Does casca's story ruin the beginning of the second berserk movie?

Does casca's story ruin the beginning of the second berserk movie?

Attached: Chapter_15.jpg (340x494, 65K)

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It ruins everything after the eclipse

never watched the movies. that horrendous cgi put me off

>gee let me take one of my primary characters and make her retarded. That's a good idea. She can drool and groan and all other kinds of fun stuff.

I'd ruin her anus with my dick

You don't want to see her penetrated by demon dick?

Casca being an amnesia retard (for so damn long) ruins everything. It basically turns Guts into a depressed babysitter of travelling children.

Maybe part of the problem is sexism. The writers made her the typical weak woman. She gets her period during battle in like the first scene. Just when I think she's gonna woop guts ass after he saves her then calls her a weak woman she starts crying

If she's not play by Moner it would be a travesty. Imagine the nude scenes where she gets fucked by guts.

Now that I think of it the second one is absolutely the worst. When do I get to see the fourth movie?

Idk. Who the fuck cares about a retail store?

Attached: Enjoyed_It.jpg (780x520, 57K)

Father mozgus is based as fuck

Casca ruins everything about Berserk
there were better ways Griffith could have BTFO'd Guts

Read the manga retard

>Berserk films
The Berserk films are irrelevant when since the manga exists.

Loved the anime but don't have time to read the mango. Should I watch the movies?

I don't have time I'm reading real books while working 40hrs a week but I will sometime. Thanks for the insightful advice.

>I don't have the time
>watches shitty anime adaptations

read the manga, it's the only way

don't forget
>browses anime threads on Yea Forums

I've only ever watched the series. I thought the movies are garbage, is that true?

yeah, they don't hold a candle on the source material.

Got a good link where its PROPERLY translated?

you're really missing out, berserk manga is unironically the most kino comics out there

The 2nd movie only covers the 100man kill and the attack on Doldrey. Why would her story ruin that?

The start is boring as she's portrayed as weak and typicly female

It has shitty cgi mixed in but nice drawings and the story is good but if you've already seen the 1997 anime it's the same story


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I'm tired from tripping on mushrooms and this looked good and I like it so far I will put it on my list

Her character is painfully cliche so it was painful

I actually don't mind the CG. But the movies leave out far too much. Like the whole bonfire of dreams scene. There's literally nothing to show the change in Casca as she starts to warm up to Guts. Just watch the series

>there will never be a 100+ episode series of nicely animated 2D berserk thats faithful to the manga

>painfully cliche
>he hasn't read berserk 356

But i do think the 100 man slay was done better in the movies. He fights more like a berserker

It's shit after Conviction anyway,wn

Attached: DidNothingWrong.jpg (700x994, 71K)

That's cool but I'm talking about the 2nd movie


"how's our baby"

Whats wrong user, don't want to read things that aren't social media posts?
The Berserk manga is fucking amazing and has fantastic artwork.

Both of these things being true is the only satisfying direction to take the manga


Oh please we still have at least like 5 Chapters of Griffith putzing around before Miura goes back to Casca

I watched the 97 anime and read the manga afterwards. It's definitely worth reading up until the end of Conviction. After that it gets lame. Golden Age is the best arc, so you've basically already seen the best of Berserk.

That's the twist. It wasn't Griffith's. It was Guts. From when they slept together before the rescue.

made me chuckle

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I miss shrooms. You dont live in maryland by any chance?,wn

Idk if they are still up but the berserk subreddit had the links to the redux movies, which is closer to the manga.

I havent checked in like a year, glad to see I literally did not miss a thing. Lol

Sorry brother I've never been that far east. I live next to the mountains in colorado

Live action can never do it justice

Listen to pink floyds echoes on your best headphones, lie down onto the earth and stare at the stars one day user. Youre welcome in advance for your intergalatic lazer light show.

So put your gwasses on and we will be warm

Excellent idea I still have a few grams I should go camping soon the further into the mountains the more stars can be seen away from the glare of citylights

Why do you prefer living on the edge guts?

Here's your retarded Casca

Attached: YOung Casca.jpg (750x1334, 60K)

Memes Thread?,wn

I mean the manga started after the eclipse and then had a flashback that was like 15 volumes.


>real books
Let me guess, platos republic
Spoiler alert, holding hands in public is against the law