>less than a year away
>still no trailer
>absolutely zero hype
Less than a year away
I don't know about you guys, but I'm not paying for this shit. Not even for the memes. I'm seriously done after The Last Jedi.
No movie has ever left such a bad taste in my mouth.
Dude, that movie actually hurt me. I've been a die-hard Star Wars fan for like 20 years and I felt personally insulted by that movie. I felt like something inside of me died, and I felt sad for a couple weeks afterwards. I was a total fanboy. I bought all of the movies, comics, posters, collectables, etc. I feel like that movie made me grow up and realize how stupid amd childish it all was.
I feel nothing towards Star Wars. No excitement. Not even anger at TLJ. I just don't care anymore.
For me it was TFA that did that.
I don’t know why people are more offended at a trainwreck than the movie that was a complete and utter ripoff of A New Hope.
>tfw The Last Jedi made a man out of you
Same. I feel like such a retard for ever liking this dumb shit.
I should probably send a thank you card to Rian
I have not gone to the cinema since my experience with The Last Jedi. Sorry, Hollwood. You don't get anymore of my money.
Man, I'm burnt out after reading the reactions from the media during TLJ
I don't even get it, why did they become so mad that people didn't like it? If I didn't know any better I'd say they were corporate shills
Honestly, this makes TLJ, even unintentionally, the greatest film you ever watched
>I've been a die-hard Star Wars fan for like 20 years
Say it.
Never seen it and never will.
As for the childishness, it´s the only thing keeping me alive at the moment.
Life is a nightmare and sometimes you need to keep the inner child alive to survive.
>went with one of my friends
>dude leaves about 15 minutes before it ends
>catch up with him in the lobby of the theater afterwards
>he's playing one of the arcade games
>"Dude, I thought you were just going to the restroom and you never came back. What happened?
>my friend looks me straight in the face and says "I don't fucking care anymore."
I’m so sorry for doubting you George, the mouse is villainous scum
I guess you've finally accepted that Captain Marvel didn't flop, so you've moved on to your next prediction?
You did nothing wrong.
Except Han DID shoot first.
Do you REALLY want to know where you can stick your Super Tranny?
No you don´t.
Fukn dilate somewhere else.
Fuck off. Special Editions and PT were just as bad as Disney trash.
But Revenge of The Sith is the best SW film user
Fuck off. It's in the bottom 3.
>a mediocre movie that was just a ripoff of a good movie
>movie that actively shows contempt for its audience and its own series
gee i wonder which one people hate more
>TLJ haters are literally manchildren refusing to grow up
PT is fine and revenge of the sith is the second best Star Wars film after the original Star Wars
Special Editions are trash but there are fan made despecialized editions so no need for official editions
George Lucas is a genius
>just as bad as
Fuck no they weren't.
The ST being liquid elephant shit doesn't make either kino like some swear, but they are nowhere near as bad as TLJ.
Its literally,because of what they did to Luke. I genuinely feel that was tipping point for me.
I bet your wife's son loved it.
I thought it got cancelled
Dubs confirm
TLJ killed the hype train by throwing all the mystery boxes JJ set up in TFA out of the window and leaving behind nothing for episode 9 to work with
As well as killing a lot of fans investment by taking Luke skywalker and completely changing his character, ignoring the characterisation he received in the original trilogy on top of killing him off instead of saving him for episode 9
AotC is as bad as TLJ. RotS is good for 20 minutes rest of the movie is AotC tier garbage.
>someone managed to make being an immature manchild seem edgy
You sound like you play kingdom hearts
Im gonna buy a ticket to Cats and sneak into star wars
>sequels being shit magically makes the prequels good
stupid sheep
Down to subjectivism.
I'll take a Nattie who can't act out shit dialogue over a Daisy & a Slopemonster reeking of Kimchi who can't act out shit dialogue any day.
>TLJ killed the hype train by throwing all the mystery boxes JJ set up in TFA out of the window and leaving behind nothing for episode 9 to work with
What were they thinking?
What is their endgame?
Or are they an organisation of bootlickers, without vision or interest for movies, and as a result the greatest ass kissers take the most important roles, acting, directing, writing, etc and as a result the final film is a piece of shit?
Overly safe totally bland unoriginally irks me far more complete hackery.
The latter has tendency to pass the point of being so bad, it starts to become kind of enjoyable from an ironic perspective, while the former is just not entertaining from any view whatsoever, and it’s made even more annoying by the fact that a large portion of retards actually thought TFA was good.
I'm more hyped for WoW classic
Episode 8 killed all the plot points from 7 and set up absolutely none of its own for 9. Whats there to look forward to? 9 might aswell be in a different fucking trilogy.
I'm sure it will do at least avoid total disaster if not be in the ballpark of the numbers they want from just inertia alone. But the reality is that Star Wars is a legitimately bad franchise with only 2 good movies out of 8. Maybe you stretch that to 2 and a half since TFA is literally just ANH repackaged.
I thought last Jedi was okay but I don't have any expectations for 9 like I would for marvel
I enjoyed RotS the first time I saw it and every time I rewatched since then
I find the tragedy and genesis of Darth Vader moving and masterfully written and directed
I bet you also think TESB is better than ANH
>I've been a die-hard Star Wars fan for like 20 years and I felt personally insulted by that movie.
