Twilight Zone thread

This is supposed to be ONE of the THREE best Twilight Zone episodes. This actually pisses me off. TTZ has so many great episodes but this one is just dull. OH NO what a shocker a little kid really is a god like create and really a prick. This story is told in just 5 seconds and that's all. There isn't more to it. It just drags on and on. Like
>Hey we thought of this funny joke but it takes 5 seconds to tell, how about we stretch it out to 25 minutes

The Simpsons actually did it well better. There is stuff happening in the Simpsons version but this isn't about The Simpsons. This is about all those other Twilight Zone episodes which are very entertaining, have stuff going on, interesting characters, suspension and tension and what not while this episode is supposed to be amongst one of the three best episodes and seriously just drags on. I GOT IT after just a few seconds.

This episode still angers me.

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best episode is the one where burgess meredith survives the nuclear holocaust.

Why didn't they just kill him

he can read minds

>one of the most bleak and despairing episodes of Twilight Zone
>it's bad because it didn't have an ironic ending like the Simpsons

I agree, I don't like this one. It was just annoying,

Anyways, even though it was cliche I really enjoyed Changing of the Guard the last time I saw it.

>This is supposed to be ONE of the THREE best Twilight Zone episodes

Wait what?

Time Enough, A Long Walk and Obsolete Man seem to be more highly regarded from what I can remember. This one's just easier to parody.

I thought they do kill him

Not OP but I kept thinking that maybe you could do it on autopilot. Imagine if he pissed someone off so much they just caved his head in a rage. You might even be able to kill him so long as you're willing to be burned alive to save everyone.

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One of my favourites was the one about a down and out guy who accidentally became father christmas: The Night of the Meek
Its just really heartwarming, and it has a nice message to it. About making the most out of second chances.

My personal favorites are
The Midnight Sun
The Howling Man
Nick of Time

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>The Howling Man
good one

Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up is extremely comfy with that snowy wintry locale and diner

>This episode still angers me.

Whoever molested OP as a kid must have watched a lot of Twilight Zone or had it on during the molestation.

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Ah, fellow men of taste.

Just because it is one of the most well known episodes, doesn't mean it's in the top three best. Hell, it's because of parodies like the Simpsons that it's so well known.

No they don't kill him. Actually he comes back in the 2002 Twilight Zone with Forrest Wittacker. He now has a wife and kids. I only read about it. Never saw it.

What is the general opinion on the 2002 Twilight Zone? I never liked it. I also dislike the 80s Twilight Zone a lot. Original one is the only good one or am I wrong here?

Also what were they trying to tell me with that episode. Was the kid God or a god? Why did only the town exist and the rest of the USA was gone? He also made creatures so I think he was a God.

As a father I can relate to that, kids are assholes and they always want their way. Don't give in and teach them that they can't always get their way. I truly believe a father wrote this story after he was annoyed by hid kid and figured
>what if the kid was too powerful

So seriously what did they mean by this episode?

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>father christmas
spot the Brit. Say lad do you remember those Father Christmas Cartoons in the 80s or early 90s? I remember when he went on vacation.

Back to topic: Did they take this concept and made a movie out of it with Tim Allen? Does anyone remember the name of that episode? I would like to watch it now.

>"It's a Good Life" is episode 73 of the American television series The Twilight Zone. It is based on the 1953 short story "It's a Good Life" by Jerome Bixby and is considered by some, such as Time and TV Guide, to be one of the best episodes of the series.

>it is a cook book!
The best

Underrated but A Stop at Willoughby is one of my favorites. Simple but compelling.

Gotta agree on that one

All twilight zone episodes were like that user. A simple idea or a punchline fillered with another 40 minutes.

That episode was unfiltered Mary Sue fan-fiction in its pure state. The original works without the sequel.