so fast with all the new HQ stuff

for what? for your bonerfree, half-functioning dick?

doubtful you remember but I'm the same user who attempted shitty 40k short stories. and I really have no idea where I'd even start with a fanfic. It would probably just end up as some brutal HW-execution with very little of Alita being cute.

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so you don't want to talk about drifting off to sleep while listening to the mechanical rhythm inside her chest and how uncomfortable and awkward that would probably be haha

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no, that's fine. I just don't want my interpretation of Alita or any other named character to feel disingenuous.

I would panzer kunst a bitch just to have Alita cuddle with me in bed and trade kisses
Imagine falling asleep holding her and hearing her little sleeping noises. Then you wake up in the middle of the night to get water or something and you see her peacefully resting like the angel she is, and you start questioning what you did to have such a blessing haha that would be crazy

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that's a very funny and preposterous situation you're describing there friendo haha

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Imagine having to get up early for work, and seeing Alita peacefully resting, then you watch her as you get ready and give her a kiss on the forehead before you head out

Always. I love you people and I love this thread. With healfriend and voiceanon putting out stuff too we're gonna get more and more good content which I'm really excited for.

Of course I remember you! That was after I posted The Hunt. I think you're the only person that read it! You don't need to do cute if you don't want. There's room to explore so much so I'd say start writing and if you don't like it you don't have to post. Always better to try than not though.

You're too good to us cutanon.

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Glad to see the return of hahaposting. They make me laugh and feel all at once.

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Only marginally on topic to this post, but does anyone have a link to voiceanon's work? I seem to have not been in the threads when it was rolling out

>Tfw you had that with someone and then writefag's story reminded you of it

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I never saved the vocaroos but she's usually around real late/v early morning check then


Damn, I go to bed early and get up early before near immediately heading out to classes

>human being

Hopefully we'll see a repost soon of her stuff

I have this f-friend who had to end his relationship with their soulmate because she had to move very far away and at the time he was struggling financially so there was no way he could’ve maintained a long distance relationship. He had proposed to her and she had said yes. Allegedly from what I heard haha

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Hopefully so, I'm optimistic as to what voiceanon has in store

>I spent all this Sunday on /ALITA/. I was supposed to wash my face and teeth 12 hours ago

Lol wouldn’t it be funny if whenever you went over to visit her or got back from work she’d run up to you and give you a big warm hug and a kiss?

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Better go do it now user before bed! Alita would want you to take care of yourself

I might flesh something out at work tomorrow then and have you go over it. I am not writing in the present tense though!
I try to jump on those whenever I get the chance. Like imagine if Alita pounced on you, pinning you down with no effort as you squirmed to free yourself despite quietly enjoying the restriction and she leaned in and put a hand on your face, caressing your hair and face, smiling serenely at you all the while. and then her lips began to part just so slightly into a smirk and she kissed your forehead and leapt off you, giggling. haha wouldn't that be so gross lol think about it tho

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Take care of yourself user
Alita wants you to stay clean, mainly so you can stay healthy. She loves you regardless but she doesn’t want you to feel bad about yourself

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Lol haha and she'd try to make a dinner and not get it exactly right but you can tell how much love she put in to it so you eat it anyway and watch as she beamed at you lol

Who ate their chocolate orange today?

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Ridiculous! You're implying she's the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day! You may go through hardships, things may be down but it doesn't matter as long as you end your day getting comfy with her back home isn't that just hilarious haha I'm laughing so hard as I'm typing this it's probably incoherent haha

Haha yeah that would be pretty funny specially if she made fun of you for blushing

You're not obliged to do present tense! I just like it because I feel comfortable in it but you should write however you want.

imagine having someone you love in your mind 24/7 that makes all the struggles of being human worth it. And it’s even funnier because while technically she isn’t human she’s the most human person you know LOL

God this was such a good thread. I love you all so much.

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really funny scenarios being described itt haha

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haha who would even daydream about these things lol
think about it tho

>it’s even funnier because while technically she isn’t human she’s the most human person you know

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we love you too, user!

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I'd never actually written in present tense before, but your stories made it feel so right I had to try it.

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You did an incredible job with it.

Good night brothers

Is this box set of the original manga woth 6 volumes a condensed version of the original 9? Or did they keep all of it and merge some of them?

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Saved. Thanks for sharing

The generals keep getting more and more cozy

Really funny hypotheticals there haha
Imagine if one day you met someone you just click with... so much so that your past horrible experiences would immediately just seem like a bad dream, and the wickedness of the world that surrounds you becomes irrelevant when youre together.
Then for unforeseen circumstances you had to go your own separate ways and despite feeling pain in that very moment you leave with a will to live and make the best of yourself because you learned that love does indeed exist. Then a few months later you feel that burning passion again for a fictional anime character you saw in movie, only this time it’s far stronger and bittersweet because you question if and what is real

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Cuddle, kiss her forehead, never ever let her be on top of you. You've seen how monstrously heavy her berserker body is.

IIRC it's all the original 9 volumes plus the extra stories like Holy Night and Sonic Finger

Thanks! I had an easier time getting my arms around it than I would have figured.

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It's got all the original stuff and more.

they will be all the way to 999

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I'll fuck her in the ass

Sleep well fren

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I actually love this crossover user please keep posting these

New bread when

it's a strange one but I'm kind of okay with it. still need more Soldier crossover.

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Hey thanks for making these Alita thread, man. I really appreciate it. Can I speak for everyone if i say that we all appreciate these Alita threads?

Fun fact: Soldier and Blade Runner share the same universe.

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I know and I want Todd, K and Alita to make a superteam.

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You can certainly speak for me.

Please explain!

>Please explain!
Nothing to explain, they wanted to make a Blade Runner sequel but didn't have the rights.

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>Writer David Peoples has said that Soldier is a "side-quel" to Blade Runner (which he also wrote) because it takes place in the same universe and in fact the vehicles used by the Blade Runners, spinners, are also used in Soldier.


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Hahaha, nice pic mate

There are connections to Aliens and Looney Tunes, too.
>Todd's weapons training record lists the "USCM Smartgun"; "M41A pulse rifle" (references to Aliens (1986)) and the "DOOM MKIV BFG," a reference to the computer game Doom; "Illudium PU36 ESM," otherwise known as the Illudium PU36 Explosive Space Modulator—the same weapon Marvin the Martian is always threatening to use on Earth in Loony Tunes cartoons.

I'm going to have to rewatch it since it's been years since I last saw it.

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I'm totally phone posting from work, so I can't stick around, but I heard someone was requesting these! Please, lemme know if you have any requests or ideas, also.


Pretty sure that's still missing the answering machine one, but I dont have a link on me, sorry;;

>Doomguy is connected.
Nova is fucked if he sees him mess with Alita. It would be like 100 bunnies being sacrificed.

So Elmer Fudd vs Predator when?

Thank you very much! I'll go through them and enjoy them.

>Ido: How... how are you whispering in all caps?!

Your work is always appreciated voiceanon!

Sleepy time for me, but I've got something to look forward to when I wake up.

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uhuhuhuhuhuhuhu dere's somethin' out there, and it ain't no man huhuhuhauhauhuhu

jesus fuck

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>Doomguy: Rabbit?
>Bugs: What's up, doc?
>Ido: Yes?

Today was such a comfy Sunday anons

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Where’s the new thread

congrats on hitting the image limit. Today was indeed an extra comfy Sunday.

Here the fuck up with the new thread

Thanks for your support! I'll post any missing ones around this time tomorrow.