>If the South had won the Civil War, they would have conquered the North, and the Confederate States of America would still have slavery up to the 21st century
Fucking really?
If the South had won the Civil War, they would have conquered the North...
Other urls found in this thread:
>CSA wins the war
I mean it's complete fantasy from this sentence forward
>There are "people" who think the American Civil War was *just* about slavery
NO but blacks would barely have rights
This movie is meant to appeal to racist smooth brain neanderthals
They wouldn't have kept slavery as an institution, it was on its way out anyway. It was literally more expensive to keep slaves then to use farm equipment within 40 ish years
Yeah it was pretty stupid. Chattel slavery existing in a industrialized society is laughable
>62% on metacritic
Sounds about right desu. If the South won the civil war that would basically mean that all the shenanigans at Ft Sumter didn't happen and the US would be split in two with the South being the equivalent of what an independent Ireland was after their revolution in the 20's - a poor, mostly agrarian nation wide little industry and an unstable overall society being worsened by it's industrialized and hated neighbor.
No alternate history fags with a fetish for muh CSA conquest of the Union woiod ever do something with this setting though
why should they? they barely classify as human
They'd look south to CA and the Caribbean for its riches and ease of slave trade.
Between slave revolts, suddenly becoming a naval archipelagic nation, dealing with existing natives of those regions, they'd fall apart internally trying to deal with it all. In this collapse, people would likely start the emancipation movement, as a means for change
it would certainly not become the America we know today
there's no way the South could have won...
t. /his/
Other than Man in the High Castle, what are the best alt-history kino?
The CSA had no way of beating the North, their plan was to make the North decide that it's just not worth the hassle and recognize their independence. If they had won a few more victories, it could have worked. Not everyone in the North was in favor of sending men to die and investing resources in the war. If public opinion reached its breaking point, the government would have been forced to just give up.
The South conquering the North though is an absolute fantasy.
the director of that movie taught film courses at the uni i went to
For the South, it was indeed mostly about slavery, it's the reason every state gave in their declarations of secession. They feared that Lincoln's election and the addition of new non-slave states into the union would destroy their "peculiar institution".
The South WILL rise again, you nigger lovers!!!
it was about federal government overreach which surprise surprise, the federal government over reached and continues to do so
>trusting slaves with heavy industrial machinery
This movie is retarded and obviously made by people with no understanding of history. Turtledove has a South wins the civil war series, that isn't exactly perfect, but it's leaps and bounds better than this movie.
>south wins war
>those lazy southern inbreds import more niggers to work in plantations
>Within a century niggers outnumber whites
>Niggers overthrow whites and are now able to conquer the world with the help of european infrastructure and inventions
Go back to stormfront
Have you seen the movie? Its a satire.
It's not their fault. It's mostly the left that are fed propaganda at an early age and just spend their lives spewing out what they were indoctrinated with.
the N-word
>If they had won a few more victories, it could have worked.
even so between weak decentralized government, backwards slave economy and not much industrial base it wouldn't last long.
Thats good a thing because they are barely human.
What ACTUAL Southern Victory would have looked like
>CSA scores some decisive victory in Northern Territories, devastating morale
>CSA holds out long enough for Democrats to take back White House
>Democrats negotiate peace deal
>CSA independent, gets British and French recognition to sustain itself
>Slavery continues in the South and Latin America
>Eventual re-assimilation of CSA into Union few decades later when slavery collapses anyway
how many movies does spike lee have that use the veil of le dumb kkk racists to make fun of all white people?
>>Niggers overthrow whites and are now able to conquer the world with the help of european infrastructure and inventions
Like in Zimbabwe, eh?
If you're not racist you're not paying attention.
In the CSA universe the moon landing takes place in 1894.
Basically this, it would collapse in on itself in a few decades.
>>Eventual re-assimilation of CSA into Union few decades later when slavery collapses anyway
I'm not so sure about that part. Yes, slavery would have collapsed, but Southerners would be too stubborn and mistrustful to join the Union again.
Is "picture of guy with different flag on the moon" the ultimate pleb filter for alternate history? It seems to me to be sure sign what you're watching is going to be retarded.
