That would be a waste of time.
That would be a waste of time
Other urls found in this thread:
We're just gonna fuck you up.
Back off Warchild, seriously
Flea was unironically a better actor.
Kiedis was trying to act, Flea was just being himself
Is this a kino movies made by women thread?
Bigelow mostly got the gig because she was married to Cameron during Point Break so they thought they could get JC to come in if things went South.
Point Break is such a terrible movie.
Men so fragile.
never realised it was him in big lebowski. looking back i can't believe i didn't notice
RHCP made/makes awful music. Primarily because Kiedis can't sing.
in a great way. one of the best bad 90s movies
Blood Sugar Sex Magik is kino
and his lyrics are shit
You can be as gay as you want, long as you aren't a complete faggot like Keidis.
>Flea was just being himself
Yeah, that terrible German accent is totally him.
They make stupid music but most pop music is retarded. Some of their songs are pleasant enough as long as you don't take it seriously and start thinking of it as "art."
It was pretty funny when Mr Bungle did that satire concert mocking them, though.
i-i like it
>kino movies made by women
is there more than just this one?
Anthony Kiedis might be the dumbest person that ever lived
>t. assblasted roastie
>when Mr Bungle did that satire concert mocking them
And totally deserved, since Keidis pretty much killed their career out of asspain that Patton pulled of his schtick 10x better without even trying to in "Epic".
was he held back by kiedis?
Flea, John, and Chad are all excellent musicians. The one glaring weak link is Kiedis. His "singing" and "rapping" are horrendous. And his lyrics are fucking cringeworthy.
Surprised John, Flea, and Chad were able to carry Kiedis.
Bonafide ride, step aside, Mike Johnson
Yes I could, in the woods of Wisconsin
Wake up the cake, it's a lake she's kissin' me
As they do when they do in Sicily
>he doesn't realized Jesus was carried by different drummers and guitarists for almost a decade before john "heroin arms" frusicante showed up
stop talking shit about john you fuck
Judging from some of his interviews Patton's a little sensitive himself. His shtick for The Real Thing era was very Kiedis-ish and his rapping was just as cringe.
But Patton was superior since he could do pretty much anything vocally and dropped the shtick while Kiedis pretty much had to just keep doing the same old shit.
>that part where Trey Spruance dresses like a corpse ghost so he can be Hillel
>Dunn dressed as Flea pretending to shoot heroin mid-song
Fucking 13/10 shade.
>His shtick for The Real Thing era
It was pretty much just Epic & little parts of other songs he did the Keidis rap schtick on. Plus he was like 18.
Killed me that he blew his voice out on that tour & could never again do those high ass notes.
Wrong they made plenty of fun funky tunes
they literally are no different than limp bizkit, except one is less chill than the other
I know, I know for sure. Ding, dang, dong, dong, deng, deng, dong, dong, ding, dang. I know, I know it's you. Ding, dang, dong, dong, deng, deng, dong, dong, ding, dang
Fucking Limp Bizkit wishes they were as bad as RHCP.
BSSM was their only good album.
ITT: music snobs
>that song where Patton keeps switching out lyrics from different songs to show they all fit & RHCP's songs are all the same & interchangeable
Fucking master class.
Mike Patton's fans are not music snobs my man, they are the same tier as RHCP
>he blew his voice out on that tour & could never again do those high ass notes
Best thing that ever happened to him. That nasally voice on The Real Thing was shit.
Angel Dust is better in every way.
It's fashionable to shit on Kiedis and rhcp. Just fashion.
>music snobs on a board filled with film snobs
I liked Anthony Kiedis, but his lyrics are horrendous. Unless he's doing it on purpose as a joke, then it's funny.
Never watched the movie but I this song from the OST is pure kino
I should watch it some time
Yes. But it also led directly to the stupid kind of shit they were all doing on Disco Volante.
Personally love it but it was career suicide.
my brother and i always laughed about the guy who says "oh shit shit we're fuuuuucked"
but this isn't mu
How did Flea ended up on more movies if anthony's dad was an actor with Hollywood connections
Just found out there was a remake. WTF?
b list actor
Yeah but he was also the pusher of big names at Hollywood
no, i think he just really liked John Zorn and shit.
Not exactly career suicide when Mr Bungle was never going to be anything more than what it was in terms of commercial success.
The dude that played Warchild was scary as fuck in that one Van Damme movie.
I like to think The Chase is a sequel to the chili pepper characters in Point Break.
how so? enlighten me please
but its MY terrible movie fuckin zoomer
He sold drugs to Cher
know I know for sure
Ding dang dong dong ding dang dong dong ding dang
I know I know its you
Ding dang dong dong ding dang dong dong ding dang
how fucking dare you
That's some deep connections user
Yo yo yo dang da dang da dom dom do damy cimo como somo do dum ding. (Soul to squeeze)
I don't think so. He ruined the band when he came back, they went from funk to adult contemporary pop with lazy as fuck guitar solos. His solo albums post heroin are fucking awful. Bland overproduced soft rock. He should have died in 1997, Niandra and Smile are masterpieces.
>dude that music is shit because i don't like it
what's the fucking point of these posts? this is why i stay away from Yea Forums unless it's gear threads.
as much as that ghostbusters movie was a remake.
The empyrean is a masterpiece
Off yourself
No it's not. I'm glad he went back into hiding in his mansion. Maybe he'll actually make some good music, though the electronic trash he's releasing makes that hard to believe
Settle down honkey. They're great and he can sing now it only took like 20 years tho.
the gear threads annoy me, why do anons who live in moms basement have 100w marshalls and shit, i have a 40w and can't turn it above volume 2 in my own apartment.
Pattonfags are eternally ass blasted dont take them to seriously
This and American Psycho
So is this now a movies trannies will never understand thread?
Their old stuff is actually very good.
Mothers Milk is a great album. I know it’s fashionable to shit on rhcp, since their newer stuff is shit, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t make good music at one point.
Didn't even realize it was the same guy from Cyborg. That dude was surprisingly terrifying.
It is when it's first track belongs to the Holy trinity of Eddie Hazel. Maggot brain, fruciantes before the beginning and weens a tear for eddie
but stadium arcadium is a masterpiece
Best board.