What was the build up to Episode 1 like?

What was the build up to Episode 1 like?

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Fucking huge.

Massive. Boomers went mental. Then when the movie came out there was a short period of utter confusion and faked optimism before someone had the balls to call the movie bad, at which point that became the collective opinion.

Miss me now, faggots?

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I gave up on you and your shitty toy franchise long ago.

Pretty bonkers. It was just marketed everywhere. Fan excitement was at peak levels.

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Darth Maul looked so bad ass.

peak fucking comfy

I always missed you even though the prequels sucked. The prequels were fun to mock. The sequels are just depressing to think about.

pretty much this

What a DICKhead!

pretty big, the possibilities seemed endless

His decision to sell Star Wars and Lucasfilm was the beginning of the end of Fox. I wish Fox had kept the license and made a new trilogy in the 2010s.

Fuck you George Lucas and fuck you Bob Iger.

I was 10. it was amazing. Fuck disney.

Late 90's literally every single product had either Pokemon or Star Wars branding. Sometimes both.

Very few people called it bad. Until Attack of the Clones came out...

Huge deal. I saw it and adored every minute. It never occurred to me that people could possibly dislike it. Every bit of ridiculous merchandise you could think of.

I was 10 at the time but it was still several years before I found out there were actual haters of the film.

The hypest shit ever

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we were making fun of it after we saw the first trailer. stupid snoopy robots

True comedy-kino.

i was at a toys r us for the figures. they closed the stores temporarily for this. they let us in at like 9 and it was an avalanche of people running toward the figures. i still got a box full of 50 or more figures unopened.

i still remember the crush of people in that star wars toy aisle...

I had to live through the Episode 1 hype twice, because it was 6 months delayed release in East Asia

Watch the documentary 'The People vs. George Lucas', it's all about the hype surrounding the prequels and the subsequent fan reaction

it was pretty much a national holiday.

I was a little kid when I saw them, so for years I didn't know that everybody hated them until I saw the plinkett reviews

It was huge. If you've seen the movie "fanboys" it's very accurate of how things went down. Hype for literally years. They re released the ot with "upgraded" cgi graphics in theaters to get hype prior to the release. After everyone went to see the movie everyone in the theater was looking at each other like "what in the fuck was that?"

I remember seeing episode 1 at the cinema with my dad back in 99. I really enjoyed the fighting scenes but found the anakin plotline very boring. It's actually terrifying that that was 20 years ago.

Ep 1 merchandise I remember having:

>Pod Racer Anakin with Podracer
>Zebulba with Podracer
>Queen Amedala
>Darth Maul (OF COURSE)
>3 Battle Droids
>Destroyer Droid
>Nute Gunray
>Jar Jar
>Boss Nass
>That black Naboo guard
>Mace Windu
>Ploo Koon
>Droid Starfighter that turned into Walker
>Naboo Starfighter
>Darth Maul double saber

Video Games:
>Star Wars: Starfighter for PS2
>Episode 1 on PS1
>Battle for Naboo for N64
>Podracing for N64
>Jedi Power Battles for Dreamcast

Generic stuff:
>Zebulba mug
>Episode 1 Insider's Guide
>Episode 1 Visual Guide
>Episode 1 Cross Sections
>Darth Maul shirt
>Giant poster

>Anakin with podracer
>zebulba with podracer

Fucking richfag

It was everywhere. All the kids on the playground were reenacting the fights from the movie with sticks and shit but my dad took my to see Big Daddy instead so I didn't get to play along.


He probably bought you a sega genesis too

Pretty awesome. I had a ton of fun with it.

We had a Sega Master System but he would hog it to play Wonder Boy all night

That's me in that picture. I'm fat as fuck now.

I missed when people would tell you no on some of the ideas you threw out.

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I remember it vaguely. My dad got me hooked on the OT during the buildup. Had a lot of the merch. Toys, clothes, games, etc. I fucking loved it. Dad didn’t. Although he never really said it until later when we saw AOTC and we both thought that was pure shit.

It was always split on if people thought they were good. Although I'm guessing most people will agree that AotC is a bad movie.

George Lucas made the worst Star Wars movie. Then he did it again.

