So, what happened after the end of the movie? She just roams the woods being a succubus...

So, what happened after the end of the movie? She just roams the woods being a succubus? What did she get out of her deal with Black Philip?

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delicious butter

She Splits

that sounds like a pretty sweet deal, as long as there are others to succ. otherwise it'd be boring.

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Living in the forests making baby butter

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She took Satan's deal and became a witch. The movie really is that straight forward.

no she came to my house and told me she wanted to have sex with me and i obliged

My question is, what are the benefits of being a witch? How dost that enable one to live deliciously?

Hey, that was MY house! You stole my waifu!

cute girls with crowns

We don't get to see what happens after the end of the movie, retard.

>can fly

if you can fly you can go to vegas to gamble, amsterdam to get high, etc plus butter ofc

why would you take a deal with the devil when you could say no and go to heaven instead

>What did she get out of her deal with Black Philip?
one of his promises was to for her to ‘see the world’, so she probably gets some kind of honeymoon before settling down and stealing babies to stay young

Maybe watch a dull Christian movie instead? This clearly wasn't for you.

always wondered this too

I don't understand the ending. She spent herself entirely to fight the evil from taking her family. She at the end was broken and exhausted. She spent the whole movie fighting evil and would have given her life to stop it.

So why the fuck would she join at the end?


You get to live deliciously and fly and have a group of friends instead of starving to death on your own or being executed by the town for your family's deaths.

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Avoid being killed by her psycho mom was an incentive

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You guys don't seem to understand Calvinism.

she teleports to limbo

She can’t stay in the woods alone since she would definitely not be able to survive on her own, and she can’t go back to the town since they would either execute her or banish her again. Really no options for her other than to become a witch.

She was seduced by the Devil. Watch the film again.

when you are that worn out, miserable and broken and beaten down, nothing sounds better than the chance to be happy and live, to truly live and not just exist.

I understand that feeling completely. I hope BASED THOMASIN had a fucking blast. she deserved to be happy after all of that bullshit.

yeah thats why im asking

Worldly pleasure and power at the cost of eternal damnation. Realistically, it was her best option since any village would treat her with grave suspicion, though spiritually, she should have gone somewhere even if she'd be put to death, her soul would be saved.

nice trinitrips. i have no idea, if the devil popped up and offered a deal it would completely validate God and assauge all your doubts.

Oh, she did. Very much so.

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I didn't see any seduction. When did it happen? After everyone was dead or was it slowly happening the whole time?

Thomasine also blamed herself for many of the bad things that happened and she technically murdered her mother, she likely saw herself as damned already. Might as well live deliciously until the inevitable hellfire.

I'd like to hope so. poor thing.


Calvinists believe that people are predestined for heaven or hell before they are born.

the devil literally appears and whispers in her ear


Well that totally sucks

well shit what is even the point then

Basically, they believed that they were predestined to either be saved or damned, and while they had to be good there was always a chance they'd be damned anyway, no matter what they did. Thomasine seemed quite aware of this and considering her actions, see likely saw herself as damned and just took the final step herself. This is reflected in the movie overall, since she was the only person who never really sinned, but she was damned anyway.

> sin so affects human nature that they are unable even to exercise faith in Christ by their own will. While people are said to retain will, in that they willfully sin, they are unable not to sin because of the corruption of their nature due to original sin. Reformed Christians believe that God predestined some people to be saved and others were predestined to eternal damnation[64]. This choice by God to save some is held to be unconditional and not based on any characteristic or action on the part of the person chosen.

Calvinism is Christian autism and predestination is retarded.

I don't buy it. I've been involved with both Catholicism and Protestantism my whole life and her decision to side with Satan in the end doesn't make any sense to me that any believer would do.

The only way I can see the movie making any sense and having any meaning is if she was being slowly seduced by the Devil over the course of the movie and doubting her faith, thus being torn between her family's slaughter and her freedom. That would be interesting but I don't think that's what happened or what the filmmaker intended.


Why didn't god help them?

>I've been involved with both Catholicism and Protestantism my whole life
15th century Calvanism and modern Christianity of any denomination are not comparable.

>it doesn't make sense to me because I'm Catholic and I wouldn't do that
Stop LARPing as movie characters. They are not you, moralfag christcuck. Consider suicide.

Because he knew their true, irredeemable nature before they were born.

Do you want to be a victim or to be in control?
She'll live forever, she'll eat what she wants, she'll have any pleasure she desires, she'll explore the further regions of experience.

