Kino posters
Kino posters
Leo Green
Jaxon Morales
That shadow doesn't match his body shape at all
Parker Wright
Cameron Smith
that poster is stupid as fuck
Nicholas Sullivan
That's because its foreshadow
Nicholas Gutierrez
how do i get one?
William James
>we want the nu wars audience
Joshua Morales
Matthew Reyes
Unironically how can Lucas be a genious capable of such pottery?
Samuel Taylor
Dominic Powell
I only see 1 shadow
Austin Powell
I..It's kino because it's Japanese right? Fuck off you melt
Nathaniel Ward
Duude I think i legit owned this shit
Easton Adams
it's actually korean you mentally ill Retardera tranny
Jaxson Gutierrez
Thomas Davis
is it good, what's the premise?
Caleb Thompson
Jaxson Rodriguez
but its behind him
Nathan Wright
>Americans don't have a foreshadow because theirs was removed at birth
Samuel Lopez
>but its behind him
From a certain point of view
Thomas White
Josiah Garcia
>21 posts still no blade runner
Anthony Rivera
John Clark
Colton Morales
I had this poster in my room when I was a kid but I’ve never seen the film.
Noah Wilson