X-Files Thread

Does anyone else not consider season 10 and 11 not canon? It's awful garbage. They should have brought Vince back. Carter is a fucking hack.

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Im near finished season 10. Its decent. Xfiles comedy episodes were always good

Its the main plotline episodes that are the fucking worst

>Main plotline
>Not the best
What kind of a cuckold doesn't like the cigarette smoking man?

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Mytharc is awful though. It becomes so convoluted later on. MOTW is where it's at.

"Who gives your orders? How do I know I can trust you"

>Repeat for 10 seasons

They dragged that shit on for wayyy too long with little to no variation in characters.

> Mulder = Osiris
> Scully = Isis
> Dogget = Anubis
> Scully's baby = Horus.

Chris Carter is an initiate.

Didn't bother with seasons 10 and 11. They don't have that 90's feel that makes X-files what it is

mytharc is fun up until s5, fuck off

Early seasons are super comfy falling asleep to

I'm not contesting that. Just that the cigarette smoking man himself was based.
Mytharc has good and bad episodes. The arc that leads into the xfiles movie is kinom the black alien goo, the alien conspiracy is where it's at. Motw can be very good for instance tooms or it can be shit.

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The pilot episodes and the episodes where he sneaks into a military base are amazingly comfy.

overall the MOTW are what makes the show memorable
nobody gives a fuck about the mytharch after watching all seasons

yea the way its filmed makes it very comfy sleeping tv. there aren't many quick cuts in it

Nah the first dozen or episodes are not great. The show takes a bit to get into a groove

Yeah no one cares about he cigarette smoking man. Literature the most iconic part of the show that re-occured in the film and all the seasons.

It's the 90's music thats does it for me


he's an iconic character but i dgaf about him for the story although the way he died was p kino


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I only watched up to season 7.

Nah, m8. Aliens were the worse part of the show.

>X-file movie
>In a small Texas town, a mysterious black substance emanating from the remains of a prehistoric human engulfs a young boy and his rescuers. Later, FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are in Dallas to disarm a bomb set to detonate inside a federal facility. Unfortunately the bomb explodes -- leaving four inside dead. Mulder and Scully then receive a tip that the disaster was a government effort to cover-up an alien virus linked to the boy's death.

This has got to be the most retarded shit I've read.

>smoking man
>Most iconic part of the show

Bit of a retarded statement there user

post sexy scully

Good cutoff.

For me, seasons 1-5 are pure kino. 6 has mostly good episodes like Triangle and Monday, but a part of the shows charm got lost when they changed filming locations after season 5. Season 7 is pretty bland, and once Doggo replaces Mulder in season 8 and 9 it becomes unwatchable.

Women age like mil-

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Season 11 was the best the show has been since season 5.
Only the mythology was bad.

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What did she mean by this?

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>show on Fox
>main character is Fox
>sells to Disney
>bosses name is Walt

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Early season Scully with the baby fat>

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How would you rank the seasons, bros?

I liked Doggett. He was a really good character but in a bad time. His story with the dead son were great.
The female agent was awful and almost made me drop the show

We're in agreement this is the best episode of the entire series right?

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I chuckled

Doggett was a good character. Open minded but skeptical. Forced Scully to move into the believer role.

S09E05 - Lord of the Flies - is hella underrated

that's not jose chung's from outter space

>Defending the mytharc

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>Doggett was a good character. Open minded but skeptical. Forced Scully to move into the believer role.
Good! Think I got as far as season 8 or something and the bitch is still skeptical after all the crazy shit she's seen and done was getting ridiculous.

It's pretty great, but it's not even the best in the season let alone the show.
Beyond the Sea, Eve, EBE, and The Erlenmeyer Flask were all excellent in season 1.

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>hating the mytharc
Fuck off reddit.

>*interacts with alien*
>"There's a logical explanation for this Mulder!"

>gets abducted and impregnated by aliens
>aliens don't exist, mulder

>posting mytharc episodes

EVE is not on the same level.
I can understand an argument for Beyond the Sea I'll give you that.

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It's called being a healthy skeptic

>*raises a literal grey*

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>oh look its krychek
>i wonder if he'll betray us like the last 40 times

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Hey Darin Morgan fags kys
>s1-s7+1st movie canon (main series)
>s8-s9 canon (only as spinoffs)
>revivals and 2dn movie NONCANON

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what about the comics?

why did they feel the need to make mulder addicted to porn? what does that add to the story?

Noncanon but great! especially after the revivals fiasco. Definitely good if you like everyone(literally everyone got great representation even the black oil) in span of all 9 seasons.

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Imagine being this wrong about a show's purpose. The comedy episodes are DUMB. X-Files was always a fucking supernatural drama, that's what made it good, and fucking brainlets like you who couldn't follow a long running, slow-burning story arc are the reason Season 10 decided to do mostly comedy episodes. I didn't even watch Season 11 as a result. Absolute trash person.

user he is tortured soul just let him his porn addiction.

Zoomers like to pretend they like all seasons (s10-11) because that's what they seen on plebbit...

>long running, slow-burning story arc

dude, it was fucking filler shit that got more and more convulated as they continued making up garbage plotlines to keep it going.