>this chick comes up to you and tells you that she be the wicked witch of the wood
What do you do?

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She won't get punished?

It would have been 17th century m8
I'm not Catholic. I'm just saying I have a good understanding of Christian motivation and I don't understand this at all. It has nothing to do with projection, faggot. I just clearly laid out a scenario of somebody losing their faith, which J have done, that I would find meaningful and compelling. How dare you accuse me of projection?

I already read that. Theology aside, I still don't understand.

God doesn't work that way and isn't supposed to. Jesus being tempted by the devil during his 40 day stay in the desert makes that point pretty hard. Christian mythology is filled with stories of how we are fallen , out of unity with God and nature, and are now "naturally" (that's actually a major debate in itself) evil. A lot of Christian thought revolves around ethical teleology and free will though some believe that God predestines some to damnation , which is also another autistic debate.

Calvinism is such horseshit, just shits all over one of the most important concepts of Christianity.
>hurr if you come to us you're predestined
Fuck off with that. Remove Calvinism.

shut the fuck up nigga it’s a movie about a witch

What's so hard to understand? It makes perfect sense.

>i wouldn't do it. so that means nobody would
is this what autists actually believe?

Why do young innocent guys join the mafia? Same thing. It's seductive, it offers benefits, and they are in need so they join.

>live forever
Not necessarily. The Devil will come for the payment some time. And at Judgement Day she'll be judged guilty and that's that forever.

Invite her to a cup of butter.

You don't seem to understand the Calvinist world view. Go look it up.

so her family went to heaven?

It was a dumb movie with decent atmosphere. Thats it.


By who?

SeeYou pathetic faggot
Its a movie about faith faggot
It doesn't make sense to me that you would side with someone who just destroyed your entire life, no matter what they offered you. I've never seen that kind of action in life or media anywhere else in my entire life.
Yeah but the mafia didn't just torture and murder their family in front of them.

We simply don't know. I like to think the boy (Samuel?) achieved salvation judging by his last words but the mother was right in that he might have just been vvitch'd and the devil could speak the gospel so who knows.


Which I haven't done*

Fucking phones I fucking hate them

Soi horror garbage

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Shit taste. It was a patrician film, and a possible modern classic.

What makes you think the bible would be correct?
The Devil is the only one displaying power here, or any interest in their existence at all.
What payment would he even need?

not necessarily
it's entirely plausible that as a servant of the devil, she is just warped into an evil being and lives an evil existence for ever, but isn't explicitly punished beyond that. She may simply enact his will and the suffering involved be so increasing and insidious that it never strikes against her expectations and never leads her to regret her choices or have any awareness of the wretchedness of her situation.

>Yeah but the mafia didn't just torture and murder their family in front of them.
Who are you to say?

l'ebin piqteur

Heaven sucks

Show me one example in film history.

>Yeah but the mafia didn't just torture and murder their family in front of them.
And technically speaking, neither did Black Philip. At best he quickly murdered her father, who (very obviously) damned himself already with his stupid pride. Black Philip was a catalyst to things but the family destroyed themselves before all that.

Also, you seem like the same person who doesn't understand how Calvinism works (the way Thomasine would have understood the world). From her pov she was damned no matter what, allowing herself to join satan meant at least a little bit of happiness in life, for a little while.

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It’s a movie about pride

She has zero reason to come to the logical conclusion that God exists, that He cares or that if He had at one point existed He hasn't been long dead or fucked off to another universe.

wow if there's no punishment at all for this stuff then no wonder people become satanists. seems like a good deal.

I don't think you quite understand how;
a; impressionable teenage girls are
b; much of a chad the devil is

>literal reddit opinions

Yeah I just need to rewatch it again. It's been three years God damn.

As opposed to what? Give non-soi examples or gtfo.

The movie really just does what it says on the tin - it's a New England folktale with all the mindset that comes with that. The Devil trades in souls and your soul was in constant threat of damnation back in those days, it was a reality for the people of that film.

That's not what I'm saying.
I'm simply saying that the process might mean she lacks the perspective to ever stop and think 'oh, this sucks'.

Kill yourself redditor

Those aren't the thoughts of a 17th century Calvisnist peasant m8.

I don't see how that has anything to do with my post (the latter)

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Okay I get you now. Thanks user.