>not for TFA
I'm really glad that TLJ happened because shitters like you deserves everything
I'm sorry Georgie boy...
The Disney's abominations retroactively made prequels better i thought they were
>masterfully written and directed
>completely forgets the "sand" scene & the entirety of the awkward ass cringefest that was Ani & Padme's "courtship"
I don't even remember what the mystery boxes were, I just remember TFA was complete shit and stupid
I watched RO which was OK and that's nuwars for me, I refuse to watch anything else
Literally nothing wrong with TFA. It was meant to ease people back into the classic Star Wars feel after the prequels were a complete mess that everybody hated. The problem is everything that came after. All the complaining is retarded. I would rather watch TFA before watching Attack of the Clones again.
I was talking about RotS dummy
Clearly Lucas stretched the story of 2 films in 3 and that's why PT seems a little of
RotS is perfect and a masterpiece from Lucas
Instead he should have consolidated PM and AotC into one film with less young Anakin, JarJar and Sand
They were still good enjoyable flicks back in the day and that's all it matters
as soon as i saw that scene at the beginning of force awakens where oscar isaac quips something like "who talks first me or you" i knew nuwars had no chance
>imagine being conditioned that prequels are bad to accept that there is nothing wrong with tfa
Everything is wrong with TFA
I couldn't believe how bad it was
I haven't watched TLJ but I can't imagine being worse than TFA "that's not how the force works"
>The Incels were wrong about Captain Marvel so they're moving on to star wars
It's amazing how ONE movie managed to kill decades of loyal, joyous fanboyism in countless people. The entire prequel trilogy didn't even manage to do that. There are people who used to be dedicated lifelong fans of the franchise who walked away and didn't look back after TLJ. That's just how unforgivably awful it was.
No, it was worse than mediocre. People are just too dumb to realize how shit TFA was and decided to blame TLJ instead when that film opened their eyes.
>Literally nothing wrong with TFA
Except for killing Star Wars, but I guess that OTards like you only want to see X-Wings
And yet redditors are still blaming the prequels
The coping is unbelievable
calm down autist its just a ripoff of a new hope it does nothing unique enough to be worth hating like tlj
>a jedi uses sand as a pick up line because of how inexperienced he was with romance because it was forbidden
Ohh, gee, user. Did you completely miss the point that you just had to use a meme as your only defense?
TFA was so bad it's unreal
Rey should walk around in her birthday suit
>being a ripoff is ok
It's worse than a ripoff, it's a film completely devoid of substance or purpose
It's a film written by a checklist and an algorithm for plebs like you
lmao what is your problem autist im not even defending tfa im stating why people dont get pissed off at it like they do with tlj
are you really this dense?
I can see TLJ as a parody of Nu Wars and enjoy it meanwhile TFA is a constant mockery of Star Wars if you liked that movie you are a official retard
>its just a ripoff of a new hope
No, it wasn't. Watch both films again, user. ANH does a good job setting up the story and actually had explanations to why shit happened to move the plot forward. Unlike TFA where it just had
>first order conveniently shows up at the right moment
>better leave the planet
>repeat process
Even if you judge the film by storytelling standards, it's still dogshit. Not to mention that TFA ruined all the original characters and threw out what development they had in the OT.
that's not J.J. that's the guy who made Star Wars
No one cares because there's nothing TO care about. All of the overarching plot points set up in TFA were unceremoniously and dismissively tossed out the window in TLJ with nothing to give audiences a reason to care about in the next movie. There are no questions to answer, no developments to reveal, no plots to wrap up. There's just nothing.
I haven't even watched tlj because tfa was so bad
I wouldn't be surprised if tlj is better than tfa
We get it. This is your first time on Yea Forums. Repeating "autist" kind of gives it away.
>instead of having my own argument here watch this 1 hour long video
Goddamn retards on Yea Forums
this is your usual OTard who hates lucas because he's a loser and will never be a Jedi
I stopped giving Disney money after TFA get on my level cucks
Don't need to. Been with the man every step of the way.
think a kotor trilogy written by lucas would work out well?
also who would play pic related
and that has what to do with what i just i said exactly? you just want to feel like you "win" that badly huh?
I'm sorry. But your dialogue and jar jar still sucked.
I never gave Disney money cuck
See you at Episode IX on opening day!
Are you losers going to pretend that the sequels were misunderstood masterpieces when the sequel sequels are even worse too? Lmao
>star ward dialogue is bad
Pleb spotted
What's wrong? Doesn't it have enough quips for you?
Star Wars dialog by Lucas is perfect
It has a Shakespearean quality because it's descriptive, precise and to the point
It's completely utilitarian and sparse, that's good writing
It's also memorable and extremely fun when the mood requires it
I'm sorry you are a pleb and your mind comprehends only ironic post modernism
I couldn't give less of a shit about Star Wars, Rian is based for crashing this franchise. The hype around TFA was ridiculous and now we're reaching critical apathy levels.