I spoiled every kid in my school that Palpatine was the bad guy since I knew that was the emperor's name from EU shit.

Everyone called it bad.

AOTC killed star wars
>I love you
>I love you more
>The end

Literally Twilight in space

I can't believe we had to debate this shit in 1999.

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What was the last good era here?

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Don’t forget the horribly paced padding that strings those things together. It just drags and feels like it’ll never end. At least ROTS had good pacing. Maybe a bit too fast admittedly.

My memory is that everybody thought there was going to be some huge twist that would recontextualize the OT because they knew the Clone Wars were coming, like Sidious would be a clone of Palpatine or something. The convoluted Sifo-Dyas/Count Dooku/Darth Sidious shit in AoC added fuel to the fire because nobody knew WTF was happening.

The one after you hit puberty. SNL works the same way.

No they didn't.

17 years later, and I still have no idea who this guy was. Is it explained in some book?

I literally had a faggot refuse to acknowledge the balcony outside was the same balcony that Maul and Sideous were on.

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I saw it as like a ten year old so i thought it was fucking amazing. Even the jar jar shit didn't bother me. It was hella epic desu

Gamecube/PS2 era.


And you know who sponsored the first time someone said the prequels sucked? Disney.

Think about it.

I was 8 and same. the battles going at once was fucking amazing.

I was 11 years old when episode 1 came out. My dad was an original Star Wars fan and took me and my siblings out to see it opening night. I remember him disliking it immediately and complaining that Old Ben's desert rags were now standard Jedi attire.

I loved it. Pod racing was fucking awesome. The Naboo ships and space fight was amazing. The duel of fates was the best

After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable and me and my brothers spent hours swinging lead pipes at each in the yard and turning them into lightsabers on the computer. We would also make our own pokemon cards by taking the head off of one and putting it on the other. good times

I remember an old Conan episode where he interviewed Chris Kattan. Kattan had seen an early screening of Phantom Menace and said that people would hate Jar Jar.

>After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable
the fuck they were, you little rich boy

>what the fuck is george lucas doing spending so much time on trade and economy?

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We lived on foodstamps my friend. Eventually I went into foster care because we were so poor. Even we could afford a little yellow digital camera and we had an ACER computer since like 1996

I'm almost offended being called a rich boy

>complaining that Old Ben's desert rags were now standard Jedi attire
Why do Yoda and force ghost Anakin wear those robes then?

photoshop was motherfucking 600 bucks dude, nice LARP though

I was already an adult when TPM came out in theaters and I think part of the reason no one outright said the movies were bad is because we were in utter shock. We were thinking, "I think this movie was utter shit but it's just the setup to the awesomeness to come. Yeah, that's it."

The self delusion ended when AOTC came out. Most people I know didn't even care about ROTS but only watched it out of momentum.

eh, just saw parts of 2 and 3.
They're still bad movies.
But I cared enough to watch them at least, while I still haven't even watched TLJ.

TFA was better than the prequels, but the set pieces were boring, and the setups were hollow.

dude we were doing it in mspaint at the time. Photoshop is a metonym now, like kleenex is to tissue.

If you don't believe me that's cool tho I still had my shitty childhood and no one can take that from me

Has anyone seen Fanboys? Okay movie.

>Photoshop is a metonym now, like kleenex is to tissue.
that fucking stretch kek, maybe as a verb "to photoshop" something but you specifically said it was "affordable". you got exposed a rich boy and now you're scrambling to cover it up. you can keep trying to act like your idyllic childhood was suffering somehow.

I'm scrambling for you to lick these nuts

>that friend who saw the movie 3 days early and raved about how awesome it was
After seeing it, everybody thought Darth Maul and double-sided lightsabers were cool, but made fun of stuff like Jar-Jar.

I missed out on so much shit because I was poor..

>save rather than spend money because grew up poor
>miss out in adulthood just as missed out in childhood

I was only like 6 or 7 when it came out. My memories:

The old trilogy re-release came out, and there were a bunch of toys, coloring books, etc that featured characters and stories from those movies (Luke, Vader, Ep IV-VI). I'd already seen those three movies many times since I was young,

Then Episode 1 came out, watched it in theaters and enjoyed it as a youngin seeing my first new star wars movie in a theater for the first time. I remember they had loads of promotion during its release like Jar Jar Binks drink heads for your soda at like Taco Bell or Burger Kind or Wendy's (i forget), the Darth Maul halloween costume (which I of course went as for Halloween that year), a bunch of Lego Star Wars sets based on Episode 1 (they were quite based), random other toys for the movie, even ones for girls like a Queen Amidala doll for girls where you could change her hair or makeup or some shit.