The one thing the movie did for me was it made me interested in the life of pilgrims.
Imagine being on the edge of a huge continent you know nothing about, except that there are Indians and witches out there waiting to get you if you stray too far.

>possible modern classic.

Ha, even you can't lie and say it was.

don't all Christians believe that, since God is omniscient, he knows if you'll go to heaven or hell before you're even born?

Only time can be the judge, faggot.

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you have worse tastes than my gay uncle and he eats Atlantic City tranny ass FOR FREE

That is an extremely dumb quote since it makes the modern assumption that you are meant to live a happy life without any hardship. People back in the day thought that life was all about suffering and that was the ultimate test from god.

How does this bait image still consistently get over 5 (You)'s of angry people each time it's posted lol

Triggered soi cuck

Check out 'The Emmigrants' and 'The New Land' with Liv Ullman and Max Von Sydow. They are absolute masterpieces, which show the kind of religious persecution and lack of opportunity which caused settlers to leave Europe, and then is an incredible portrait of what life is like for them in America, the hardships and the sense of pride and pioneering spirit.

Liv Ulman said they were her best work, better than her Bergman films, and I agree.

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The movie is pretty explicitly Biblical. Whether or not she lives a delicious life or enacts Satan's will doesn't matter because a) that aint necessarily exist in such a culture and b) at Judgement Day it's all over.

He won't reply, user. He's one of those faggots who's all whining & zero propositions.

What the fuck is wrong with her face?
Looks like she is wearing an Ironman mask.

evil has to exist for good to exist

>what happened after the end of the movie?
I believe she becomes a movie star.

All vintages are good, and cabin on the woods is actually great, the rest it's garbage.

You're not even really addressing what I said, only this idea of yours that any discussion or interpretation of the film that falls beyond your scope, is blasphemous and irrelevant.

>it makes the modern assumption that you are meant to live a happy life without any hardship
It doesn't, though? Where does it assume that?

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That's an immensely complicated theological question. Ultimately it's about free will, coming salvation has to be on your terms, has to be your decision, God's rooting for you, but if God forces you to do it or just gives you everything then Christ's suffering meant nothing and you may as well not have free will. Christianity has a thing about faith through suffering, that's why they have a tradition of martyrs.

perfect answer for überpleb OP's cringe thread.

god is basically just a
>that's character building son
type of guy

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That's irrelevant, our perception to that is irrelevant. The only thing we "are meant to" is what God desires and if evil exists that means God wants evil to exist, and if suffering exists that means God wants us to suffer, because he created anything and he could make an universe without suffering.
"But God has a higher motive to want our suffering"
He only has that because He desires to have that, since he created literally everything and nothing can exist without him, including the concepts of hardship, strugge and self sacrifice.
If God is God, then God is evil.

Didn't entire settlements fail early on? Just imagine being behind wooden Palisades, the only thing between you and the untamed American wilderness, a people's completely alien to your culture, those people mustve been paranoid and superstitious to an insane degree

The idea of being a witch is the exact same as an evil warped servant of Satan. There is no forever in Christianity, there is an end of time, a Judgement Day where everyone's lots re given. THAT is when you're punished, when you're judged. Until Judgement Day she may very well be an evil servant of darkness, but come the Day, remember that it's Hell for the Devil, too. She takes the bargain, she's done for, she's in it.

What you're suggesting doesn't even make sense within our human comprehension because everything positive exists in a relative state to negative things.
Everything positive is utterly meaningless to us without the contrasting negative opposite.
Infact the concept of a utopia, with nothing negative, no negative emotions and experiences, is only really explored in human culture, as a utopia/dystopia binary, and as a deeply sinister and inherently evil idea.

So this idea of 'why is there bad alongside good' is nonsensical because they're mutually necessary concepts. Atleast within our finite human understanding and culture.


And if God created Man based on his own image then that means Man is also capable of evil and if we are capable of evil but not allowed to be (by God), then that means he's a hypocrite, since he himself is evil but doesn't allow his children to also be evil.

Your interpretation of theology is not absolute, you are acting with a degree of hubris which is un-christianlike. You are just a man.

The entire Bible is the story of God defeating evil. It shows the beginning, how he desires a world without evil. Then Genesis Chapter 3 - the end of Revelation is how God defeated the evil that perverted his creation

I fucking hate people who think this is a decent argument, Jesus Christ.

God is not capable of evil, though

Based theologylet. It's called free will.

