Watch is the most batshit insane thing you ever watched Yea Forums...

Watch is the most batshit insane thing you ever watched Yea Forums? This right here is the definition of watching a trainwreck. Just when you think it can't get even more utterly nuts, it finds a fucking way

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The title is misleading. The parents just obviously let the guy rape their daughter, it’s not like she was all that abducted.

The Keepers was pretty fucked up and intense. It's also on netflix.

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>Fucks the young daughter
>Fucks the mom
>Dad jacks him off
>Absolutely gets away with everything

Was he a chad?

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yeah but he took it too far with the aliens

Mormons are not fully human

If you were white you could get away with anything in the 70s


she was qt too

>When the aliens show up

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Theres no fucking way that the parents werent in on it. They cant possibly have been this stupid and naive.
>uhh yeah my psychologist told me i should spend every night in your daughters bed with her for treatment
>hmm yep that sounds reasonable to me

What the fuck. Give me a rundown.

Honestly watch it man. Anyway you can

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t. Joshua Goldstein

Us explaining it would not do it justice user. This is one of those things were you really have to watch it yourself to experience the sheer insanity. This feels like one long greentext shitposting story but actually happened in real life

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AND they were okay with him giving her 'vitamins' which were most likely sleeping pills
can one man have too much fun? yes.

He was a good man, seduced by this little succubus.

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>triple trips

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>When the dad jacked him off

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I cant tell if he just had charisma and persuasion maxxed out or if the family were just the most gullible people on the planet

>Dad jacks him off
There’s no way the dad only jacked him off once. Something tells me he did a lot more than that.

i'm sure the dad was gay

To be fair it appears as though she is trying to seduce here

God damn this documentary. It's like a real life Lolita except with aliens

The dad and the mom were both fucking him. They both let them fuck their daughter in fear of him letting the world know those two were in a weird 3 some.

If you think for one second those parents were innocent you're living in a dream world

I don't even understand why he jerked him off. His explanation was what, he was his friend? That doesn't mean you just jerk him off

I think it was a little of both

>they waited 5 days to call the police because the mom didn’t want to waste the fbis time on the weekend
What the fuck is wrong with these people

You think so?

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>not jerking off your friends because they're horny


They're the opposite of niggers who call the police because McDonald's got their order wrong.

>he never jerked off his bros

Is there any documentary like this on Netflix? I love true crime docs but holy fuck Netflix has an endless supply of British crime documentaries. People may make jokes about American nature docs but holy fuck the British are the exact same with crime shows.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are by far the number one group saving the white race.

They are lying.

I can't believe that documentary it's just too fucking insane, how did he get away with it

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Big dick charisma

I like how he tried to pass it off as something that just happens.

>the age of consent in mexico was 12
wtf mexico


>"And here he was, with this 13 year old girl, happier than I'd ever seen him. Because I guess that was just his thing."
Is there a more based character than the brother?

>Dad jerks off the pedophile who fucked your daughter
>Mom stays with him
>Mom fucks the same pedophile who fucked her daughter and got a handjob from her husband
>Dad divorces her and takes the kids
What the fuck is going on with this family

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>make the dad jerk him off
>sleep and fondle the daughter while she sleeps under the excuse of being abused as a child(approved by her parents)
>sleep with the mom
>abduct the child, drug and rape her, brainwash her into believing she has to have sex with you or the aliens will kill her family
>marry her in Mexico at 12
>GET AWAY WITH IT SOMEHOW after blackmailing the faggot dad
>sleep with the mom again, holy shit for like 8 months
>convince the parents to fly the daughter to him after he abducted her, so he can fuck her all day and 'work'
>abduct the daughter again, put her in a girl's school while impersonating a cia agent
>get away with it, go for a while to jail and burn down the father's business to the ground
>get away with it
This can't be real, fucking clown World

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They don't touch on their Mormonism one bit

I admit I was pretty retarded and naive at the age of 12 but even I wouldn't have believe about fucking aliens abducting me and I have to fuck this guy 30 years older than me in order to save the world

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>mom literally buys a plane ticket to send her daughter to her known kidnapper / rapist

based mommy

Reminder that the only way this makes any sense at all was if the guy was telling the truth and was fucking the parents so they'd let him at the daughter. The dad is gay and it was a lot more than one hand job

i'm sure the dad was gay, that's why the mom had to get dick from someone else

>Can you jerk me off bro?
>Of courses dude

I think the dad was gay and having sex with him as well. the alien stories were bullshit as well, she was trying way too hard to convince us.

