Is this unironically good, or is it just the Barry Lyndon of sitcoms?
Is this unironically good, or is it just the Barry Lyndon of sitcoms?
it's unironically good and holds up to repeated viewings. It has the strongest ensemble cast of any sitcom.
lukewarm take: it is also better than Cheers.
Good. It falls back on cascading miscommunication jokes a lot. But the show has alot of soul.
compared to something actually good like news radio tho, how does it stand up
i've asked this in other threads but i never really got a straight answer: I started watching this show recently and im on season two. Does this show peak; is there a moment i should stop watching or is it all TV kino?
it probably is better than cheers, but theres something so comfy about a small neighborhood bar where you hang out n shoot the shit.
Not as good as Seinfeld
Not the guy you are responding to but it stands up well. I don't think it is as consistently good as NewsRadio was but certainly better than the Lovitz period.
It's good, a bit formulaic at times but Kelsey and DHP carry the show.
There are two jump off parts: Niles and Daphne finally getting together or "Don Juan In Hell"; the later of which gives closure to Fraiser himself and his issues
the funny thing about "Frasier" is, despite what's repeated endlessly by its zoomer fans on this god-forsaken board, there is much more GENUINELY intellectual dialogue being delivered on "Cheers" by Diane, Frasier, Lilith, Sumner, and a host of other characters than by the rather formulaic mockery of intellectualism (portrayed frequently as just effete and effeminate snobbery) as seen on "Frasier"
so Cheers is better? What is the best sicom kino? I haven't really seen any.. including seinfeld.
There is nothing genuinely intellectual about either sitcom other than requiring about a high school level of education to get all the jokes.
fuck you I like both
the first 3 seasons of Cheers are good. essential viewing for any Frasier-heads out there!
Yeah it's good
Yes, it is fantastic.
why the fuck is bulldog in that photo as if he is one of the main characters lol
Gay mafia.
extremely comfy to watch during the winter
kek always wondered this too. All the promotional material had him in it which I could excuse if he kept appearing as consistently as he did in the first few seasons but the show just completely forgot about him as it went on.
It is good.
It was made at a time when sitcoms were at their peak.
The original intent was for Bulldog to appear as frequently as he did in the early seasons, as the station was supposed to be a larger part of the show.
With Niles becoming the break out character though, and the investment in his relationship with Daphne from the fans, the focus shifted more to the familial relationships than the workplace ones.
It's very good but I warn you, after Frasier all other sitcoms will seem bad in comparison
Well that was definitely the right call but I would have loved to see the original plan.
so would you say its the dark souls of sitcoms?