What movies did oldfags like?

What movies did oldfags like?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Matrix

LOTR Trilogy

That gif takes me back

Terminator 2
Indiana Jones


refresh yourselves on the meaning of the word

Gay Niggers From Outer Space

refresh yourselves on the meaning of the word

Fight Club

Anything with cunny, I recall.

>Gay Niggers From Outer Space
refresh yourselves on the meaning of the word

A clockwork orange
Everything fedoracore or edgy

When was Yea Forums created and when was LOTR released?

I don't think you actually know what "oldfag" means.

Original Yea Forums had a huge boner for House

The original and most correct answer is Fight Club

>14 year old Yea Forums meme still at work
we would just make a thread with a House related picture for the OP but then spend the thread talking about german expressionism

Entry level pleb trash like oldboy and ichi the killer

I miss the gifs

Attached: Not Lupus.gif (400x300, 1.54M)

I miss the days when Yea Forums was elitist

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Attached: wrinkled foreheadcore.png (1308x896, 602K)

OP said oldfags not old movies, dumbfuck.

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Attached: next level arthouse.jpg (1968x3400, 2.65M)

American psycho

Attached: raincore.jpg (1806x1415, 863K)

top giggle


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V for vendetta

Fucking duh

Season 11 Episode 5 of The Simpsons

Based "above it all" retard


Have you ever seen that 'fedoracore' chart? Those were the movies '00s Yea Forums liked.

A lot of kids on Yea Forums and Yea Forums listened to scenecore and shit like that, and a lot of anons on Yea Forums thought cringey nerd shit like Fight Club, Leon, and American Psycho was the height of profundity, and waifu'd actresses from movies and shows by Joss Whedon (like Summer Glau), or teen actresses from Nickelodeon, or from Parks & Rec.

In other words the taste was really awful and suburban and what would later be dismissed as reddit.