CNN should be banned from every social media platform for endorsing conspiracy theories. Only fair.
CNN pushes Russian collusion
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didn't the exact opposite of this just happen?
>CNN pushes Russian collusion
So how are the redditards dealing with today? What excuses are they making?
The media always gets a free ride. When they duped the country into thinking it would be a landslide I expected them to at least get some heat but nope.
why is cnn so fucking evil?
>info ''''''''''''''suggests''''''''''
>'''''''''''may''''''''''''' have
im not on one side or the other, but is this really what you fucking call journalism?
Do CNN foster terrorism? No, that's just Yea Forums... :')
Who cares about reality when you have a narrative to maintain?
"Just because there's no evidence he's guilty, that doesn't mean he's not guilty."
Why the fuck is CNN singled out, they were all peddling the insane conspiracy theories that made the world less safe and helped Trump.
NYT, WaPo, Buzzfeed, MSNBC.
Fucking assholes
They're turning on Mueller already
you got what you wanted, stop crying
your alleged 13 angry democrats saved your demagogue and you are still making threads whining lol
holy shit
CNN is gay and jewy isn’t that punishment enough?
Impressive perseverance in all honesty.
but heir trump says the dems and by extension the liberal media are anti-jewish
so which is it
Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.
There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.
The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.
I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.
"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."
"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."
"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."
"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."
The simple fact of the matter is that conservatives just aren't offering any good ideas any more. What's the compromise between "We need to stop climate change" and "Lol, climate change isn't a real?" Or "Homosexuals should have the right to marry" and "Homosexuals cause hurricanes?"
What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality
We gonna get 8 years of this?
Kikes, like all Evil in the world
fuck russia and russians. it has never been a proper country, always ruled by nasty dictators
"Just because there is no evidence of bigfoot doesn't mean they don't exist"
>they care about Clinton's Uranium deals but only because of muh Drumpf
These people do not deserve to live
yeah but they went to space, pretty impressive
This is delicious pasta but it's not wrong /pol/ friends. Liberalism always wins long term.
that is actual autism
they're just reloading
FUCK YOU DISCORD TRANNY DICKSUCK. Fuck yourself with an icepick
Or Iraq and the WMDs?
They bite the hand that feeds them because they are retarded, self centered and have had everything handed to them on a silver platter. Trump plays them like a fucking fiddle because he has iron balls and the heart of a lion. Go to the back of the line, libtard.
He only said that because he knew it'd get under their jew skin
>associating with Russians is a crime now
but I thought we were one race, the human race, and borders weren't real because you can't see them from space and so on
thats literally what it said. if you stopped saving pictures from twitter for a moment and actually read it you would see this for yourself. good meme though i laugh
Yes, Brazil is a haven of liberalism
haha yes libtard. that one really cuts to my core. i wont even be able to sleep tonight knowing how hard you just "rekt" me
Trump is literally Jewish
Also plz have sex
>set up “right wing” straw men because libtards have had no real enemy for decades
>lose their fucking minds when they don’t get their way every time
>can’t decide which “brown skinned minority” needs to be saved be the heroic libtards
>inadvertently bites the jewish hand that’s been feeding them to virtue signal in front of muzzies that want to literally kill them
You did this to yourselves
Delicious libtard tears reminiscent of election night
>with the mountain of evidence reported on my the mainstream news
You'd think they figure it out.
we've reached peak reddit
You know this will unironically be the (((Democrats))) October Surprise, right? 4 years in the making and only for it to fail when the only collusion that took place was on behalf of the (((Democrats))) and was conducted by Israelis larping as Russians. Like the only real uncovering on this subject has ever proven.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
But I thought Trump was literally Hitler?
Also get AIDS degenerate faggot
Possibly my favorite
They don't need to because the Head of the Executive Branch by Constitutional definition cannot "obstruct" justice
>sexist, homophobic, xenophobic
everytime i see these words it just says to me the person who wrote them has the femen virus
only someone who frequents said site regularly would know
based and truthpilled
I like how the democrats have been frothing at the mouth over the russian hacker conspiracy theory for 3 years but don't care about the millions Clinton accepted from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia
lol ok constitutional professor show me exactly where it says that. i will wait but pretty sure this thread will 404 before you manage to pull something out of your ass
Did he have the kavanaugh accuser tatted on his nutsack? — can’t even remember that schizo’s name
Nothing to see here
>this lunacy is a mainstream view in America
>we need to waste more tax payers money!
These people need to die
that's an obvious joke you fucking retard.
Just like entropy and death
I hope he's got a scalpel roflmao
>the only way we can save America is by installing an authoritarian totalitarian government that will aggressively suppress any dissenting opinions
i can't even tell if it's a meme
B.. b.. but they're wearing suits and ties! They wouldn't lie to us!!!
the mueller investigation was paid for more than twice over by the manafort seizures alone
literally not a dime of your hard earned part time burger king fry cook tax dollars was spent on it
0 indicted because of Muh Russia schizoid conspiracy theory
With what? Pharmaceuticals?