>"oh look krycheck betrayed them again"
>"oh look smoking is invovled in literally everything thats ever happened because hes a recurring character"

the motw are deffo the best part of the show but there are so many episodes that the comedy ones provide good levity every now and again. i never thought i wanted comedy xfiles until that circus episode came up a few seasons in and it was actually really funny seeing mulder and scully not take things so seriously for once

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Fucking hell, mate what kind of Brainlet are you?

She was abducted by the government moron the only person abducted by them was Murder siblings.

Why are you so obsessed with Krychek betraying them?
He betrays them in his first appearance, and isn't trusted again. Even when Mulder is "working" with Krychek, Mulder still hits him and abuses him.
I didn't think people could be dumb enough to miss stuff like that.

>Does anyone else not consider season 10 and 11 not canon?
Myth-arc wise, I consider pretty much everything after the end of the Syndicate as non-canon, to be honest. Except maybe Mulder's abduction to give place to Doggett.
Season 10 & 11 standalones were mostly good, except that terrorist one from season 10 which is one of the worst episodes of the X-Files ever.

i don't consider anything beyond season 6 canon, show dropped off after 4th season

>Being this wrong
Season 8 > seasons 6 & 7. Season 9 is the weakest of them all but still had one of the best episodes of the whole show (John Doe).

It's good, but it's basically a Thing ripoff. I love it, but there are much better episodes.

Why is being slutty now that she’s old? Imagine your mom posting this on her instagram?

>It's the anti-Darin autist again
So, how long are we gonna have to put up with this piece of shit in order to enjoy our regular X-File threads?

Scullys life is pure suffering

>Dad dies
>Sister is murdered
>has Emily who promptly dies
>has son who is space jesus and needs to be given away
>Mulder goes missing leaving her alone with the shitty agents

>until that circus episode came up a few seasons in
It's on season 2, man. Only the first season didn't have any comedy episodes.

I'll defend S10, especially since the finale basically is the closest the show will ever give us to a proper ending (IE the aliens finally fucking appear and everyone's doomed).

S11 was trash, because Carter and Duchovny/Anderson were cowards and tripled down on virtue signalling because they were scared by the fact that liberals hated S10. Also, retconning the season S10 finale as a dream killed all hope of the revival actually giving the franchise the closure that the revival was supposed to give us.

>liberals hated S10
[citation needed]
X-Files, Anderson, Duchovny and Carter were always pretty explicitly liberal.
And if you really expected the revival giving any closure, you're not a real fan of the X-Files. You should've know who Chris Carter was by then.

bit earlier than i thought desu. I thought it was like s4. I only started the show like 2 years ago and blitz through it so its all sort of a blur to me

>carter liberal? He was/is fucking tea party faggot nutjob.
Rest you're right... Unfortunately.

>not consider season 10 and 11 not canon?
>double negative
>murican education

S10 had Scully date an Alex Jones stand-in, had an episode with Muslim terrorists and Mulder using psychotrophic drugs to mind meld with a badly maimed suicide bomber who didn't die when his vest exploded, to find out the location of his sleeper cell (which consisted of most Muslims in Texas).

Oh and the Smoking Man coming back and stating he wanted to kill off the bulk of the world's population because it was the only way to stop global warming.

Faggot what is your problem?
Is this "YOUR" thread now?!
How can you enjoy something which is ca 80 stuff you're saying you despise?

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You need to watch that Lone Gunmen episode where he defends Clinton from the whole infidelity thing. It's fucking disgusting.

Nice strawmaning skills, but you're not showing me any examples o liberals hating it. It actually had a pretty decent reception overall.

Let's not forget about 9/11 stuff which was planned for the serie before the actual 9/11 happened...

Mytharc is god-tier from S1 to S5 and the first movie. After that quality drops rapidly. It should have ended with the movie.

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>now that she's old
Gilly has been lewd from day one.

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Well, after the movie we got the "rebel" aliens that killed the Syndicate which were pretty cool too.
After that is where they really lost the plot, around the middle of season 6.

Requiem is the true ending
>it takes place in the same village where pilot episode started about the same abducted kids now adults
>fbi harassed Mulder for wasting of taxpayers money
>scully is mysteriously pregnant
>CSM dies by the hands of his victims
>Mulder is abducted by alien bounty hunters

How is Mark Snow’s score “90s music?” It’s timeless. 90s music is if they flooded episodes alternative/grunge

Agreed. They really should’ve ended it there with the 2nd movie picking up the cliffhanger

Mythology is shit, and just gets laughably stupid in the later seasons.
Most MOTW from seasons 1-5 is kino.

What I've seen of 11 I liked a lot, I don't even think about 9 or 10.

There's plenty of great MOTW in later seasons too. One of my all time favorites is actually from the otherwise rather shitty season 7, which is Theef.
I remember really feeling like the show went to shit when I watched it back when it aired, but upon my most recent rewatch I realized it never really went to shit completely. The good episodes still outweighted the bad ones even in post 5 seasons, although by a more narrow margin. Season 9 was definitely weak, but even that still had plenty of decent MOTW stuff (and I liked all the episodes that involved Adam Baldwin, regardless of the retarded Super-Soldiers thing).