Is Jordan Peele based & redpilled now?
Wait what
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Get Out was based and redpilled too. The film was primarily bashing disconnected rich white liberals, but most people were too retarded to realize it.
More like journalists don’t understand what they watch
OH? Expand.
It must be so easy to be a black director. Just show a young nigga in chains while wearing a wacky outfit and everyone will think it's such a profound, esoteric statement.
it is, tho
i had sex with a black woman once
describe the smell in no less than 5000 words
What did it smell like?
What did Jordan Peele mean by this?
ok, i fucked up. 9:35
>Black Panther is an alt-right hero
Absolutely based.
well, she was a hooker. she was about 50 years old, or so i think. the hotel room smelled like cigarettes. she had a really thick ass. her head game was on point and her pussy was really wet too. I fucked her doggy and it smelled like pussy, nothing absurd or too raunchy. i just remember her pussy being really tight and wet. I came in a few strokes.
She was so turned on by it that we fucked again. kissed her big lips and sucked her big black tits
i recommend fucking a black woman if you havent
It's pretty straightforward, he's saying Michael Jackson inconography works great with the movie because it's all about something that feels/looks/sounds great on the surface, but there's a dark underbelly to it.
Wtf I want to swirl now
>the horrors of socialism
Dollars to donuts nobody involved in this "review" knows the first thing about socialism, much like the majority of the American market it's made for.
Get Out WAS NOT based, you drooling tard. The point of the movie is not "da Dems r de reel racists", the point is that "the Dems are racists too, ALL whites are racists."
Everyone noticed the message against the left, but every brain-Jew'd white person who watched that movie, just like you, thought the exact same thing: "Wow, good thing that I'M not one of those people", and then proceeded to jerk off about how good they thought it was to prove their self-evaluations. I've never seen a move make people so desperate to prove they aren't "racist" before. What a genius money-making scheme.
I can't really wrap my miand around the very kind of people it mocked rooting for it
>Reeee a black guy made it so I'm going to act like it's the worst shit ever reeeeeeeeee!!!!!
This didn't work with TFA nor BP nor CM fuck off /pol/cels have your sperg fit somewhere else
The point of the movie that liberal racism is overall more more annoying and dishonest than right wing racism which is relatively upfront about hating niggers.
It wasn’t just that all wipo are racist, it was more that everyone of every race has negative thoughts about race, but liberals pretend to be above that shit.
Breitbart is actual fucking news.
They were RIGHT about the russian collusion hoax while the mainstream media constantly went on about this conspiracy for 2 fucking years.
You pieces of shit have ZERO credibility in dissing breitbart now lol
Socialism doesn't work though.
inb4 you expose how retarded you are by saying Scandinavian countries are socialist
It looks like an Oreo cookie
>umm eww...
Okay, Milo.
>youre still not coming back
>no argument
I bet you watch cnn or other fake news sources.
You're such a retarded, worthless millennial you actually think going to see any if those flicks you mentioned is "fighting the power." Enjoy cleaning my zoomer son's fucking windshield in 10 years, bitch.
60% of the national wealth of Norway is owned by the state.
Norway is uniroincally the most socialist country in the world.
Doesn't Breitbart suck Israeli dick?
Yeah, I get my news from actual real news sources like Telesur, the Intercept or Electronic Intifada.
>60% of the national wealth of Norway is owned by the state.
No it's not.
Why are you lying?
It's one of the most business friendly countries on earth.
Also reminder that sweden actually tried socialism in the 70s and 80s and realized it was a massive failure so they liberalized their economy leading to massive increases in living standards for the working class.
>Norway is uniroincally the most socialist country in the world.
Not Cuba or North Korea?
Are you actually this stupid?
is it true you get 7 years of luck?
t. chapo faghouse retard
It's 60% of the GDP, which is actually way higher than Venezuela's state generated GDP.
Get Out was literally
>If you are self hating whitey thats worship niggers you still racis mufugga whitey devil
Looks like socialism to me
It was made for retarded first worlders who don't know what socialism is.
I did too..she told me to suck her big clit
I did
>below 0%
Socialism has brought more suffering and death than any other system in world history. 100 million dead.
Go back to chapo fag house.
Have you never heard of the national debt?
most countries have that
>china owns the US military
Yes, but the US's debt is greater than its national wealth!
Genuinely thought that was James Brown in the thumbnail.
