8:00/7:00c - The Misogynistsons - Bart VS Itchy and Scratchy (NEW): Krusty releases an all-female reboot of Itchy and...

>8:00/7:00c - The Misogynistsons - Bart VS Itchy and Scratchy (NEW): Krusty releases an all-female reboot of Itchy and Scratchy, so Bart and his crew of all-male friends decide to boycott the show. After Bart's friends turn on him for laughing at the reboot, Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy
You’re not gonna miss out on kino today are you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


wher is my beatful farmer sneed

Just like in my anime image boards

Is there even a slim-chance it might do a controversial lampoon for normal people?

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what's the cool streamy site to watch it on?


America is doomed

Formerly the 13 colonies


no but seriously

>It's real


What the fuck am I reading


it seems the media Jews are making internet incels the but of their jokes again.



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What the fuck am I sneeding

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How is Bart still a kid?

>starring awkwafina
big wew

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Some part of me things the reason simpsons keeps on doing retarded ahit is so they can get cancelled like the handling of the Apu situation

its so odd watching these characters contrast with modern life, they were created in such a specific context. All of that context is stripped away now, its almost quaint. Just goes to show how far we have fallen as each successive generation attempts to one up the previous with how far they debase their bodies and spirits.

a daring synthesis

>It's a musical episode

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hopefully a friendly janitor is around to regulate this thread

>The Misogynistsons


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this is was the Simpsons has become

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are you kidding?

I wish I could be at the great sneed in the sky

I hate this.

5 minutes

deenS is the dutch name for the danish language

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I switched it over, didn't even know this was still on. First thing I heard was a bunch of internet lingo from LIsa that she said she heard about in parade magazine... Sneed.

This is fucking terrible.

Holy shit what the fuck am I watching? I havent watched Simpsons since I was in college and this is horrible.

>El Barto reveals his identity to three random lesbians

So bart is a tranny now?

1941 is closer to 1930 than 1998 is to 1997

Bart clearly outclasses these dykes.

When did milhouse's parents get back together?

>cherry bomb

is it worth it?

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>thinking divershitty is anything but a nonissue

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S11E5 is closer to 2000 than 2000 is to 2019

Uhhh, so where can I watch this

>Lisa is a big fan of bossy riot
>upset when she finds out Bart is one of them

read the thread


Don't do it. Seriously Simpsons should have ended before sneed. This is so cringey. Really really unaware of itself.

ty didnt see

has bart always sounded like a dyke?

Not as bad as he does now.

>8:00/7:00c - The Misogynistsons - Bart VS Itchy and Scratchy (NEW): Krusty releases an all-female reboot of Itchy and Scratchy, so Bart and his crew of all-male friends decide to boycott the show. After Bart's friends turn on him for laughing at the reboot, Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy

I can't even tell if this is real or something OP made up

How far back do you have to go to find a watchable episode now? 20 years?

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>before sneed

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All the way back to November 7, 1999.


No, he formerly sounded like Sneed

>Bossy Riot
instead of pussy riot.
Bossy because feminists were having a freaking cow about being called "bossy" a few years ago. This is pure cringe, not in a good way, i feel bad for the people that made it, not for the people they are trying to make fun of, because they don't know who they are making fun of- the MGTOWs or the Feminists. It's like they are trying to fence sit and can't, so they make themselves look like assholes to everyone.

No fucking way. Did they REALLY just reference that

>people actually watch this show

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Wow. That was the worst.

well, i didn't laugh.

>episode ends with the Tumblr man haters getting away completely unpunished
>final shot is Bart spray painting "the patriarchy is a Weiner" on a wall

I don't get it. What was it referencing?

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What did they reference? I haven't watched since 2000 and I'm not going to start again now.

That is actually the real plot to the episode. I remember it hit a peak back in the early 2000s. Back when they were trying to stay relevent with current movies and news stories. (Like south park was doing there for a while). I would say at least 17 years ago.

Wow that was fucking garbage.


Attached: ye olde feedeth and seedeth.png (900x675, 1.12M)

Not a single funny joke

>commit crimes against patriarchy
uh sweetie that's not a crime, that's social justice

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Anthony weiner? I have no idea everything was a mess.

they dont envy us :((((

>11 years
>56 years
>1 year
>13 years
Christ, women really are terrible at math (formerly arithmetic).

Formerly indians

saving private ryan im pretty sure

they referenced Chuck's as a sexist store and praised Sneed for buying it out

The show is a money laundering scheme by now. It has to be.

