>Movie has a sympathetic villain
Movie has a sympathetic villain
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Dubs for innocence.
Terrorists are the most retarded people. Same with the NZ shooter
>dude, feds murdered men, women, and children.
>better blow up a post office daycare
Right wing extremists are the dumbest people on the planet.
it's not easy to assassinate presidents
Ted Kacyznski freely admits to what he did.
Hospitals were considered valid military targets in Desert Storm, why are buildings full of bureaucrats working for an enemy invalid? McVeigh's target made sense. His whole argument made sense, really. I may not like the death of "innocent" office workers but you've got to break some eggs to make an omelette.
based dubuposter
you always could bomb the headquarters of the party
Breivik got pretty close.
murderer, rapscallion and all around bad man, but he was likeable.
What kind of person eats an office worker omelette you sick fuck
You called?
Remember that episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Dewey commits terrorism.
I think Brenton's rationalization was that he wanted to scare immigrants from coming to white countries. Little does he know that their homelands are 100 times more dangerous.
Dubu looks like she likes BWC
The kind that remembers women and children being murdered in Ruby Ridge and Waco and takes and eye for an eye
He did nothing wrong.
So you want an eyeball omelette specifically?
Nope. He wanted to cause the ban of guns in usa which according to him would start a civil war
No, he was doing the accelerationist meme where he wanted NZ and Australian governments to start going into 1984 mode so that more people could be radicalized against it.
So far he is getting exactly what he wanted
no they aren’t, most immigrants that get to the west are usually the not so poor.
An Iraqi refugee family left here (ireland) a couple years ago because their kids were being bullied by the locals. They got beat up and there was a quote from the father literally saying iraq was safer
Not even memeing boys but why do people here think Tarrant was justified?
why is there a color photograph of young H. P. Lovecraft?
NZ shooter was a dumb retard with a meme ideology but what McVeigh did was justified.
The administration has said that Iraq has no right to stockpile chemical or biological weapons ("weapons of mass destruction") — mainly because they have used them in the past.
Well, if that's the standard by which these matters are decided, then the U.S. is the nation that set the precedent. The U.S. has stockpiled these same weapons (and more) for over 40 years. The U.S. claims this was done for deterrent purposes during its "Cold War" with the Soviet Union. Why, then, it is invalid for Iraq to claim the same reason (deterrence) with respect to Iraq's (real) war with, and the continued threat of, its neighbor Iran?
The administration claims that Iraq has used these weapons in the past. We've all seen the pictures that show a Kurdish woman and child frozen in death from the use of chemical weapons. But, have you ever seen those pictures juxtaposed next to pictures from Hiroshima or Nagasaki?
I suggest that one study the histories of World War I, World War II and other "regional conflicts" that the U.S. has been involved in to familiarize themselves with the use of "weapons of mass destruction."
Remember Dresden? How about Hanoi? Tripoli? Baghdad? What about the big ones — Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (At these two locations, the U.S. killed at least 150,000 non-combatants — mostly women and children — in the blink of an eye. Thousands more took hours, days, weeks or months to die).
If Saddam is such a demon, and people are calling for war crimes charges and trials against him and his nation, why do we not hear the same cry for blood directed at those responsible for even greater amounts of "mass destruction" — like those responsible and involved in dropping bombs on the cities mentioned above?
The truth is, the U.S. has set the standard when it comes to the stockpiling and use of weapons of mass destruction.
Hypocrisy when it comes to the death of children? In Oklahoma City, it was family convenience that explained the presence of a day-care center placed between street level and the law enforcement agencies which occupied the upper floors of the building. Yet, when discussion shifts to Iraq, any day-care center in a government building instantly becomes "a shield." Think about it.
When considering morality and "mens rea" [criminal intent], in light of these facts, I ask: Who are the true barbarians? ...
I find it ironic, to say the least, that one of the aircraft used to drop such a bomb on Iraq is dubbed "The Spirit of Oklahoma." This leads me to a final, and unspoken, moral hypocrisy regarding the use of weapons of mass destruction.
When a U.S. plane or cruise missile is used to bring destruction to a foreign people, this nation rewards the bombers with applause and praise. What a convenient way to absolve these killers of any responsibility for the destruction they leave in their wake.
Unfortunately, the morality of killing is not so superficial. The truth is, the use of a truck, a plane or a missile for the delivery of a weapon of mass destruction does not alter the nature of the act itself.