Tbf I don't care to be apart of whatever this gen constitutes
I just hate when my friends are like dude early 2000s cartoons lmao and I had an antenna that got a couple channels so I watched PBS and the news growing up

>only had NBC and Fox, both of which were scratchy and could only see maybe 50% of the visuals

Yikes. I had a few channels that came in well but nothing fancy like the KidsWB I could get at my grandparents.
In my bedroom I had a little black and white TV so even when things came in great there was no color

came here to post this
people didn't start hating it until the morning talk shows started making fun on Jar Jar.

Could you imagine if Lucas had been actively watching fan theories after episode I then killed off everyone interesting just because people were talking about them? Or came up with some convoluted plot line just to spite the fanbase for speculating? I hate to bring it up but I'll never as long as I live understand why everyone gives RJ a pass on that.

nobody cares how poor you are/were holy shit shut the fuck up


fun as fuck.

He was a jedi master who saw what was coming and knew the republic would plunge into war, so he started campaigning for the creation of an army. Other jedi got pissed and kicked him off the council, so he went to the kaminoans and lied, telling them he was there on behalf of the republic to get a clone army made. Palpatine learns what he's doing, and has him covertly assassinated. He then starts impersonating him in communications with kamino and co-opts the clone army.

Question for everybody -- are Watto and the Nemoidians really as racist as they seem?

Then lord of the rings not long after that. What a kino time to grow up.

Ultimately I don't think you can make anything good when you hate your fanbase, which is why most worthwhile things are made before they have them (or at least hit critical mass). Everybody likes to clap and cheer when creators tell everyone to go fuck themselves now for some reason but once you're at that point it's pretty much over.

it was the first time i heard of people paying to see a movie just so they could watch the star wars trailer. Then they would walk out of the movie as soon as the star wars trailer was over.


4D Chess

GOOD idea


I remember the Naboo Starfighter to be the most powerful secret craft in Rogue Squadron.

That was absolutely mind-blowing as a kid, considering RS came out a couple months before the movie. Now something like that would be advertised left and right as a pre-order bonus.

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My mother swears I cried after seeing episode 1 because of how bad it was, though I'm almost positive I didn't since I almost never cry during movies/tv/games. I did used to be a Star Wars fan before episode 1 though, and that rapidly changed as the prequels kept coming even though 2 and 3 weren't nearly as bad.

It was the biggest hype machine I have ever seen. Every product imaginable had a tie-in. the toys and magazines were selling like crazy.
I remember finally seeing it and being utterly confused by how much I didnt love it...

>early 99
>go to work
>boot the Pentium II 100Mhz PC
>check the news
>TPM trailer is live!
>Instant download start
>wtf bandwidth is much slower than usual, even for adsl
>suddenly realize in horror that every single men in the office is doing the same thing, the whole fucking continent is probably doing the same too btw
>some idiots start to bond over the downloads as if they had survived a war together or something
>take a look at the server's buzzing lights in the network admin glass room
>meanwhile the entire floor is basically WE STARWARS NOW
>fucking mongoloids in suits and ties playing light saber with rulers
>look at the bandwidth on my screen
>switch from live to graph display
>peaked at 250kb/s
>much slower than usual, even for adsl
>decreasing in a steady fashion
>fucking idiots start yelling the percentage of completed download all together
>quickly reaching cringe levels unfathomable not even 5 mn ago
>Suddenly ERROR 404
>Entire network down
>Papers flying left and right
>Adult men start screaming at screens and phones as if the final judgment was upon us all
>Ladies dying in laughs 360°
>one idiot start screaming at the net admin door
>then two
>then a dozen
>Net admin room siege achieved
>suddenly door opens
>See senior admin eyes drowning in the dark side of the force
>the madman is actually holding a closed umbrella for defense
>some idiot replies "yes"
>Ding! Elevator's doors open
>AlwaysLateFinalBoss joins thread
>complete silence
>"Good morning lads! What is happening here?"
>Points at senior network admin
>"I am going to go get my starbucks, when I come back you better have the network online or I am firing you this very morning. Do you understand me?"

good times

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no they are just weirdo aliens dude
if anything is racist it's Jar Jar but Best is part Jamaican or whatever and said it's cool

it's 2019 noone reads greentext anymore

>that Return of the King trailer before TPM
never did see that movie

Hey cool. I'm a late Gen-Xer

are you gonna tell me watto doesn't look like jon lovitz?