In a bizarre sick kinda way I could see a family where this happened, if you thought every need of your child had to be fulfilled by you even sex education, seems like something a monkey family might do.

Was it just me, or does the mom really not give a shit she cheated on her husband multiple times, but the dad is devastated and feels incredibly guilty

She loved him, there's a record from a call from when she was missing the second time and she says that she loved him to her father, I'm not sure if the alien thing is a complete fabrication, but it's clear that she's using it as an excuse for her behavior now.

Completely you know the whole family accepted it until the guy started kidnapping her then they had to go to the police.

she turned on him so she could get a book/movie deal

>Friend has a hard on
>Asks you to give him a handjob so he can be less stress
>Think he's joking so your both laugh
>He's actually dead serious
>Give him a handy dandy because were bros
Would you give your bro a nice jerk off session if he asked because he's stressed?

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the whole family were sluts

Bit of a tangent but this should be mandatory viewing for anyone who thinks or says that any form of digital media creates child molesters. This guy didn't go to sadpanda to watch Taiwanese carpet weavings of lolis. Sick people will do sick shit regardless, and idiots will let them.

Fuck no. I'd give him the number of some whore I know to jerk him off. The father did more than jerk him off he sucked his dick but of course he won't admit that to Netflix

Honestly he rises far above "some pedo" it really seems like he just wanted to get away with the most insane shit possible and when it kept working he had to keep outdoing himself.

Can someone explain to me why the dad and this guy from Fyre Festival are admitting to netflix they jerked and were willing to blow a guy?

What the fuck is wrong with them.

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I don't see why he didn't admit it. He already admitted he jerked off another man because he asked.

but the fyre festival guy was outwardly gay, but yeah, he was gonna take a shot in the mouth so the dude could get his water

I bet this happens in business more frequently than people let on

not rly

I'm sure he figured his wife or someone would've ratted him out on it so he said handjob but c'mon you know he did more. What kind of FATHER lets him take his daughter for days if he aint fucking the guy.

i usually disregard digits but these are very pleasing
also he took it to far with the mexico marriage, and ofc the brainwashing

>yeah but he took it too far with the aliens
You know she made all that shit up to sell books, right?

I NEVER understood the rationale behind this part. How did they know the Evian water guy was gay? Why did they think he would have wanted a blowjob from a 50 year old man? And how do you go about asking the question if you would take a blowjob to release a million litres of water

Physician, heal thyself.

And now, mom and daughter make money giving "lectures" about their "victimization". You know, when the then underage daughter went off to Mexico with the next door neighbor and the married mom fucking him before and after the guy took her daughter while he was also fucking said daughter? They probably have producer credits on the netflix shit too.

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??? those are not british
british narrator at most

I fucking loved this

it's not gay to get your dick sucked

Name me (((one))) reason why two consenting persons should not have sex with each other. Age is not a reason. The daughter clearly loved the guy

Congrats on your triple trips!

>How did they know the Evian water guy was gay?

Im not saying the whole thing isnt completely crazy but uh, did you watch the doc? That dude is obviously fuckin gayer than roller derby, its obvious from the minute he starts talking

I'd assume in business its more of a power thing than a sexual thing. But again I'm not choking down a hard cock for a fucking job

it was a different time

Considering he knew not to penetrate her and break her hymen says he's done this before.

Billy McFarland was just saying, get it done by any means necessary. he didn't literally mean suck his dick. the customs agent was not gay, and would not have risked his career to get head from an old guy

I'm not taking about the guy in pic I'm talking about the guy he needed to blow

until the time they were in mexico in that trailer (according to jan)
i'm sure he waited until her cunny dripped and ached for something to thrust inside it
that's why she was so guilty about it

This was pretty messed up. Cult leader keeps getting all kinds of plastic surgery and everything. He's really weird, moves everyone to some tropical place where they live in a fenced in area and keep all kinds of strange animals. Then it turns out He was a former porn star

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Of course she liked it as it continued thats where her whole "I was afraid he the aliens would kill muh family" lie comes from but its still not right to do that to a child.

That's just commom sense.