Tell me all about pre-December 20, 1860 federal overreach
The guy who directed this taught film studies at my college, took a few of his classes. He's pretty chill, but has some pretty crazy ideas. When they legalized concealed carry on campus he wore a kevlar vest during all his lectures because he thought a sign on the door was the only thing stopping a disgruntled racist student from shooting him over a difference of opinion. He won an Oscar last week for writing BlacKkKlansman.
why the fuck would the south want to associate with a bunch of yanks. that was the whole damn point of the war.
what was it REALLY about
quick rundown
states right and federal encroachment over the question of slavery
Nothing is more retarded than US flag replaced with swaztika flag
>those lazy southern inbreds import more niggers to work in plantations
Literally how? The Royal Navy forbade the global slave trade. They wouldn't want to anyway. The South didn't need more slaves. Like 1/3 of the population of the South was black, and North American style slavery had a very low mortality rate. Much better than on the Caribbean colonies where blacks were literally worked to death. And in any case, slavery doesn't make economic sense. Its insanely inefficient. Much more likely the South would phase out slavery and develop into a South African style aparteid state, with blacks living as second class citizens in their own segregated ghettos.
Spike lee is a massive faggot.
He's the epitome of a black person who suffers from white race envy.
North states wanted to trade with the brits who had abolished slavery.
South had slaves, brits didn't want to trade.
North waged war because of economic interests, not because they were such good people who cared about the niggers.
America has always waged war for money and nothing else.
>defending the 1% plantation owners who keep the economy completely fucked by using chattel slavery in the NINETEENTH FUCKING CENTURY
the confederate private was the ultimate and final cuck
Nothing is more based than US flag replaced with swaztika flag
What are the basement Bolsheviks extra salty today? Did something happen?
>"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
So Starcraft?
>Niggers overthrow whites
Unironically this is what happened in Haiti. They were also one of the richest meme places around because France was handing them endless amounts in reparations/olde bennies, sort of like what happens in America now.
You remember what Haiti is, right?
every carribean island is like that. the great irony is that nobody gives a shit about the natives that got literally wiped out
The south literally believed they were fighting the 2nd American revolutionary war
i dunt know about that
with the industrial revolution just around the corner i think slavery would have kept on going
why pay people to operate the machines when you have slaves
you could now produce exponentially more products than with just slaves alone
>be yank
>go to south and get shot and die so niggers could be free
thats the ultimate and final cuck
There were plenty of reasons to fight. Lee fought for his home and his state. If Virginia had stayed in the union he would have fought for the North.
sedition act
>Implying the North cared about blacks
They fought in order to keep the South in the Union and thus not lose out on all of those resources, territories, and tax revenue.
>cotton industry finally fully automates
>slave owners and politicians realize they have a shitton of darkies they have nothing to do with
>all slaves except house niggers shipped to Liberia and their owners reimbursed with a tax credit
Most likely scenario, famodactyl. Rest of history would probably play out the same but southern accents would be fashionably dominant in culture.
the N-word
but the cotton gin kept slavery around for a few more yeras
not him but the battle hymn of the republic is literally written by a white woman fantasizing about white bois dying to free slaves
I would give Haiti to France after all blacks get decimated by a gene supervirus. A nation belongs to the settlers who build its infrastructure, nobody else.
Had the South won the war they would have still been forced by outside pressure from every democratic government on the planet to end the practice of slavery. The internal pressure of depressed native wages for Southern non-slaveholders would have also influenced the decision. They would have seen the benefits of industrialization occurring all around them and they would have been forced to end the practice themselves.
Had they been able to do so, they likely would have forced blacks out of the country, either to South America or to Africa, they certainly would not have allowed them to stay in the South. This undeniably would have been better off for the country as a whole.
Not a single Northern soldier fought that war to "free slaves" and to suggest they did is simply ridiculous
wilmott was a decent professor. i graduated before the conceal carry stuff but thats hilarious that he wore kevlar
And the harvesting process by the 1940s.
Liberia was still there all that time.
literally the north's signature song, m8
>Had the South won the war they would have still been forced by outside pressure from every democratic government on the planet to end the practice of slavery.
In the 1860s? Hahahaha get fucking real, this kind of shit did not even develop BLUNTED teeth until after WW1. The United States only became reliant on (((international trade))) in the 20th century. It's a continent scale country.