I remember the car ride home and my parents making fun of how creepy it was that teenager Padme's love interest looks like a 5 year old.

I saw this movie eight times in theaters

how is that possible? isn't return of the king 5 years older?

anything after November 7th 1999 is trash

I'm a senile boomer

Based and S11E05pilled

fuck off, redditor

core zoomer culture you dumb boomer

*dabs and exits thread

it's 2019 nobody reddits anymore

FPBP, this this this. I struggle to think of an individual film which received bigger pregame hype during my life. I was a paperboy at the time, and I stole every single flyer of Episode 1 pogs (yes, pogs) out of the Sunday papers I was delivering. To this very day, I have well-catalogued sheets of multiple ill-gotten C-3PO / Padme / Anakin / Jar Jar /Qui Gon Jinn pogs.

t. 35 y.o. boomer

who fucking cares cringe cunt, get out


I defy the constraints

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Timelord, or manchild?
We'll never know.

>Core Gen X Culture
actually early millenial culture

I was that one weird kid nobody liked

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I was 9, my dad took me and my brother to watch it. I remember we arriving at the cinema, seeing a huge fucking line of people who waited till the last second to buy a ticket and me getting anxious, then my dad surprised us by showing us the he had already bought the tickets in advance and we just walked into the theater. My hype for that movie lasted for fucking years until eventually I started to find it boring, it wasn't until much later that I found out people hated it, I didn't like episode 2 though.

I remember *us arriving

I'm an eclectic sort, who has room to appreciate the multitude artistry of mankind.

I'm sorry you had such a shitty childhood user

I was born in 89 so my interests match up pretty good with the primary audience of my birthyear.
Good chart.

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>The prequels were fun to mock. The sequels are just depressing to think about.

This, we need to dispense with false dichotomies and remember that Nu-wars being shit doesn't make the prequels retroactively good. They were more sincere and weren't infested by SJW politics so yeah, they're technically better, but still disappointing cringe-fests written by a turbo autist.

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Born in 93-95?

earlier than that

Born in 94. Shit was fucking intense and I remember everyone talking about it

Always thought this was a pretty cool poster

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>weren't infested by SJW politics

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It's probably hard even imagine now that what was literally the most successful film franchise of all time was put on ice for 15 YEARS.

Imagine if after endgame Marvel just stopped making movies for a decade and a half, then suddenly announced a new X-Men / Spider-Man / Avengers crossover.

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that doesn't seem that long anymore

you've grown old peter, you've forgotten the eternity of a single year

Never seen anything close in my 40yrs of life. It was also the most confusing movie experience for many many people. Something was very off and it made you question the entire brilliance of the original trilogy.

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Like the second coming of Christ, now with merchandise.

2034 seems right around the corner, does it?

It's melodramatic as fuck, but there was a sort of loss of innocence for me watching it as a young teen. Adoring Star Wars, getting absolutely enslaved by the hype, and then actually being let down - it was the first time I had a rational enough mind to know I didn't like this, even though I couldn't express why. I really think its why the Plinkett reviews made such an impact. I still loved Star Wars, I bought the toys, the video games, I was into the lore..but I could not sit and watch that movie without being bored as shit.

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What's funny is how it was more a matter of degree than a sudden abrupt change. Like, the OT had cheesy dialogue, contrived plots and cartoonish alien races, too. Somehow George's worst tendencies.were kept to a relative minimum, though.

Chewbacca probably would have been the OT's Jar Jar if he could actually speak. His dialogue not being literally translated was one of those accidental blessings that made the OT work when maybe it shouldn't have.

