This isn't funny
This isn't funny
I think mitch hurwitz is too far up his own ass now to make anything comprehensible or funny
I've watched most of the show because I've had friends/gf's who think it's funny put it on for me to watch with them, and out of politeness I try to enjoy it.
You're right though, it's not very funny. Sometimes they build up to decent gags, like "there's always money in the banana shop," but I usually don't laugh much while watching it.
AD is probably the most intelligently written comedy show of the last 20 years
I think it's funny and better than Curb your enthusiasm.
>Genuinely believing this
Not the Netflix season.
The first three seasons? Indubitably.
It was extremely funny through season 3. The revival is trash.
Blue and tan is the patrician’s color combination
the Netflix seasons hurt to watch
And what do YOU think is the most intelligently written comedy show of the last 20 years?
the netflix seasons are shit
season 5 was better than season 4
Family guy
The best thing about ad is the running jokes which build on each other. Most people who hate on it did not even bother to watch a whole season and cannot appreciate .
I just wanted to share my pop secret with you..
This is a fair answer
This is bait
It formerly was.
Anyone else though Season 3 was already terribly unfunny? That retarded Charlize Theron plot was dreadful.
>it's not funny because I can't appreciate clever writing with long term payoff instead of instant gratification
First two seasons were funny as shit. Third was not as funny, but still worth a watch. After Netflix picked it up and tried to revive it years later, it didn't have the same feel.
This is very true. I honestly admired the creativity of the writers, even when the series became a little too predictable they tend to came up with some next-level twist. I also think AD really benefited from it's looser atmosphere and structure than most shows.
It's original 3 seasons were very funny. Something is missing in the Netflix ones. I feel like they don't do any new jokes anymore.
Sad, but true.
Was, now it’s another thing Netflix revived only to shit it up, like MST3K
Wasn't For British eyes only arc on season 3?
That was funny as hell.
>all the jokes tell you rita is actually a spy
>when you rewatch it the very same jokes now tell you that rita is retarded
that's unironically some genius level shit
Seasons 1-3 are untouchable
Season 4 is 75% great 25% mediocre
Season 5 is a mess
Season 4 upon my 4th time watching has some of ADs best gags, aside from the GOB stuff which is a top 5 all time story, George Michaels episodes have so many good jokes
Jesus , could she hit the wall any earlier?
Damn fine bait
I thought it was fine, obviously nothing close to the first 2 seasons but still better than most comedies currently airing
Last episode was good. Rest of the season was average. It was fine as background noise but nothing more
She literally just keeps getting hotter. Her ass is actually distracting in the new season
S4 was bearable but 5 was simply terrible.
Yeah, the characters are so damn annoying and stupid, especially gob.
George Michael realizing he's good at lying was fucking hilarious. "George Michael has been chewing on his slice of pizza for 41 seconds, according to his internal clock, thinking of an answer now"
Also the GOB "same" gag is a personal favourite of mine. Season 5 really did suck though. Liked seeing Kyle Mooney in it, too bad it was too late to be of any value.
I think the story of season 5 is legitimately interesting I just don't think it's funny, although GOB and Tobias are really keeping me in it
>This isn't funny
The pre-Netflix stuff was brilliant though.
Unironically this, she was my childhood crush and now I'm literally obsessed with her body even more
i didn't even notice it this season
This and Trailer Park Boys are both shows that got picked up by Netflix and quality went downhill. Just end them already for fucks sake.
The only thing that made me laugh in the new season was when Tobias showed up at the old folks home dressed up.
Gob and Buster going to Trump university was worth the price of admission
Yes it is. I haven't seen any of the new stuff though.
The Tobias stuff was easily some of the worst shit about season 5 though
Barry Zuckercorn is the funniest character in the last 20 years
I can’t even attempt to watch the season 4 remix. I just don’t care about this show anymore.
Pedophile saying he loves GM's company is genius. At that point we assume he's a businessman who loves Faceblock.
Did anyone else's mind just stop perceiving the show as a comedy at a certain point in season 5?
Between the murder trial, the strained Michael and George Michael relationship and the continual downward spiral of GOB and Tobias' lives it's hard to even think of it as a sitcom anymore. I still kept watching but it was more out of a compulsion to see how low these people's lives can sink.
Those short shorts she had on this season were pretty damn nice. She always seems to chimpout about feminism in the media so I was surprised she'd want to wear them.
What episode was this in btw?
I got really pissed off they removed it from the recut and didn't want to start over from the first season 4 batch.
It was a severe downgrade from the first 2 seasons. The characters became caricatures, the meta humour started to become obnoxiously self-congratulatory, and it just lacks the comfy vibe the first 2 seasons had. I still overall enjoyed it as well as the original version of season 4, though.
Yeah season 5 Tobias reeks of
>we have no idea what to do with this character, but we have to give him a bunch of screentime because he and GOB are our most iconic characters
Portia effectively bailing out of the show and Alia and Cera having the majority of scenes together has basically elbowed Tobias out of the main cluster of characters. They genuinely have no idea what to do with him now.
It wouldn't surprise me if Netflix end up doing some spin-off with those two. The main cast all seem to have scheduling issues and actively despise each other and Buster admitting to murder at the end of S5 has pretty much killed the show in its current form. A new show focusing on one or two of the fan favourites is probably the best way to go from here.
Or just leave it to die but Netflix would never be that sensible.
I think season 1-2 are really good, 3 is okay, 4 is different but the time dilation/flat circle gimmick was good(the fact they made it linear is a mistake) and season 5 is some of the most boring trash I ever made the mistake of watching.
THIS. The first three seasons are so comfy and fun.
>It was
I stopped halfway through season 4 and I'm just going to remember the good times with ridiculously strained and drawn-out but ultimately rewarding puns
Nathen For You or Eric Andre. Not well written, but better. Best Jews.
there are hundreds of ways to work around the ending of S5 to move onto S6