Give her my wicked wood lolz

Yeah, it's terrifying, and those films communicate that, but also imagine the sense of freedom and opportunity, having made a huge arduous voyage and a break from your deeply restrictive class-based society, into a place where you can make of it what you will, be who you are, be given your own land and achieve prosperity for your children and their children by the sweat of your brow.

So he's not omnipotent? the Old Testament God doesn't count? I think what you're meaning to say is that God can't be judged like a Man. He's a deity beyond good and evil.

I'm just arguing actual theology lad. These are not my actual views, if you don't like them that isn't my problem.

The evil that he himself planned for and let happen.
The problem of free will is that it doesn't gel very well with omnipotence/omniscience.

Again, the only reason that is the case is because God wanted so. There is nothing stopping him from making an universe beyond our comprehension of relativity where evil doesn't exist.

Cept it was never that simple, besides most poor English folk were probably indentured to pay for the trip to America, man I honestly wish indentured servitude were still a form of paying off debts, I mean more regulated to fit the modern times of course

so is god a "do as I say, not as I do" kinda guy?

Like a turd buried then resurrected after 300 years, it still will hold a turd's value.

Good thread.

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have you seen / do you have any intention of seeing, the film i'm talking about?
of course it's not that simple, i'm just discussing one facet of the experience.

>man I honestly wish indentured servitude were still a form of paying off debts,
man i'm glad that you dumbcunts don't have any power in society lol it would be horrible.

crazy creepy fucks

I suppose that if he is incapable of doing evil then no, he's not "omnipotent" by that definition. Which is fine, because there's no verse in the Bible that says "God is omnipotent." That problem of evil argument is manufactured. It's requiring Christians to defend things that are not core pillars of the faith. And no, Old Testament Good didn't do evil either. Causing death is not evil if God does it. The value of human life is written by him. It's bad for us to kill because we aren't God. A lot of sin is rooted only in the fact that we are not God, and pretending to be is prideful.
E.g. God is jealous but it's one of the ten commandments for us to not covet.
That's a good question. And a much better way to talk about the qualities of God. I personally think that God believed his creation (man) would be better if they experienced suffering and chose him rather than be like innocent babes from beginning to end. There is a depth to the human experience that would be missing in Eden. I think God can be good and still have done this instead of making everything be Eden for eternity.

OMG you're so edgy and witty

>I honestly wish indentured servitude were still a form of paying off debts

You can go to Bangladesh and work at a textile factory to pay your bills anytime m8

In some cases yes, because he is God and we are not. See

>There is nothing stopping him from making an universe beyond our comprehension of relativity where evil doesn't exist.
How do you know? He hasn't done it, atleast not to our knowledge.
There is not necessarily anything stopping him from making an universe beyond our comprehension of relativity where evil doesn't exist. But it may be, that the concept of goodness (or anything else positive), which exists in relation to evil (or anything else bad), is a idea which he enjoys and which makes the most sense. As it does to us.

The whole
>we can't possibly understand what he does or could do or why he does it, is logical, but it's also just a copout.

>there's no verse in the Bible that says "God is omnipotent.
>“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
Almighty is the Germanic equivalent to omnipotent (which is Latinate). It's literally one of the most famous quotes from The Bible.

my favourite part of this is how MVS is constantly impregnating Liv Ulman even though she doesn't want more children

Calvinism was weird in that people would assume they were predestined for heaven or hell based on their own upbringings and mental gymnastics, just like any other religion. Despite a very different doctrine (predestined to heaven or hell vs. the ability to become saved), the practical effect was similar--someone raised Calvinist would assume they were predestined to heaven and act accordingly; if that person were approached with some grave immoral obstacle and was seduced into proceeding down that path, that person simply would shift his/her mindset and worldview into thinking "ahhh I was wrong all this time, I was actually predestined for hell! oh well..." So, saying "it was Calvinism, bro!" doesn't have as much weight as some might think.

Nowhere in Revelation 1:8 does it claim that God is capable of doing evil.

I suppose of you want to get into semantics, he physically could do a thing that is evil but by his nature there is a 0% chance of that happening.

>I personally think that God believed his creation (man) would be better if they experienced suffering
lol god is like the 'that's character building son' beer dad

You're asking a question that at least 30% of Germany fought and died trying to answer it, there's no real consensus and depends on what branch of Christianity you're asking

>30% of Germany fought and died trying to answer it
History pleb here just reading the thread, which event you're referring to?

fair enough

Thirty Years' War also known as the Great Christianity Thunderdome

You're in over your head

Thirty Year War, major conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Germany involving much of Europe.

