Look attha piece of electronics

Just look at it. Is this something you'd expect belonging to a spaceship? It looks like the inside a cheap FM radio made in China!

Attached: Rey_bypassed_compressor.jpg (1179x740, 104K)

imagine being JJ and having to deal with this shit actress.

JJ deal with her asshole, true story

Just look at it. Is this something you'd expect belonging to a spaceship? It looks like the inside a cheap FM radio made in China!

Attached: star-wars5-movie-screencaps.com-14260.jpg (1600x680, 139K)

Daisy seems like a nice person, but she also seems like she's a bit slow. Like that she literally has a low IQ.

Image fucking her in the ass haha haha. That would be really funny.

Attached: 1548606526151.png (420x420, 335K)

I wanna bypass the foreplay and plow straight into Daisy's insides.

Han: Those are 2 C batteries, honey

>comparing tech they had in the 70s to 2016 .
Get fucked dick sucking faggot.

based retard poster

>It was more interesting and unique back then.

Oh yeah, now we are talking

Attached: pagliacci.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Nice projection faggot

Just look at it. Is this something you'd expect belonging to a spaceship? It looks like the inside a cheap FM radio made in China!

Attached: DqOcVJEW4AEFskM.jpg (867x922, 136K)

What if it looked like this?

Attached: ADSzfxgvh.png (180x198, 2K)

you did that with mspaint?

I did. Just now.

You're a modern day Da Vinci.

Just look at it. Is this something you'd expect belonging to a spaceship?

Attached: 3po2.jpg (675x800, 328K)

ty ty

Star Wars always had a deliberately retro aesthetic. The original trilogy emulated WW2, the prequels emulated retro-futurism. The sequel trilogy doesn't have as strong an art direction but it's still mostly WW2 inspired, mixed with some 2000s sleek design.

Post it

Attached: yfw I bypass the character development.jpg (980x490, 69K)