Anyone else find you-know-what posting funnier than any joke on the show in the last decade?

the FOX network , available as a over the air broadcast in most major US cities.

Fox wants to see how long they can drag this show on for.

It was a different time. They shouldn't judge Chuck's based on modern values.

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Also available in any cable or satellite television package.

thats the joke

Sneed's feed and seed

That’s a reference to an early episode where Bart spray paints the head of Skinner and misspells weiner

i don't get it



this is making my furry act up

That’s a reference to an early episode where Sneed spray paints the head of Moe and misspells fuck and suck

family guy did it first

Moe trying to kill himself afterwards was classic. Zombie Simpsons should just leave old gags like that alone, and not ruin them by association.

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This episode was legit a new low for zombie Simpsons, even Lisa goes Gaga is somehow better than this 23 minute propaganda

>Demonize misogyny because men are always sexist and wrong
>Glorify feminism because women aren't ever sexist and never wrong

I hate this world. The collapse can't come soon enough.

This is ironic...right?

Formerly left

>boys vs girls episode
>Boys are stupid and rude
>Girls are sophisticated and intelligent

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Very based user

we know moe

formerly chuck.com

formerly dinosaurs


Was the episode as cucked as you'd expect, or did they at least shit on the feminists too?

it looked like it was going there, but in the end is just propaganda garbage

Based portrait, i knew lisa was one of us

absolutely pitiful

formerly average

It was, but later it was seeded.

There porn of those 3 yet?

Is it true that Milhouse of all people was turned into an Incel straw man?

If he was in character, he would make Girl Scratchy his waifu.

Did the episode actually show the new Itchy and Scratchy?

How was the gore?

Milhouse is not a meme

Sneedy and Chucky teamed up to murder a city slicker, cut his body into small bits and put it on display in the store in a bag of feed and seed

>How was the gore?
woke and inspiring

Rule of thumb is 20th century Simpsons is great. 21st century is trash.

>mfw underaged retards will actually fall for this scam all for a meme

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Which one of you virgins editted the Wikiepdia page?

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maybe someone will come up with a cartoon show that pokes fun at mainstream America.. and the first thing they'll do is lampoon the Simpsons for having turned 180.

>Written by Megan Amram
figures. one of the biggest annoying SJWs on twitter. no wonder simpsons sucks now, those are the kinda people writing for them now? no wonder i quit watching this show after the 90s, TOTAL DOGSHIT

"Gentlemen, we want to throw in a reference to the Russian agitators 'Pussy Riot', but obviously we can't say 'pussy' on the air.. any suggestions?"

"Uh... how about... 'cunt riot'?... I'm fired, aren't i?"

"Oh yeah."

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>50% black casts in every hollywood film despite being only 13% of the population isn't good enough

>Megan Amram (born September 3, 1987) is an American comedian and writer. She currently serves as a consulting producer for The Simpsons. She wrote the season 30 episode Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy and Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion.

>She became well known after 2010 through her Twitter account.

>Amram grew up in Portland, Oregon, and was educated at Catlin Gabel School and Harvard University where she graduated in 2010.

>Amram currently resides in Los Angeles. Since May 2017, she has tweeted "Today was the day Donald Trump finally became president" every day.

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>t. seething chuckcel

shes looks extra STUNNING AND BRAVE in that photo, way to topple that patriarchy grrrl! yaaaassss u sure shwoed those dudebros who made fun of lady ghostbusters!!! still tackling the important issues, way to go simpsons

so wait, the Simpsons dedicated an entire episode just to shit on the Angry Virgin Nintendo Nerd?


It's all just so tiresome

formerly unedited

Book burning, then ironically later in the show mock the boys burning toys ala bra burning, and they have no clue they did this.

Based Twitter Celeb dabbing on little Donny

We need Swartzwelder back.

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We sneed Sneedzwelder back (formerly gone)

>milhouse is an incel
idk that's kinda funny

Formerly cringe Facebook nobody flossing on big Obama

well is someone gonna post a summary of the episode or what

Why is the Simpsons always around two years behind on satirizing current events? South Park does it in less than a week.