>wants a one party state so he never has to feel lime a loser again.
>doesn't even have the decency of pretending to not be biased by including the debacle of King Nigger directing Lois Lerner to weaponize the IRS and target conservative charities
Good one m8
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter :^)
Uh Russians are white colored so they're basically the KKK and also nazis.
>when the president does it, it isn't illegal
> Tattoo with solid black outline.
What in the actual fuck.
>Getting a tattoo of a person who lied about WMDs to congress on your back
>point at red and call it blue
nice tactic!!
better double up on bubble wrap it’s gonna get a lot worse, enlightened progressive
naw, just for meddling in the election and playing you like a fiddle on facebook and twitter
that must be much easier to reckon with knowing you just got duped
>our witch hunt was justified even though it had nothing to do with Russian collusion
Boot licker
The Republican Party is a complete joke. Still can't believe there are retards who still fall for this shit.
seethe more
t. reddit
>score hidden, posted 2 minutes ago
>mainstream view of America
Holy shit I love Jews now. And yes, I probably will have sex. Thanks.
im literally crying right now, you have out meme'd me sir. kudos
if you're so butthurt about israel vote democrat
>vote for the party of kill all white people, hand in your guns or be executed and and 46% income tax
No thanks, move to literally any other country on the planet if that's what you want.
based mass reply poster
>meddling in the election
Like how the leaked emails revealed Cunton shouldn't have even won the Democratic Primary?
>Bernie can still win too!
Which ethnicity is over represented by CNN I wonder? Who owns CNN I wonder?
Don't pay attention to this kinda stuff by the way; don't wanna be labeled """far-right""", do ya?
If you actually follow through and have sex, you'll find that jew butthurt will decrease dramatically.
I get you're skeptical, but just try it.
if there was no said witch hunt, your master would not have been "exonerated". you would think you would be thanking them
exactly like whataboutism, yes
coping boomer believing the same guy who tried to cover up the iran contra
Best part is the last election had people seriously wanting to oust the electoral college, the only thing letting Dems have a chance to begin with.
Jews own clinton and obama
Did people really think anything was going to come of this?
CNN literally promotes terrorism and indirectly encourages it. They also love it and benefit off of it.
You sorts of millenials who just suck the cock of corporate media are so pathetic.
I'm not gay like Hitler was. Why do you think Hitler was on so many drugs?
proto-AIDS. Patient 0.
Time for your meds grandpa.
lol they should do benghazi redux too while they are at it. im sure they will uncover something this time
Holy shit the game is rigged. Tell me something I didn’t know.
Oh no, you're one of these fools who's being swindled into voting against your best interests and never gets any actual campaign promises fulfilled. How embarrassing.
Thank god our court system doesn't use empty mantras over common sense.
it's those white males
More than 60% of democrats believe a debunked conspiracy theory
>be happy you're exonerated for something rational people knew you never did
How very Bolshevik of you
retarded leftist throughslaves really did believe it. its so fucking funny and pathetic.
CNN is LESS jewish than Trump's cabinet/family and MORE White than /pol/
let that sink in
cnn got your boy elected
Trump really is the gift that keeps on giving.
If I vote for Democrats they have promised to raise my taxes and take my guns. I have a Masters Degree. I make almost 100k. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me I'm voting against my interests, I'm not.
>trump colluded with muh ruskies
It's still real to me, dammit!
I don't understand what makes Australians so gay desu
Trump is a gift that keeps on giving your money to Israel.
Is this what Trump meant by Getting Tired of Winning? Because I'm not close to getting tired.
>internet memes is election meddling
>rigging a Presidential Primary isn't
Full retard
>right wing conservative christians
lol i havnt laughed that hard in 20 minutes
Please get shot by an incel.
Tough but fair.
Look at how they worded this shit.
Worth it for the tears.
>H-Hitler was g-gay, do you hate him yet ;_;?
Your big nose is showing, kike
did you actually read the barr memo? because that is exactly what it says... or are you just unintentionally being daft?
>vote for the party that has literally no plan for a healthcare system, will put you in prison for owning a dime bag of weed, gets rid of laws making it so financial institutions have to act in their customers best interest, sends all our money to israel, sucks the Saudi princes dick after he dismembered the father of American citizens, and puts laws into place to pander to lead poisoned boomer evangelicals
even if democrats were everything you say they are I'd still rather they be in charge than republicans
I work with grown ass white men that watch CNN. They are obsessed with Trump and have nothing but genetic anti Trump outrage statements to make every single day. I just sit back and listen to them rant and am actually quiet fascinated with experiencing these calibre of people in person. They regurgitate CNN tier content as though it were fact and not just "The Onion" part duex.