Yeah, she was like 12-13 so she was already starting puberty.

only if they ask for it
those girls do exists

Remember to lie when in jail and say it was drugs otherwise you get your nuts cut off

If that's true I'm a democrat now

do drugs as well so it's not a total lie

the mom was talking about it like she wished it never ended.

women have no souls

Mom's always play the victim but here yea she completely didn't give a fuck to admitting that she continuously fucked another man. And also let her daughter fuck the same man.

The woman belongs in prison.

Mormons are among the most sexually repressed people on the planet. Look up soaking and anal and stuff that the BYU sluts do to circumvent staying "pure" before marriage.

The father clearly had homosexual tendencies and acted on them the first discreet chance he got. They likely did more than that too, because "he gave me a handjob" isn't really all that convincing as blackmail. The guy had gotten the father to do something really degenerate to have been able to blackmail him that thoroughly. The father didn't want to say what it was on the documentary I guess

The first time I watched this I was high out of my mind. It didn’t even feel real

This is a close second right here

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I liked the first 45 minutes, the next half hour was okay but winding down and I didn't like the ending except for when they said he had done it to other kids too

I think the only reason the mom wrote the book was because she felt used because he also got jacked off by the dad. how dare her husband cheat on her? she's the only one who is allowed to cheat.

Though my point still stands, I suppose that is true. Just imagine one day you say fuck it and go do something insane to get your dick wet because you gave up, except it works every time. It's like when you have a 10% roll in a game but it works so you keep trying to see how far you can go and it never stops working until you beat it.

He wasn't an incel, he could have sex if he wanted, but he wanted a cunny gf.

I'm not saying he was, I'm saying imagine having that level of control over people.

must get boring after a while

That guy is clearly gay. So is the other dude.

This plus the Ted Bundy doc made me realize the 70s were the dumbest years of this country

But at what cost?

Because the alien abduction story was bullshit cooked up after the fact to hide that she really wanted the dick.
He sleeps with her in the same bed for fucking months, and still needs to come up with some alien abduction shit to get it in?
Fucking please.


Probably why people in these positions start doing increasingly insane and depraved shit.

What cost?
There's little Mormons do that Muslims don't, beyond beheading heretics.

If you were a victim.
If you were a serial killer or absolutely normal, sexually healthy male (hebephile), they were golden years.

Yeah, it's pretty clear the entire family was okay with it. It's just that their friends and neighbors started wondering, so they made up this bullshit story about gay blackmail and alien abductions.

The 70's man

maybe the 2020's will rebound and give cunnies a sexual revolution, the tranny shotas are almost getting theirs

The problem is that feminists have too much power, they don't give a shit about little boys being castrated and paraded around gay bars, but you aren't allowed to even look at young girls.

What this nun wrote to that dude she liked.

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you're most likely right... time to put money into a loli doll
loli dolls on Yea Forums here I come

it's been a while, what did she write?

This is the only logical explanation.

So when old people born and raised in the 70s talk shit about our generation being fucked up I can easily tell them to see this and they can fuck off right?

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The mom sounds so uninterested as B tells her the kid is a prostitute and selling drugs. She just says oh goodness and oh my. Are all mormons this retarded?

I'm convinced that this was all a ruse and she really did know what was going on. There is NO WAY the parents were that stupid.

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the brother is GOAT

Fuck man, I don't remember it exactly but it was naughty. Might have to rewatch.


I love the fact that the parents lied about their daughter not being kidnapped only to keep a secret that the father likes to jerk off men kek

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Just watched it. That shit was batshit insane

>love him
>you age too old so he's not interested
>get pissy and try to ruin his life when he's 80
fuck roasties

Where did it all go so right?

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Only if we both get to say "no homo" before and after the fact

still gay bro

It's just kid's stuff.

It was kinda funny how he literally got fucked over by a bunch of progressive bikers (they had an Asian guy and butch female) that ended with him killing himself to not go to jail for trying to run them over. True pottery

She was too cute for the cloister

I'm guessing it was some sort of brainwashing thing he was into for fetish reasons. It was fucked up though

it would have been easier to improvise as the voice of god, which makes me believe that was a story to create against B

Roofies could explain the alien shit.

Age is required for agency which is required for consent.

Title should be “people who never should’ve been parents”

what's this arbitrary government suggested age to make sure I won't go to heck?

This documentary is literally on Netflix

but they can't do that so they lower it arbitrarily.

On tape he says “entered a homosexual relationship with the dad” so yeah you’re right the dad was sucking him off on the reg.