>I've been a die-hard Star Wars fan for like 20 years and I felt personally insulted by that movie
And you didn’t feel insulted by The Phantom Menace?
>post a video that sums up my explanation in one go instead of wasting my time typing for a shill that will just call you a retard
Your favorite movie sucks. Deal with it.
I could've written this.
I'm looking forward to the nuclear sperg fest here when it actually comes out.
>oh nooo Luke came to fight Kylo. He's gonna die like Obi-wan :(
>holy shit it was a hologram!! he stalled enough time but still lives to fight another day! fuck yeah!
>...sike, he dies anyway
Congratulations, Rian. You subverted your own subversion
>1 hour long video
>sums up my argument (even though you probably just stole it from this video anyway)
>le smug anime image (DO I FIT IN YET??)
Typical disingenuous Yea Forums tactics. This place is a shithole.
There will be a trailer on endgame.
Bait harder, user
The prequels sucked but had heart.
The Last Jedi should have been a standalone like Rogue One and not part of the Skywalker saga.
It's not.
TLJ makes TFA worse. TFA is great as long as you don't watch TLJ.
Come on now, you know it´s going to do ok on the box office. That´s just a fact. No matter how terrible Disney wars are perople will still watch it. That´s just how it is. Accept that people have shit taste and that RT scores and the box office are not representative of a movie´s quality.
The best thing you can do is ignore it. Don´t watch it, don´t make threads, don´t watch the youtubers that talk about it (positively or negatively) or read the "critics". If enough people does this they have less reveneau from satelite media and less free advertising.
Just try to not give a fuck... SW is lost. Accept it.
When he says he's been a die-hard fan for 20 years, it's because he's only 20 years old.
The only people who are THAT outraged about TLJ were simply not around for the prequel outrage. They don't realize that it's literally the same
>TFA-TLJ had the EXACT same percentage drop at the box office as TPM-AOTC
>people were swearing off the franchise after TPM and AOTC
>people said no one would care about ROTS because Star Wars was dead
>people said Star Wars could never recover
The only difference is that now we have youtube and Yea Forums so people can amplify their autism.
No. Lucas is an ideas person, not a writer and not a director.
She's fat now. You don't want to see that.
t. incels
Star Wars isn’t for you anymore. You spend your sad, pathetic lives obsessing over something you hate.
Move on. Have sex.
Why the fuck would I watch a video with that title, thumbnail, or length?
>sums up my argument (even though you probably just stole it from this video anyway)
Did it ever occur to you that maybe people with an actual brain would've easily spotted the same problem with the film? This place this a shithole because brainlets like you just need "quips" and reddit humour to make anything a masterpiece. I truely weep for humanity.
Prove it
I love you, sweet angel.
Don't care I like fat, post pics
What, seriously,what did TFA offer other than:
>non-existent character arcs
>main characters that did nothing
>uninspired production design
>incorrectly used dutch angles
>another Death Star
>bad character development
>Dr. Who-tier creature designs
>nostalgia baiting
>awful CGI
>wishy washy """"""""""""""""""""""villain""""""""""""""""""""""
>bad pacing
>forced quips
>muh boyfriend
>major plot holes
>toothless villains who don't do anything even remotely frightening
>a predictable, derivative story
>even more dumb, forced quips
>no many ass pulls to count
>disgusting colour grading
>lens flares
>"yourrrrr a dead man tell that to kanjiklub" - in Scottish accent
>nooooooooooo it was Snoke, he seduced our shhuuuuun
>the OT actors phoning it in in full-on "well, it's a paycheck" mode
>overused filming locations that were easy to spot that even Game of Thrones do a better job making it look like they are set in a fictional world
>that fucking tentacle monster sequence
>an incoherent post-ROTJ universe that's such a convoluted mess that it makes AOTC look as straightforward as ANH
>that horrid helicopter shot
>orange Yoda
>hurdur "mystery boxes"
It was an utter, unredeemable trainwreck, and the only reason why people are afraid of saying that the emperor is truly wearing no clothes, is unlike in 1999 for TPM, we're inundated with the opinions of idiots (reddit) and the never ending torrents of shill reviews on RT and the nerd blogs, all desperate for those sweet disney bux.
Why did Disney give away their billion dollar franchise to this guy?
>unlike in 1999 for TPM, we're inundated with the opinions of idiots (reddit) and the never ending torrents of shill reviews on RT and the nerd blogs, all desperate for those sweet disney bux
Are you implying that we're not equally inundated with the opinions of idiots on the other side?
She must gain more
The fatter the better
The Phantom Menace is the best prequel.
Okay cool, that's not a response to what I said though.
That said, while I disagree, I'd definitely agree that TPM is amazing looking, especially after the Yoda swap
Because you only have to watch the first 10 minutes to see how SHIT tfa is
Now fuck off back to ribbit fag
>It was an utter, unredeemable trainwreck, and the only reason why people are afraid of saying that the emperor is truly wearing no clothes, is unlike in 1999 for TPM, we're inundated with the opinions of idiots (reddit) and the never ending torrents of shill reviews on RT and the nerd blogs, all desperate for those sweet disney bux.