Remember the CSA was made up of racist democrats, Just like the racist democrats who fought against the civil rights movement and the racist democrats who enabled dictators in the middle-east to subjugate their people.
Remember the democrat party has had one constant trough out their vile history.
Control over the lives of people.
the niggers would have drove the tractors and operated the machines
nice try rabbis
the left can't meme.
>the niggers would have drove the tractors and operated the machines
Trusting negros to handle dangerous and expensive machinery? They don't even do that these days.
After a certain point, the only people working slaves would be doing it because they got off on watching their workers and could afford the loss. And even then, that'd pass.
The South would most likely never fully industrialized let alone have a fully developed economy if it had won. Even major ports in the south like New Orleans and Charleston couldn’t compete with Boston and New York (New Orleans does now). Too few people, too little specialization, too rural. Not enough diversity of resources, nor the necessary capital infrastructure to access them.
>the racist democrats who fought against the civil rights movement
Most of said racist democrats left the party because they disagreed with the Democrat president that was leading the civil rights movement.
>and the racist democrats who enabled dictators in the middle-east to subjugate their people.
Oh please, that's a bipartisan thing.
>what if is anerica
>but is not
>is actually muh evil natzees and drumpf
>/pol/ complains about niggers because of low IQ
>ignores the fact that 30% of whites are just as bad as the bottom 50% of blacks
the south would have been fucked either way. the demand for cotton was no longer there and that was their entire economy
have sex
The n-word
>He's pretty chill, but has some pretty crazy ideas. When they legalized concealed carry on campus he wore a kevlar vest during all his lectures because he thought a sign on the door was the only thing stopping a disgruntled racist student from shooting him over a difference of opinion.
Sounds like he was trying to make a point.
>he doesn't know about the switch
Why not? Mauritania still has slavery.
Why can't you be normal?
So it was about slavery, buy we're not supposed to feel good about it
Or in modern day South Africa
No, not that guy btw, war in it's entirety can be summed up by then words "the art of war is getting your enemy to fire the first shot". The pretense of fighting "slavery" was just to give the north the fake moral high ground. Not that it matters since the north and south are now complete shit in pretty much every way.
The British and French traded with CSA during the war.
Of course they could and they were extremely close at one point just not overrunning the North. For Confederates victory would mean enough victories for the North to let them be independent at least until the next war.
the 30% wont complain about themselves will they?
Fuck the north, was gay then, is gay now.
incel's can't have sex
Federal overreach being the "gubmint" telling people not to own other people
Yeah, most Confederate men went to war for something only about 2% of them had, and that had absolutely no impact on the lives' of the majority of them.
Slavery had economic motives but it was also a status thing.
No southern gentlemen worth his salt was without a their own slice of country, typically a large self-sufficient plantation. Running a plantation was seen as a well-bred endeavor, it was the training for a responsible & honorable life, and the sordid affairs of business were looked down upon in contrast.
Here's the trailer for those interested.
>Go back to stormfront
Not an argument.
Then America belongs to Spain, gracias
Dont confuse me with facts, maga
As long as blacks were kept as slaves, poor whites would never be at the bottom of the social totem pole, and from their perspective wouldn't have to fear negroes being free, getting their jobs, and roaming around stealing things, murdering honest whites and raping their daughters.
see me after class
You mean the rich conived poor, uneducated dupes to act against thier own self interest?
Slavery was why their governments seceded. Southerners fought out of national pride for their home state.
By your logic, why would US soldiers fight in Vietnam when it had absolutely no impact on their lives?
t. steamgruppe
t. bobocrunch
t. namefag of the week
>Lincoln was going to send the blacks back to Africa
>southern cucks fought and died to keep their little pet blacks in the country
Obviously there has never been a war where soldiers fought for things that weren't in their self interest.
Maybe not, if the Confederacy had won the Civil War, a bunch of those European countries that abolished slavery would have done something and stopped America, probably using Canada as a staging ground for attacking the Confederacy. Also, rebellious slaves, along with any remnants of the defeated Union military, would have led some kind of insurgency.
imagine AWWBP (a world without black people)
Why do they put their battle flag on the moon instead of their national flag? Is it because they conquer the moon in a battle. Or is it because Spike Jonz is a fucking retard?
