Seriously though, wtf was his fucking problem??
Seriously though, wtf was his fucking problem??
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He wanted to extricate himself by an act of will.
What country do you think he is from?
he couldnt get a boner to bang jlaw, that would fuck up anyone
Someone told him he has a girl's haircut and he just snapped.
Call it.
loose change
Best line from the movie
This is the actual answer. Murderous autism.
>wtf was his fucking problem??
absolutely fucking based
This. Severe autism is practically indistinguishable from sociopathy.
how did the Cohen brothers get away with this??
holy kek
They left out the most important scene from the book. Anton breaks down after escaping, he sits down next to some old woman and bares his soul
>I mean, why do you think I was after the money? To get away from get away from all this bullshit you know? I'm tired, I really am. I don't want to be feared anymore, it's like this dead weight I'm always carrying around. I just need some peace
>coin in pocket
>human been near by
>monologue prepared
>*deep breath*
"Call it.."
He is a blue eyed mutt in the books, he represents the violence of the border, a meeting of cultures and people. He is supposed to be the violence of the border made manifest, and he sees himself as an avatar of a higher order than what mere man can make. Though ultimately, he too can be killed.
He was a SNEEDopath
I had to watch this for my intro to film history class this semester. This was.. an odd movie. But I can't say it was bad per se. The ending was lame.
He’s one of the most accurate portrayals of a psychopath in film
derived joy from hurting/killing living things (like all Latinos)
Literally no one behaves like that retard
Such an overrated, hipster character