These are weapons of mass destruction — and the method of delivery matters little to those on the receiving end of such weapons.
Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City ...
Yes please , and a side of Sriracha
Cause they're edgy kids who haven't managed to develop empathy for anything or anyone. Same people who post animal abuse webms.
Every day more and more do I realize how correct he was about everything.
mcviegh killed his own people. And not even traitors, literally just bureaucrats
the nz guy killed invaders
We are at war and he killed our/his enemies.
have you been keeping track of all the white people killed by muslims in last 20 years in terrorist acts?
Because there shouldn't be mosques and islamic communities in the western world.
>We are at war
You're on an anime fucking image board
Do you think collective punishment is the proper response? Reprisals on innocents seems needless. By the same logic Jews are justified in destroying Germans
>Because there shouldn't be mosques and islamic communities in the western world.
Why do you think so?
they are retard
Good, self deportation is great
based fuck germans
so what?
Some irrelevant goat fuckers and innocent kids that were born into a religion aren't the enemy. Tyranny that is the bureaucracy and government that allowed Ruby Ridge, Waco, and dozens of wars overseas to happen however, are. I could care less about race.
Their fundamentals are inherently at odds with western ideals save the suicidal narcissism that has infected it since the 60s.
>villains whose motives are hard to find faults in and arguably better than the hero's
We should have listened
This isn't a battlefield you nerd you are posting on a fucking image board have some self awareness
they weren't innocent. two ISIS fighters originated from that very mosque.
>deyr gonna take muh gunz
fuck off nigger
It was thanks to the west following the first world war that created this fuck up know as the ME. Fuck france and fuck england.
>Satire movie where HP Lovecraft dies and is reincarnated as Timothy McVeigh
That would be fucking epic
Yeah, the battlefield begins when I walk outside my fucking door where people are being beaten to death over the color of their skin. I wasn't a racist until Obama made me one
doesnt matter if they’re born into it. Thwy are invaders all the same
brent was also just posting on an anime image board. I don't know what autistic point you're trying to make.
Muslims are pretty diverse though it seems like a gross generalization to group they all as incompatible with the west. Take Bosniak for example, white Muslims which in my experience tend to integrate very well in society.
>Yeah, the battlefield begins when I walk outside my fucking door
where do you live? Detroit?
You are retarded.
did france and britain invent islam? fuck off you white guilting bitch
>they weren't innocent.
You think all 50 people killed in the shooting all deserved it? What's your rationale?
If that isn't obvious to you then I don't know what to even say.
Nah, it's just that they have their own countries. If anything, their fundamentals are better than the insanity that has prevailed in the west for the past 60 years or so.
>they're edgy kids who haven't managed to develop empathy for anything or anyone. Same people who post animal abuse webms.
You mean they're Muslims?
New England for fucks sake, I live in the whitest state in the country and that nigger still managed to find a way to fuck it up
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing, and not one of them did after the first terrorist came out of that mosque, and operations continued as normal after the second one. At a certain point you can just consider them enemy combatants, one and all
>did france and britain invent islam? f
>he doesn't know about Lawrence of Arabia
>he doesn't know about the English supported Arab tribes who would form the House of Saud, aka, the biggest founders of wahhabism
Fucking retard
You sound like the stupidest motherfucker of all time
it doesn't matter if all of them deserved it. it's something that had to be done. these people are raping and killing our children.
>Be Ivy League level math professor
>get MKUltra'd
>Read pic related
>Move innawoods
>Make follow up manifesto
>Start bombing people
Truly one of the maddest lads to ever exist
Is that HP Lovecraft?
I do know that, what does that have to do about the religion itself? If there was no ideological basis for salafism it wouldnt exist
Look dude I realize that internet politics is a very deep rabbit hole but the internet is not an accurate reflection of the real world. Our experiences probably differ but have you ever met a screeching SJW that wants to kill all men in real life? Have you ever met a proponent of white genocide in real life? These sorts of people don't make it far in the real world which is WHY they insulate themselves on the internet. Shit man I work a white collar office job in downtown Chicago and never encountered any of this. hbu?
fuck usa
>Tfw forget pic related
Not him but there were already some terrorists from that mosque that had been arrested so who knows how many lives the shooter saved.
>these people are raping and killing our children.
Which one of those people BT shot were raping and killing your children?