You dumbass the confederacy wouldn’t have planned on help from britain if the british randomly decided they were too moral to trade with slavers (is this what they teach in bongistan)
I thought CSA meant something different...
they knew if the slaves were freed then labor would not have its bargaining power so the less wealthy could never become well off
>alt history
Is fucking bullshit. It didn't happen that way so why bother thinking about what ifs. Stupidest genre ever.
the N-word
the N word
>Mexio's GDP per Capita has now surpassed the CSA
>South wins the Civil War
>Anne Frank isn’t nine months pregnant and Nazis aren’t having their skulls bashed in by enraged Confederate soldiers
Black's are monkeys, animals don't have rights
That’s where you’re wrong
t. also /his/
the N-word
>tfw no negro shopping network tv kino
Fuck off Dinesh. Your movies are shit and absolutely deserve those Golden Raspberries.
>somewhere off in the distance a muzzle suicide bomb goes off.
No it gave them a legitimate moral high ground
The n word
the south at best could have brokered a weird acceptance of their sundering from the US, but there wasn't the slightest chance of their conquest of the USA, it would be like romania conquering russia
Why isn’t it the Weimar flag?
What if...Nazi Germany won WW2?
>Moon landing pic replaced with swaztikas
>Fighters still look like Me262 and tanks still look like Tigers
>Everyone still has MP40s for some reason
>Rifles are basically StG-44s
>Norman Rockwell paintings but with Swaztikas and nazi salutes shopped onto it
>Nazi moon base
>Some giant dome in the middle of a city
>Ballistic Missiles are called "V3"
>Zepplins in widespread use
>Ho 229's everywhere
>Films are still black-and-white and propaganda style reels
>Monuments are sieg-heiling
What if...Rome was still around?!
>Roman soldiers complete with Galea, Gladius, and Scutum wearing body armor and holding a MG42 by the handle
>Tanks have wolf pelts on them
>Soldier has eagle standard
>No Christianity
>Every aesthetic is still early Imperial, absolutely ignores anything beyond 80 AD
>politicians in togas
>Patricians & Plebians are still social castes
>Some bullshit where China is still Imperial and you see Roman textudos charging Chinese soldiers with automatic crossbows in 1985
What if...The Byzantines never fell?!
>All buildings resemble the Hagia Sophia
>All soldiers resemble Justinian-era in gear and aesthetic
>everyone is white & aryan despite living in fucking anatolia/middle east
>orthodox priests everywhere
>emperor is still absolutely powerful and still dresses like its 558 AD
>center of political power is the Hagia Sophia
>Flag is the 40k Imperial aquilia
>solemn latin choir sound
Alt-history community is so cringe. At least be semi-creative like pic related
as soon as the european powers didn't answer the souths call for aid it was over and no amount of asspull victories from great generals is going to get the job done. Didn't work for hannibal won't work for the south.
I came up with a timeline where Confederate soldiers save a heavily pregnant Anne Frank if that's worth anything.
ignore fast
>CSA becomes an economically crippled mess because it can't expand westward to compete with the Union.
Abject retardation
Good then maybe they'd fucking cede from the union.
They do you brain dead fuck
Seems like you struck a nerve there user
>rustic farmers defeating a powerful industrialized nation
We would have won if we went balls deep but back at home no one like the war(it was a stupid war)
lol no its 20%.
Most people are retards who don't understand the basics of history. If the South won, they simply would have been recognized as an independent nation. They may have expanded into the Western territories, but they had no reason to try to conquer the North since their goal was independence, not empire. It's very hard to imagine that slavery would have gone on longer in the CSA than in Brazil which ended it in the 1880s, and keep in mind Brazil had by far the most slaves. The British Empire went on a crusade to eliminate slavery from the Western world and all its vassals in the mid to late 1800s. The British might have recognized the CSA, but they probably would have sanctioned and blockaded the South until they formally got rid of slavery. Industrialization and the birth of the modern market economy also rendered slaves obsolete. It was cheaper to underpay freeman then keep and care for slaves.
If anything, the CSA may have become like an American South Africa, with an apartheid that kept blacks separate and not recognize as citizens. But I think the CSA would have had the foresight to either repatriate blacks back to Africa or give them their own colony in the West or in Central America. The biggest reason the North kept blacks and made them citizens was to divide and conquer the defeated South and prevent them from nullifying the war through the legislative process.