>itchy and scratchy is now female, same show, unnecessary change
>boys hate it, lisa loves it
>lisa catches bart liking it, shows it to everyone, boys cast him out
>bart joins radical feminist girls, boys make autistic MRA club with milhouse as lead
>lisa hates bart being part of the anti-men feminist group
>other boys protest and they get back itchy and scratchy to it's original state
>girls now angry want to burn all originals' tapes
>bart tries to be reasonable, lisa explains that he can't, because being reasonable is called 'mansplaining'
>they save the tapes, the girls hate bart, wants lisa to join
>bart encourages lisa to join
>bart spraypaints in pink that patriarchy is bad
>smiles in cuck and leaves

about what you'd expect, with the pandering and where it leans more towards to
the wordplays were at least nice

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Fuck I laughed way too hard at that

What was Krusty's take on it?

milhouse is now a meme

South Park did it

It finally happened

No Sneed?

did they write this back in 2016 when the ghostbusters reboot came out? that would make it slightly less embarrassing but not much

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I find it hilarious that people don't even seem to care. Practically the ultimate bait episode that would get memed on, but the Simpsons is such a tired and broken property that this thread hasn't even garnered 200 replies.

I thought the part where Krusty's dad was behind it all was an interesting twist

feed me a seed

lol either great trolling of making fun of cliche sjw humor (god i hope this is trolling) because if thats real..... WOOOOOF

I'd like to know too.

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Broke: Sneedposters post sneed to kill off discussion of a dying show
Woke: Sneedposters post sneed because they can.



Agreed. Specifically after November 7th.

He called the switch deliberate pandering to females.

A plate of our finest feed for Monsieur Zneed!

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why the fuck would homer ever say that

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So which one is Sneed and which one is Chuck anyways?

Should've visited Simpsons threads during the past 2 weeks, it has been mentioned pretty often.

Stfu, everybody should watch these new episodes so they will value golden age Simpsons even more =)

any pictures of gender bended itchy and scratchy?
was it any good?

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Why not chuck them yourself?

But you can't show women getting horrible mutilated and killed. How would this even work?

For all the episodes problems, they delivered on the gore.

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>it's real

Haven't watched the show in forever, I always thought these were just jokes

>well known through fucking Twitter

Nobody good has ever come from that place

> Bart greets his new allies as “Ruthless Bader Ginsburgs.”

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You should watch new episodes just to see how low The Simpsons has fallen and what kind of results come out when the writing team is totally out of ideas.



Sneed Rockers In The House Toooooonight XD

as a reminder. simpsons has a ton of female writers now. can you tell?

what hath god wrought, what is this black meme magic?

milhouse is a meme now

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>Disney gets Simpsons
>Simpsons IMMEDIATELY goes woke

Ok sure this episode was obviously produced before the buyout, but still.

> Bossy Riot props open the tape room door with a copy of Naomi Wolf’s The Beauty Myth.

>Meanwhile, at Springfield Elementary. the kids are waiting for the computing coding teacher. When Quinn enters the class, she is mocked because she's a woman, but she replies to the mocking, not only surprising everyone, but also proving that she's good. She also notices Lisa, the only girl in the entire class, and says that she'll give her "special treatment" because of it.

they could at least TRY to make me laugh to prove their point

Entertainment is not about being entertaining you shitlord. It's about controlling the narrative and telling the viewer what to think.

Pewdiepie has a much bigger audience than this show and he's anti-sjw.

these leftists are extremely irrelevant

Dude, episodes are written like a year in advance. It takes like three months to do an episode. There's no way they wrote and animated one in time since doing that. However, Disney is already making Family Guy stop doing gay jokes, so you're right. You're just a retard in this particular case.

>Disney is already making Family Guy stop doing gay jokes, so you're right. You're just a retard in this particular case.
how is this disney?
Family guy said they would stop doing gay jokes months ago
they said it in an episode
an episode that probably took a year to make

every week on here someone posts about the Simpsons and some kind of terribly on-meme current day plot scenario. What I have assumed is that these are "Seinfeld Current Day" style parodies but it's just occured to me that they actually still make this show and that some anons may have a physical television or however this tv is disseminated these days, and these may be actual plots. It would be kind of vertiginous to find this to be true so i don't think i'll read this thread

>It's about controlling the narrative and telling the viewer what to think
that's what i'm saying.
the episode revolved around bart laughing at a show infused with propaganda.
if they did made me laugh i could have viewed bart as a self insert and got what they want me to think [spoile]not really though

Is that Zoe and Anita at the UN?

i saw the live stream, it's real man

Was the Marge squirrel really in this episode?

I guess the answer might lie in asking the question: do you think there will be more female I&S in the future episodes?

Checked. Sneed has a goatee (formerly shaved)

The first gate has opened.

>thinking comedy is about being funny
Um, sweatie...


Who names their child "Sneed" anyways. I'm not from the south but I'm pretty sure that's not a normal name.

