Do you guys think this website has changed your taste in film in any dramatic way?

For me? This site put me onto Refn, Von Trier, Malick, Noe, and Kurosawa. Also countless foreign films like I Saw The Devil, No Man's Land, and Son of Saul. How about you lads?

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I would have watched less found footage horror movies

Nah. I have browsed this site for 14 years ironically.

i stopped watching capeshit

No, but this site has made me an absolute 14/88 racist. I'm better off for it.

what do you watch now?

Constant discussion of popular shows has led me to watch more popular shows that I dodged out of a childlish feeling of "Ugh you watching THAT popular show?"
Mostly to be up to date with the memes on new seasons of shit that I didn't watch and now I hype for.
It's good to enjoy things.

Not really, but it has made me to rethink and rewatch some of the movies I liked/disliked when I was younger. Changed my opinion on some, not on on others, but not sure it's due to Yea Forums or simply changing taste as I get older. Anyway, I usually trust the consensus here regarding new releases, as a majority of anons (outside of capeshit fags) have pretty good taste when you look past the shitposting.

Absolutely. Yea Forums turned me onto a lot of good stuff - if it's Yea Forums approved I usually dig it.

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I would have watched less movies featuring attractive little girls.

Interestingly Yea Forums has in my case been much more influential in the series realm rather than the movie one. For example I probably would never had given The Terror a chance on paper, but seeing the constant avalanche of threads about it on Yea Forums during it's prime airing, it did trigger curiosity after a while. And thank fuck for that.

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It has given me movies and shows to look into. My tastes remain unchanged. I like what I like and no one else's opinion matters to me. It scars me that I know people that change their opinion and stop liking movies after they hear some critic talk about why the movie is bad. Weak willed puppets.

Nah. People here have a shit taste for the most part. I was already a patrician when I came here.


the people on this board are genuinely morons. But I like endlessly bitching about films I just saw that made me angry so I unload here

No. Most movies you recommended were shit.

>No Man's Land
Based. Glad you got a chance to see it. I may just be the guy who was shilling it.
As far as taste is concerned, Yea Forums hasn't influenced it in any way. Maybe made me dislike Game of Thrones a bit more than I already did, but not radically.


I now hate dishonest filmmaking

No not really. Its still pretty much the same.

9-10 years ago I got into a stream through Yea Forums or Yea Forums, and have remained there since, have it up on another tab right now. Seen countless movies there, a lot of random 70s 80s flicks, random chinese movies.
Some weeb shit.
Wouldn't seen a lot of that stuff if it wasn't for chan.

I'm not sure I can identify a specific thing about my taste that I can attribute to this website, but there has to have been some influence, I've been here for far too long.

aside from the odd decent recommendation here or there, not really.

well, i've been on Yea Forums since 2008, when i was 15 years old, so yes

I was already a fan of cinema/film long before but I started watching more art films and world cinema after

You said "the website" as a whole though, and I believe every board I've been to (for a considerable amount of time) has greatly influenced my tastes and me as a person (Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /x/, /sci/, /ck/, /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /fa/, /g/, most notably - at different points in my time here since 2006)

right, I'm not sure Yea Forums made me watch the terror, but I do think Yea Forums made me watch rome which as good.

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peak cringe