Our guy just released a new video. Thoughts?
Our guy just released a new video. Thoughts?
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_og _ucker
I love dog pussy
Is he wrong?
What movie is this?
>You're allowed to kill and eat animals but fucking them is highly illegal
He's got a point though
If the only morality you recognize is hedonism then yeah, he has a point, R Kelly had a point and even Hitler had a point so...
Humor me here
is he wrong that its hypocritical think to literally imprisoning and executing animals is fine but having sex with them is wrong?
of course its gross and icky and whatever else, but more morally reprehensible than forced artificial insemination+slaughtering them? Why?
No he doesn't, stop being fucking retarded
by your logic pornography, junk food, alchohol, and this website should be banned
humors care about feeling good
Animals are eaten because we are omnivorous creatures. Animals can't consent to sex and there is no reason to fuck them.
I don't think you can kill and eat dogs in america
he seems desperate. We all knew he was a dogfucker but now he needs to bring it out in the open. Fuck you YMS. Fuck you for making this thread. Fuck you for spamming us for the past several years. Eat shit and die you worthless faggot. No one cares about you're bullshit video
>cant consent
literally wrong, animals can present themselves, there are mechanisms by which they can show consent, haha icky i know
>no reason to fuck them
ever think it might feel good?
is this who's trying to turn themselves into a cringe meme.
a "cringe" "meme".
i tok liek da people tok ??
No, they aren't mentally capable of consenting to sex with another human in the same way a child can't. That's why any sex with a dog or child is legally considered rape, and is why it is considered immoral in a civilized society. If you disagree, fight the good fight and try taking it to the supreme court or something I guess. Raising and killing livestock for food is completely different because nourishment is necessary to our survival as a species.
So fucking based. No one here can even prove him wrong.
>we eat meat for survival
No we fucking don't. We eat it for pleasure. You can live off of a vegan diet, you just choose not to. Literally the same thing as fucking dogs, if not worse.
t. YMS
But a child can.
>You can live off of a vegan diet
Does this mean I get to fuck vegetables?
It's not cringe to think like him, he's right. It's cringe to try to defend yourself like anyone gives a fuck and you won't just look like some weirdo
>Watch a YMS video where he and his friends shit on a movie
>actor says "fuck the horse"
>"hey its adum:the movie!"
>all his friends laugh
What about cat fucker Brent Kaskel?
isnt he a canine enthusiast?
Nigga it's a parody
so fucking based
is it about dogs?
There are heavy regulations and restrictions on killing animals. You can't kill them at random or for fun.that's why there are slaughterhouses and hunting licenses
ill humor you that they cant consent
they dont consent to being slaughtered and forced inseminated either
they dont consent to being forcefully inseminated or slaughtered
so why bring up consent in regards to sex?
Let people get fucked by animals.
Don't let people fuck animals.
>you can live as a vegan
no you cant, thats why evey vegan you meet is always ill, stringy and taking dozen of supplement tablets
Fucking animals creates deadly diseases
fucking dogfucker apologists don't realize the respect the hunt. What kind of mentally ill retard needs animals to satisfy their sexual desires When humans will suffice? like nature intended?
Degenerates want the thrill of the taboo, if they can fuck/get fucked by it then they will
He's right.
Humans don't need to eat meat to survive, vegans and vegetarians are proof.
Therefore any consumption of meat is done for pure enjoyment of taste.
That means that animals are slaughtered without their consent for the enjoyment of humans.
If you're a meat eater and think beastiality is wrong, you need to rethink your moral position
Vegans should promote sperm in their diets
>It's simple, there's no such thing as morality
>Now watch me lead my life without intentionally killing other humans and continually claiming the above
Not at all implied by any of the stated logic but what ever activates your almonds. The closest you could actually equate is using a human trafficked hooker to dog fucking but you went completely into baselessness calling Yea Forums and Porn immoral because the illicite happiness. Read up on on words before you go making analogies over them
>they fist the cows to orgasm to artificially inseminate them
>they shove their arms up the cows asshole to artificially inseminate them
Based retard
nigga, we're omnivores and most if not all vegans look skinny and sickly. inb4 protein argument, do you know how much broccoli you'd need to eat to get the same amount of protein you would get from just a small cut of steak? As for without consent, it's natural selection, simple as that. Animals eat other animals, we're just fancy enough to season our shit and make it delicious. What we actually don't need animals for is sex, which the biological function is for reproduction, not for fun despite what roasties and tr4nn13 believe.