If he enjoys that then he isn't good or all loving.
He cares more about ontological concepts than the individual experience of conscious creatures, which can experience unbelievable amounts of suffering, horror and pain.

Theree is also no reason for why we wouldn't be able to understand anything he does. Again, anything that exists, including limitations, exists because God made it so.
Can't escape the Epicurus Paradox. Abrahamic gods are self contradictory by nature. Omnipotency in itself is contradictory by nature, after all could an omnipotent being create a rock he couldn't lift?

Thirty Years' War proved Sweden is God's chosen Nation.

Are you coming onto me fag?

I have to assume she didn't know BP was the Devil

Once you know you could make a deal with the Devil, why not immediately give yourself to God, since he must clearly exist?

>Blessed is he who believes and does not see

fuck you God give me even a modicum of evidence before I throw my hat into your ring

Imagine the smell, etc.

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Because maybe the whole Heaven-Hell concept was made up by Man, even if God/Devil exist?

so God/Devil were real ,but going to Heaven/Hell on death was made up?

Yes. In reality it's more about being a peasant in the Hundred Year War. You could fight for England or France, but whatever it doesn't really make much difference to you because you're a peasant toiling in the dirt. It's whatever either way.

damn sounds pretty hopeless, no wonder she made the deal

The point of the movie was that everyone chooses Satan out of desperation, isolation, scorn and loneliness
She very clearly begins as a follower of Christ but is turned only after her Christian community forsakes her, her devout family starts hating her and she thinks she will die alone in the wilderness after everything good in her life vanishes in the name of Jesus Christ
When she is then offered immediate gratification and acceptance she takes it because Christianity never offered her the same level of comfort

Her views gets twisted in the eye of goodness, making Christianity feel evil and punishing whilst Satanism feel relieving and self-accepting
She would rather live forever on the Earth surrounded by beings that accepts her than be rejected off the living world with the hope that she hasn't sinned enough to anger a God she does not personally know the limits of
Satan directly manipulates the good values of her family (love of her mother, care of her father, friendship of her brother)
To her this makes it seem like good values are superficial and inferior to loving yourself more than God

Good question, see my reply above

For the Christian community, their devotion to God made them feel accepted and safe.

For the Witch community, their devotion to the Devil made them feel accepted and safe.

Both are similar, two sides of the same coin, but one is the majority and can write the rules while the other can fly.


yikes tbqh

Yes, but as I said, Satan twisted the Christian feeling of being accepted and safe
Isolated Christianity does not do that the other way

>For the Christian community, their devotion to God made them feel accepted and safe.
It made them feel guilty. Her family was rejected by the other settlers. The entire foundation of Christianity is that of guilt.

The reply to Epicurus' question is a very old point of Christian theology, and nu-atheism relies on poor education in the modern era for such rhetoric to work.

The answer is simple: God allows evil to exist because from each evil occurence He brings forth a greater good.

This is intrinsic to His divine plan. It is a fundamental feature of creation. If God had wanted All That Is to be perfect and harmonious in every detail, He would have never bothered with creation. There would simply be Him.

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nigga its 1660

The entire foundation of Christianity is redemption.

I endorse this image

>the point of all of creation was the coming of All That

The image itself is the real soi.


>God allows evil to exist because from each evil occurence He brings forth a greater good.

I've watched bodies stacked upon bodies, hearing hundreds mourn for an attack made in the name of God. You are full of shit. Deism is the only theology I can support, because any God fucked off from here long ago.

So he isn't good, the end.

Fuck her in the anus. Witches before bitches.

This is the only answer I'm interested in.


>I felt bad about something bad, therefore God is what I say He is
Argumentum Ad PTSD.

Also you're full of shit but whatever.

She killed her mom right? I figure she thought she was already damned, truth was she should have let her mom kill her than the mom would be damned and offered the witch deal. Sounds messed up to let your mom kill you but that would be what to do to keep your soul pure.

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No, the killing of her mother was self-defense. The act that damned her was the signing of the pact.

Until that moment she had committed only venal sins. Not mortal ones.

wait people seriously discuss esoteric BS written by jews in desert caves?


Which is originated by guilt in the first place. Redemption implies you have something you feel guilty about and you're looking to make up for it in some way.

