*contributes literally nothing to the conversation *
*contributes literally nothing to the conversation *
She's actually been opening up a lot more. It's weird hearing her opinions on stuff. Because it's like "oh, she's not just some dumb foreign bride."
*hnnnnnnyeah huhuh's*
Yeah? Yeah.
Since this is off-topic lets make it Yea Forums
what did she think of the new zealand shooter
Back to r*ddit with you.
I feel like Hila resides in a weird place between being hot and a transexual
30 year old NEET virgin here. shes cute
Cool, this off topic shit doesn't belong here though.
I would have many dirty little israeli babies with her
but how is her foot pussy game?
Would you a pregnant Hila?
Oh damn, she actually looks hot as hell here.
This is good
She looks good but still has a weird spooky look on her face
is there anything else interesting here or are these grease bags and their toddler cloths just going to fade into obscurity?
*giggles in an annoying voice straight into the microphone nonstop*
why are jews so annoying and uncharismatic
>that bathroom
This faggot and his shitty channel can afford a place like this?
>2019... I am forgotten
Reminder to forward this thread to hiro as it's a shilling one and they aren't paying him
No wonder they aren't relate-able anymore. They begged for all that legal money and a year or two later have a house with a bathroom like that?
She's so fucking hot in here that I can't stop think on fucking her trans looking ass
She's truly an interesting person to look out, very few managed to walk the androgynous look and pull it off like her.
>builds a bigger brand than the YouTube channel by making preschooler designed clothing that Zoomers love to wear
I think Hila is shit personality but she is obviously the driving force behind that hack
What's the appeal of them?
i think hila is rich too
They went monetized till the last second and made a shit ton of money off the channel obviously
She made a pretty successful clothing brand that can be seen in pretty much any mall
Each podcast draws over 100k in ad money even though the ads are hot trash
They easily make six figures a month, everyone thought they were poor as fuck since they were in a legal battle for a long time but the truth was that they easily had seven figures in the bank
They were living in a shitty apartment before.
It’s nostalgia at this point since Ethan has been exposed multiple times
Their podcasts are low effort as fuck and they pump them out steady. They must make at least $100k per podcast.
It’s nostalgia at this point since Ethan has been exposed multiple times
Why is this still up julian?