No, it's around 15% of whites that have IQs lower than 85. The average white American non-hispanic IQ is around 102.
false equivalency. vietnam didn't overtake the united states of america
The confederacy wasnt trying to do that either.
lmao no if they North ever got a foothold on the south they'd just set all the niggers free and it would turn into haiti 2.0.
>vietnam didn't overtake the united states of america
Completely irrelevant. The comparison refers to the technological differences between the opposing sides.
>they'd just set all the niggers free and it would turn into haiti 2.0.
You mean what's been happening in the last 150 years?
in that guy's example and in the OP (the whole point of this thread) was the hypothetical scenario where they did, though
The hypothetical scenario is absolutely retarded I thought we were talking about actual history and laughing at this bullshit.
Basically. The south had one chance and they blew it.
the fuck. it was literally the beginning of trench warfare. signaled the end of line warfare and gave definite advantage to the defender
Let's be honest, had the South won the war all that Northern industry would have moved south and slavery would have lost its value eventually anyway. What you wouldn't have seen are any calls for reparations generations later, affirmative action, or all the SJW racial virtue signalling shit we're putting up with now because the North won by the illegal warmongering gun barrel instead of by due time, and that is why the South still hates the North and always will.
Bullshit. New Orleans and Galveston were already rivalling New York for both trade and immigration numbers by 1862.
>another what-if mockumentary that’s less of an actual movie and more of the director trying really hard to convince themselves that their gay history fanfiction that aligns with their political and social views is accurate
We already had this shit with No Man Beyond This Point, we really don’t need another.
>Let's be honest, had the South won the war all that Northern industry would have moved south and slavery would have lost its value eventually anyway.
Except it won't because dumb hicks would still have their slave labor.
The north would end up being developed while the South would probably end up as some third world country.
Galveston Bay was too shallow at the time to become a top tier port, but it's true that after the war a lot of laws were passed making it more expensive to use ports in former Confederate states, and a huge part of New York's competitive advantage and subsequent development came from these laws.
The South could have done fine economically, though it would never be a great power. It had the resources, the technology, the money, and the human capital to survive and thrive as a second tier power with an economic focus on agriculture and resource extraction. Its problems would have come from, as usual, its slave population. Problem 1: the South was very wealthy but all of its wealth was reinvested back into slaves, which meant they would have to undergo a huge and expensive paradigm shift to break away from that model once slavery become politically and financially infeasible to keep after the late 19th century. Problem 2: the slaves themselves were far too convenient of a cudgel to be used against the South by its enemies for them not to be used in that capacity eventually. The North, Europeans, or possibly even a faction of Southerners would have eventually funneled money into agitating the Black population and organizing them and their sympathizers in order to destabilize Southern society and weaken its ability to resist whatever it is the faction supporting the Blacks wants out of them.
Slaves are fucking expensive and shit like the washing machine and vacuum cleaner would make having house slaves for any but the absolute richest in society a waste of money. Most likely scenario would be an apartheid state with constant border skirmishes with mexico.
>The position of the government of Mauritania is that slavery is "totally finished ... all people are free",[10] and that talk of it "suggests manipulation by the West, an act of enmity toward Islam, or influence from the worldwide Jewish conspiracy."[3]
The most /pol/ country is a poor African shit hole
Read the articles of secession from the Southern states and then tell me it wasn't about slavery.
Read Confederate VP Andrew Stephen's "Cornerstone Speech" and tell me it wasn't about slavery.
These are not conclusion drawn from "LUL LIBRUL UNIVERSITIES" but words from the Confederate leaders themselves. The idea that the states seceding was not brought about due to their fear of slavery being ended is a relatively recent one supported by people who don't know any better.
All I remember about this movie were the commercials
How quickly their tune changed once they had blacks in their country.
The Cornerstone speech is actually a good speech and is the only written opinion about the war I've ever seen, from either side, that knifes right through all the bullshit and tells it like it is.
Was slavery really as bad as things like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “12 Years a Slave” make it out to be?
i miss legacy captcha
My old English teacher is in this movie, she's the cunty looking housewife in The Shackle™ commercial.
Needee guhhh
Technically it was. Saying it was about "state's rights" is just a dog whistle for slavery, and everyone knows it.