This and the fat fagots of rlm and other "nerd geek culture" fags
There was literally going to be a star wars movie every 2 months before Solo tanked. And it wasn't even incels it was everyone.
JJ better direct his fucking nuts off just to give this dying franchise a glimmer of hope
That’s what episode 1 did to me
>The only difference is that now we have youtube and Yea Forums so people can amplify their autism.
Hola reddit
I watched AOTC in the theater and it was great
I liked it, my friends liked it, everyone liked it
Yes, it was a popcorn flick but it was fun, not subversive post modernist shit
Then reddit and rlm happened along with big bang theory and faggots like you appeared
>I need someone else to spend 10 minutes to tell me what my opinion is
>my friends liked AotC, therefore everyone did
Do you know what anecdotal evidence is?
You are not fooling anyone rlm shill
Are you too scared to watch in case you'll get offended?
The prequels are bad, Lucas is a hack who ruined his own creation
It's better evidence than the shit your fat gods at rlm and reddit present as evidence bazinga faggot
what the fuck happened
I wouldn't mind that; have it set 100 years in the future when all the currant human cast are dead.
I don't watch RLM or BBT.
My point was that overall sentiment was the same back in the day. There's a reason that "the prequels suck" became a meme.
People say that TLJ is so hated because of the box office drop, but they don't understand that it's the exact same as ATOC's was.
>what the fuck happened
cocaine bloat
Or I could just use that time and watch the actual movie to form my OWN opinion on it.
Did that not occur to you?
>My point was that overall sentiment was the same back in the day. There's a reason that "the prequels suck" became a meme.
>really wanted to like the new Star Wars films
>instantly soured on me with Poe's first out of place quip
I just stream them and feel disappointed. The side films, whilst still quite bad are way better than the mainline sequels.
This, Hollywood is a nasty place and Disney is the nastiest of them all
Thats what I thought and then I saw Glass.
TFA is ruined from the start
No redeemable qualities in this shit
TLJ is a masterpiece because it got manbabies THIS assblasted
true art moves you. not neccessarily in the direction you would have liked to, or the one you expected.
but it affects you deeply nonetheless
now get BTFO, haters, when IX makes billions and gets a 90% score, again
I'm 87 years old, retard
I haven't seen any Star Wars movie in theater. Just not interested but I will watch when it comes out on BluRay.
Couldn't even finish watching this one.
TFA wasnt mediocre, it was fucking shit. TFA just had the advantage of being the first star wars movie in 10 years, and the prequels having a notoriously bad reputation, well deserved of course as they are shit movies. They could've shown Kathleen Kennedy taking a shit on the Star Wars logo for 2 hours and TFA would still have broken 1 billion and people would've praised it for "not being the prequels".
When I was a kid, I pretend like I was a droideka.
>cocaine bloat
pretend that i'm not a hollywood exec,
isn't cocaine supposed to make you eat less?
No it's far from perfect and suffers from several scenes of tonal whiplash and bad pacing in the first quarter or third.
That said it was still enjoyable; leagues ahead of the sequel series
More like Lazy Portly
Yeah, hence the bloat. If you can force yourself to eat you'll look mostly fine
Source: my ass, somebody please confirm or deny
>be anorexic girl actor
>you have to lose weight
>no energy
>take cocaine
>literal coke powered junky
>don't need food anymore
>become skelly
>oh shit
>organism crashes
>organism: better keep fat because junky brain may not feed me anytime soon
>cocaine bloat
It was #HerTurn
>I feel like that movie made me grow up and realize how stupid amd childish it all was.
kind of this
more like it got rid of any redeeming factor SW has now, so it's not even worth following because it's so far removed from its source
>true art moves you
True art is supposed to be aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, it wasn't until the subversive later years when (((people))) started seeing art as if it were the equivalent of shock jocks and didn't realize that just because an image can make you angry it doesn't mean it's good or well constructed art in the slightest
>things can seem better by comparison
whoa..wasn't ready
Then form your OWN opinion instead of copying Reddit, dumbass.
>copying reddit
Enjoying something means I got my opinion from Reddit?
It means you are truly lost
>true art moves you. not neccessarily in the direction you would have liked to, or the one you expected.
>but it affects you deeply nonetheless
Indeed. But real art makes you hate the character, the event or the place, not the film itself.
Trailer comes April 12 at Star Wars Celebration.
We watch Star Wars for likable characters, good action, and thrilling lightsaber fights. None of which The Last Jedi has. Not sure what point Rian Johnson was trying to make but he shouldn’t have executed it with a massive franchise that so many people love. For that reason I dislike him as a filmmaker and I dislike Kathleen for allowing it to happen.
See you opening night, faggot.
i never watched tlj in theaters, and i dont plan to watch any more disney movies in theaters either. fuck them, its too expensive and the movies aren't even good and they deliberately go out of their way to drag my identity through the mud.
>no argument
Maybe it's you who should go back to redit
>conflating true art with good art
Why don't you explain the differences between real people and fake people next
Quoting word for word does.
Show me where I quoted something word for word please
Good for him that he missed Luke's death scene. The series was dead after Rose and Finn's kiss.