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>TFA was better than the prequels

No, I don't miss Dark Icky either.

did you eat the toys?


stop sniffing glue you contrarian retard

No, I left the majority of them in a house that got foreclosed on.

200% this. I was 7 years old and I couldn't locate a single Darth Maul action figure in any store nearby. Amazon, Craigslist or eBay all of which I didn't even know about at the time were non entities.

I honestly don't remember there being that much hype.

stop pretending it's contrarian to think the prequels are better than the turd

Pretty well hyped. Super hyped if you count the re-releases as being part of the hype surrounding Ep. 1.

>TFA was better than the prequels,
Even scatfags have a better taste than yours

>6 months delayed release in East Asia
Holy shit

>Believing someone on Yea Forums has ever had a job
>Believing someone on Yea Forums was old enough to get a job in 1999
>Putting effort into a post

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that's sad, good luck user, be a good person

They were closely examining the film to make sure no force ghosts were portrayed in any frame. They had to do so exhaustively, and it was one guy, Bert Ching, who had to do it. He did a pretty good job. There's an Internet Historian video about it.

There was something innocent and organic about the hype. Movies are now products of synthetic hype managed by large corporations manipulating social media and video distribution platforms, slowly trickling out teaser trailers, and teaser to the teaser trailers.

It also didn't hurt that Episode One looked unlike anything we had seen before. The visuals(for the time) were incredible

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Where did he find the money to buy a gazillions clones?

they really really were, dare I sat that they broke new ground? especially when you compare it to contemporaries like "independence day," or the cgi 747 from airforce one that looked like something out a dire straits music video

The best thing about the prequels was the aesthetics. That's why the trailers always made it look like they were going to be great, in short bursts you get all the money shots with none of the banality.

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this. if you were a kid, you remember Episode I much more fondly. Older teens and adults were disappointed pretty much right away, but most didn't talk that much about geek stuff as we do now, so it played out as goofing on it with your friends (who probably didnt care as much as you did, but were aware enough to make annakin or jar jar jokes) then getting over it and seething subconsciously.

Pop culture moves - a lot - quicker now then it did in the late 90's. For even people who were into sci-fi and fantasy, they mostly just knew how they -felt- about things, they didn't really know what they thought about it, because they had faaaaaaaaaaaaaar fewer people to bounce ideas off of or be directly influenced by. Its nothing like it is now, as far as "what people thought" about things.

>especially when you compare it to contemporaries like "independence day,"
Looked great in 1996, don't see your point.

In a way I'm glad. Star Wars collectables completely lost any perceived value and I no longer have to haul useless plastic around.


always a silver lining! well done.

Im sure the novelization of ANH refers the emperor as Palpatine.

Imagine the prospect of finally seeing the Jedi order in all its glory. Imagine they tell you you're gonna see Anakin Skywalker in action.

And then they show Darth Maul with that cool lightsaber.

It was ridiculous.

Seems like they could have a character we see on screen do some shit that majorly affects the narrative.

>>quickly reaching cringe levels unfathomable not even 5 mn ago
lacking this much self-awareness

George just wasn't up to the task, but not very many people would have been. The OT was a lucky stroke to a substantial degree, not just for the movies themselves but the talent that got pointed at it afterwards in the secondary material, even in fan films. There was a very strong sense of what SW was before the PT was released, and it oozed out of everything from the video games to all the lore bibles jacking off over the setting that would eventually make wookiepedia famous. The world that's in the 90's games like Rogue Squadron/Tie Fighter and Jedi Knight is very far removed from what would come later. When PM dropped it was immediately apparent that the tone and feeling that had drawn in so many at the time wasn't going to be in the new movies. It was a very different sort of hype and a very different sort of disappointment, wasn't surprising to see all the genuinely enthusiastic nerds all start dropping out of it.

Even better is the fact that the world got to know of the naboo starfighter YEARS after RS's release.

they only half-assed explained that in the movies. it made no sense to the viewer. Kamino didnt seem to give a fuck who they were cloning their army for which made little sense. considering we never even saw him, even in a flashback, its like he never existed

it was easy to rationalize "growing out" of Star Wars back then, though. You could point to Annakin or Jar Jar and say that these are kids movies and that they'll capture a whole new generation, even though that didnt really happen. Most fans didn't know enough about storytelling in general to spot the ways that the prequels weren't fundamentally like the OT. No ridiculously long YouTube deconstructions back then.

