What is the need for a kitchen in Harry Potter when you can just create food out of thin air?

What is the need for a kitchen in Harry Potter when you can just create food out of thin air?

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It's a major plot point in the books that creating food out of thin air is one of the few things magic can't do, so Hogwarts uses House Elf slave labor to make the food and just teleports it up to the tables.


Harry Potter continuity is weird because Rowling can't into consistency.

The canon reason is that the House Elves of Hogwarts live there, and the kitchen is where they cook all the food for the staff/students. Magic cannot create food out of thin air, and instead the House Elves use their magic to make the food they already made appear to the great hall tables.

Rowling establishes this logic multiple times throughout the series, with blurbs like The Burrow where all the women are cooking food in the kitchen and the men are removing garden gnomes in the yard.

Hogwarts did not have any Bards or Clerics.

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Transfiguration turns things nto other things. This is consistent.

this is now a comfy af Harry Potter food thread

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I hate this shit. So much of high level D&D is/was "Well you autolose unless you cast this spell previously in which case you autopass"

Why don't they just make nutritionally balanced gruel, then transmute it into a steak dinner?
By the time it turns back it will be in your digestive system, and will be perfectly healthy.

Just finished Crimes of Grindewald, my god how are they failing so bad at film making when they have literally anything in the Potterverse to work with?

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>comfy af
Why are tumblrinas so fucking low IQ?

I just want a hagrid birthday cake

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Those look absolutely Fucking disgusting.

>hagrid will never wish you happee birthdab
why live bros

What does that even taste like?

adding Nagini to the films seemed unnecessary, and adding a new Dumbledore was really dumb, I hope its just Grindelwald fucking with Credence

Do you think Hagrid has ever washed his hands?

i always imagined it tasted like farts

those look like root beer floats with vanilla icecream and caramel.

I imagine real butterbeer is more like a caramelized root beer without the vanilla, its also not likely chilled due to how they describe drinking them in the films.

Whats the point of eating if you can just cast a spell and fill your stomach up with shit? JK did say that in the Harry Potter universe that before people became civil they were poos in the loos and would shit in the street and hide it with a spell.

they serve this at the harry potter area in universal studios japan. i can't imagine how much this tray costs.

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> Implying you wouldn't gorge yourself on Hagrid Rock Cakes while secretly studying in your room.

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Why are you looking for logic from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons, and the exaggerated (more exciting, not threatening) mirror-worlds of soaps, reality TV and celebrity gossip?
Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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This is the weakest no!posting yet.

I hate everything she has become post Deathly Halows.

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> Gilgamesh

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It really annoys me that the movies glossed over this, which I'm sure OP is well aware of.

It was slavery. It's always slavery.

Doesn't the refilling charm contradict the food conjuration restriction?

I started reading Stephen King when I was 11. Should I start reading Harry Potter now?

The film should have just been a book, because that's what watching it felt like.

Mcgonagall wasn't fucking around with Lestrange when she hexed that girl in school. Cost her house 300 points in about 5 minutes, and she hexed her herself after the fact.

If you remembered the books (or were old enough to have read them) she mentions certain things can't be transfigured or duplicated, like food. Her Twitter shit is dumb but most people trying to find more plot holes in her hackily written children's books to continue the years old meme of retroactively classifying the books as shit because you're a big mature adult who reads Cormac McCarthy novels (I know you haven't) haven't read them in 10 years.

spotted the muggle born

>you can just create food out of thin air?
Can you? Was this established in Potter lore? Or are you just assuming Wizards can do anything you can think of?

Could they solve world hunger?

Rowling should really stay out of the films and just expand on her universe legitimately, instead of all the twitter diatribe she's been doing.

Fantastic Beasts/Grimewald is a perfect example that there are more and better stories to tell than Potter, but the films are doing a shit job of it.

If you were magical, what exactly is the benefit of letting muggles exist, or not allowing yourself to be a god among muggles. Fucking lame. Grindelwald was objectively right

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Suicide honestly

>can't conjure food out of thin air
>but you can endlessly duplicate it
brava rowling.

that looks dreadful and you just know it probably costs like 40 dollars, drinks not included.

Do Brits actually do this?