I’m not even a SW Stan and I felt betrayed lmao!
Doesn’t it have like 97% on rotten tomatoes? I’m to believe TLJ is a damn near PERFECT movie? Fuck out of here
I use to know a dude who had half of his body covered in Star Wars tattoos. Last time I saw the dude was at the midnight premier for Attack of the Clones... I wonder how he is holding up post TLJ or if he even cares about Star Wars anymore despite the tattoos.
>doesn't understand how RT works
That's not a grade. It's a percentage of critics who liked it
I thought that was bad, but then RJ comes up with the 'yo mama' shite in TLJ. Makes TFA's quips sound like a kino comedy
Mirrin dat bulk. Whats her routine?
This level of autism.
What's bizarre is hearing Rian talk about the mama joke scene on the commentary
>See, we start with a little monty python sketch here with Hux and Poe. I wanted to let the audience know "it's OK to laugh here, we're going to have fun here"
but the scene is about the resistance running for their lives while people die all over the place
"we're going to have fun here"?
what is even the tone of this movie supposed to fucking be
>not being done after tfa
You're going to watch this turd, don't lie.
im considering sneaking in theater to watch star wars. i might just buy a ticket for a different movie and just slip in during the previews..
i dont want to give IX a single cent.
>Monty Python
>"it's okay to laugh here"
TFA in general is a shit movie, but it's a masterpiece of cinema compared to TLJ.
Dead like Capt Marvel was supposed to be?
What i want to do since i don't want to give the mouse or kennedy any of my money. Only thing is my gf is a massive star wars fan who liked all of nu-wars and will probably want me to go with her
>Rian thinks his shitty "holding for General Hugs" joke is monty python level
the more I learn about him the more I hate him
Reminder that Disney Trolls always bog down the narrative with "NO TFA WAS ACTUALLY SUPER TERRIBLE" to keep the narrative unfocused.
Regardless of fucking however you feel about TFA, general audiences and general feeling for the movie were positive and hopeful, and it's only when TLJ hit and the hope for anything good coming from that mediocre piece of shit did folks start pointing out it's flaw. Don't let Disney trolls distract the narrative by making you argue semantics over which movie was worse.
TFA was, at worst, disappointing. It was boring and a retread of New Hope but even people who shit on it could see how maybe the next movie could go in an interesting direction.
TLJ is, at best, offensive.
Clearly they are trying to find a way to present it and the trailer in a way that avoids criticism from the very people they say do not matter.
>Where’s the Ep IX trailer? I want an Episode IX trailer!
You’ll get nothing and like it!
>False flagging trekkies
April 12.
>t. Weeb
That scene was a tonal and character shift from what we were presented with in TFA.
Rian is a retard.
>true art moves you. not neccessarily in the direction you would have liked to, or the one you expected.
Yes, you might leave a movie mad or sad, or some other emotion. Distraught over trying comprehend a mess? OK....sure, but now you're calling TLJ some kind of Salvador Dahli work.
>Yea Forums is so contrarian it likes TLJ now
The absolute STATE of this board
Hey user, double or nothing the trailer doesn’t get dropped!
Nah, TFA is far worse than TLJ. TLJ is a bad movie with flaws on almost every level that you could drive a space cruiser through, but there is an element of tryhard message to it structurally that ALMOST works. The b-plot with Finn and Rose's excellent adventure is total gash, but the a-plot has promise because it's a story about Rey gaining power in the force through uncomprehending narcissism. It directly parallels Anakin's moral collapse and Luke's near-collapse in the course of eps 2 and 5 respectively and it's blatantly setting Rey up to fall to the dark side. Where it goes wrong is, you know, it doesn't follow through on that and goes for a big triumphant ending instead. Rey never comes to a moment of truth that would pay the setup off.
TFA is far worse than that because it doesn't even try. No character has an arc or does anything remotely meaningful except Kylo, who thanks to Driver's consistently bizarre performance is the saving grace of these terrible movies. It's just a bunch of idiots running around with an increasingly annoyed Harrison Ford for two hours. Who gives a fuck? There's no stake.
Yeah Hux in TFA was always presented seriously. Rian talks more in the commentary about how when he first saw Hux he thought "there's a lot of potential for humor there"
like really? The guy who gives the big Hitler speech?
The only thing Rian did right with Hux was that one shot when Kylo's is unconscious and he starts reaching for his blaster, considering killing him
Raw Footage of the mass shooting at LucasFilm.
Come week 4 or so of the movie being out, I'll buy a ticket for another movie and just go into the screening since the theater wont be full.
>No character has an arc or does anything remotely meaningful except Kyl
I think you could argue that Finn has a bit of an arc. Goes from being a cowardly deserter to fighting to save Rey, I mean it's SOMETHING.
Also another problem with this entire fucking trilogy is how they've dropped the ball with Finn
Remember how JJ and everybody was all up their own ass about
>See, it's really interesting because he's a storm trooper at first! We want to show that they're actually people under those helmets, not just faceless mooks to get gunned down
and then they do absolutely nothing with this except have it be the reason he knows how to shut down the shields?