Now we have much more information and more opinions to share. It's clear that with both the prequels and sequels, it's not just fans "growing out of Star Wars", it's that Star Wars films since the OT have been fundamentally flawed.

Fucking kino. I have a fetish for finding old episode 1 merch, like tha Taco Bell kids meal items and stuff like that. Also love watching videos of opening night and toy videos. It was a better time

I was only like 10 at the time, but I still remember it was big as fuck. The other people who tell you that aren't lying.

Parents bought me the game, I think I would play the music video more than the actual game, that was truly hype material.

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>photoshop was motherfucking 600 bucks dude
>paying for photoshop.

Like the build up to Endgame

KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza somehow came together and did commercials.
Teaser pics were made into posters and placed in my school (anakin + darth vader shadow, etc)
George Lucas returning with moar Star Wars prompted a nation wide anticipation of which I can only imagine comparable to the Pope visiting a highly catholic nation.
Everyone became nerds all of a sudden.

>somehow came together
They are all owned by the same organization.

This. I still have the entire Adobe OS5 suite on my computer

I remember collecting the cardboard pegs from the big new Yorker pizza that advertised Episode 1.

Went to see it in theaters with neighbors and generally had a good times.

Lucas has claimed he asked numerous people to direct them since he really didn't want to but everyone insisted it was his thing. I think if you read between the lines it probably means nobody wanted the responsibility of directing possibly the biggest film of all time with George micromanaging them from behind the scenes as the producer. He really just wanted a director by proxy so he didn't have to deal with actors and A-listers like Spielberg would never agree to that sort of thing.

It's too bad because if there was a little more collaboration with someone else to temper George's eccentricities the prequels might have turned out much better.

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YUM! brands. it's why you used to have those weird half pizza hut / half taco bell restaurants


why are you motherfuckers so dense? do you lack reading comprehension? he specifically mentioned the PRICE OF PHOTOSHITS. christ you idiots....

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>You could point to Annakin or Jar Jar and say that these are kids movies and that they'll capture a whole new generation, even though that didnt really happen.

Yeah, that is something I've noticed repeatedly in the time since, not just with SW but many things that were long regarded as nerd shit. There's seemingly a deeply embedded assumption that the weird pandering elements will just work and be well received, or "whatever kids are dumb they'll like it anyway" type notions. People take the quality that it was for granted to a substantial degree, which is a huge mistake even when you're making stuff for kids. Disney wars had a lot of goodwill at the start because most people figured it couldn't be that hard to make a good SW movie, but that perception didn't last long. Not that the series wasn't fated for death regardless, even if the next movies were some 80's dorks wet dream like a movie about Wedge flying around with Rogue Squadron it would have ran out of steam not long after that. I think the later movies will stand as a reason why most franchises are a waste of time ultimately, it was great in its day but we don't need to drag this crap out for 50 years. Time for something new.

I'll have you know I have a college level reading comprehension and understand the exorbitant amount for the photo editing software, photoshop. However I am merely stating that I, an intellectual wouldn't pay for anything for that price until a price drop or I can pirate it.

There was a music video for Duel of the Fates that had rotation on MTV (still actually playing music videos at the time).

I'm a sperg and they were telling me I had college level reading comprehension since the 10th grade so eat shit. that isn't pertinent to what I was discussing with that other guy, who SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED BUYING PHOTOSHOP.

>I had college level reading comprehension since the 10th grade
So you were ready for college right around when you should be ready for college? Nice work!

>photoshop was motherfucking 600 bucks dude, nice LARP though

>Paying for photoshop.

I didn't say it was true, just that I'd been told that so it's not really special. Keep putting your stupidity on display, it amuses me.

Pretty much this
But also this. It was life for kids aged 5-12.

>After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable
>After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable
>After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable
>After this photoshop and digital cameras became really affordable

Does anybody else remember the Weird Al song?

same bro

yes, it was really popular for a time among my friends in 4th grade

I still know every word to it
Maybe I was your friend

this is wrong, the movie was well recieved and liked for years

I wish I'd keep my haul (still have the fast-food watches in a box, lol).