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Without muggles they'd still be shitting in the streets. This will forever make them a backwards race of baboons.

how can you know its bad unless you read it, mr virgin intellectual

nah, they just vanish the evidence, which is far superior to wasting time on a toilet

harry potter was intended for young teenagers, it's kind of sad that people felt intelligent for reading a large hardcover book no matter what the content was

Would you rather
>be able to spawn food out of thin air (you can't get fat but you can't share it either)
or would you rather
>get 50 million dollars

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Today I will remind them.

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Why vanish it after shutting yourself like a fucking retard when you should be able to make it vanish in your colon

they like the buttfeel

you're still not getting this

When they began they were intended for children. I don't remember which one, but one of them was very fucking long and big. I think it was Phoenix.

Fucking brits and their faggy terminology

>british fantasy meals even look like peasant garbage

God, I wonder what happened to that pajeet.

>shit myself in class
>realize I forgot my wand at quidditch practice

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>It's a major plot point in the books that creating food out of thin air is one of the few things magic can't do
i don't remember harry potter and the starving africans, maybe you don't know what the word plot means?
unless did voldemort store horcrux in a twinkie?

>Cormac McCarthy
Funny you mention him, I read "Johnny get your gun" a few years ago- only because I was interested in it because of the old movie that was in the metallica video. It was just as bad as her shitty childrens books. Liberal horse shit about how war is bad. Nothing in the book was realistic. From the part where Johnny meets the girl for the first time, and she brings him home, and her father comes home from the mines and is about to run Johnny off, but then realizes the boy is going off to war, and will probably never have a chance with a woman again, so he allows his daughter, that just met this strange man to take him into her bedroom and fuck him. Let's not forget about the part where Johnny is a child talking to his father and his father tells him that his fishing pole is more important to him than his son. What about the part near the end where the nurse feels sorry for the blind, deaf, no arms, no legs, no face having Johnny (landmine incident, dont ask) so the nurse rapes him- jerks him off. While the story is kind of loosely based off of a real life disabled soldier that was being kept alive up in Canada, the rest of it was liberal bullshit. Cormack Mccarthy is a hack. Just like JK Rowling. At least JK is hot.

The real question is whether or not butter beer fucks you up

There are 10000000 Harry Potter plot holes you could be shitposting about and you choose to shitpost about the one that isn't a plot hole

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He probably changed his flag back to Australia or US and then made that collage to post on reddit

so for some reason hogwarts needs an entire slave force of elf chefs when all they actually need is 1 (one) elf preparing a single meal and 1 (one) teacher duplicating it and teleporting it to the great hall?

it's also true that wizards shit their pants and magic it away

not a major written plot point, but if you read between the lines it is happening constantly to characters throughout the series

Are they having KFC?

Oh fuck can they create weed out of thin air too?

They can't duplicate food. Ron's rat family is so poor in part because they had to buy so much food because those ginger fuckers had so many kids. In one book Ron just says "I hate being poor". That shit was hilarious.

Why is the no caps poster such a dumb retard bros?


also: during DH they suffer from food shortage, are scavenging for food, outright stealing from farms (until hermione leaves behind some money) yet it never occurs to them to duplicate what they are gathering.

for the last fucking time, yes, magic can duplicate food, it's in the fucking book and hermione says so. they can duplicate food, turn a rock into fried chicken, but "Gamp's Law" prevents them from creating food out of thin air, which is a fucking retarded "limitation" when you can feed an entire village with a loaf of bread.

The magic in JK Rowling's universe is so retarded. How can someone with magic ever be fucking poor?

A bigger issue is that House Elves who can use magic completely freely are the slaves.

Then why did they go to toilets if it was superior?

Do you often go on unrelated rants about books that no one was talking about?

Maybe good magicians but there are plenty of shit magicians in Harry Potter. In fact, most of the world is full of shit ones. Even of the main 3 Hermione would probably be the only one who could make more bread.

When it comes to Cormac and his poorly prosed edglord fantasy drivel, yes.

It actually isn't that bad. Used to be $45 and came with four butter beers.