Socialism hasn't killed a single person who wasn't bourgeoisie, while the bourgeoisie kill 10 million people every decade.
>Socialism hasn't killed a single person who wasn't bourgeoisie
Say it with me
>she was 50
girls who are like over 35 tend to have skin like a bag, thus nothing sexy to touch. how did you deal with it?
based leftypol poster!
Everyone is racist though.
Kek this has to be bait
But he's not wrong.
The right hates niggers and are open about it for the most part.
The left denies it only because they use them.
How did the person who wrote that movie think that Us was about socialism?
Except Breitbart hasn't been right about anything ever
I think your mind has just been warped by Yea Forums. You only see in black and white, and you're just giving libtards fuel for their stupid social justice movements. Believe it or not, you can like something just because you enjoyed it, just like you can hate something just because it's bad. Although you clearly hate it for your own political reasons. You're just as bad as a dumbfuck liberal.
>inb4 sjwinamask.jpg
I still don't see how you can claim this when literally every yt portrayed in the movie was bad. if they had made a horror movie based in some unnamed inner city and all the baddies were nigs and the hero was white you wouldn't walk away saying "well that was clearly a movie about how terrible inner city black people are" you would just be saying "fucking typical niggers"
sorry sweetie, only white people can be racist
But how does that tie in with the whole brain swapping plot, is the movie saying that rich white people want to be black?
um sweaty
that pretty much describes the left
i also had sex with a black woman once, with a big bunda
>60% of the national wealth of Norway is owned by the state.
That is mostly due to the Government Pension Fund of Norway, which by 2017 was at 1 trillion dollars and it's even more now. That's about 130-150 000 dollars per citizen in Norway.
The fundaments of that fund is oil and capitalism, most of the fund is investments and property. We just hit fucking jackpot with the oil, said fuck off to the American oil industry and got it up our selfs.
So I dont understand what you're trying to say here. That the Norwegian goverment owns and runs 60% of the businesses in Norway (which they dont) and is therefore socialist? Because as a Norwegian, I can safely say that despite our govermental benefits like healthcare (minus dental) and social services, we're very much a capitalistic society.
>baiting this hard
Socialism is social ownership of the means of production. Nearly 60% of the wealth of Norway is socially owned.
Therefore Norway is more socialist than capitalist. No, it's not 100% socialist, but it's more of the way there than most other nations.
Wealth and means of production aren't the same thing.
>Cuba and North Korea are Socialist countries
1/10 bait
Try harder
how are they not socialist countries?
the vanguard party controls the means of production, this is what marx and lenin wanted
countless socialists defend these countries
what a dumb graph, define "national wealth"
also according to that graph denmark only has like 11% state ownership
why are they just as well off as norway?
>look at the horrible genocides all of these GOVERNMENTS did throughout history, clearly this is the result of capitalism even though capitalism means the government has LESS power
>lets also ignore the fact we want to give governments(the same group that caused all of this mass murder) more power
commies are actually this dumb
Yes they are.
Turns out they were right about the mueller probe.
Yes they have, Mueller for one.
So what? Israel is a good thing.
Not true! Cuba has a substantial private sector.
The responses so far pretty much destroy you. No further destruction required.
>Norway is socialist because the government drills and sells a bunch of oil
fuck off chaponigger
You don't understand what socialism even is. Go back to resetera.
Lol no they don't
>how are they not socialist countries?
Cuba is a Communist country, aiming to become Socialist.
North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship that is more akin to a right wing theocracy. "The people" do not own the means of production, "Dear Leader" does.
>socially owned
if the government monopolizes something, this means it's taken away from society, ie. NOT socially owned
They only allowed a small private sector recently and this is why living standards are increasing, since the revolution they have been extremely socialist with the state controlling almost everything
The government's ownership of the economy is close to 60%...seems pretty socialist to me!
I don't even like Breitbart but they are much more reliable than CNN and the other msm. They've been right about lots, especially big things....Mueller probe, Trump winning/skewed polling, hillary being sick/her campaign screwing bernie and colluding with msm, socialism being shit, etc etc
Do you pay taxes, my good bitch?
That's not what socialism means you fucking retard. They have a strong capitalist economy to reinforce it, they are fucking loaded, and they have decades of capitalism which allows them to pull this off. you have no clue what you are talking about, even actual socialists admit norway isn't socialist. fucking stop posting, you've obviously turn 17 and think socialism is good because it helps poor people or something. fuck off.
