Do people conflate bad acting with bad character writing and bad directing?

Do people conflate bad acting with bad character writing and bad directing?

It seems like all of the blame for a character's failure to deliver a good impact on the movie lies solely on the actor. Is that fair?

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of course not always, they're given direction to present the character a certain way, that's how it's going to be, it's always going to ultimately be the vision of the man calling the shots, you can argue an actor might not intimate properly, or deliver flatly, but if the character is designed to be annoying, there's nothing that the actor can do to escape

Jar Jar wasn't annoying, he was hilarious

a lot of audience reaction was contrary to yours

Jar Jar is the key to understand George's genius vision of star wars. To bad disney drop him.

>lot of audience reaction was contrary to yours

OT fanboys don’t count

dislike for his character is universal among demographic

Of course it's not "fair", that's why Eames and Arthur never got along during Inception.

To be honest the worst part of the character is the high-pitch squelly voice, which Ahmed Best came up with himself. So ironically a lot of the blame goes on the actor instead of George.

Yes they do.

Gambon is blamed for his terrible delivery of "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" when it is 100% the fault of the director that he delivered it angrily.

British villain guy in Alita was very good. Intimidating, memorable, and slightly otherwordly, which is exactly what the part required and a little more on top. In other words, his good acting elevated an otherwise completely mediocre film.

Also: Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs. I didn't realize how well she did until Jennifer Lopez tried to do the same thing in The Cell and failed completely.

> mfw people think his force jump was somehow an accidental oversight, on a film that had effects markers in every shot, rigorous amounts in detail for editing, and the shot itself had three cuts going into it. Oh and I guess animators accidentally made five minutes of key framing too.

I kinda liked Jar Jar.

Literally a black roger rabbit

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The force jump as well as Jar Jar mimicking the lip movements of Padme as she's speaking on Tattooine. Not an accident.

I thought it was the stupidest contrived theory in the world until I saw the jump. They even opted to make the droid look around confused.

Yeah I wouldn't want to be the one defending it, but there's no way of explaining that as some kind of oversight.

The whole notion of 'actors' is for the most part, to use a wrestling term, a 'work'. Sure you can be a bad actor but this basically just means over acting - trying too hard to embody the fictional notion of the captivating screen presence.

Movie stars were a concoction of golden age Hollywood for the purpose of selling more tickets. The Oscars are a clever marketing campaign. It has been scientifically demonstrated that a person will believe a person to be appropriately converting a whole host of various emoitons in the exact same clip by only varying the editing.

Please don't fall for the con of acting . 'bad acting' is just bad directing .

Jar Jar was pretty awful in the Godfather Part 1.

Attached: jarjar.jpg (200x299, 12K)

The guy who played Jar Jar did both the voice acting and the mocap. He was in the original run of "Stomp", that's how Lucasfilm found him.
I just find that interesting.

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George obviously greenlit it, toyed with it and made it seem like the voice was the right thing for the movie prior to Best's suggestion.

I think that audition takes and performance in the same movie in a very similar role are really all you can have to actually tell if an actor is better than another or not.

I would definitely not say that JLo is a better actress than Jodie Foster, but, at the same time, The Cell's directors and writers are objectively a cut below Silence of the Lambs's and that has to be factored in for what made the characters.

It really sucks for this guy and also Hayden Christensen. They probably thought getting in a Star Wars movie of all things would be huge for their careers and if anything it made them unable to get any work. Which is a bit odd because it didn't have that affect on MacGregor or Portman but perhaps it's because both of them starred in a truly great film before they mistakenly chose to be in the prequels so maybe that was enough to show people their potential.


this honestly, jarjar was just poorly directed
see a poopy gag works great, but you cant have him jumping around like a retard screaming, he's gotta have dignity, then the poopy is funny

>universal among demographic

40 year olds don’t count

>has been scientifically demonstrated that a person will believe a person to be appropriately converting a whole host of various emoitons in the exact same clip by only varying the editing.

[Citation Needed]

>and if anything it made them unable to get any work.

Both Fisher and Hamill were unable to get real roles after SW. only Ford.