These people need to be stopped

These people need to be stopped

Attached: HMMM.png (1384x1312, 407K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't like it when people enjoy things that I don't enjoy.

Post your face.

This is the "guy"

Attached: soy boy.png (1368x964, 1.4M)

Try to find a worse critique for something than the word "boring".

she’s just dumb, she’s not doing anyone any harm. you’re better off just leaving her to her own devices.

Attached: trash 1.png (1470x526, 114K)

Kek. Honestly though, who cares? Zahler will keep delievering kino and the subhumans will keep celebrating their retarded propaganda movies.

But dragged has a high overall score on that site

Is he a teenager or something

Disney should cut us all a check, we tricked liberal retards to shill for their even mildly political movies like CM lol


Attached: trash 2.png (1054x536, 246K)

let them be

There's no way this wasn't written by a woman

Why are incels so bitchy about captain marvel and shilling this concrete movie so hard?


Attached: petey.png (1232x526, 113K)

Likely a 23 year old gender queer trans lesbian

Who? You and your friends, in school?

Everyone is children. This board is always about Disney movies now. All the threads are made by professionals except the stuff that 12 year olds post.

How is this even the internet.
A "guy"

What I look like is irrelevant, and also I'm a woman so I'm inherently better than you anyways.

Captain Marvel is still better than anything DC has done.

OP was bullied in high school for liking movies

You need a life, OP.

>criticizing a movie for having poor writing when you fucking write like that

Attached: iWKad22.jpg (1440x1080, 97K)

Wonder Woman is a film that exists

welcome to Yea Forums, where twelvies make fun of other twelvies because they are lonely


>15 years old

Maybe stupid people should abide by MPAA ratings.

He's a child a capeshit movie is going to appeal more than a more complex adult film like Dragged Across Concrete.

now it all make sense why Spider-Verse is the highest rated movie on that site

tits or gtfo

>woman on Yea Forums
You realise the only chicks that browse this board are either literal hambeasts or extremely hideous?

I’d have been beaten like a rented mule if I’d written like that when I was 15.

I really dislike Scott pilgrim mostly because my friend became obsessed with it and tried to be him. Even buying a red bass guitar . Dated girls with coloured hair he's only recently snapped out of it but fuck it was embarrassing for a long time.

How much you wanna bet he takes Spring Breakers at face value.

>his english is that god awful
what? don't americans speak english?

>15 yo male
>types like a 14 yo thot who gets passed around and fucked by tyrone and chad after football practice

>spring breakers
dont forget the piss scene

Attached: SpringBreakers2012cut.webm (1280x536, 1.8M)

user, I...

Join the 40%, tranny freak.

Future incel.
He'll come to the realization pretty soon that womerns never want what they claim to, it's always opposite day.
Then he'll start collecting guns, taking it out on the wrong people.

is Peter a chad name, or a virgin name? asking for a friend.

why can't he be both?

Peter Berg saves the name. Both seems to be possible.