You seem confused. The problem isn't wahhabism, the problem is non-white mass immigration. As long as muslims stayed in their own contries wahhabism wouldn't be any of our business (as it should be, if white countries had a sane immigration policy).
have I met proponents of white genocide? they're our most powerful politicians.
The point was that England and France allowed all this to happen. They've been pulling shit like this since the eighteenth century. When the Ottomans were at their lowest point, it was them who put them on life support to keep the Russian at bay.
>Not him but there were already some terrorists from that mosque that had been arrested
So you think it was justified because it was a preemptive strike?
Yes, you triple nigger, I have experienced those exact goddamn things. I'm not gonna play this fucking game where I have to convince you the sky is blue, this country was inarguably better when it was 40% more white
there would have been shooting in new zealand BEFORE if they were radicalized in that mosque. that's not how it works
like who?
It was cheaper than the drone strike they used last time, hell, there were probably less innocents killed to boot
how is that the point you were making..?
>SJW that wants to kill all men in real life
Not him but yes
>Have you ever met a proponent of white genocide
I grew up in a leftist college town in the United States and those people do exist, screech all day about misogyny and socialism, then treat each other like toxic jackasses while espousing all the wonders of egalitarianism. We have a few Congregationalists churches that fly gay flags and more trannies than you can imagine despite having a population of only 75k people. They annoy as much irl as they do online.
>I have experienced those exact goddamn things
Can you detail any experiences that comes to mind? I'm really curious I wouldn't know where you'd find such people
>I'm not gonna play this fucking game where I have to convince you the sky is blue
My point is that the real world is not the doom and gloom extremists communities paint them out to be. I think life is beautiful
Muslims that immigrate to white countries do. Our governments are engaged in a conspiracy in covering up their crimes and also they defy the will of the people who want to have their country's borders closed. I can't blame Tarrant for what he did, it was his only course of action to strike back.
Senior representatives calling for the extraneous taxation of whites specifically for nebulous "reparations", taxation being tantamount to literally stealing the time worked from that human's life for no reason other than "niggers wanted money"
seething mudskin
Like every politician that had any power to speak against non white immigration but didn't. Pretty much every politician for several decades.
Trump, Merkel, Macron, May etc
If you think life is beautiful, you haven't had to stab a nigger who was sleeping in the garden box of your sisters apartment because he got pissed someone ruined his high
Huh that's weird smaller communities in my experience tend to be more conservative. Again though I don't imagine these people make it too far in the real world. Trannies are riddles with anxiety and depression I'd be surprised if most of them weren't NEETs
>Muslims that immigrate to white countries do
Do you think this is a result of religion or genetics/race though? Immigrant Bosniaks tend to be some of the more well adjusted and western compatible people I've met. I don't think religion alone makes people do the things they do
>Their fundamentals are inherently at odds with western ideals
so is christianity's
The only tranny I know personally has been a neet since announcing his delusions to the world
who the fuck said that?
>McVeigh justified
>took out the office holding all evidence of CIA drug smuggling with Clinton
>shut down militia movement
>Immigrant Bosniaks
They are scum like anyone else from balkans. Only Serbs and Albanians are worse.
Honest truth? I don't care. Stay in your fucking country.
I wish USA would stop fucking around in the middle east and we could all live separately.
Dude I'm from war torn Yugoslavia my father was in a POW camp and most my family died in the war. If I can see the beauty in life then I think it's possible for anyone
>Christian ideals are the foundation of western ideals
Now listen here you little shit
No, two ISIS members were radicalized in that mosque and killed overseas in a drone strike there. They I'm glad Brenton murdered those bastards and I hope he double tapped the imam. If Britain wasn't so cucked I'm sure someone in Luton would've done the same already and purged those damn mosques from the face of the Earth.
I think you're confusing "western world" with the suicidal values we've come to adopt recently.
>They are scum
How do you figure?
>Stay in your fucking country.
why couldn't europeans?
Have you been asleep the past decade?
>Stay in your fucking country.
So you think immigration is inherently wrong under any circumstances?
We did. Most shitskin refugees land in Europe.
Yep. It's strange to think that knowledge and technology are making things worse. Kind of like how people who see themselves as progressive are actually the cancer that's rotting society, but I guess it all goes hand in hand.
They pretty much just infest the local university and work in bars or supermarkets. You will be in the check out aisle at the market and have your groceries bagged by a goth kid in a dress.