No. Even if he had no hands. No

The mom straight up smiles when she was talking about how he used to fuck her. She was just salty he dropped her for that teen twat.

Excellent, high energy, non-gay digits

Imagine slipping the head up and down her little 12 year old vag being careful not to break the hymen? Making her suck it hard then just rubbing it on her little clit. Doing it so good she writes you love letters and runs away to suck your cock some more.

Check out these kinos:
>The Jinx
>The Imposter (2012)
>The Staircase

This post is a joke, right, user?

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Was a proto Sam Hyde or something?


i love the fact that he fucked both the mother and the father just so he could get closer to the daughter. mormons are fucking weird.

dad was a closeted homo. i mean he was a florist for chrissakes.

>"smile all the time because I love you"
>tfw no cunny gf

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>The Imposter (2012)
The Imposter was interesting on the same level of "how could the family fall this shit". I get being grief-stricken and sometimes seeing only what you want to see in a situation but god damn, man.

There was also an interesting documentary of this guy (the one shooting the documentary) came from a family where his dad pretty much ran his own family like a little sex cult, even banging their literally retarded child. He interviews his siblings, gets stories/testimony against the dad, and tracks him down to get a confession out of him but he's a senile old fuck who just denies it all again.
It was weird seeing how the entire family seemed so fucked up all those years later. Like one of the director's sisters basically laughing her ass making light of having fucked her brother, flashing her tits to him while he was filming, etc.


I meant to finish that with "but I can't remember the name of it", because I was hoping someone else knew.

I remember some documentary about a family being molested by their parent. Something about giving them quarters if they can fit so much dick up them, don't remember if there was a brother or a retard though.


Ted Bundy's doc was something else. Either he was a genius or everybody around him was retarded.

Found it. "Just Melvin, just evil." Grandfather I guess, not dad.
The thing about the quarters is indeed from this one I believe, that line stuck with me too and came up as I was recalling the movie.

Back in those days a quarter went a lot farther.

My dad gave me quarters for getting hits in baseball games when I was 8.
This is a bit darker.

I'll release whatever you want for a good bj, usually a couple mLs of semen though.

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>last name is JUST
Did he really not expect him to fuck his shit up, fa.m?



>I need to lay with your daughter my therapist said so

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Imagine the moment you finally slip in inside her tight virginal little snatch. Imagine looking her dead in the eye as you take her innocence away. Imagine the soft little whimpers and moans.

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How do you deal with a 12 year old girl flirting with you? Asking for a friend.

the hentai that was based on it was pretty good

Her squirming as you use your tongue to get her wet, making sure you get deep into both holes as she writhes and grasps the sheets. The look of awe on her face as you take your throbbing dick that is literally harder than it’s ever been and guide it into her hairless little cunny. Taking it out and running the shaft back and forth in her crevice without penetrating. Covering her sweaty little body with a huge load you’ve been saving for two weeks knowing you probably won’t even go soft and you can keep going. Making her use her little tongue to massage the bottom of your balls as you continue to empty on her face and neck.

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story time

Haha, yeah. What kind of sicko would enjoy that?

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By getting her alone and casually asking her “so, out of curiosity, have you done anything with a guy yet?” Gauge her reaction. Get her to talk about sexual stuff but act aloof. Then play around in a way that’s physical but innocent. Arm wrestling, or play fighting. Something where you can dominate her but keep laughing and maybe let her win a little, let her get on top and then get a boner and if she notices, again, gauge her reaction. If she gets uncomfortable, apologize and tell her it’s involuntary. If she acts interested or aroused then ask her if she’s ever seen one... go from there.

lmao this is so dumb

Only some sort of monster would enjoy running his hand down her cheek, then neck, then down her bare chest with small tits just barely starting to grow, to her stomach, then down between her legs. Feeling her absolutely perfect little vagina which at that point is just a small little slice with some inner lips and perfect pinkness. What kind of scum would just absolutely soak in the pheromones, the softness of the skin, the intoxicating power and lust that was almost tangible in the air. Everything from the little toes, to the bellybutton, to the wide eyes staring back at you as you do things she’s thought about in her mind but never done before.

Well it’s either that or “truth or dare”

kys pedos

This sounds disturbingly like the voice of experience.

ask her if she shouldn't be playing with her pokemons instead of being annoying
they hate nothing more than be reminded of they are: children

You sound jealous

the dad absolutely sucked his cock. that was a the vibe i got.

