what was his problem?????
What was his problem?????
Fed up of the «american dream». Most americans are not able to realize that they are being scammed by the capitalists. Because «muh murican dreem». You guys need socialism asap
He was too based
Why did the movie back down from its own message that society is basically shit and emasculating and instead decided to portray the guy as just a crazy dude?
He just wanted a burger like in the picture.
He was really self-absorbed and lacked awareness. He was mad he got stuck in traffic. Everyone else did too. It's not like someone fucked up the road just to piss him off. Accidents and construction happens. We all have to deal with it, grow up.
Then he gets mad prices are high at store. Well the government he worked for had no problem printing off money and creating inflation. Again, it's a problem we all have to deal with. It wasn't the fault of the store owner.
Then he gets mad that he can't have breakfast after 10am. Fastfood places have to swap out food when breakfast ends. They actually start on lunch a little bit before then so there's food available right when lunch hits. Otherwise they'd have to close down between meal changes. It's awfully selfish and entitled to expect a business to act against their own policies just for you. Not to mention that everyone else wasn't eating breakfast. It's not like they were giving everyone else breakfast except him.
The guy constantly takes everything as some great personal slight or conspiracy to make his life harder. He wants society to bend over backwards to ensure he has as little discomfort or want as possible. He's unaware of the pragmatic realities of urban life. To quell his childish anger he decides to murder people.
I'll leave it up to you to guess his political affiliations.
mcniggers can give me a sausage mcmuffin whenever the fuck I want now
>checkmate athiests
Jesus, you antifags just love to make shit up, don't you?
He was mentally ill. Only autists like you think the movie had retarded subtext like that.
He lived in L.A. Neckbeards don't do well there.
I used the literal events of what happened in the movie. I didn't attribute anything to symbolism or subtext.
because it's a movie produced by a big industry?
>Then he gets mad that he can't have breakfast after 10am
I agreed with you until this.
Whataburger should be able to make honey butter chicken biscuits all day.
They have honey, butter, chicken, and biscuits.
Blah blah blah.
The literal events like the part where his wife was revealed to be a horrible cunt who ruined his life for no reason because some judge wanted to prove a point? For a movie about showing how "out of place" the undeniable protagonist is, they go out of their way to show how he's absolutely right about everything, society is the monster in this story
What socialist countries have you lived in?
if the government built the roads where you live you live in a socialist country
You're saying there are no popular movies or movies made by a "big industry" that criticize modern society?
Incels, never change. So ignorant.
Imagine being this stupid and thinking this is socialism.
there are, but they never build up a justification for radical action without tearing it down again.
Sounds like your average Liberal.
Oh boy here we go. I agreed with you up into the very last sentence. Why add that? You made it out to be some human error, and then shift hard to the side to turn into some political thing? Why does everything have to be politicized?
Not human error, I meant like a deeply seated human flaw.
Oh look the discord trannies have shown up.
Because I knew it would make you faggots mad. I didn't even take a side on politics. I literally said the "word" politics and now you're upset. That's why I did it. If you was with me up until then, then you're with me. You just didn't like that I triggered a political reaction in you lol.
Yeah the guy who rejected and killed the Nazi is clearly a Nazi.
>He was really self-absorbed and lacked awareness
I didnt take a side either. My critique remains accurate though
The american dream is dead , thanks to (((you know who)))
The American Dream never existed, NEET. It's just 50's idealism and bullshit.
But it was true in the 50's.
You are wrong on every point and I don't even think we watched the same movie. You are not my nigga.
You have no one to blame but yourselves, user(s).
No, it wasn't.
>the (((capitalists))) are bad guys
>but (((socialists))) are good
>trust (((me)))
he was a white male
Angry jew lashing out at the stupidity of the goyim.
>I'll leave it up to you to guess his political affiliations.
He was most certainly a gaddafist
At the end of the day the world is the problem not him. He's actually the only sane person in this entire movie. He's what the negros call "woke" he's woke to the destructing and decline of this Country.
By what metric was it not?
I want a blowjob from anna kendrick while proxy paige rims me but life doesn't work that way.
Because that wasn't the message at all. You identify with him because you are borderline crazy too
Meh, that's like saying that you can only empathize with the dude from Fight Club if you're a schizo that has imaginary friends.
He made plenty of good arguments, his overall insanity doesn't just make him wrong about everything.
He was a creepy loser who went looking for trouble, threatened innocent people with weapons stolen from a crime scene, discharging those weapons in public within city limits, blew up a construction site etc
never updated his operating system
couldn't run any modern apps
He didn't want to be your friend; he just wanted his breakfast
Our current state is not capitalism
Not economically viable.
This just has to be bait.
Not enough onions.
Society expects people to accept to be treated like shit with a smile on their face.
At some point he was like fuck it and started to retaliate.
>movie illustrates what it's like to be a white man in modern america
>cucks out by insinuating that people who actually want to do something about are le ebil natsees
Don't forget me.
He was completely justified in everything he did though.
He was a loser who was tired of getting shit on
This, but at global scale, no wonder suicide rates are almost at 40%
Replace "capitalist" with "the Jews" and this libshit is seething at the alleged anti-Semitism. Amazes me how the people who attack capitalism will quickly come to the Jews defense.
This is getting a remake where Jonah Hill plays a gay incel who shoots up modern day locations. They say it's like the original, but "more based for today's youngsters to appreciate on the Internet".
He objectively, literally, unironically did nothing wrong
leaving your car stuck in traffic for no other apparent reason than to go grab a breakfast isn't exactly the image of someone doing all right
He wanted to go home
I went to my burrito place this morning and I got there like 5 minutes after they stopped serving breakfast and it honestly ruined my fucking day. Sure I could have gotten lunch but who realistically eats lunch at 10 AM? Nobody.
They had all the ingredients there, they had the same cooks that were working at 6 am, there's literally no reason why they couldn't accommodate my breakfast order and they pretty much told me to go fuck myself or eat off the lunch menu so I just left. I weigh 350 lbs, so breakfast is very important to me and without those calories I actually have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and what they did by refusing me service was tantamount to murder.
Because the director is a woman who doesnt even understand her own kino