It literally is the case, idiot. Why does evil bring forth a greater good?
What greater good comes from someone with stone man syndrome?

Do you really believe you would never feel guilt if there were no religions?

As opposed to what? BS written by someone else? It makes no difference.

>adults believing in literal fairy tales


Suffering is a reminder to others of the preciousness of life. Disease spurs man to scientific discovery beyond the scope of any individual ailment. These are just two grater goods I can think of off the top of my head.

Less guilt, anyway. Do you really believe you would never look for redemption if there were no Christianity?

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this board is miserably stupid

It makes no difference what you believe in, anyway. Reality is fiction. And I bet you read Richard Dawkins and think it's deep shit lmao

>based user btfos seething vvitch fanbo*s

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Do you really believe that without religion that men would never wrong others? And without religion they would never be driven by conscience to redeem themselves or make recompense?





this site and this board is an exceptionally godless form of media
you're part of the problem

She got to live deliciously while being a floating nudist.

This VVitch is one of the least satanic films produced in the last 20 years.

That doesn't make good horror films, user. Horror flicks are not supposed to fulfill your life's expectations. I bet you grew up in Alabama or something.

The only reason life is precious is because God made it so, then he also made suffering to justify it.
The only reason why we need to struggle to develop medicine is because God made it so.
I keep running into christians who think they can refute Epicurus paradox but they can't even comprehend that in their doctrine God made EVERYTHING. And that means he not only created suffering but he created the concept of suffering, and the nature of concept of suffering, and our capacity of understanding the concept of suffering, and your limitations in understanding the concept of suffering and other concepts that could theoretically justify the existence of the concept of suffering. He made everything. So if there is necessity, no matter what that necessity is, then he made it so, despite having all the power to make a state of existence that had no necessity.

Fuck the demiurge and fuck yhwh

yeah faggots here judge films based on their own morals, that's how pleb this place is.

goats cant talk. 0/10

it never talks, though.

As I said before, if perfection was God's desire there would have been no need for creation.
It sounds like you would prefer not to exist. Or that you would prefer to have been the creator.
Like the rest of us you would have done an incredibly shitty job.

There is no demiurge: Gnosticism is heresy born of nihilism. Yahweh is the name for a God the Jews believe synonymous with themselves.

its the most metal as fuck era ever. its was literally blood for the blood god! all the time. it was 43 total years of complete and utter devastation. My ancestor got his "Von" during various sieges and sacks of cities. supposedly he had a thumb bone of some saint when he was with Tilly and sacked Magdeburg in 1631.

it was when Sweden was still badass viking mode. Based King Gustavus Adolphus was such a bad motherfucker that sabaton wrote an entire album about him. the mad lad walked around with a bullet in his neck from a cavalry charge he made while basically legally blind without his eye glasses. its the 3 musketeers era.

Thomasin was still rather young and the faith she exhibited was more out of fear and respect to her father than to God. Having been accused by her mother and siblings as being a witch and then going about killing her mother, she was in complete state of disarray. She was the most vulnerable of the bunch, the devil knew it and killed the father to weed out the last ties to God she had. At the end, she was like butter at the hands of the devil, easily tempted and led astray. That what she knew of Calvinism, I'm sure she thought she was going to hell at the end, so the question for her wasn't hell or heaven, but hell or "living deliciously".
My interpretation of the film is how extremity leads one astray, they were so "pious" that others exiled them. Almost like the sheep that got lost which Jesus then went on to find. Only in this film, Devil finds the sheep.

In this part:
>is he able, but not willing?
>then he is malevolent
the first does not presuppose the latter, if the intention is for you to sort out your own fucking shit and not rely on a sky wizard to magic away all your problems
it's an form of entitled thinking endemic to zoomers and the reason why they are so easily enamored by the siren's song of socialism: don't want to accept personal responsibility and want "god" (the state) to do everything for them just like mommy and daddy used to (still do, for most of them).

Yeah fuck engaging storytelling lets just have boring saccharine nonsense, everything else is promoting degeneracy or something

No user, I'm not.
The worst shit I have ever experienced in my life is the targeting of a market by two dump-truck sized VBIEDs, that blew up roughly 30 minutes apart. Any left to aid the injured after the first blast were blown apart themselves for trying to aid others.

It was an attack (like many others) where assholes killing in God's name were freely available to keep killing innocents (children).

I can't believe in a God that would allow such to happen, over and over, and over.