Also we have furry conventions, so that's fun.
I went through a /pol/ phase user and it's fun to play around with some ideologies but no I just do no understand people who are justifying this slaughter. Ever since I unplugged myself from politics it feels like the whole world lost its god damn mind.
>I have no balls so no one else should
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you'll get yours too when the time comes
too gay. Gays aren't sympathetic
What exactly was the reason Mcveigh did the bombing? I don’t remember. Did he have a manifesto?
All I said was I think anyone is capable of seeing the beauty in life user. No need for such vitriol
He's just a troll repeating the old "white people conquered the world once so it's only fair white countries are being colonized today".
Because invaders should be met with death, pussy
They're underage edgelords
Yes there is a need for vitriol you fucking pansy, if you stand by while something bad is taking place, you are complicit in it
>If I just bury my head in the sand then all issues go away
The world has always been this way m8. There are healthy, well adjusted members of society who absolutely despise other groups of people. You didn't unplug from politics you chose to ignore other people's problems.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Regardless, I think we can all agree that the arrival of white people at least brought some positive things to those lands, such as medicine and infrastructure. Muslims offer nothing, but leeching and crime.
>Getting beat up by a bunch of literal 92 IQ subhuman potato niggers
They deserved it desu
Do you think the Germans that invaded the Soviet Union should've been met with the same force?
If they were radicalized in that mosque, what makes you think that they wouldn't shoot up NZ first. Not to mention those guys were white, unlike the majority non-white members of that mosque.
Britain supported the Hashemites who were enemies of Saud. Lawrence even describes Wahhabism as a heretical cult in his book Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Saudis defeated the kingdom of Hejaz (western Arabia) in the 20s. Before Lawrence the Saudis were helped by a British officer named William Shakespeare, I shit you not. He was killed so the focus of the Arab revolt against Ottoman empire in WW1 shifted to Alec Guinness (Faisal? Can't remember).
Commies aren't people, they all deserve death too
>You crackers have done nothing but win in the past, now it's time to kill yourselves in the name of justice and fairness
Sandniggers literally always have the same mentality when a terrorist attack happens.
>well what about the muslims dying from america in the middle east!
Or sime other such shit to indirectly justify the attack.
So excuse me for not having any sympathy when an autist goes on a goatfucker killing spree.
>This underage acting tough online
Ted is a tranny
He was mad at the US federal government because of Ruby Ridge and Waco and wanted to make a point by murdering the women and children of the federal government like the federal government killed women and children.
A lot of people, not just right libertarians but a lot of leftists as well, sympathize with him for that reason.
What makes you think they weren't planning a shooting, or a bombing, or a truck attack?
How am I standing by? I'm just trying to understand the mindset and rationale of people who believe the shootings were justified. We can address each other as human beings user no need to be edgy. Also refer to pic related not everyone who questions you or disagrees is your enemy. That's a dumb extremist mindset that shuts down any valuable discourse
How close? I didn't know that. Ill check the wiki page.
>Because invaders should be met with death
>But not those guys they were justified
Very consistent of you lad
>Japan is sending over playstations
>bases his viewpoints on political cartoons because he's too dumb to have an opinion
>waaaa think about the poor commies waaaaaaa
Go fuck yourself
Living in Jew York does that to you.
Politics isn't a matter of any kind of objective morality you brainlet.
>bases his viewpoints on political cartoons
I used the picture as a demonstration of extremists mindset never once did I say I base my viewpoints off it. Why do you argue like this?
He was mad at the US government for various reasons. Waco, Ruby Ridge, recent gun laws, and other raids that they had done. He didn't like that they could do those things and get away with impunity.
I never suggested as such but something like
>Because invaders should be met with death
Is a very definitive statement. The fact the poster changes his view when someone who he disagrees with gets invaded shows just a bit of hypocrisy I think
>what makes you think that they wouldn't shoot up NZ first
The fact that the presence of the Islamic State hadn't been established well enough in New Zealand and they were needed elsewhere?
You really don't understand how terrorist cells or partisans work - they work in secrecy and only play their hand when needed.
You're comparing a time of war to slow demographic genocide, you're fucking retarded
No user, we're far fucking past the point of treating each other like human beings, that ship sailed years ago when we started disagreeing over the fabric of reality itself
"Extremism cannot be rational" is a viewpoint, retard.
No, it's simply sympathy for your own group. A rootless 20 something mutt can't understand.