>lets adopt these policies
They're absolute failures.
Sweden had to abolish most of it's socialist policies to prevent from going bankrupt.
If these countries abolished ALL of these policies and went to free markets instead, they would be much better off.
kill yourself
>Cuba is a Communist country, aiming to become Socialist.
WHAT? lol
Cuba is a socialist country aiming to become communist.
Have you even read Lenin?
>North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship
Based on marxist leninist principals and the state owns ALL of the means of production, yet people starve to death
socialism doesn't work and socialists need to be killed
>"The people" do not own the means of production,
The only system where the people own the means of production is a free market where central banking is abolished and socialists are hung from lampposts.
>Socialism is social ownership of the means of production.
Oh look another fag who doesn't know what socialism is
>Hillary's campaign screwing bernie
But everyone knew that, it was fucking obvious.
Norway isn't socialist, that's the whole point everyone is mocking you because you don't even know what socialism is.
>The government's ownership of the economy is close to 60%
But it isn't. this graph is retarded
also I thought you people said demark was socialist, they only have 10% government control over their economy
what a bunch of bullshit data with no source
I don't want to.
no argument
pinochet did nothing wrong
>They have a strong capitalist economy to reinforce it
The "capitalist economy" is only 40% of the economy... oil, the most important industry, is state-owned...
Stay defeated, my bitch.
Not until Breitbart broke the story.
Who else thinks socialists need to be thrown from helicopters.
These people are economic illiterates and actually want to be poor.
They worship central banks because they enjoy being enslaved.
No they didn't, there are still loads of clinton shills and msm whores who deny it even happened, and breitbart was talking about it before most leftists were
lol that's why socialism is stupid because the "people" will never own the means of production.
It's a retarded concept to begin with and YES Communist countries are the goal and result of socialism which always fails.
>The "capitalist economy" is only 40% of the economy...
>If these countries abolished ALL of these policies and went to free markets instead, they would be much better off.
kill yourself
Yeah, don't you just love paying $10,000 for one packet of insulin?
Why are you guys wasting your breath on a shallow low IQ trapo fan. He doesn't have a clue or an independent thought in his little brain.
This guy lives at home and has his mommy provide for him like most basement Bolsheviks.
this is one fucking company when the rest of the country is capitalist lol
>kill yourself
You people need to have your throat slit you bootlicking shitstains.
>Yeah, don't you just love paying $10,000 for one packet of insulin?
I don't. That's why I support a free market in medicine so prices drop to levels like they were in the 50s.
Okay, everyone that wasn't a yank knew $hillary was screwing Bernie's campaign before Brightfart pointed it out
>Stay defeated
But he isn't defeated, you are every time you try and claim Norway is socialist.
You can have an economy "owned" by the govt that still operates under capitalism you absolute fucking retard. Please just stop, you are declaring yourself the winner of a debate when everyone has been proving you wrong over and over again while you ignore the arguments or prove you lack the understanding to even address the arguments.
socialists are so fucking retarded, thanks for more proof of this
But it is! The data's all there!
>dude the reason healthcare is so expensive in the USA is because of the evil free market
>WHAT? lol
>Cuba is a socialist country aiming to become communist.
conjecture, but thanks for backing down
i like to BTFO bigots
>basement bolsheviks
Chapo are socdems that deny the USSR, Cuba, Maoist china and NK are and were socialist.
>this is one fucking company
It isn't, but even if it was, it wouldn't change the fact that only 40% of the welath of Norway is generated by the "free market"
Don't right wingers usually make fun of leftists because their "memes" have TOO many words?
She forgot her crimes in the past because that is what America does. We are built on genocide and slavery but that's all in the past now we can be happy family.
>That's why I support a free market in medicine
So you hate the government, but who is going to break up the big pharma companies to promote "competition" hmmmmm???
Is this a joke?
Actual fucking socialists would disagree with you.
Norway is one of the most business friendly nations on earth and isn't in the eurozone.
There are plenty of shitholes with bigger public sectors than norway.
Cuba and China for example.
It’s making fun of cucks ergo based and redpilled
The right can't meme
this isn't a meme, it's an infographic
>but who is going to break up the big pharma companies
the free market, without state laws constantly increasing prices for them and giving them precious patents they would go bankrupt
abolish the AMA and FDA
Remember how cheap medicine was before the state stepped in
>Is this a joke?
