Revenge of the Sith

is it good?

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It's the best star wars movie ever


Yes. One of the most visually stunning films of all time.

Well, it has good parts.

It's the definitive Star Wars
>inb4 muh Empire
No shut the FUCK up.

Alongside this

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In my opinion they got worse as they were released. It was okay at best.

its not just the best prequel movie, but it's unironically one of the best movies in the series

lol it's shit. Prequels should be ignored. Star Wars died when Lucas added all the faggy shit to the OT.

Go away.

A New Hope is still my favorite because it can be viewed as a standalone and you don't need anything else to watch it but episode 3 is my number 2.


find out next

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it wins the prize by being awesome and shit at the same time. mannakin is terrible

It's great so long as you're able to ignore shit like retarded character development and retarded plot. This is common among very dumb people like most posters in this thread, but anyone can do it. John Williams score is incredible. There's lots of creative environments and the kinds of moments and battle sequences that a 10 year old kid might write, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for a Star Wars movie it's just a shame that the plot and characters were so bad.

it's good enough, entertaining, not bad at all

the prequel trilogy is definitely better than the nu-wars trilogy

If I were James Earl Jones I would've slapped the fuck out of Lucas after I saw that in the script
The prequels are comically bad. So bad they're only remembered as meme factories.


It's pure Kino.

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Here's an observation: In the prequels you can cut out the stupid bits and you can manage to end up with semi-decent action flicks.
This has been done endlessly with fan edits.

Is it even possible with The Last Jedi?

Fuck off Kennedy. Next you'll say PT had no practical effects. Kek.

>Next you'll say PT had no practical effects.
Attack of the Phantom Strawman,

close but 6 is better than 1

your taste is really quite shit

ending of 6 doesnt invalidate the first 2/3s being really low quality

*quite based
thanks bro

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I'd rank it better than Return of the Jedi because I like forced epiphanies more than muppets and rehashed script.

you're most welcome, any time friend

It's definitely the best of the worst

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Probably, it'll just be 35 minutes long.

Stop quoting empire. We’re talking about RotS

it's a solid 7.5 out of 10
Order 66 and the events right before it are kino

The CGI will continue to get dated and since Clones and Sith were digitally recorded at 1080p, they will only look worse over time.

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ESB = ANH > Clone Wars cartoon (not the garbage 2D one worshiped by nostalgia fags) > ROTJ > ROTS > TFA > AOTC > TPM > TLJ
The Phantom Menace is objectively the worst but it didn't ruin the franchise like The Last Jedi did.

congrats you have autism

Better than the disney ones

yeah I know