There is never any actual exploration of how his stormtrooper past effects his thinking. He just immediately becomes a resistance member by pretending he is one. And those "actually human" stormtroopers proceed to act like faceless mooks for the rest of the movies so that went nowhere either.
The thing is that Gleeson is impossible to take seriously in the role. He's too callow to really be believable as a stone hearted fascist martinet. He's just a cartoon villain who can't muster the ice cold gravitas of Cushing's Tarkin or even the down-to-earth professionalism of Colley's Piett. I can't blame Johnson for thinking that he's funny, the judgment in leading the movie with it is atrocious and confused but you can only work with the actor you've got.
Frankly they should have nuked the character in the first movie. I'm quite surprised they didn't copy that one thing from A New Hope, it was a sound decision on Lucas' part to kill Tarkin off. Even more so because the character was great and memorable, it makes his death an effective catharsis. The destruction of Starkiller is comparatively hollow.
Gleeson is just way too young. It gives off this really weird vibe to me that Snoke's two chief executives are like barely 30 years old.
Hux should have been an older hard-line empire loyalist who actually remembers what the Empire was like. This could give him an actual reason to hate Kylo, as he sees him for the Vader poser he is.
This is why the grantees can’t do the operation that enables the mass like Nixon, who was President. It really is like the war of CIA and NSA that didn’t do the awakening last month.
The interpretation of the movies that I came away with is honestly that Hux is a useless hyperrich kid who is basically the face and bankroll of the "First Order" and Snoke and Kylo's religious(?) movement to kill all the jedi is exploiting for his wealth. He's in charge of the fleet and the superweapons and all that because it's all on his credit card. Hux hates Kylo because he knows that the Sith/whatever theyre called in these stupid movies are just using him, but he still supports them because it's the only way he gets to be an important imperial officer like he always wanted. I'm sure the EU stuff contradicts this but idgaf
am I having a stroke?
He sold it to disney, he's not with us. That means he's our enemy.
hux should have been the admiral dude from tlj who dies on the dreadnought. he was the only good character
Yeah sadly the EU does contradict that. It's all Snoke's money, somehow. How is Snoke so rich? Dunno. The First Order was created 30 years ago by ex-empire people and that's that. It just came into being and started doing empire shit again.
When did Snoke become the Supreme Leader? Dunno. Are most of the rank and file FO even aware of the sith/jedi thing? No clue.
guesses on the subtitle?
Just watching to see what they do with Kylo now.
Whatever you're hoping for you won't get it. They put the mask back on him.
OMG TLJ made me pause my cum garggling hobby for 8 seconds to type this I'm so mad one sec guys
KOTOR can never and should never be adapted to a visual medium
perhaps the setting of the Mandalorian Wars or the Jedi Civil War but not the literal plot of KOTOR 1/2
but if i had to choose someone to play Canderous, for me, it's Ethan Hawke
DISNEY©®™ Star Wars©®™ Episode©®™ 9©®™: The Search for More Money©®™
Digits and it flops
He's going right back to being a Vader imitator and is just the villain again now. There won't be any kind of growth or conflict for him.
The leaks say Resistance is looking for some kind of mcguffin and Kylo is too, along with the knights of ren. He'll probably just lose to Rey again or whatever.
>Literally nothing wrong with TFA. It was meant to ease people back into the classic Star Wars feel after the prequels
This is the worst bullshit ever. You know what would ease people back into the OT feel? THE ACTUAL FUCKING OT. I'm sure lots of kids were shown the OT for the first time by their parents before TFA and they probably enjoyed it. They weren't dated and in need of a remake in anyway.
The best part of TFA is the first 30 minutes where there isn't a Death Star or a cantina or a mentor getting killed but actual new stuff like a lone scavenger character or stormtrooper gone good. The movie goes to shit when the Falcon shows up.
>9 months away
>not even a title
star wars 7 could've been much better
The helmet has literal glowing cracks in it, the symbolism doens't get more heavy-handed than that. Why you think this, I don't know.
well they are for kids
The symbolism? Come on man, it's so they can sell a new version of his helmet.
Not who you're replying to but I agree 100% on the first part.
It's obviously Ron Perlman though
"Leaks" also say that there's a bigger threat coming in that threatens both the Resistance and also Kylo. That suggests a plot where he'll have to work with Rey to defeat a common enemy again.
Things can have two reasons for existing, you know. Kylo's saber was supposed to be unique to sell toys but they also crafted it around symbolism for his character.
I just have no faith left
yeah sure maybe the cracks in the mask are meant to show that he's conflicted or whatever but I bet you that won't matter
>there's a bigger threat coming in that threatens both the Resistance and also Kylo.
introducing a new big bad in the 2nd half of the final film of a 9 part saga
Why? Kylo is consistently the only character the writers actually seem to give a shit about. If nothing else his arc at least will have gotten ample attention.
No you won't.
The only new threat that makes sense is Palpatine. He's the villain of 6 out of 9 films and coming back for the last one would make some sort of sense.