The most influential socialist think tank in DC is no joke!
Neither Norway nor Venezueala are socialist mate. Socialism isn't when "state does stuff"
>It isn't
It mainly is actually.
>it wouldn't change the fact that only 40% of the welath of Norway is generated by the "free market"
This isn't even true lol, you have no fucking data to back this up.
Norway's public sector is only 35.6% of their economy.
I mean, free market economics is completely retarded and boils everything down to "muh gubmint". Not even radical capitalist economists take it seriously.
That's a list of countries by public sector employment levels, sweaty. Not wealth generated.
Breitbart has a critic on staff.
No matter whether Trump gets indicted or not, the Russians have won.
No we are living in a timeline where Russian trolls pushed the narrative that "both sides are the same", and a large portion of the middle has accepted that.
Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.
There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the right wingers.
The right hates that we Reddit-browsing and NPR-listening "coastal liberal elites" are the winners in a service-based multicultural globalized society because of our open worldview and high intelligence, and they blame all their failures on minorities and undocumented immigrants. They are seeing how America is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how non-white people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them. Republicans have now become the party of old white people who refuse to give up their white privilege and who wants to make America white.
I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag right wingers kicking and screaming into the future.
"No, right wingers, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."
"No, right wingers, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."
"No, right wingers, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."
"No, right wingers, literacy tests aren't constitutional."
"No, right wingers, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."
What middle ground is there between the future Obama represented (diversity, tolerance, class, education, healthcare for all, multiculturalism) vs the horrible future Trump represents (white privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, discrimination)? There is none, we cannot allow idiotic racists from pulling us back. The demographics have changed, old white men should not control everything, and our country must change as well to reflect the new progressive reality.
It's an oil company, of course it's going to be huge.
Norway just allows it to compete in the free market but the profits go to the nordic state.
exactly, this is BRAND NEW
Lets talk about them for the past few fucking decades
>in dc
So we are talking about suckdems at best.
What's to stop these companies from making their own government and passing their own laws to stifle competition?
>oh wait that's what we have right now
Ancaps are peak retard
>socialist think tank
Oh look it actually is a joke.
Where is the real data?
Oh wait you have nothing.
>free market economics is completely retarded
Is this why the united states created their industrial revolution with no income tax, extremely low government spending, and no central bank.
During this period(after the civil war until 1913) americans had the highest wages in the entire world.
Post data on wealth generated then. lol
Reminder that the US creates wars where millions of innocents die for the sole purpose of enriching weapon manufacturers and private security firm CEOs. This is a direct result of capitalism.
>Norway's public sector employs 35.6% of their workforce
Ftfy sweaty ;)
>What's to stop these companies from making their own government
because the actual government would shoot them in the face?
What a retarded argument.
>Ancaps are peak retard
Not an ancap bro but you're strawmanning them.
It was a legitimately bad movie. Acting, directing, plot, casting, production. Fucking terrible
Reminder that Switzerland is the most CAPITALIST country in the entire world and people there have the highest living standards in the entire world.
Wow this must really ANGER socialists.
Tell that to the Russian peasant, the Ukrainian peasant, the Belorussian peasant, the Chinese peasant, the Vietnamese peasant, the Korean peasant, etc... etc...
Reminder communists need to have their throat slit.
>because the actual government would shoot them in the face?
They don't have to, because the government as it exists right now (and as has always been intended) serves the interests of Capital.
They stopped being dirt poor peasants because of socialism. China is on its way to becoming the richest country in the world. If overseas chinese formed another country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world
Agreed 100%
>We're not racist, we celebrate the good things of your race!
What this did for them was that they essentially divided them even further by being respectful to their naturally good physical attributes unlike the average white person of the same age
If they were conservative they'd either be
a) racists who would be unacceptable over the black boyfriend
b) individualists who understands all people are different and are not represented by their skin colour, therefore not judging capability on trivial information
Jordan Peele is literally one of us
So what?
Prove that their oil industry is 60% of their economy. You can't.
>because the government as it exists right now (and as has always been intended) serves the interests of Capital.
During the late 1800s in USA, for decades we had free markets, a small government with no central bank and capitalists were unable to take over the government to fuck over competitors.
I guess this disproves your point huh.
>They stopped being dirt poor peasants because of socialism.
The only reason they escaped poverty is thanks to the capitalist deng reforms.
