Why did people hate this when it came out?

Why did people hate this when it came out?

Attached: the thing.jpg (1000x1426, 660K)

People couldn't handle the gore.

it's anti-climactic as fuck, for one

its the result of "a product of its time" the week prior, ET came out, a fully normy family friendly scifi movie, the exact same day it came out, blade runner released, so not only was it a horror movie competing with one of the most popular movies of the time, scifi itself was split three ways in theaters at the time

Reagan's America hated anything that wasn't rainbows and butterflies.

Too brutal
Too gory
Too violent
Too pessimistic
Too edgy
Not a good date movie

wasnt a thing back then

They were spoiled for choice. The Thing, Blade Runner, Poltergeist and ET were all released within a month of each other.

>the exact same day it came out, blade runner released
Literal kino week

No one had seen anything like it and people are sheep for the most part.

Attached: Ayn.jpg (306x450, 53K)

Because critics are fucking hacks

>The Thing, Blade Runner, Poltergeist and ET were all released within a month of each other
So many good films in one year and now it's only capeshit, sequels and political pandering bullshit

Carpenter went too far in a few places I'm glad he did

more importantly would Yea Forums have liked it? or hate it like a pleb?

>Hurr durr it was Reagans fault people hated a great movie.

Get fucked, faggot. You dislike wholesomeness because you're dead inside.

Loved it because The Thing is the essence of Yea Forums

i personally would have loved it if i was of age when it came out, but likely when i was young, would have went to blade runner instead

You are very stupid and should probably die soon.

I don't even like Reagan but you are an awful human being

You guys are just slaves to your emotions, you need to be happy all the time or else you think the world is ending. You can't think rationally.

>movie critics are a bunch of plebs
>normies everywhere
>NPC shills
Probably the eighties were like our current year (+4)

Attached: it's all so tiresome.png (500x478, 114K)

Look at the numbers It Follows, It Comes at Night, Hereditary and The Witch made when they came out.
Or pretty much any Carpenter and Clive Barker movie.
Good horror isn't a social experience and movie theaters in our culture are social experiences, not appreciation events.

But your emotions are what lead you to your conclusion numbnuts

>based Ayn poster

True horror is never liked by theater audiences. You can laugh, clap, or fuck during it because it's not funny, not uplifting, and too gory to fuck during. It's pleb filter, and it worked well.

The effects at the climax really suck dick

>no women
>movie is ambigious as fuck with no hand holding and everything is up to the viewer's interpretation
>gory as fuck
>no happy ending, everybody dies in the end and the main threat might not even had been killed in the end

>Not a good date movie
Bullshit, i watched it with my gf whilst ordering in chinese and we had a blast. Though admittedly we watch horror films on the regular.

i'm old as hell, so i remember that people also said it relied too heavily on special effects
they were state of the art practical effects for the era and many felt the movie was there purely to showcase them

Attached: pleb reaction.png (715x401, 386K)

Much the same reason people loved Star Wars and E.T. and more wholesome, non-nihilistic films: post Vietnam/Carter administration malaise (yes, it really was that bad, gas prices etc), also the 70s itself had had several dark, grim films and people were fed up with it. Poor timing, unfortunately.

Strengthening the point: this is exactly the same reason why Avatar was such a smash: good timing. People want a nice pleasant brain-dead escape, especially when a recession is in high gear and people are either out of work or being forced to take crappier jobs than what they're used to.

Ellsworth Toohey hated it! Two huge thumbs down!

idk why people assume you don't just mean "the 80s"