>Humans don't need to eat meat to survive
Doesn't that apply to carnivores as well?
What does there being no morality have to do with me killing humans
Hello, Leaf.
Shane Dawson fucks cats? YMS been fucking dogs since 1992.
>sex, which the biological function is for reproduction, not for fun despite what roasties and tr4nn13 believe
left a group out, didn't you?
log sucker
Adum, go back to fucking dogs
Do you know how many professional athletes are vegan?
Obvioualy they take a ton of supplements but still.
brother and father abused him, and he took drugs when he was a kid that fucked him up permanently
Andy Sixx is that you
Eating animals is normal
Fucking them isn't
Who is he? I want to watch more of him
Isn't that the dude who fucked a dog? Gross, man.
Would you rather eat a pork chop or fuck a pig in the ass?
Based. You have to be very high IQ to understand why it's ok to fuck horses.
i heard he fucks dogs
I think he's more into horses. His fursona is a horse.
>our guy
>dog fucker
I hope you die of parvovirus, dogfucker.
I don'y approve, but I can't really argue against it either.
Dogspeed, dogfucker.
Yo, this dude FUCKS dogs
>Obvioualy they take a ton of supplements but still.
Nice qualifier you raging faggot lmao
Hide your bitch.
He rapes dogs
>You can live off of a vegan diet
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
horsepussy dabs all over humanpussy tho
I still can't understand this idiot.
Everyone already knew he was a mentally challenged furfag, but hey, not many people seemed to care about that so everything is okay.
Then for some unknown reason he decides to defend zoophilia on stream and spends an entire week replying comments on YouTube and Reddit in a salty matter while STILL defending that "fucking your dog is not wrong because we eat animal meat and that's also amoral haha gottem"
I know furries are usually retarded but this is just another level of stupidity.
but why?
Gay vegans can just eat their wives's bf's sperm
I dont know, cos he is a scumbag, the next time he od's he should just stay home and not go to the hospital.
the difference is that every person has to eat dead organisms to survive, but you dont need to fuck those organisms. and sexual deviance often escalates to violence toward other people, even if it doesnt involve other people at first.
His "reviews" are literally just him going through whatever movie he has watched scene for scene. That's not a review. That's an abridged version of the movie.
He looks like he fucks dogs
what kind of loser speak is this?
I would pound alien puss in a heartbeat.
in case out from eons and eons of mythology it is mans divine fate to fuck any and everything that moves
but he actually does fuck dogs
His profile pic is literally cropped from a pic where someone is sucking a dick wearing a fursuit.
It is?
How am i only learning that he's a furry now?
Based but way too degeneratepilled.
idk...its been known for ages that he fucks dogs
You need food to survive. You don't need to fuck dogs to survive
>the one youtube reviewer that Yea Forums doesnt hate
>it's the most annoying voiced one that does nothing but be negative to popular films
I'm honestly shocked.
Where did you think the dogfucker thing came from?
I thought its just a meme
He literally defends fucking dogs and says they can consent because "they seem happy"
maybe he is just trolling
Read the thread please.
How the fuck do you not know this? He's always been open about it and put Lion King as one of his top 5 movies because he wants to fuck Scar
I don't even watch his videos and I know it. Stop being a newfag in the open.
Popular films are usually shit, what's the issue.
YMS, as his movie review channel grew he started showing more of his personality.
You need to eat to live.
Dog lover
Why do e-celebs love dying on strange hills? For example, that Destiny guy can't stop talking about incest and cp to own the conservatards. It seems like a strange way to rep your brand...
well he's not wrong
He's right. (if you actually watch the video)
>t.dog fucker
>t. based man
Based and dogpilled
This is the dumbest thing I ever heard. His correlation makes no sense
he is a dog fucker, he doesnt make sense
*be fucked by Scar
Adam's a sub, he wants that thorny cat dick
no fucking way
i heard he fucks dogs
You guys are aware he was drunk, right?
thats even worse
oh god, why? what sane person would crop an image like this an use it as his internet persona? furries are mentally ill
>what sane person would crop an image like this an use it as his internet persona?
a dog fucker
what the fuck, I thought its all a joke
this can't be real
I refuse to live in a world were this is real
reality must be wrong somehow
Fucking hell. How ?
dog fuckers man, they are everywhere
no way
Scar is more of a sub than Adam though