Literally made for British TV in Britain you fuckin bongoloid. Netflix gets them super cheap to air from the BBC.

Mormons, dude. If you're dumb enough to believe the story of Joseph Smith you're pretty much dumb enough to believe anything.


I think the mom only felt affected when they were getting divorced and she was getting nothing. What a cunt, the whole family is just bizarre

>he doesn't jerk off his bros

I think more important question is how you not go absolutely insane once she has your semen inside of her whole day while at school, being filled and marked by you, stealing every living thought out of your soul.

Long story short my boss's youngest daughter has a huge crush on me. I'm his PA and I often get a lift to work from his driver while he's also taking her to school. We've been doing it for a year and gotten really close, she's genuinely so sweet and kind and we both feel we can confide in each other. However recently she's started being quite flirtatious with me, stuff like resting her head on my shoulder, holding my hand, even kissing me on the cheek when noone is watching. I've never had this problem before but I'm seriously falling for her and it makes me feel such a degenerate scumbag. Doesn't help that she's usually dressed in either tennis whites or her uber-cute school uniform.

She's a plant. Her father is testing you to see if you have the resolve to become upper management. Fuck around with his daughter one time and your ass is handed to you on a platter and your career is ruined.

it doesn't have to be this way. maybe in the US though

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How many times per week do you fap over her in your head, user? Also what is her age?

Get some upskirt pics.

Shall I console myself with that thought? Haha. If I get a better job does that mean I get my loli harem?

She's 12 and will be 13 in April. I've got it under control now but there was a time it was every single day. Once I snuck into her room and did it in her bed. I even considered taking her panties. God what has happened to me. I'm a perfectly confident normal guy who's had plenty of girlfriends and here I am acting like an r9k perma-virgin.

I can assure you being in love does these things to you and you don't have to be ashamed of it. Even with the panties and jerking off in her bed. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind if you took one of her undies. And cumming in one of them and returning it so she wears it later; why not? Just let her explore and be gentle and never do anything she doesn't want. If she's curious, let her be curious and make her happy. It's all just about that really, user.

>. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind if you took one of her undies.

Look, I appreciate the support but that would just be nasty and sordid.

I mean she wouldn't even notice probably. I'm pretty sure she would love to have one of your shirts too, for example. Girls love to wear their man's things.
Had a cousin of the same age as the lolita you're talking about and she would always try to wear my shirts lol.

Be a Chad.

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That feeling you get. That thrill. That erotic opium that makes you do things is the best feeling there is. Let her give you little kisses. See how far you can go. Put your hand on her leg. Make her give you kisses on the lips. Smell her hair. Tell her you want a pair of her panties.

Smelling hair is especially important in building a trust. Not sure why are humans so fixated on hair, but the scent of your scalp is like nothing else in this world.

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white ppl are FUCKED up

A true masterpiece.

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Is this how the FBI operate? I mean I could do better than this if you niggers paid me money


She does have the most intoxicating scent. Last summer I was in the car with her coming back from a country club and she cuddled up to me in her grass stained polo shirt and little shorts and fell asleep on my shoulder. I remember sniffing her hair again and again, ghosting my fingers down her smooth, slightly sunburnt arm and wishing this moment could last for ever.

Both. Also it was still the information dark ages. You could move a couple towns away, literally become an entirely different person and next to no one would ever know. It was a different time.

user, for the love of god, make love with her. If she's happy with you and her soul fulfilled, she's going to love you forever and you will grow old together. At some point you have to accept love is ageless.


Crummy pokemon?
She should be playing with a pail of water instead.

Jesus some of yall need to nut in a woman. It takes the edge off.

wow what a lovely thread


Seriously wtf

it's only batshit insane if you're dumb enough to believe anything the parents say. the reality is that they knew and they didn't care, at best.

In the mid twentieth century, there were a lot of places and groups in america that got very sexually repressed and stubbornly didn’t want to acknowledge that sexual deviancies like homosexuality exist. So when guys felt homosexual attractions, they’d make up weird excuses for it to brush it away. Being in a mormon community just makes it worse. So the reasoning “bros just help eachother out sometimes, it’s not weird.” was actually an idea. Usually it’s applied to one time things among confused naive teenagers that want to experiment, though- not full grown married men with kids.