It's been explained multiple times already. The shooting was justified because those people shouldn't be there.
If some manlet with couple rifles could do it, I'm sure sleeping cells with middle eastern networks could do it too. See orlando, british shootings etc etc. Don't be a dumbass. None of this justifies the killing of innocent children.
What did "we" disagree over? What the fuck is it you think I believe exactly?
Because your "arguments" bear warrant for nothing more than a canned response afforded to a Bethesda character, at least some of them are compelling
This is all true but brown people aren't really people. They're more like apes. So yes it is sad kind of like gorillas getting killed in the wild is sad, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It isn't as bad as killing humans.
How do you figure? What do you find so wrong with my arguments exactly?
according to who?
Fuck off
>"Villains" who predicted the future and tried to change it
NZ is a colony lmao gtfo here
>You either think like I do or you're an extremist who thinks in absolutes
They're more like insects
A White colony, like Canada, Australia, America, & South Africa. Ie built from the ground up by Whites for Whites.
So what?
Is a just a semantical pejorative meant to dehumanize what you find different. What opinions do you hold? Egalitarian liberalism? This was an ideology considered very radical only a hundred years ago in the western world and is still called extreme or radical in parts of the world today.
I suppose I just fundamentally disagree with this idea these people deserved to die for merely being there. Difference of opinion I suppose
A mudslime in Italy killed 50 people earlier this week, did you hear about that? No. Because they victims were white
They were obviously targeted because they were muslims while being there.
You literally said:
>you'll get yours too when the time comes
You are painting me as an enemy despite not even fully knowing what I believe how is this not evident of an extremist mindset?
Memeing aside, the mosque he attacked delivered multiple al qaida terrorists and was basically a salafist extremist centre. The people he killed were no innocents and people know this. I literally do not know a single person who gives a fuck about this attack and 100% of my friends are liberals.
It's not "just" being there, we afford them the right to vote while subsidizing their birth rate instead of our own, this will inevitably lead to their culture supplanting ours, and I really goddamn like Halloween so I'm not very excited about that
Nobody died in that attack
>the mosque he attacked delivered multiple al qaida terrorists and was basically a salafist extremist centre.
>The people he killed were no innocents and people know this
How can you say that with absolute certainty?
>Orlando shooting
Wasn't done by ISIS, the guy was just a crazy muslim doing lone wolf terrorism
>British shootings
Mainly bombings and truck attack, and mainly done to terrify people and boost the morale of ISIS jihadists in parts of the world with a significant Muslim presence. New Zealand is not one of those places. Don't be stupid - Muslims are not meth heads - there is a logic to terrorism and 21st century warfare. Ever heard of "don't shit where you eat"?
>None of this justifies the murder of children
Eye for an eye, these kinds of Muslims only understand brutality.
If you live in Chicago and don't understand why niggers are a problem for society, you're too far beyond the scope of rational conversation and no amount of reason will make you see reality
Nice self portrait. I'll take that as meaning I actually made you mad.
define human
I agree. Ideally the State itself would take it upon itself to preserve the nation and those people should be deported as safely as possible. Unfortunately the NZ govt, like most other western govts, is supportive of demographic policies that will destroy these countries, and frequently seek to silence dissent on this, so there are few options for private individuals.
No, it's just not worth the keystrokes to explain certain things to people like you.
bombs away mr.mcveigh!
I went to Chicago Public School I know how blacks can be first hand. FFS I got into fights with them, at no point have I mentioned blacks so I don't know where this assumption of yours has come from
Our US founding fathers would be considered terrorists today but we celebrate them
Double standard, hmmm
in other words you're a retard that gets his information from pol and thinks the world is burning
Nice NPC impression.
No, its because you're an egocentric moron who can't actually refute anything I said. So you devolve into childish ad homs.
Seen it many times.
Then allow me to reframe the conversation so you can understand you ignorant little twat. You asked how you're standing by, if you understand that niggers are a problem from your experience in the school system and you still choose to ignore that problem, you are goddamn standing by while it gets worse.
Yeah I think i'm gonna go with the academically accepted view of humanity and not the one that a loser with no accomplishments uses to keep himself away from the noose.
Not him but he isn't wrong about Chicago being a shithole. You're about as safe in parts of Chicago as you are in Syria.
Yeah, your unique arguments have never been heard before and shake the logical foundations of all prejudice and bigotry. Until you get a little older.