Letting Rian Johnson direct episode 8 wasn't the worst mistake ever. It was giving him complete creative control that fucked everything up. He literally tossed everything JJ Abrams did and said fuck you to all of it. You see this lightsaber? fuck it lets throw that! Who are your parents? They're nobodies! Finn gonna take one for the team and kill himself? Nope here comes Miss Asia to kiss him (do interracial black asian couples even exist outside of fantasy?) and now the fact that Carrie Fischer died just fucked Episode 9 up even more. Literally nobdoy even cares about Star Wars anymore. We're not angry, we're not excited, we're not bored, we literally just dont care. i literally forgot this movie was even coming out this year and so did everyone else. And you all know Rey and Finn are gonna be a couple by the end of it so fuck it all the hell when the trailer drops before Avengers lets all boo and throw popcorn at the fucking screen.
My wish for Celebration is I want Rian and KK to come on stage and the crowd is chanting "RIAN RIAN RIAN" for a while.
Then all of a sudden they start saying "RUIN RUIN RUIN" throwing shit on stage and some people with red lightsabers rush the stage and have to be held back by security as Rian runs back stage.
In retrospect, they should have just had JJ do all 3 of them. I cannot believe I'm saying that.
I’ll pick you up dude don’t worry
There are people who still defend TFA
>user has never heard of Tiger Woods
also Dave Chappelle's wife is asian
Rey's parents being nobodies who were never going to come back was set up completely in TFA. Maz literally told her she knew they wouldn't come back and Rey's devastation and tears confirmed that. How amazing and awesomely special could they be?
user RJ didn't watch TFA and was already writing TLJ before it came out, and he takes pride in that fact.
Star Wars Episode IX: A Star Wars Story
More like dead like female Ghostbusters.
Unless Disney decides to buy out all the movie theaters again.
They will. They have seen the strategy works now.
Episode IX will be the first film to reach 1 billion domestic.
star wars land at disney is opening the same month (weekend) avengers is coming out; that’s when they’ll show the trailer.
they know what they’re doing, and the public is going to rip each other apart trying to get scraps of their slop.
hope is dead, we will all hail the mouse
RJ is the hero we needed, he sabotaged Disney Wars for us.
The problem wasn’t that Rian tossed out JJ’s ideas/mystery-boxes.
The problem is that Rian literally didn’t set anything up.
We didn’t learn anything about Rey’s past that made her interesting. She’s already the most powerful Jedi ever born. Kylo turning evil isn’t new since he was already evil in TFA, even going so far as to kill an entire village with a firing squad (and he’s not a threat since he’s gotten his ass kicked by Rey already and he was literally chocked out by random redguy). Luke, Han, and Leia are dead. Snoke is dead and never explained.
When TPM came out, I really didn't like it but mainly because I couldn't stand Jar Jar Binks. I didn't like AOTC either mainly because of its heavy overuse of CGI. I was pleasantly surprised by ROTS which I consider the third-best Star Wars movie behind ESB and ANH.
But with TFA, I feel like I was scammed. I feel like I was tricked into spending my money. JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy talked about TFA being this great new chapter in Star Wars, but all we got was a creatively and intellectually lazy remake of ANH. I never felt immersed in the film because I was growing angry at the obvious remade scenes and plot elements. I didn't pay to see TLJ. I saw it at a friends house, hoping that it would be the great Star Wars movie we were promised with TFA. To my complete disappointment, TLJ turned out to be the absolute worst Star Wars film. And to add insult to injury, Abrahms, Kennedy, and Rian Johnson went on the offense directly attacking fans who complained about the film. I'm done with Star Wars as long as Disney is its custodian. I won't be fooled again. Star Wars is dead to me.
pretty sure the accepted open rumor is the trailer is coming out at the next SW celebration which is early april
Are you stupid or something? You think he didn't see all of TFA before it ever hit theaters? You think IX wasn't in the works at all before TLJ was released?
haahha very funny user. Episode 8 barely made 1 billion gloabally and the franchises popularity is at an all time low it'll make 600 million if its lucky.
The relationship between Rey and Kylo was hugely set up and the people who think Kylo is pure evil at the end of TLJ and that their connection is over weren't paying attention whatsoever. His literal last scene is being on his knees and looking forlorn at Han's dice and at Rey. That screams "he's pure evil now" for sure, yes.
wearing a wig, over medicated as shit, had two kids, almost 30, still fuckable.
It will be the highest grossing film in the series, but not legitimately. Disney will push it to a billion domestic. Maybe even 3 billion worldwide.
Do people seriously believe this?
Remember how Captain Marvel was going to flop?
>I think you could argue that Finn has a bit of an arc. Goes from being a cowardly deserter to fighting to save Rey, I mean it's SOMETHING.
After watching the first few minutes I thought they intended on having Finn be one of those characters that would struggle between picking sides given that Finn was engineered at birth. They just made him into a joke. Apparently, according to canon, the guy who rubbed blood on Finn's helmet was supposed to be close to him which makes sense after the way Finn looked in horror when his fellow soldier died in his arms. And we're supposed to believe that Finn would just changed his view on the First Order and saved and joined the guy who killed his buddy who has been with since birth in a matter of a couple of minutes?