This guy fucking knew what was going on, though, at least after a while, and just didn’t want to admit it and needed an excuse.

She's not even 13 yet for gods sake dude. Believe me I'm tempted but I don't think I'd ever forgive myself. Besides I'm worried it will start me off down a dark path.

10 yo old today know more about sex than you ever did when you were 15. Do whatever you think is right, all I say artificial age limits are artificial and not natural and are not here to serve always for the greater benefit of society.

I don’t know how people in these threads manage to forget that the parents had three children. They had to have been fucking at one point at least. They’re just also both sluts.

It’s not consent when she’s only saying yes because you convinced her aliens will destroy eath if she doesn’t.

>"he gave me a handjob" isn't really all that convincing as blackmail.

Not saying you’re wrong about there probably being more to it, but I can still imagine a Mormon community disowning someone over just a handjob.

Here's the true true, user.

Speaking to you as a genetically-constructed beast, there's nothing naturalistically wrong with your desires here. You come from a loooooooong line of ancestors that bred with females on the cusp of their fertility. Us humans usually died in our 20s or 30s for the majority of the time we've been humans, and great apes on top of that, and further back we go. The fact of the matter is that us men, virile into our elder years, have a genetic propensity to always be on some primal lookout for a budding womb to breed.

However, culturally and intellectually, you are in the red, my friend. You will not be spared if word gets out. You are walking on thin ice, pragmatically. Enjoy the eye candy and the emotional rush if you really have to, but leave it there. This is your boss' daughter. They know your name, your social security number, your home address. One "wrong" move on your part and your life is sincerely and utterly ruined. All she has to do is—a year or more from now even—listen to an authority/mentor figure talk about adults manipulating/abusing children, for her to conclude post-hoc that she was also abused, and you will suddenly be getting knocks on your door. You're too close. Things can go very bad for you, very quickly.

If you really want to work on deprogramming yourself, see if you can find a trustworthy therapist that can handle your desires. Again, you are having to leave the beastly, genetically-coded desires behind and take the mantle of a culturally-sound person who desires females your culture deems sexually available for you—again, the pragmatic choice. Good luck to ya

it's special?

What on Earth is this? A documentary about mental problems running in the family?

This. It’s really not more far fetched than alien messiahs.

>"how could the family fall this shit"
what about the FBI
that shit was gloriously absurd

I would skin you alive and salt the wounds if you ever got near my kids, faggot

Then you would go to prison fo murder. If history teaches you anything, age of consent is going to be abolished within your lifetime. Better get ready for it, chimp.

>implying they’d find the body
>implying my town wouldn’t jury nullify that shit anyway

You know I will be dead, but your little daughter is going to have my semen inside of her holes. And she will even like it and be happy about it. How does that make you feel, cowboy?

The age of consent is an arbitrary line, I agree, but it does have a value, especially to parents protecting their children from predators.

If the age of consent does go down the same weirdass progressive road as "preschoolers can decide to change their gender and we all have to honor their choice, lest we be bigots" then it will still be within the confines of the relative age proximity between the lovers. Meaning, the 30-year-old will still not be able to pursue the 12-year-old and expect to get away from it, legally or socially.

>show this to my boomer parents because I live in Pocatello
>parents see FBI agent
>find out that he lives 2 blocks away and I used to rake his leaves
Kino for this feel?

Does anyone have any pictures of B's wife? I'm curious to see the woman he dropped for a kid.

Impressive... Very nice

Also she's going to kill herself, because you killed her life's love. How does that make you feel, cowboy?

You cannot have a rule of law that exploits right to be loved and receive love just because you're scared of predators. You have to come up with something better. Age restrictrions are undeniable violations of basic human rights and will be abolished within our lifetime.

Recently? Dear Zachary

Is this one of those docos, like Dear Zachari, that will make me feel mentally ill by trying to relate to absolute nutjobs?

There's whole other division for turning VIPs into pedos, m8.

>Was he a chad?
No, he was a profoundly mentally ill individual.

Reported to FBI

>us humans usually died in our 20s or 30s
Really now? Mortality rates include infant death, retard. Sure, we died younger, but not that young.
Not even disagreeing with the core of your message, which is men of all ages tend to be attracted to girls at the prime of their fertility, but 12/13 is too young for that. Most of them haven't even had their periods yet at that age. Added to that young girls have been looking older and getting their first periods at an increasingly young age, shifting majorly even in just the past 30 years. That means young girls took longer to be considered fertile in the past, where those instincts looking for "budding fertility" were formed. Children who haven't been through puberty yet aren't generally considered prime fertility.
You're looking more at ages 15-17 if you're going for that angle.

