Where do you think her career will go? Will she go far?
Where do you think her career will go? Will she go far?
queen of mars
Personally I hope she continues to carve out a more unique and interesting career, like a Mia Wasikowska or Sissy Spacek.
She says her interest is in making art and interesting things rather than pursuing fame, so there's a good chance she'll proceed in this way rather than just being one of those cynical celebs playing musical chairs through endless interchangable derivations of the same Disney-Marvel story..
I would love to see her in some Lynch movie, but I don't think he will even make a film again.
I've thought about all the atmospheric/aesthetic directors.... Lynch, Noe, Korine, Cosmatos, Refn, the Safdie Bros, Baker... and wondered which of them have taken notice of her by now and maybe have some role in the pipeline.
You just know that Refn has noticed her already.
Altho it sounds like Edgar Wright is planning to do that type of movie with her (supposedly influenced by Don't Look Now, Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion), even if that's not usually the type of movie he does. She's made for that type of role.
I suppose there's also still DePalma, Mann, and Von Trier, as far as older directors of this aesthetic lineage who could cast her. Imagine her in a Mann or DePalma movie...
I'd cast her in my highbrow R-rated stream serial if ya know what I mean
What I mean is a mature kino auteur epic science fantasy that doesn't degrade itself with sex scenes that aren't necessary for the plot.
It would be some good shit. Feel free to donate to my cause plz thanks.
she make a my cum go far AWOOGA HONKA HONKA
as far as the distance between her eyes.
She’s definitely not short of work. She’ll be in season 5 of pesky blinders and New mutants if it ever gets out of post production hell, along with the upcoming Edgar Wright film. I think she has a lot of potential to make it big given the roles she’s already been in
She's going to retire from acting to raise our children
shes so cute
hopefully somewhere with nudity
Imagine the Joy she would bring to you only by being near to you.
she really is magical
continue the discussion please
daily reminder that anya will never EVER be your gf
In another life she will, desu.
She has already two scenes with apparent nudity actually.
>she supports Drumpf
no she doesn't
Seems like a perfect Marvel villain similar to Cara’s role in Suicide Squad (but better and cuter)
I kinda see her in a Kim Ki Duk drama about secretly falling in love with an alien, if you get the mood I'm talking about.
ya she does, shes based and redpilled. i mean thtat hollywood will therefor drop her.
stop making shit up
>she touched a non-white person once
You're not funny, fuck off
Since I can't have Anya I'd settle with an Aya.
>assblasted redditcucks have a crush on here despite never even seeing her irl