Under Mao millions of them starved to death lmao
>Is this why the united states created their industrial revolution with no income tax, extremely low government spending, and no central bank.
Yeah, there was just one little other factor: the fact they were getting free labour from slavery and therefore almost 100% profits to buy capital with beforehand.
You people are morons, the government and capitalist class aren't stupid. They wouldn't make a central bank or income tax if it didn't benefit themselves in some way or another.
>Jordan Peele is literally one of us
Dick ridin some cunt that doesn't even give a fuck about you. Pathetic
>They were RIGHT about the russian collusion hoax
So was Noam Chomsky. He's 100x more credible than Breitbart.
wanna hear a joke? socialist economics
please address this argument, you cowardly redditor faggot.
This doesn't prove anything lol.
>they have higher social spending and more government employees
So what? They have lower taxes on businesses, much lower DEBT levels, and less regulations on business.
They're a free market with some government spending.
Watching US right now and it sucks. Wish there was a cam stream of shazam instead
Scandinavian countries aren't socialist, retard. Socialism is when the working class takes control of the means of production, usually by the means of a revolution. The means of production, in Scnadinavia, are still firmly in the hands of a owner class (Capitalists), and even the means of production that are state owned are exploited for profit and have to play by the rules laid down by the market
Chomsky is a sellout and a socalist, he also isn't a journalist and isn't very good at political analysis. Kikeshart are still shit though, just more reliable than megacorp msm
>and capitalists were unable to take over the government to fuck over competitors.
Why shouldn't they be able to take over the government to protect their interests? Why do you hate capitalists, bro? Why do you hate profits, bro? Why do you hate the free market, bro?
Cuba follows a form of socialism (Marxism-Leninism until very recently). North Korea used to be ML too but they dropped it years ago in favor of what's basically ultranationalism.
I love his work, but you can keep being a spiteful nigger if you want
how easy is it to pick up 50 year old black women?
Yes, actual news.
The ones who were saying the Russian conspiracy was bullshit this entire time.
Glad they got vindicated.
>the fact they were getting free labour from slavery
Slavery was abolished in 1865.
Also slavery has a NEGATIVE effect on the economy, the slave owning south was much poorer than the industrialized north.
Fucking commie morons.
>They wouldn't make a central bank or income tax if it didn't benefit themselves in some way or another.
I agree with this statement, this is why we need to implement a free market and kill all of the socialists and corporatists.
Can't wait for him to die desu.
>I love his work
Is it painful? Having such shit taste?
>Why shouldn't they be able to take over the government to protect their interests?
They weren't able to because it was the law, there was a small government so there was nothing for capitalists to buy off.
It worked for at least 50 years.
To claim it couldn't work now is retarded.
You're a retard.
>Why do you hate the free market, bro?
Government intervention is the opposite of the free market lmao
And guess what, they're still a poor socialist shithole.
Things which will never happen lmao
>100 million
This is a meme number. Marxist-Leninist countries have indeed set some of the world records for state repression and terror, but the death toll is probably lower, and it's not alone - capitalist and colonial governments have also done horrible things.
>is thanks to the capitalist deng reforms.
Only made possible by the reforms started by Mao. Deng was't the first Chinese statesmen in centuries who attempted to "modernize" China. Everyone, since Qing emperors, to Kuomintang leaders wanted and laid massive plans to modernize China. Yet they all failed for a myriad of reasons. Communist China succeed in a couple of decades.
It means they'll treat African-Americans with reverance as a means to a selfish end rather than out of genuine compassion. The brain-swapping was just a hyperbolic example of the self-serving desires present in all people.
I would but they don't exist anymore because Socialism advanced their societies to the point peasants as a class became proletarians. Also, all of those countries were run by peasents under socialism. Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev were from a peasant background.
I'm assuming this is a troll
Wait, are you implying that you like Assad, a socialist dictator? LMAO
Reminder that all communists and central bank bootlickers need to be thrown from helicopters.
I thought the Civil War was fought because the North was bleeding the South dry, economically.
>Why do you hate capitalists, bro?
I don't hate them. We simply have opposing interests.
>because it was the law
Ohhhh, but isn't that socialism? ;)
Get out is anti liberals and white gulty people
Us is anti-socialism
Peele should be the next president of united states at this rate
>Only made possible by the reforms started by Mao.
lol what?
>Deng was't the first Chinese statesmen in centuries who attempted to "modernize" China. Everyone, since Qing emperors, to Kuomintang leaders wanted and laid massive plans to modernize China.
