ITT Historically Inaccurate Scenes

Irish were never discriminated against, they were considered as white American as everyone else from Western and Northern Europe.

Those "No Irish" signs are a modern revisionist invention.

Attached: 1552402786434.webm (1920x816, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Maine_anti-Catholic_riot_of_1854

They should have been

provide evidence

The burden of proof is upon you to provide evidence of anti-Irish sentiment in the 19th century.

the photos of signs that say no irish

do you believe this OP? lel

I mean, do you?

what are you talking about you fucking retard. you posted a WEBM and are arguing against the narrative.

The burden of proof is your pee brain

so you're not familiar with anti-Irish cartoons then I take it?

Attached: img_1187.jpg (984x1237, 485K)

Is everyone on the site mentally damaged or just 10?

you are claiming that no anti-irish sentiment existed. the burden of proof is on you.

to be fair a lot of irish were using america as a staging ground to raise money for terroristic organizations that were banned by the british authorities

The well documented history of it which you can easily access, suppose someone said:
>the burden of proof is upon you to provide evidence of the earth being round
We don't have to respond to that or to you.

Post one of these photos.

I'm not OP. You're alleging something occurred, he's alleging something did not occur. You're the only one who would be able to provide evidence.

Are you too damn lazy to google "anti-Irish"? There's an endless amount of 19th century anti-Irish political comics depicting them as subhumans.

Attached: 1.gif (600x492, 30K)

Wrong, dickhead. You made this post so the burden lies with you to provide proof of your own claim.

You have nothing. Now swiftly shove your head back up your ass, good sir.

That looks too modern. What's the source on this image?

>Irish were never discriminated against
New York Times ad 1854

Attached: NINA-nyt.jpg (760x301, 26K)

You don't have any compelling evidence that would prove the earth is round? Why not?

I could make that image in 30 seconds. Where is the proof this image is real?

this isn't even the fun kind of shitposting
OP kys

>The burden of proof is upon you to provide evidence of
god that's my favorite pasta reply for dumb fucks that are trolling or don't know wtf they're talking about. always makes me chuckle.

>Irish were never discriminated against,_Maine_anti-Catholic_riot_of_1854

>boer refugee camps are portrayed as concentration camps

Attached: 1465133630792.jpg (1065x859, 76K)

>Nazi's NOT shown as gay....

Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)

How did you get to be so smart?

>tarring and feathering a catholic priest

that truly is barbarous

This all stems from anti-Catholic sentiment, not anti-Irish. Can you provide any evidence that there was persecution of Protestant Irish in America?

the justification by federalists for the alien and sedition acts says otherwise

The Irish were considered worse than Jews by the media and by the populace. You probably think the Holocaust was a hoax too, you fucking IncelWars chubby cunt.

You're a fucking tool.

The Holohoax never happened.

Filthy perfidious anglo

>anti-Catholic sentiment, not anti-Irish

Attached: 1551820976222.gif (480x238, 415K)

hey man, let's not pretend it's the 19th century okay?

I think you can admit there were plenty of malcontents among them.

>Irish = Catholic
Now tell me how being Islamaphobic isn't racist

Here's an anti-Irish cartoon from Puck, parodying the way Irish hyperfertility was a source of votes for corrupt politicians.

Attached: puck irish cartoon.jpg (757x1024, 184K)

Can you provide greater context?

who cares about potato niggers

>i read a cracked listicle and now i'm a history professor

Attached: 1414708242366.jpg (525x385, 54K)

But it should have.