Slave labor in the south was extremely lucrative and was literally 90% of the profit from goods that the south was exporting.
The fact that they didn't want to be taxed on the labor of slaves and declared the war was about states rights is just disgusting jargon.
Nonsense. Slavery would have stopped existing in the South altogether had Northern banks not held the Northern industry up north and refused to finance expansion into Southern states on the cheap, where land was bottom dollar and the workforce would have accepted lower wages than the North. Businesses and industry had no incentive to expand south without bank backing, and the South was too cash-poor to incentivize the importing of industry with their own banks, which never were as large as the North's.
I agree with all your points except for them having the tech and the money, which as you said was tied into slavery and not into infrastructure or banks, which would have been necessary for vying on a world stage.
Did you go to KU?
I suppose it does knife through all the bullshit, as Stephens pretty clearly states that the driving force behind secession was the disagreements about African slavery.
He literally lays out the Confederacy's viewpoint of racial superiority as the foundation of its governance.
"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
The only thing I hate more than niggers are traitors waving their traitor Confederate flag.
That's how you sell it to your uneducated people. No dumb hick was going to buy the 'the rest of the world won't trade with us because we're too poor to give up our slaves' line.
Just imagine if we had done what Lincoln wanted and sent them all back to Africa. God can you even imagine.
The South wasn't poor, it was the fourth richest country on Earth in 1861. And he didn't need to sell anything to the people, they were spoiling for a fight by that point and would have taken any excuse. He said the shit he did because he really believed it. Africans were, as educated Southerners of the time believed, an inferior race and setting them free would be disastrous because they simply did not have the ability to function as equals in White society. The North's plan to free them was evil because it was placing expectations on Blacks they could never live up to and a burden on Whites that they could never humanely offload. Everyone assumes the Confederates were cynical hypocrites who danced around the issue and obfuscated like their modern apologists do. There weren't and didn't. They were loud and proud believers in racial inequality and their entire system of morality flowed from that premise.
nigger, N-word. the N word etc.
>south didn't win
>this is happening anyway
I remember reading a book like this as a kid where neo-nazis went back in time and gave the south ak-47s
The south was poor as fuck. The north had 5x the GDP of the south in 1860 and was substantially more efficient in its agricultural productivity thanks to mechanization, not even including non-agricultural industries. The south's "wealth" lay in the market value of its enslaved persons. Remove that and there is nothing.
The fact that the North was wealthier does not mean the South was not wealthy. The fact that the South's wealth was invested into slaves and cash crops at the time does not mean they were not wealthy. Their slaves were very valuable and represented real wealth investment that could be converted into liquid currency. The fact that their wealth was destroyed by the war does not mean they were not wealthy in 1861. They were wealthy and would have remained so in the event they did not lose their investment vehicles in a war.
It is possible to criticize the South and its economic system without sounding like a 13-year-old idiot. Try reading a real book some time and maybe you can manage it.
Didn't the south fight the civil war to create an independent nation outside of the US? Why would they conquer the north?
No. The value in using slaves lies in work that doesn't require a lot of skill and in low risk environments. Any time a slave has an accident, that's money that goes directly out of your pocket. While farming is by no means safe, it is far safer than working heavy machinery and in toxic environments in an era where there were literally zero safety regulations. Its far cheaper to just pay some random bum pennies an hour to work in those conditions and if the bum ends up learning a bunch of skills that is hard to replace you just increase his wages to keep him on.
We've seen attempts at using slaves/serfs/forced labor in industrial settings in places like Russia and China and a few other places. Its always a complete disasters and they always end up liberalizing their labor force eventually.
...Of 1798? This is the cause of the Civil War? What is with this fucking narrative you lot hold fast to that the Civil War WASN'T about the state's rights to own slaves?
The north still had slaves during and after he war you stupid fucking moron.
>They'd look south to CA and the Caribbean for its riches and ease of slave trade.
And the Europeans just sort of let them? It's forgotten now but the British had a *lot* of economic interests in Latin America (never mind their actual colonies). The Monroe Doctrine rested almost entirely on the guns of the Royal Navy until the 1900s.
As the other user says, 90% chance the CSA becomes a giant post-independence Ireland with even greater levels of emigration and constant domestic unrest.