antenna thread. what kind do you have, how many channels do you get, are you going to be affected by channels moving in the next year?
what the fuck is this ancient garbage?
grandpa gtfo Yea Forums you old shit
>breathtaking level of ignorance and astonishing lack of self-awareness
Imbecile, not everyone can afford or has access to high speed internet/cable tv. Those people must rely on digital TV antennas.
>what kind do you have, how many channels do you get
I have the pingbingding WA-2608.
I live in New York City. I get good reception on only nine english channels (CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, WWOR, WPIX, PBS) but average reception on about six others which are local channels and PBS-like or are similar to FOX, WWOR and WPIX.
Standard antenna, got 4 channels.
I use this big square plastic things. I pull in pretty much all the basic "cable" channels at hi def. Saves me 30 dollars a month.
Who need outdoors antennas with this bad baby here...
These give you free, hd channels.
Maybe not a lot, but i would rather have 10 channels and choose what I wanna watch than hundreds on cable where I can't make a choice
my antennae, which is a piece of shit, pulls in about 30 channels
I don't know where you people live, but here in New York City there is no analog TV transmission allowed. Every transmission is digital now. That means, the old antennnas no longer get anything but static. You have to get a digital antenna and a digital decoder for New York City transmission. The antenna is about $45. The digital decoder is free (used to be free, anyway) but you have to fill out a form and submit it and then wait for the city to mail you the decoder. I think the decoder is $35 now. And then you have to point the antenna at a very specific spot to get clear reception, and then you only get a handful of channels. To get a different handful of channels, you have to point the antenna at a different specific spot (helpful to have an HD antenna that can be rotated and aligned via remote control).
old antennas work fine. it was tuners that changed and a lot of transmitters switched to uhf.
This old lady is still working and receiving fine. Unlike shitty modern tvs that break after a year.
> what kind do you have
Cheepo Radio Shack rabbit ears from the 1980s that I got at a garage sale.
> how many channels do you get
Probably 20 or so (metro Detroit here)
> are you going to be affected by channels moving in the next year?
Nah, I only turn the tv on to catch the morning news so I can see what the weather is going to be and an occasional football game (if I don’t go to the bar to watch with friends).
I will say the reception is crystal clear and better then anything I ever got via cable (which I ditched 10 years or so back) but the fact is that there is NOTHING on broadcast tv worth watching and while I do watch a lot of tv series, I get them all off Usenet or torrent them and watch in my office.
Side note: if you need to go with an old school style full-size tv antenna because of reception issues in your area, mount it in the attic. It’s easier to install, easier to run the wires, you don’t need to drill holes in the roof (avoiding leaking issues) and it’s protected from the weather.
>here in New York City there is no analog TV transmission allowed.
There is no analog tv transmission anywhere in the U.S. anymore, the Feds did away it ten or so years back.
>That means, the old antennnas no longer get anything but static.
Nonsense, any antenna will pick-up digital broadcast, as long as it's not plugged into an ancient tv.
If you have a modern television you don't need that tuner box.
attic mounting is great when you can get away with it. no worrying about the weather messing with your shit or lightning strikes.
all tvs as of 2006 have atsc 1 tuners and most bigger ones (40in+) as of 2005
I have a crappy hd antenna that gets the basics. It I honestly haven’t watch much tv at all. I think I’m the last couple years I’ve only turned it on for the MN Vikings games until the started sucking. I also hate commercials
I’m in riverside county California (desert outside of LA) and I only get Korean shit on 90% of my channels
Got some basic bitch antenna from Walmart, I get like 20 channels but only 3 of them are worth watching which is about how things were ten years ago.
That sounds more interesting than the Spanish channels I get. Are they Korean dramas or what?
I'm dead center in Kansas and can pick up 6-8 channels depending on weather with just a $15, 30 mile range antenna. I easily got 20-30 when I was living around Kansas City.
Do you get paid for being this stupid?
>I also hate commercials
I have absolutely zero tolerance for commercials nowadays.
When I dropped cable tv 10 years or so back and started doing all my tv watching via Usenet or torrenting, everything I've been watching since then has obviously commercial free and now if I do turn on the rabbit ears equipped tv for a football game, I get all pissed off whenever a commercial comes on and stomp off to the office to shitpost until it's over. But half the time I get caught up in a thread and just say "fuck it" and turn the tv off....
Some like 60 dollar pos that's like two pieces of plastic facing each other.
Digital is complete aids and as soon as digital was forced they moved everything to like 10 miles too far.
>Hurrr signal cuts out a tiny bit enjoy zero picture/sound.
As has been mentioned, if you live in a mountainous area or way out in the sticks away from the big city, you’re going to have to get an old style roof-top type tv antenna to receive the signal but as I said up-thread, mount it in the attic.
I live about 100 miles south of Chicago. Basic cable here is like $50 minimum. Only 1 high speed internet option and it is $50 minimum.
I cancelled cable. I have about $200 in antennas, cables and HdHomerun boxes. I already have a good networking setup and every room with a TV has an HTPC. I can run Kodi or WMC in every room and DVR anything I want.
As an added bonus, my parents live pretty much next door and I am using a long distance p2p Wi-Fi connection to their house and they use my internet and are able to watch my antennas streamed through the network.
We have been doing this for over a year now and it has saved thousands of dollars so far.
BTW, we get ~40 channels and all the major networks through 3 total attic antennas. Two are cheap 1byone 80 mile antennas and the other is a pingbingding 120-mile. Both are pretty much as cheap as possible.
What's the point, dumb boomers
got one of those flat antennas. its good enough for all the channels except the local PBS affiliate. Must have bad topography because Im within range and we always have trouble with that channel in my town
No I had digital before the forced date. They just assfucked reception.
If anyone lives in a major city, you can also watch OTA tv with locast. But unless you "donate" $5 a month, you get a 15 second nag popout in the middle of your streaming every once in a while asking you to donate.
Also if anyone is using rabbit ears, you can get better reception putting aluminum foil at the ends of the antenna. I think rabbit ears can pull in more channels than the leaf antenna
>I will say the reception is crystal clear and better then anything I ever got via cable
Fun fact, OTA TV has a higher bitrate than cable TV because cable provider compress broadcasts even more to be able to squeeze more channels on cable.
when I moved out in 2012 I never bought a tv
I haven't watched live tv in 7 years, I felt better and glad I was lazy not to get one
that sounds pretty sick. any pics?
the leaf antennas are pretty much the worst thing to have but if you live close enough they can work. try pointing it toward the tower pbs is coming from.
older antennas were designed for vhf lo/hi mostly, your area may have switched to uhf giving you the illusion that they moved and the signal is weaker.
> What's the point, dumb boomers
The point we're adults who have to pay the bills and can't sponge off our parents, so why pay out the ass for cable tv when you can torrent any tv show or movie and use a rabbit ear antenna to get all the broadcast channels if you want to see the local news and PBS.
I'll take a couple pics here in a bit. Nothing special really. Just a few cheap antennas, HdHomerun boxes, and networking crap.
Korean jewelry selling, cooking, news
>2019th century
>still watching tv
Interesting thread