Just good vibes man. The aesthetic of the prequels are Kino.

So you're like 40?

But it says "audience: born early-mid 70s" in that section. I'm pretty sure people born in that time are not millennials.

Ah my bad I mixed up when it was popular and when the primary audience was born.
Late Gen X on that chart should be early millenial then.

you're wrong, zoomer

while it by no means received the rancor it draws now, TPM response was pretty lukewarm at best. Stupid complaint like 'muh trade disputes' didn't come up until RLM revised history, but people were pretty off-put by it mostly due to the tonal and stylistic departures of the OT (the flat comedy, sleek visuals, child actors). Jarjar has always been reviled as well.

some combination of TPMs redeeming factors and just a love for star wars got everyone to show up for AOTC, but i'd wager it's mostly the latter


>Stupid complaint like 'muh trade disputes' didn't come up until RLM revised history
this. zoomers assume that everyone was always as informed and enlightened on storytelling and filmmaking as they are now. 99% of the opinions a zoomer has is because of the Internet but through the early 00's, the average fag who was into Star Wars was still forming most of his (half-baked) opinions without a lot of help from the Internet. While insightful and correct much of the time, internet message boards and social media platforms are generally a wrecking-ball for culture. They've yet to result in shit getting better. It may yet happen, but so far it hasnt.

40 year old Boomer reporting in. This. I've never seen anything like it before or since. Not even close.

You're wrong melinial. Zoomer is correct. It was years before anybody dared call it bad.


Most people were unimpressed with it but very few hated it. It wasn't until RLMs meme reviews in the late 00s that suddenly hating the prequels was a thing.

Regardless of their quality, the prequels dominated the golden age (1991-2004) of star wars.

The proof is in the movies themselves. Jar Jar became the punching bag for the masses with little reach in humor at the time, and he was the one that announced Palpatine's ascension to power or whatever it was because of the reception. The reason the Plinkett reviews made the splash they did was because it captured a lot of funny problems where people knew something was off but couldn't quite articulate it themselves. The RLM guys are making a pretty good living because Mike is a master level old guard nerd. Interesting life story.

The Goldbergs spinoff show 'Schooled' just had an episode about this.

Pretty much nailed it.

I collected all the cans.

>There's an Internet Historian video about it.

What? No there isn't.

Wasn't this common knowledge? I never read any EU shit, just a book from the library which summarized ANH with lots of stills from the film, but I knew it long before the movie came out. Presumably one of my friends told me, but back then we didn't call it "spoiling" we called it "explaining" and it was expected.

Everyone lined outside the theater waiting for the release wearing costumes with lightsabers having pretend duels. It was just about as baddass as you can get. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings (lesser extent). Everyone would dress up for that shit and really make a good time of it. I get that I'm (mentally) older than the intended age group of capeshit films but do people even do that for them? Has there been any film franchise released people were so enamored with they dressed up and camped outside the theater for hours waiting? I suppose cosplay cons have taken over much of that but talk about such a removed and sterile experience.


Cosplay is taking over the world. Costumes are cheaper than clothes now, you see a lot of pieces of them on kids out in public.

I was so excited when i got his lightsaber as a gift. I broke the damn thing though.

The hype for phantom menace was huge and people fucking hated it when it came out. It's pretty much only remembered fondly by kids who grew up with it as their first Star Wars movie.

remember when episode 1 was released in theaters again in 3D?

Wow nostalgia bomb, I had almost the whole the Pepsi can collection. I was 9 years old and was so excited to find out who all the characters on the cans were.
Dumb cunt in my 4th grade class saw it before me and spoiled Darth Maul's death. The character I was most excited to see.

I never wanted you gone.

I never minded that the prequels came across like hammy stage plays. The OT had tighter scripts and more emotional resonance, but they played with a similar format. The sequels feel completely alien.

And besides, the supplementary material during the prequel era was still good enough to keep fans occupied. There hasn't been any decent star wars spinoff material in years.

Being europoor makes tings a bit anachronistic, but still works.

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>tfw got Star Wars legos for my birthdays as a young kid
I didn't what the fuck Star Wars was at the time, but it made me happy.

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