Sneed is a family name

But it was formerly Chucks, a given name.

it's a name I haven't heard in a long time

There's no rule that businesses have to use the one or the other. Chuck and Sneed are different human beings with different principles, philosophies and dreams.

i know what are you saying but believe me, it's related to the episode plot

Truly Chuck and Sneed embody the dualistic nature of mankind in an intricately crafted metaphor.
The fact that it was formerly Chucks, an individuals name, and currently Sneeds, a family name, demonstrates how individuality is slowly fading from society as humans become more and more insular in "their team" in all issues.

Where does having no talent and being eternally butthurt figure into all that?

>she has tweeted "Today was the day Donald Trump finally became president" every day.

"I listen to this particular form of rave music like me mates from the old neighborhood back in the day, and these geezers I know in this meffage board cling to this memory, and it's the hill I'll die on, dammit!!"

"It's meaningful, honest!"

>One dyke haircut wasn't enough

Because he's a retard who gets all of his opinions from social media.

>Both sides are fucking retarded but one side has legions of desperately thirsty beta orbiters propping them up in the slim hopes of getting their dicks wet
Sexbot revolution will completely crush feminism.

>All female reboot of a cartoon where the main characters try to butcher each other
Seems like women would have a bigger problem with this than men.


u don't kno their struggle

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They even got the glazed liberal eyes.

does lisa post on Yea Forums?

No because it's done out of spite by dumb teenagers who can't think of an original joke to save their life.

Even for a Jewess...

I genuinely love this meme. I love the dedication and lengths people go to just to basically send the message that the joke is extremely overhyped and overposted.

Thanks you too.

Thanks a lot, your post made my day.

Much like new simpsons

>the simpsons write an episode mocking incels being mad over an all female reboot
>said incels sperg online despite the fact that they haven't watched the show in years and the episode is still months away
Reversed snowflakism LMAO you guys are pathetic

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>Next episode: Bart drinks onions and loves it. Later he comes out of the closest and announces he's transgender. Bartha will be a permanent character.

Who cares? This show hasn't been good for decades anyway

like the last episode where martin said he couldnt cry at his grandpas funeral because he was racist

formerly bart

How dare you deadname her CIS scum

Wasn't there already an episode where homer imagines bart as an adult tranny waitress or something

Fuck, just once I'd like them to reverse it just to hear the cries of anguish

its not a real synopsis what the fuck are you guys retarded

>>bart tries to be reasonable, lisa explains that he can't, because being reasonable is called 'mansplaining'
WTF, I love Zombie Simpsons now!

Sneed posting

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>Since May 2017, she has tweeted "Today was the day Donald Trump finally became president" every day.
Why? Is that supposed to be a joke? I don't get it.

Has the time come for a female Farmer #2?

Yes. It's a joke.
The current state of the world in general. That's the joke.

I think it's really telling that the sneedposters come in swarms whenever nu-Simpsons are being discussed.

She's seething and has to cope somehow

It is activism. I kind of admire her for posting it every day for 2 years now, but we'll see if she can do it for 6 more.

Liberals are literally YA tier.

dude sneed lmao

>dedication and lengths people go to just to basically send the message that the joke is extremely overhyped and overposted
that's not what they're doing

nices sneed trips

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Why does Bart like the reboot and stand by his reaction?
The type of person that would boycott something would only accept small parts of it after months or years of the new version airing. This episode really needed a timeskip where he gets blasted with the reboot for a long time outside of the tv, instead they made him a hypocrite with no basis in reality and thus no point.

>This episode is written by Megan Amram, writer and producer for The Good Place
Makes me think the episode is actually good.

I hate women as much as the next poster but Megan Amram is one of the very few genuinely funny women in comedy, I'll reserve my judgement. I joined Twitter like 9 years ago and she was always the funniest person on there

Looking at this episode it really does seem like feminism has ruined her though


>gets btfo'd in the other thread so he comes here to get away from my dick
lol sad

the fuck are you talking about, city slicker?

You know what I'm talking about, cocksucker.

I can you are all casual sneedists, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.


50+ posts in this thread are from a samefag


formerly it was though

T-This is edited, right? No way this can be real.


