>"sci"-fi movie
>intergalactic intelligent explorers are just scaled up insects
"sci"-fi movie
Other urls found in this thread:
>sci-fi movie
>all aliens are anthropomorphic and/or speak English
Hotel Transylvania
>Every white movie ever.
>Teenage girls are either goth, cheerleaders, or book nerds.
>intergalactic intelligent explorers are just scaled up insects
How is this a problem exactly?
>"sci"-fi movie
>intergalactic intelligent explorers don’t hail from the historical caste
Just post her ass
>Sci-fi movie taking place in the not-too-distant future
>Wh*te m*les still exist
Are you serious? How does that even make the slightest bit of sense?
You stick meat on the inside of the bones instead of the outside of the bones, viola. You've got an arthropod. Why is it hard to think that aliens would evolve that way when it's basically the most successful clade in earth's history?
>that pic
I NEED Mavis posters
Mavis posters are my only hope
>You stick meat on the inside of the bones instead of the outside of the bones, viola. You've got an arthropod.
>I don't know what an exoskeleton is so I say anthropod
>I think anthropods fly these intergalactic ships
Not even sure what any of that had to do with Op's point.
Which brings me to this image I found.
>most successful
WOW, so insects, fish, etc just spam their kin; is this why you think they're more "successful" than us? More "successful" than anything? You can't be serious.
>Zings your path.
What do?
>"science" fiction
>faster than light travel exists
oh am I laffin
I... I can't tell if this is a 3D render or not
>faster than light speed doesn't exist
gotta get your head out your ass there Eisenstein
if we honestly believed this, we'd be grounded on this rock until another rock hits
Dick status: muh
Fuck there are some god tier Mavis cosplayers.
isn't there a physical limit to the size of a creature with that physiology though? like pretty small compared to others?
kys furry
aliens are furries
now kys
>not master race
>masters of anything bigger than 6 inches
>Not even sure what any of that had to do with Op's point.
I'm not sure what OP's point is to begin with, which is why I asked the question in the first place. Unfortunately, the retard just answered with a baffled "DURR, HOW COULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT?" instead of explaining himself.
>I don't know what an exoskeleton is so I say anthropod
Arthropod. It's the clade characterized by having exoskeletons.
>I think anthropods fly these intergalactic ships
I never said or implied that. Only that the distinct characteristic of arthropods (the exoskeleton) could easily be found in aliens.
>WOW, so insects, fish, etc just spam their kin; is this why you think they're more "successful" than us?
Humans are an anomoly, and you're getting fixated on the wrong points anyway. My point is that they're successful in a lot of different ways, and colony/hivemind intelligence is still one of the most unique and impressive feats among all animals. And it's not hard to see how something like this could be scaled up.
Arthropods? Yeah, they're pretty limited. It's mostly about getting oxygen around the body.
Ayylmaos might have different biochemistry and physiology though that could allow something similar to arthropods to evolve without getting shoehorned by size restraints.
>it's actually serious about muh bugpeople in SCIENCE-fiction
you can't make this shit up
It obviously isn't and even if it was, read the filename.
I wanna rape that thing
What about those Australian monster bugs?
Well, old science would've had light moving through ether, so who knows?
largest current insects are half a foot long
>if we honestly believed this, we'd be grounded on this rock until another rock hits
And? If you fall from a great height, do you save yourself by not believing in gravity?
mavis is the best western waifu
Biggest ever was about 8ft, but that's because it lived in the ocean and earth had higher oxygen levels when it was round. Largest you can possibly get at this point would be lucky to get to the size of a foot.
But there have been significantly bigger.
>do you save yourself by not believing in gravity?
No because I'd already be using wings I engineered my body to acquire and stabilize, pessimist.
Of course you could travel faster than light, modern human science and understanding just ain't there yet. And dumbfucks like you telling people it's impossible are more annoying than modern flattearthers.
What's to stop even that Megarachne from using tools, with a few more specialised limbs?
no i meant the one with the bugs
FTL would require negative energy, which to even consider would require an entire new class of mathematics.
>FTL would require negative energy
You're a useless tool.
I also posted The science saying you can't move conventionally faster than c looks solid, but there could be ways of getting around we haven't even begun to think of.
then explain how the ancestors of the cephalopods come to earth
theres no way these guys evolved along side other sea creatures
>The science saying you can't move conventionally faster than c looks solid
>what is pic related
s-so cute...
Gravity propagates at the speed of light, dude.
>sci-fi movie
>bugs with zero technology can launch an asteroid across the entire galaxy to hit earth
I'll give you a hint
your mother's anus
youre a retard. Learn general relativity and then we can talk
You really ought to take your own advice, champ
sorry, meant to reply to
why would I bother with something that cockblocks me with lightspeed?
almost want to say the guy was secretly a turbo christfag trying to make people praise the light or someshit
Starship Troopers. The Borg were supposed to be bugs originally too, but the budget didn't allow for it.
>romance movie
>female love interest is just an intergalactic intelligent explorer scaled up insect
>waah reality isnt like star wars
time dilation is way cooler than dude just go faster lmao
>theres no way these guys evolved along side other sea creatures
You have no idea how speciation works. Read a book.
>stars wars
trek, try again
>time dilation is way cooler than dude just go faster lmao
>lol I'll make all these assumptions about user to make myself seem less retarded
>Zombie movie
I like my Mavis's thicc.
haha she got squished
do you have any more of these gifs haha
and ugly in the face too apparently
Whether they could or not is far less concerning than the ridiculous amount of time it'd take the rock to get here as a retaliatory strike.
Dimples are cute as hell, user.
desu it's not that much of a stretch. Look at ants, they're pretty socially complex. and spiders are pretty innovative with the shit they sometimes use their webs for, and there's that species that's basically domesticated frogs.
Back when the earth had a mode oxygen rich atmosphere insects were a lot bigger too. Not that hard to imagine a world with the right conditions that insects grow real big and begin to evolve and advance the same way humans did from apes.
desu I think raptors were on their way to evolving into an advanced species before they got dabbed on.
I will never get tired of this word filter.
what word filter senpai?
>word filter
www baka
Why did you post a pic of Hotel Transelvestite then?
You’re such a psued, it hurts.
Get a load of this aniki!
any good mavis sfm thats more than a 30 second loop?
>fantasy movie isn't realistic
No wonder you shits can't get laid. You know that such a thing is beyond the realm of possibility. With this in mind, you now expect movies to follow the same restricted line of thinking.
Enjoy your status as Grand Wizard, good sir!
Nigga, if he was actually trying to say desu, it would have been capitalized.