5 weeks later

>5 weeks later
Alright Yea Forums it's time to admit it wasn't that good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This, it wasn't good, it was great

Yea Forums said it was shit when it came out
this is why the redditors made a general thread to hide away from the locals


>Yea Forums said
Fuck of Jerome, you are not Yea Forums. Alita is Yea Forums.

They're spics from facebook

Damn, fucking got him.

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Ghost in the Shell was much better

there's people who actually watched this shit?

Fuck you it was great. Go back to your Captain Marvel threads

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If you had said Speed Racer it would have been less obvious. 3/10 for the attempt though.

I thought it was shit until I watched it, great movie.

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The plot could've been better but the infectiously adorable protagonist and absolutely gorgeous visuals in IMAX3D made the trip to the theater worthwhile.
It was fun

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>tumblr gif
>captain is the only other thing it watches
Why are Alita newfags so low IQ?

Burn After Reading is Yea Forums approved, newfriend.

Worldwide: $399,866,842
We're almost there! Just a little bit more.

Why are you tourist so hellbent on making us hate this movie? You got some agenda or something?

it needs 500 million to break even though

>bot accounts and spics

that really showed me

Source on that? I have other sources saying 350.

>shitskins on twitter
>shitskins on facebook
makes you think, but yhen you remember that baneposting brought them all here too.

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the fact that these braindead low iq monkeys ruined BR2049 with their trash really fucking pisses me off

*beep beep beep beeeeep*
know what that is? my cope detector

it's the same people. the only difference is the janitor/swaglord is paid to protect them by disney/fox.

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>it needs 500 million to break even though
Sources: my ass


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Well OP I'm just going to have to disagree with you because I liked it very much

on a budget of 200 million, yeah it needs 500 million

>the 350m figure is fake, it's actually 500!!

yeah I'm going to listen to the people who made the fucking movie instead of sources that actively wanted it to fail

The budget is 170 though. And what are your calculations on 500?

I've seen those exact can tier posts here
Holy shit confirmed for tourists praising this shit

Obvious bots are obvious

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The only one's who didn't like it were blue-haired whales that can't stand the sight of a beautiful woman, even a CGI one, because it makes them feel insecure. Sad really.

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that's odd since trannies seem to love it

>174 likes, 368 comments

>The only one's who didn't like it were blue-haired whales

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Why would a lady-boy be threatened by Alita since they aren't super insecure women. She actually suffers from body dismorphia much like the typical tranny too . She kind of is a tranny herself.

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>Captain marvel threads
None right now, dead movie that people see once and forget forever.
Also, There were never cap marvel threads they were shilling Larson's acting skills and beauty or telling that she is a fucking awful human bean that should treat her fucking toe funguses.

>from the producers of
With a tagline like that, you know it's bad. Literally who cares about jew producers

>Literally who cares about James Cameron
Please see yourself out.

Could've done without the whole battle arena thing.

I fell for the meme and watched it in theaters. Been a long time since I saw a movie so mediocre. fuck you guys I want those hours back

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look at this cope, simply laughable