Since S11E5, she has tweeted "Today was the day Chuck's Fuck and Suck finally became Sneed's Feed and Seed" every day

It is though, Sneed is a satire on shit like Steamed Hams and other shitty spammed Simpsons jokes. The only difference is that it doesn't pretend it's not spam.

how the fuck does anyone actually still watch this

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simpsons has the same problem as south park. i prefer the simplier art style. lisa is an orange dress and red shoes. bart is orange shirt and blue shorts. the designs get so complicated for newer characters they don't fit the world at all.
the south park boys still have their basic design, maybe a little more detail like the puff ball on stan's hat or pockets on kyle's jacket, but any 'introduced this episode' character will have such a complicated outfit. all the parents used to be the same basic shape and hop around to walk, that added to the charm, nowadays characters switch between simple ball fists to full five fingered hands, a real human body shape instead of generic cutout, and i hate it
look at randy

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>season 30
but that's this year isn't it? So (aside from the obviously horrible subject of this clip which goes without saying)... they didn't listen to any of the criticism about the new (10 years ago) soulless animation and robotic movement etc? They just kept doing it even worse? There are no characters in this clip - simply mannequins that are moved around and placed. The eyes just stare straight ahead. Marge used to be this marge is a fucking elizabeth holmes freak (if this isn't actually marge ingore this).
I actually really expected if i looked at a clip from this year it would be like, properly animated because the examples we mock were cherry picked from a time when they were struggling. It's so much worse than i can even believe

Needs more 10-year-old drag queens. Not progressive enough.

Why aren't they all yellow?


>final shot is Bart spray painting "the patriarchy is a Weiner" on a wall
I thought this was a joke until I saw the episode

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>dude you are paranoid sneedposters only post in simpsons threads haha
>there is absolutely no way sneedposters make their own simpsons threads just so they can shitpost in them haha

>check the simpsons subleddit post on this episode
>half the comments are quotes, 30% are talking about references, and the rest are confused or actually trying to make sense of the plot
well fuck. they just keep eating it up.

formerly coal

>i thought they were a married couple and that's why they fight
>mom, they are different species
>i don't know what to be liberal about anymore

There Chuck is. There he feeds again. Sneed, everyone! Chuck sucked it again! Isn't seed just the feedest fuck around?! Oh my Sneed.
Sneed can almost fuck your suck feed seed sneeding in the dark, chucked by your feed seed which feeds the only seed of sneed in your feed, fucking like a sucking suck as chuck once again feeds sneeds seeding Sneed suck and feed the chuck. Or maybe you dont even feed the chuck. Maybe sneed's such a fucking FEED that chuck actually fucked for a 4sneed suck, so sneed just feeds the seed. Oh, and feed'n'seed sneeds the chuck. The two sneeds chuck, seed not it? Sneed seed chuck fuck sneed's feeds on the chuck, but it feeds ok, your chuck will suck it up in the fuck. Oh, sneed's right. Did chuck feed to fuck? Sneed seeds with chuck's feed. Chuck seeds a fuck sucking chuckup, sneed's probably so chuck of sneed already. So sneed of feeding to seed sneed for chuck all suck fuck, every fuck, for a seeded sneed who feeds all his sneed on /sneed/ sucking about a Sneedsons chuck. Just sneed this. Chuck fed sneed, and then chuck seeded sneed sucked fucking feed a sneedientist or a chuckonaut or sneed feed, and then chuck fucked a SNEED. A chucking Sneedsneed SNEED. Chuck probably sucks sneedself to chuck everyfuck sucking about how sneed chuck feeds and how chuck sucks chuck sneed just feed. She sneedn't even feed to seed with chuck because sneed chuck fuck suck "SNEEDELY SNEED." Chuck's feed a seed of sneed's own sneed. And fucks sneed chuck seed. A seed feed chuck sneeding in the feed by seedself as chuck feeds to seed in the same fuck sneed that chuck's done a sneed fucks now. And chuck's all sneed feed ever seed.

>Drag queens
>Marge on stage
did she grow a dick now or something? Or are they rehashing that King of the Hill episode where men pretending to be women teach a woman how to be a woman?

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sneedposting vs. pipe strip

who wins?

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>Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy

This is the Gayest thing I've ever read.

One is a timeless classic that sparked one of the greatest achievement in the history of comedy that modern writers still hold as gold standard and look up to when they are searching for inspiration and the other one is pipe strip

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You should kill yourself.

Several episodes do actually depict Itchy and Scratchy as a couple, with Itchy being a domestic abuser, no joke!

Why does this album exist? Indians fought with Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) againt Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan), it makes no sense for India (future super power) to bomb Bangladesh (currently shithole).

Attached: ConcertAgainstBangladesh.jpg (1421x1079, 214K)

it was a shitty joke, mainly because india supported their independence and the joke makes fun of india being mad that they declared their independence

Did India really expect Bangladesh to join their republic instead of staying independent?

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