If he exists all the same, he is not deserving of belief.

Three days from now is the anniversary.

Attached: Tal Afar Castle .jpg (2848x2134, 1.24M)

It does tho. If you watch the barn scene on max brightness you can see where Black Philip becomes the Dark Rider in between footsteps. He speaks to her shortly before that.

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True but the goat does not speak, it's the rider the one who actually speaks.

>Furious lesbian scissoring between Anna Taylor Joy and Sarah Stephens
Why didn't they show us this movie?

Attached: that one busty girl from the vvitch.webm (640x480, 1.82M)


There's an argument that those people worship some desert demon and not God, but that's irrelevant. Just because someone does some evil in God's name, that doesn't mean it had His sanction.

If God controlled all our actions and prevented all suffering and evil, then we wouldn't be alive. We'd just be puppets. So there would have been no point to creation.

I'm sorry you saw horrible things. I guess you're not just larping. But perfect harmony is synonymous with a clockwork universe in which there is no choice. Which is indistinguishable from nihilism. But I know you're not a nihilist because you haven't killed yourself.

Do her, what the fuck else should I do ?
She may kill me after, but who cares ?
Sex'd Joy

Her belly button looks imitation. And that seam running up from it looks suspicious too.
I think this is an android. And I want to know where I can order one.

that's just cope though. Omnipotence means he could create a world where everyone already has "character". He defines everything.

It's a horror movie. How are you supposed to have a horror movie where everyone is happy and sane?

>Omnipotence means he could create a world where everyone already has "character".
If He had we'd all just be puppets in some cosmic Punch & Judy show. God COULD have, but that's not what He actually did. Instead He created a universe with the property of emergence.

Much more sublime, don't you think?

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trying and failing to do magic witch shit or whatever, picking on other isolated people besides her family, and getting high on drugs with her other loser friends (and pretending like they're flying lmao). Also probably picking on the wrong group and getting burned alive by a mob of angry musket wielding who dont want to live deliciously

you sound like a bitch lol


I can't imagine watching this movie and thinking this satanic garbage is good.

Well she got a stick between her legs and seemed to enjoy it, I guess. Then probably watched Lawrence Welk with her new friends and put those strawberry candies in a big glass dish in the middle of the coffee table.

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It was either accept help from the Devil, or starve in the wilderness. If she had returned to the village, she would very likely have been branded a witch and burned or something.

mafia is crazy these days they take limbs from family and friends as collateral against snitching

she did some cheek fillers

If it didn't come out of Christ's mouth, it's fan fiction. Christ never said that, and the devil already had that village for believing lies.

The film is incredible in the way it unfolds the Devil's strategy. None of it makes sense until you realize Thomasin was the true target.

> There's a rumor those people worship some desert demon and not God


She became a witch. The Devil broke her so bad that she soul her soul to him in exchange for butter and a dress. She also gets to live without getting suffocated by puritanism, but really she exchanged one shit situation for another.

I forget, was she a witch all along or did she just succumb to the demon at the end of the movie because he killed her entire family?

says the war tourist who travelled to the other side of the world for the explicit purpose of killing people

Even as an athiest it makes logical sense that if suddenly for whatever reason Satan is real than God also must be real and so must heaven, so even in a purely logical sense you still wouldn't want to make a deal with the devil.

I see merit in your argument, and frankly I'm jealous of all who retain their faith.

Humanity is clearly the greatest force in impacting their fellow humans, and the alternative is they are divine acts where God allows untold numbers to be killed every year and in his name.

If not extremist killing in his name, there are the devout who obfuscate the collective health of their societies by finding God's blessing in his continued silence. Congo, where Ebola continues to be a crisis because the faithful practice their faith (washing bodies of loved ones).

Like the X-Files, I want to believe. Simply have no experience of a larger presence acting to prevent maiming, hardship or death for those living moral lives driven by faith.

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Then it's too bad humans aren't purely logical beings.

that's better than being the wicked witch of the wouldn't

ba-doom tsssh

They were either damned or they weren’t, that’s what they thought right? And she probably figured she was damned with all the bullshit she went through so might as well live the high life on Earth instead of starving to death in isolation and forever living with the guilt of killing your mother

Point is that the Devil likely manipulated events to force her into a situation where Thomasin would accept his deal or die.

>he'll have any pleasure she desires, she'll explore the further regions of experience.

wait a minute.

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The moment the devil appears to you, then you know God is real too.

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