Come live in the south and I promise you will become racist to niggers.
50 dead muslims don't matter because another couple thousand of them were born in the western world just at that moment anyway LOL. Wh*tey's time in this world is almost over. You are being replaced and there's nothing you can do to change this. Your guns are being taken, your women have almost 0 sex drive because of birth control pills and the western wagecuckoldry.
Keep seething though, I'm sure it will work.
White people
Question 1: Was Timothy McVeigh acting alone?
Question 2: Was Timothy McVeigh innocent entirely?
why are you on a website devoted to a non-human form of entertainment?
>t. mom science daily
Fish for (You)'s elsewhere, sub human
>Trannies can't into jpgs
You seem a little fanny flustered, ahmed. Did your goat wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
No, I'm just not a sheltered bourgie
Mcveigh was guilty and there were many others who most likely helped him besides Nichols and Fortier. The US Government helped cover up evidence that showed Mcveigh had help.
Mcveigh kept his mouth shut and didn't give up his co conspirators. He died for the cause.
>faking outrage at reactions to the shooting
>accuse others of fishing for you's
>and you still choose to ignore that problem
How am I ignoring it?
Does birth control really affect female sex drive? I never heard of that before
Could've fooled me
Chicago is a very segregated city it's only really the south and west side with the rampant gun violence. Much of Chicago is a perfectly safe place to live
To make shitskins seethe with anger
Jesus you are an autist. Get help.
People like to meme about the elite tricking us into fighting each other for their own ends but if you look at the history books it becomes apparent that it only works because if they weren't around we would be fighting each other anyway. Regardless of if it's China or Rome the best way to deal with barbarians on your borders is to keep them fighting each other, at least until this forces them to congeal enough to where they're strong enough to take you out. The idea that we need to be notably different or lack understanding of a foreign entity to hate each other enough to brandish weapons is laughable, if anything familiarity breeds far more contempt than anything else. That all goes back to the first stories in the Bible, even blood relatives easily find reasons to stick knives in each other, it's a conflict older than even the state. I don't know why people expect the sudden intermingling of far more distantly related entities to be frictionless, or that just standing around saying "just don't be an asshole" is enough to set everything in order. It's actually incredible that things have remained as peaceable as they have for so long all things considered, we take a great deal of modernity for granted.
lol whatever you say man
Are Ma*ri the most cringeworthy "ethnics"?
That's why I said parts. It's a massive city.
I'm referring to you. I work as a paramedic and I know damn well that Chicago has issues with gun violence , drug addiction, sexual assault, and a whole host of other issues. I've talked with people from Chicago who tell me how bad it is first hand. I've been to chicago and talked with people about their problems.
I've really found it hard to find any information on it that isn't
>He acted with Nichols and no one else because they were racist white supremacists
>faking outrage
Wow. You're retarded on so many different levels I don't even know where to begin. You're not getting another dann (You)
Fuck off to
>t. Life is beautiful bro don't worry about it
they dont live in the real world and sit behind computers and echo chambers like /pol/
Yes, absolutely.
What's wrong with having a a positive outlook on life? Sure we have our issues but I believe the beauty in life far outweighs the bad. You really think this is tantamount ignoring the issue wholesale?
>Tfw grew up around Muslims but sheltered bourgie westerners living in their gated communities, gentrified hipster apartments, or liberal hippie towns will call me sheltered
Fuck Islam. I'm with the Hindus and Mayanmar Buddhists on this one.
I've read so much that I've forgotten a lot of it.
1 month before the bombing an undercover atm informant filed a report saying she heard people at Elohim City talking about blowing up a federal building. That same informant told the ATF that she saw Mcveigh at Elohim City.
2 weeks before the bombing Mcveigh called Elohim City and he even confessed that he called them. He claimed he asked them for help hiding him after the bombing.
Multiple people testified that they saw Mcveigh with other people that weren't Nichols or Fortier. One woman said she saw Mcveigh and another guy get out of the Ryder Truck.
Mcveigh was asked during a lie detector test about whether or not others besides Fortier and Nichols had been involved. He answered no but the test showed that he was being deceptive.
Those are some of the things that point to others being involved. There is a lot more info out there though.
ATF informant*
Don't even try to compare McVeigh with that near-illiterate Zealander
Muslims ruined my secondary school and have raped and attacked my people in the 1000s. I don't care.