>Agent Mike has entered the chatroom.

I kind know that feel, but with a little cousin, our families were on vacation together, her family is fine but the dad works long hours and the mom is too strict, so she's very in need of affection, we spent a lot of time together and I'm always listening to her, playing games together, showing her cool stuff like cute animes and Babymetal (protip: little girls love Babymetal), after some time she just started getting too close physically, it was kind weird because she's very tomboyish and I didn't really expect that from her, like started hugging me all the time, which even lead to a awkward situation for me once, where she hugged me in front of the entire family and so tight that I was having trouble even breathing, everyone started kind laughing and commenting, she also would rest her head on me and give me backrubs (which gave me a feeling that I had never experienced before).

As for advice, I genuinely don't believe that there's anything wrong with sexual contact between adults and children, but unfortunately we have to consider the society we live in, the fact that we can't really control our access to them and our time together, now you see her everyday, but the arrangements could change and you suddenly be deprived of any contact with her, then if you had initiated a sexual relationship what would happen? You can't know how she would end up feeling about it with all the anti propaganda there's around, so taking all of that in consideration the best is just to enjoy it as much as you can while remaining in a safe territory like you are doing right now, just being with a cute lg is one of the best feelings in the world anyway.

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How old is your cousin? And do you have any fantasies over her, user? Thank you for sharing. Maybe one day we will all live free with lolis.

Forgot to say, she was 11-12 at the time, but we don't live close, so we have been separated for a long time now and I'm not sure when I'll get another chance to see her again, such is life as a cunnybro.
I don't really fantasize about her as much now, I just fap to my cunny collection.

Sorry about that, lolifriend. Hope you will find another close cunny for yourself and make her happy and fulfilled. Have you ever thought of secretly taking her panties back then?

>Director: Skye Borgman
also directed this, pure kino

You clearly haven’t been to Salt Lake City then
There are TONS of non white mormons due to converts acquired through mission trips
>t. Former Asian Mormon who realized the church was retarded

Not really, haha, I'm not that much of a panties guy, although once there was another 14 year old cousin and she left her panties lying around once, so I thought why not and smelled them a little, it was interesting.

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Tell me everything about the smell please! And what is your favorite cunny activity in general?

There was a faint smell of pee and something else that is hard to explain, it's not bad, I would smell it for a long time if I could.
Tickling lg's tummies and feet is probably the thing that I most love in this world, seeing and hearing their laughs gives me a really good feeling.

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Oh yeah, I can relate to that. What about the cunnies? What do you like the most they do to you? And do they smell nice in general like a rose soap?

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>we live in a society

cunnybros, raise up!

Most cunnybros are the nicest people I know and I would let them touch the butt of my lolicunny.

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Hard to say, a lg just existing near me is enough to make me happier, but I guess the best is when they show that hey want some affection from me, it's because I know that I love them a little too much so if I'm not careful I might exaggerate and end up making them uncomfortable, so when they come jumping on your arms or grabbing your hand to put it around them while cuddling, you know that you are on the same page and it's nice.

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>Getting raped by a grown man who calls dinner din din

Honestly the bitch ass father deserved it

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do they smile at you in the street?

Would you ever prepare for your cunny a dish with bits of special juice? How would you feel seeing her nom it?

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I don't know, wouldn't that be cuckery?

I would still own the cunny. Some anons don't have the access, so I'm willing to help them a bit.

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Can't blame her. She had first hand knowledge of how good that dick was.

Sometimes when I smile at them, I don't go out a lot outside of going to the gym or work and I'm usually driving, so I don't see many, but I still remember one that gave me such a genuine and happy smile it still makes me feel good when I think about it, such is the power of cunny.

No, I think that would go against my principles.

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What would you buy for your cunny, if you would have one? Shoes, shirt, teddy bear?... You can pick only one gift!

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Easy, a cat ears headband, these are just so fucking adorable, I actually have bought a cute headband for a little cousin before.

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Holy shit, the degenerates who ruined this thread need some Jesus

You mean improved?

That is cute af. What if she would ask you to do something lewd with her afterwards? What would you do?

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Trip trips

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