Can we get a Simpsons edits / Dark Simpsons Comics thread ?

Can we get a Simpsons edits / Dark Simpsons Comics thread ?

Attached: 1548034547219.png (644x1908, 1.07M)

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Yikes! This gayass thread is in desperate need of Sneed.

Attached: Sneed dabs on Moleman.png (512x384, 301K)


Pretty good edit I found

Attached: mr deens.png (500x376, 145K)

Attached: IMG-20190218-WA0005.jpg (1600x1371, 383K)

Fuck off

Attached: 1519494417005.gif (1100x450, 326K)

Rate mine.

Attached: 1553465530151.png (630x354, 42K)

>it's an "incels post the sneed meme" thread

Attached: 1546933104444.jpg (498x422, 230K)

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.

Attached: book.jpg (420x634, 181K)

Attached: 1553302950020.jpg (1080x362, 73K)

Attached: sneed victory.jpg (1474x1392, 256K)

>Fat smelly feminist dissing Sneed
You must be fun at parties.

Attached: 1545342755735.jpg (255x191, 11K)

Attached: 1550616722711.jpg (640x620, 81K)

Attached: 1549744771258.png (1280x1440, 1.34M)

>it's an "incel is everything i dislike" post

Attached: 1547325054554.jpg (873x875, 95K)


Attached: 1549737047770.png (480x729, 497K)

Attached: 1550615685467.jpg (640x960, 87K)

>not having the dong blur go down to Flanders' knees
Shit meme.

Attached: 1550616087580.png (631x960, 741K)

Attached: 1549735871269.jpg (640x960, 98K)

It's cold out.

Attached: 1546892436287.png (500x770, 212K)

The state of Yea Forums

Attached: 1550616335633.jpg (720x540, 55K)

>1 anti-virgin hit squad has been dispatched to your current location

Attached: 1552557849496.jpg (500x770, 434K)

Attached: 6482938911.jpg (1366x686, 97K)