Yes and they all failed because they refused to implement market reforms.
Deng actually implemented market reforms making China extremely wealthy.
China would have been even more wealthy if they had actually implemented a free market instead of the state controlled market reform bullshit they have now.
>Communist China succeed in a couple of decades.
Because of the market reforms.
Notice how countless other third world shitholes embraced economic freedom and industrialized in FAR FAR less time than China did.
>Government intervention is the opposite of the free market lmao
But the government intervention is done on behalf of capitalists, who write the laws to benefit themselves... seems like capitalism to me!
>this is what marx and lenin wanted
>countless socialists defend these countries
Lenin maybe. Marx probably not.
What does this mean?
Socialists abolshed central banking you fucking idiot, and taxes. The USSR didn't even have commercial banking, all the Gosbank did was control the money supply.
you're both wrong.
both of Peele's movies are balanced genre-savvy deconstructions that provide indirect commentary on how we think about race without being didactic.
you're so used to everything being partisan that you can't tell when someone is prioritizing Art.
>Peele should be the next president of united states at this rate
Because he makes mediocre movies?
Only tankies on steroids defend North Korea.
I don't.
I just don't want US troops there.
Boy commies are dumb as fuck.
There was a multitude of reasons but I wasn't even talking about the civil war you brainlet.
>laws that enforce free markets are socialism
No, no they are not.
You're a very stupid man.
>Jordan Peele movies
>But the government intervention is done on behalf of capitalists
Capitalists conspiring with the government yes.
Capitalists destroy the free market when they use government power.
This is why we need a free market.
>who write the laws to benefit themselves... seems like capitalism to me!
You can call it whatever you want but the facts remain, it's NOT a free market.
You're trying extremely hard right now but it simply isn't working.
>I just don't want US troops there.
Woah woah woah, what happened to "all commies deserve the helicopter," my guy? Was it just talk?
>Slavery was abolished in 1865.
>Also slavery has a NEGATIVE effect on the economy, the slave owning south was much poorer than the industrialized north.
That's what you said. I was asking if you're a fucking moron, because I thought the South was doing so well that the North was stealing as much as they could from them, like Britain did to the Colonies. HURP DURP FAGGOT FUCK
Capitalism depends on state protection, and socialism for the longest time was seen as critical of state violence, until the Bolsheviks took power and it became in the interests of both the Bolsheviks and the capitalist powers to portray Leninism as synonymous with socialism.
>Socialists abolshed central banking you fucking idiot, and taxes.
Marx literally advocated for a fucking central bank controlled by the people.
Every socialist country in history implemented central banking.
>The USSR didn't even have commercial banking
They had a central bank you gigantic moron.
>all the Gosbank did was control the money supply.
If you need laws to keep a market "free," then it isn't really "free," is it ;)
>Sweden had to abolish most of it's socialist policies to prevent from going bankrupt.
Source? I haven't found a reliable source for this.
>Capitalists destroy the free market when they use government power.
Hmm, sounds like you might actually not like capitalism!
>That's why I support a free market in medicine so prices drop to levels like they were in the 50s.
IIRC the whole insurance market was less geared towards profit back then.
Strawman much?
lol only commies that are actually in my country deserve the helicopter
I support non-interventionism foreign policy
>because I thought the South was doing so well
It wasn't though, the south was poor economically
>that the North was stealing as much as they could from them
Taxes maybe.
>Capitalism depends on state protection
Not really many examples of ancapism in history like medieval iceland, medieval ireland, the american midwest in some periods of 1700s/1800s.
I just prefer state enforced free markets.
Socialism however needs a state, catalonia was clearly statist.
lowball estimates for stalin are around 10 million deaths and for mao like 20 million. even using the low estimates id challenge you to cite a capitalist government that killed that many people
The US had a lot of state protections for the market back in the day. Read a history book sometime.
>if you need laws to protect you against a murderer then you're not really free now are you
Capitalism is just a socialist buzzword with very little meaning.
The term free market actually makes sense.
>IIRC the whole insurance market was less geared towards profit back then.
Because there was much less state involvement
Maybe according to Plebbit. Switzerland, like most functional and developed countries, has a mixed economy.
>The US had a lot of state protections for the market back in the day.
But they didn't, those came later with the progressive movement.
Read a book sometime.