These men also raise other men's kids
no it isn't you fucking idiot. and /pol/ is satire, what is your point? oh thats right, you don't have a point and are trying to deflect from the fact that you and your corporate msm masters are totally wrong about everything and you still believe them because you're a stupid little npc
>voting for open borders is in your interest goy
Mentally ill retard
>pointing out historical realities makes me a jew
huh? Why are you so defensive? These are historical photographs.
So much for the tolerant left :/...
you should write to your congressman and demand an investigation if you feel so strongly about it. im not sure greentexting on Yea Forums is going to get you anywhere but keep on keeping on
fall for what? a conspiracy theory? the biased reporting of tv news corporations? the moronic opinions of Hollywood actors? the censorship tactics of Silicon Valley oligarchs?
>has literally no plan for a healthcare system
It's not the government's job to provide for your healthcare. Get out of the way, provide tax free accounts you can put your earned income in and use it to pay your medical bills.
>making it so financial institutions have to act in their customers best interest
They act in their own interests because that's the point of their existence. They exist to turn a profit, not to serve you because you exist. You sound like a brown skin cali socialist.
>does not exonerate the president
Obama truly was the Black Panther/Get Out/Us of presidents. I regret ever voting for him.
You're wrong about literally everything libcuck, your flawed analysis is irrelevant
>everyone that isn't a democrat is voting against their own best interests
I love that one. Do you also think calling republicans racist 1000 times will work too? KEK
that's not even asking if they think Trump colluded. All that lead in the pipes really fucked with you boomers heads.
Some have actually been reasonably sane, which makes me think there's SOMETHING damning in the report somewhere.
ok this is epic
They do die of aids sometimes. And getting murdered by their pet niggers
we have a lot of low iq people who still watch tv and don't think about anything beyond "orange man bad" seriously.
>everyone who supports drumpf is an evangelical christian
le lol xD
The right wing are now the rational wing. The leftists have gone off the deep and are becoming more extreme, bought off, and tuned out to reality thanks to their buttbuddies in the msm.
Imagine being this entitled
I'm glad CNN is now below 900k viewers nationwide. Hopefully soon they will be gone for good.
Imagine the frothing mad leftist goons that thought WW3 was right around the corner or whatever delusion they tell themselves to justify thier irrationality
>left wing mentally ill faggots, trannies, feminist, s*yboys, and niggers
Hahahahahahahahaha no no wait *breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
sorry if it's trigger m8 but Hitler was undoubtedly a homosexual.
He killed Ernst Rohm after he threatened to go public with their affair. Also Hitler LITERALLY killed himself a few hours after marrying Eva Braun because the idea of being married to a woman repulsed him so much
they worded it in a way that says the opposite to the subconcious. cnn are weasels
You can hate Trump all you, but stop with this Russia nonsense.
Seriously though, something needs to be done about re-classifying these TV stations as "News" into something else. They just got exposed as pushing a fake story for two years. I don't care if they stay on the air, but they have to be labeled as what they are.
That's a troll account by the way. Still pretty funny.
yes climate change is not real either science is a complete joke, only a rational person would agree
JIDF operative here (Not even memeing).
I'm quite happy we got Trump elected and that this shit didn't stick. He just recognized Golan as rightfully ours.
Do me a favor kike, get a tripcode so I can block your retarded faggot posts, also kill yourself
You're really fucking stupid. That is blatant linguistic propaganda.
The underlying implication is that Trump colluded with Russia, despite years of the most far-reaching, politicized investigation in history concluding otherwise. You have no proof, Russian collusion is a conspiracy more fucking retarded than David Icke's lizard illuminati theory. It's time to stop acting like babies and try to actually come up with a democrat platform people will vote for. Fucking christ you people are children.
Do you really have to ask? These faggots are on suicide watch.
Australians that consider themselves progressive "global citizens" have to squawk really loudly because they are stuck commenting from the periphery of other peoples political movements. Why wouls americans care what an australian thinks about their political process? They shouldn't, but for certain types of people ALL political arenas worldwide (well, the ones where white people are involved anyway) are participating in battles they consider themselves personally invested in.
Why should I care that the Democrat party is demonstrably corrupt? I'm just pointing and laughing at the hypocrisy
I'm confused, why would you vote for him in the first place?
I hate Hitler and Nazis but what you are posting is retarded. Are you 14?
what the fuck is this /pol/ thread doing on my sneed board?
Why so homophobic?
don't forget to dilate tranny lover =D
Mueller report exonerates him from the collusion case, but not the obstruction case. But, the DOJ did it for him instead, because Mueller left it for them to decide since he was not convinced enough to handle it himself.
Either way, Trump got off really easy with this investigation.