Kino posters

Kino posters

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That shadow doesn't match his body shape at all

Attached: 7fb0a68c36.gif (200x199, 1.47M)

that poster is stupid as fuck

That's because its foreshadow

how do i get one?

>we want the nu wars audience

Attached: sympathy for lady vengeance.jpg (898x1280, 306K)

Unironically how can Lucas be a genious capable of such pottery?

Attached: image.png (244x360, 101K)


I only see 1 shadow

I..It's kino because it's Japanese right? Fuck off you melt

Duude I think i legit owned this shit

it's actually korean you mentally ill Retardera tranny

Attached: 48CA2098-3800-412F-AD3A-C1582CC580D0.jpg (314x445, 39K)

is it good, what's the premise?


Attached: br197730.png (230x219, 5K)

but its behind him

Attached: 1546721005615.jpg (732x715, 45K)

>Americans don't have a foreshadow because theirs was removed at birth

>but its behind him

From a certain point of view

Attached: blowup.jpg (616x834, 155K)

>21 posts still no blade runner

Attached: 1546857964722.png (645x773, 11K)

Attached: american_pastoral_xxlg.jpg (1945x3000, 1.55M)

Attached: captain-ron-poster.jpg (480x480, 55K)

I had this poster in my room when I was a kid but I’ve never seen the film.

Attached: h-g-wells-things-to-come-poster-1936.jpg (1109x1080, 674K)