All of that food looks like shit. But I expect no less from Britbong "cuisine"

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50 million dollars how much of a fat retard do you have to be to accept the first one

Dalton Trumbo wrote Johnny Got His Gun, not McCarthy you retard

I actually thought they were the same person. You sure Trumbo isn't a pen name?

enjoy your water faggot

No you idiot. I’m starting to think you didn’t even read the book given you didn’t know the author.

what's this?

so they are born into a magical family that dates back centuries, can use magic to clean their entire house, occupy some of the most prestigious positions in the wizarding government (Arthur and Percy), join an elite Anti-Voldemort force, and yet multiplying some bread is beyond their capabilities? gingers are truly subhuman.

50 million
how the fuck is this even a question? you can live 10 life time with 50 mil

The food that's actual fucking godlike powers. Only literal mortals would pass the chance of supernatural powers for something as trite as money.

Being a pureblood doesn't mean shit if the family is shit. Hufflepuff, Longbottoms and of course the Gingers are full of proof that purebloods are more than capable of sucking. Arthur worked a dumb job nobody wanted and Percy only rose up by becoming a sycophantic bootlicker who turned his back on his own blood. All of Ron's other accomplishments came purely because he was friends with Harry, he could easily have been with Neville eating farts watching his sister get blacked otherwise.

Not all Hufflepuffs are failures, the Diggorys are a more than capable family, and Cedric was the ultimate chad and probably would have been minister later in life, if not for Pottershenanigans getting his ass killed.

>be a wizard
>able to break the first law of thermodynamics
>instead of sharing this power, watch muggles as they destroy the planet

mudbloods in my thread

Nah, I read the book, I remember all sorts of crazy shit that made no sense because it was like the author had no idea how a real person acted in situations like the ones presented in the book and "winged it". It was like he was an alien. Like the part where the father and son were having a moment, and the moment was ruined because the father told the son that basically his fishing pole, which he made and was proud of, was more important to him than his sons life. That any man would give his only begotten son for democracy. It was an obvious statement on how the author hated capitalism and how material items were worth more than his sons life.... While the author profits off of his own creation (the book) and is a hypocrite. The bleeding heart liberal is a pretentious thing. Just like the user who thinks a person who can't be bothered with remembering some shitty author's name is a sign that someone didn't read their work.

>Have time turner
>Use it so you can get more classes in
Instead of using it to kill hitler. Maybe JK is alright?

It was sad in the books reading Hermione doing all that shit to try and free House Elves and literally nobody giving a shit. But when it was Voldermort, oh no suddenly it was everyone's problem. Voldermort wasn't even going to kill the elves, he had no issues with them and even saw their usefulness.

Do you think wizards can use magic to make the poop in their pants disappear haha

This is gross as fuck.

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Wew, that image has appeared in some interesting Yea Forums threads.

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>it's also true that wizards shit their pants and magic it away
Which is so fucking stupid because that nullifies the need of bathrooms and a sewer system, which is the pivotal plot point of the Chamber of Secrets

Well, the person who died in the bathrooms was a mudblood. Obviously they require seven years of training to undo the muggle conditioning of not walking around shitting yourself.

>because those ginger fuckers had so many kids
Mr. Weasley couldn't stop pounding his thicc wife
based as fuck

define share, could I spawn unlimited amounts of food onto Africa, literally suffocating starving people in food that they cant eat?
If so I'd choose that.

you lack vision, imagine how much money you could make with the ability to spawn matter from nothing.

Why do zoomers like Harry Potter so much?

>but if you read between the lines it is happening constantly to characters throughout the series
correct, no where in the book does it mention any of the characters ever using the loo. can you imagine how embarrassed hermoine must have felt when she came to hogwartz for the first time, and she was the only one not shitting her pants?

Why are wizards poor in harry potter? I know you can't make money with magic, but you can create other materials, right? We also know that there is some direct conversion between muggle and wizarding money that takes place through Gringotts
>Be poor wizard
>Generate muggle materials, like copper piping
>Sell for millions of muggle dollars
>Exchange at Gringotts
>Be rich
Am I missing something?

In fact, the more I think about it, the more cunning and devious it becomes. Salazar Slytherin was outright opposed to welcoming students from non-magical families to Hogwarts and thus built his chamber of secrets so one day a descendant of his would purge the mudbloods from Hogwarts. Where did he hide this? Beneath the bathrooms, a place no real wizard would ever need to use and would only be visited by those of unworthy heritage.

