I've never seen the SNL skit but this wasn't bad.
I've never seen the SNL skit but this wasn't bad
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Ghost sex scene was fucking great.
Also the van exploding with everyone in it is the only time that kind of joke has ever worked.
the SNL skits are the best thing that show did in years
the Shia Lebeouf one is my favorite
i mean, it's not bad, but it's not "jaw achingly funny"
She's not conventionally attractive but for some reason Kristen Wiig gives me a boner
I only watched it to see how shitty it was and it was pretty funny.
The wrestlers were kino
This was an SNL skit?
I thought it was just a "LOL, itz a parody of MacGuyver and Magnum PI and other 80s cop shows!!!!1"
comedy is dead
This movie has hilarious scenes, but overall is pretty bad. It feels like it was made by people that had good ideas for skits but just couldn't be assed to string them together
Unironically one of the best comedy movies ever made
The sketches are based if you can find each of them (they are always 3 parts per macgruber sketch.)
The movie turned out better than expected
the best snl movie of the 21st century
For those who have never seen this movie, I would recommend it. I thought it was going to be a typical raunchy comedy, but it's much bolder than that.
i'm making a prediction that you are under 20 years old. possibly 18.
This, it was terrible
>CALL 911!! CALL 911!!!!
What about the gas fight in zoolander?
You mean the freak gasoline accident?
Unironically kino.
nnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
freak gasoline fight accident
>Trying to feel elitist over someone because they didn't watch zombieSNL
I can confirm my jaw did arch when I watched it
dude, you are a pussy for not watching saturday night live
>he doesn't know about the ping pong balls