We didn't deserve you, Im so sorry
because he directed a very good breaking bad episode so they thought he'd be good at emotional depth but it turned out he's just good at working with characters already in an arc instead of developing and progressing character arcs
this is legitimately the sole reason i think TLJ sucks ass
Remember how Solo was too big to fail?
Niggerkike spotted
The brand has hit a nadir and a not-insignificant portion of the old fans have slipped into either a state of lethargy or anger. So it's not guaranteed to flop, but for the first time since Episode IV, there's a CHANCE of that, and that's pretty neat.
I enjoyed the prequels, like Jedi Rocks, and prefer Victory Celebration over Yub Nub.
Every other change made to the OT was godawful.
Yeah. Remember the scene where they call Maz in TLJ? Poe gets the idea to call her, not Finn. Poe never once set foot on Takodana or met Maz. I genuinely believe Rian didn't watch TFA, and set out to prove he can make a sequel to it without seeing it and just reading a plot summary.
Dude it's star wars 9, it will be the biggest movie of all time
Lmao it won't even make half of what Endgame does
Ok friendo
Why would they advertise before Avengers Endgame? Why not advertise with Endgame when millions are guaranteed to be watching
>like Jedi Rocks
No one actually gives a fuck about this next Star Wars though
How come Star Wars 8 didn't make as much as Age of Ultron, retarded friendo?
based retard
It is gonna make as much as endgame dude. I am sorry. Disney is going to make five billion dollars gross off three films alone this year.
I’m so sick of you faggots trying to warp TLJ into something it isn’t. TLJ is fucking shart infested yack piss from the bladder of a aids ridden incel. TFA was at least fun for a popcorn flick. TLJ retroactively makes TFA worse but TFA doesn’t make TLJ worse because TFA was only a set up movie.
It is shills from other companies trying to 'remind' you that JJ is worse than Rian.
Wars vs. Trek has never been a real thing outside of TV shows making fun of fake nerd culture.
>shills think this will actually make as much as endgame or anywhere near it
There are currently more bad star wars movies than good star wars movies, maybe the franchise was never good to begin with, George
at last I truly see
>its just a ripoff of a new hope
If it was a ripoff of a new hope, it would've been a better film than the one we got.
>TFA is great
Fuck off, Disney shill
Infinity War is the 5th highest grossing movie of all time apparently. The only Harry Potter movie in the top 20 is the last one. That should be enough to tell people End Game has a serious chance of being the highest grossing movie in history.
You can say the same about literally ever franchise that didn't stop at one TV series or three movies.
When are they just going to say "fuck it" and remake the original trilogy? We all know it's coming.
See, but you realize that would have given JJ too much control over the franchise. The reason for more than one director was KK didn't want to risk a director usurping control from her.
So like most women, she hired a non-threatening beta male like Rian to make a movie and then went hands off. Since she didn't understand WHY people liked these films in the first place, she didn't ever intervene so only when shit goes tits up does she realize she's fucked up.
Ep9 involves time travel specifically so they can do that and the prequels.
Cartoon version, like full movies of that "Galaxy of Adventures" will launch with Disney+
I like this choreography... not for the characters. Obiwan and Vader were supposed to be great fencers, both advanced in age. This is good for younger, less skilled fighters.
What a fucking brainlet.
They'll disable the comments
And hide the like/dislike bar
Plus they'll probably block anyone on tweeter reposting a negative reaction to the trailer they saw
See they haven't been prepping the trailer up to be the most sparkling piece of shit ever to be. That's been shitcanned and ready to go awhile ago.
They're prepping on their recourses and reactions on how to handle it. They've probably spent millions on anti-ads to combat the reception.
Even if the trailer looks good. It's gonna get so much hate.
They know it, you know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.
Shills are gonna be working overtime and God damn 4.27 an hour is great shit
I’m sorry George
I detect a disturbance in her chromosomes
star wars: who fucking cares
Looks like a picture from an escort website.
>watching TLJ.
Idk how you got that far but I guess I’m glad you’re ok now
What did he mean?
because theyre not going to market for it. they will do a few teases and that is it. nothing big, the subtitle will be revealed very close to the film coming out. the few teases will show a few flashy and mysterious things. they are going to shroud the movie in mystery and "intrigue"
why do this? because disney understands theyve screwed the pooch on the last two. their projections were easily double what the two brought in and are hemorrhaging money from toy sales.
so to rectify this, prepare to see the mysterious teases. a green lightsaber here, a mask there, an old insignia coming back to bear. they will be quick, they will be focused on getting people to speculate, they will attempt to bring back the wonder of star wars. prepare for a lot of actors acting hush hush, with one or two giving a slip of the tongue here or there.
disney knows that youtubers will spend a ton of time analyzing and dissecting those teases, as well as forums and imageboards. their marketing will be an organic ideaform seeded in the brains of those still loyal to the brand. so prepare as well for clickbait titles of rampant speculation, people decreeing fantastical things left and right,
then finally right before the movie is due, the title will come out to the hopeful jubilation of the fanbase. one last dagger for disney to twist, one aimed for the heart of our wallets.
disney is going full blown psyop with this one. they either salvage the brand, or doom it to being weighed as nothing more than an offshoot avenger movie