>f slave labor to make the food and just teleports it up to the tables.
but it's also stressed that house elves thrive on service when Hermione tries to liberate them
it's literally their purpose as a race

>t. didn't read the book

>Am I missing something?
Ministry of Magic probably had some treaty with the goblins, multiple wars with them are mentioned, that prevent wizards from abusing muggle economics without intervention.

do you think muggleborn's shitting habits are part of the reason they call them mudbloods?

The writing was on the wall for me the moment ‘Dumbledore is gay’ happened.
She was at a fan Q&A session when someone explained that he was gay and that he’d always read Dumbledore as gay, and did she think he was gay?
She then replied that yes, she supposed he could be gay, and before you know it she’d retconned him as gay for SJW points.
I remember reading a transcript of the Q&A when it first happened, but it’s been pretty thoroughly scrubbed and buried from the net.

Folks don’t let this distract you from the fact that this user was so stupid he unironically thought Dalton Trumbo was McCarthy’s pen name and that McCarthy wrote the book when he was 5

Is Rowling secretly a genius?

who is moot?


I would become a celebrity chef and make over 50 million easily in a couple years plus fame.

Taxes would kill me if I got 50 million all at once.

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>you can't share it either)

Whitewashed Hiro

making people buy it isn't sharing

Oh fuck you're right.

Then yeah 50 million

will someone just post the stupid "most boring series ever" copypasta already so we can get it over with

an incel

Someone did, and it was deleted.

lol me too, because Hagrid says he sat on it the whole way there

As I said, I read the book a few years ago, only because it was the main plot point of a metallica video. It was bad. Everything about it was bad. Exactly what type of person thinks it's normal to "give" your daughters virginity to a stranger that she just met because the boy faces death. What type of person thinks a father would look at his son and straight up tell him that he is worthless and that his fishing pole is worth more to him than his sons life? The part where they are all sitting around playing cards with Jesus, and it is implied that everyone dies fast, but Johnny is told that he will live to be an old man, in his hell prison. The book is evil, how it conveys the message of how euthanasia should be legal. Everything about modern liberalism is straight evil now. This book is a prime example.

>be harry pothead
>chilling with sorcerers smoking that dank cush
>getting dome from that qt3.14 hermynee
>eating as many mango habanaro wings as possible
>dumblebore waves his hand and massive tv appears
>auburn game is on
>more wings appear
why couldn't I have been a wizard?

please stop, this is getting pathetic now

>dumblebore waves his hand and massive tv appears
electronics don't work at Hogwarts, its a sacrifice muggleborns have to make.

Pretty sure it was goblet of fire, the 4th one. It's where I stopped. Made it about haha way through and was just bored with it, I'd been reading them since the first one came out and by that point I was a teenager and it just felt like I was too old to continue.

nothing in the series suggests the gemino charm is particularly difficult to master. even gringotts wagegoys are able to cast it.

ok, so like, they could open a portal and i could see the game from a portal screen.
same difference

*half way

brainlets will say 50 million dollars but think about it this way, with the ability to spawn food out of thin air, you can't share it but that just means you couldn't give it away for free, but if there there is an exchange of goods and services then you're technically no longer sharing it. You could create your own restaurant chain from scratch serving the best quality food in an instant and you could do it with practically zero overhead whatsoever, you'd literally make billions if you turned it into a business.

Best you can hope for is to watch highlights in the form of a newspaper after the game is over.

Although if someone actually went to the game you could relive it with pensive.

You're taking a massive gamble on how loosely defined "sharing" is prohibited, versus a guaranteed lump sum of money that you can use to invest just as easily, if not more so than the food.

You can still criticise children's fiction you realise. "It's for kids" is not an excuse to praise absolute shit. I really hate the notion that kids somehow don't deserve quality literature with themes appropriate for their age. Like where the red fern grows, or his dark materials.

fuck off hermione

>major plot point
A retcon at the middle of the final book you mean

>Made it about haha way

>when Hermione tries to liberate them
another white woman with savior complex