>shitting on chomsky
opinion immediately thrown out
Us is turning into the biggest Rorschach test in cinematic history
Another reminder that communists deserve free helicopter rides.
>genre-savvy deconstruction
Tvtropes buzzwords.
Germany started WW2. That killed 40 million alone.
>ancapism in history like medieval iceland, medieval ireland
Capitalism didn't exist yet retard
Switzerland is one of the most free market countries on earth, they have privatized healthcare system.
I can't wait until he dies, what a brainlet sociopath.
>state enforced free markets.
>Capitalism didn't exist yet retard
>capitalism only exists when I say it exists
These places had markets, wage labour, courts, judges, property rights.
Stay mad loser.
>it's an oxymoron because I say so
Wow you sure are mad at reality.
>It wasn't though, the south was poor economically
I'm getting conflicting answers. But I like this answer the best
>Depends on how long before the war.
>The tariff wars with Europe were very bad for the south but an enormous boon for the north. This is what drew the line between north and south.
>By the time the war broke out more than 50 years of trade wars had taken a heavy toll on the south while at the same time helping the north.
>When you look back depending on where in the boom and bust cycle the value of land and slaves happened to be you could make a paper argument one way or the other.
>But yes the south was poorer than the north. Its business model was broken by politics. It would not have mattered if they had been allowed to keep slavery. The north was going to (and did continue) its tariff policies at the expense of the south.
>The promise of lowering the tariffs over the course of 10 years is the only thing that kept the civil war from happening 20 years sooner
I wanted to know the truth and I got my answer.
you said that i actually almost had sex with one once...i went to eat her out and her vagina smelled like a garbage i jerked off in her face
>"economic freedom index"
>made by Heritage Foundation
Cool corporate propaganda you got there
Why do socialists love central banks so much?
Why do they enjoy being enslaved and poor?
I don't get it.
Is it a sexual thing?
>And guess what, they're still a poor socialist shithole.
Cuba is poor but in a lot of ways it's much better off than other poor countries.
no one cares what you think
not even enough to care if you die or not
There's no need to go full tankie
>Notice how countless other third world shitholes embraced economic freedom
Certain kinds of economic freedom maybe. It's 100% possible to have a free market in a shithole country.
I can't find the clip of Jordan Peele saying it but its absolutely right. Peele showed how liberals are actually racist when speaking on behalf of black people, using them as props etc..
you wouldn't understand
>she was about 50 years old
>I came in a few strokes
>She was so turned on by it that we fucked again
She felt bad for you
Capitalism wasn't around in medieval Iceland and Ireland
You don't know who chapo trap house are? They're retard commies that crosspost on Yea Forums a lot.
>they're right wing so they're LIARS
lol okay kid
It's very simple data, all you do is record the level of government intervention in the economy in each country(tax levels, gov spending levels, regulations, central bank intensity, property rights, rule of law, ease of business, social programs etc) and compare each country.
It's not just heritage that did this.
No it's not, why do you think everyone tries to leave?
Why do countries that embrace economic freedom become rich countries like south korea or taiwan?
You people are really dumb.
Chomsky is going to die and you are going to cry lol
>Certain kinds of economic freedom maybe.
Yeah, even a little bit of economic freedom in a poor shithole country that has been ravaged by government interventionism can go a long way.
>Marx literally advocated for a fucking central bank controlled by the people.
Yeah, in the fucking 19th century. When people say "oh marx advocated this", they always forget that was nearly 200 years ago. In case you haven't noticed, having a money supply that is flexible and controllable is a massive advantage for any country. However, like I said, the USSR did not have commercial banking. You couldn't get a loan in the USSR neither did you have any need to.
>They had a central bank you gigantic moron.
Read your wikipedia article. I even mentioned the gosbank in my post. The gosbank did not lend money, it was there to implement 5 year plans and control inflation.
>retards still think nordic countries are socialist
British rule in India saw millions die from hunger and one of the richest countries in the world was dismantled and used as a resource base for the UK.
Keynesian Theory is the only one that makes sense.
Neoclassical economics has nothing to do with reality and Marxism isn't even an economic theory.
>Because there was much less state involvement
Capitalism is profit seeking, is it not?
Not an argument.
what evidence do you have that suggest the movie thinks all white people are racist?
Capitalism isn't a historical movement.
It's an economic system.
These places definitely had free markets.
>Yeah, in the fucking 19th century.
>having a money supply that is flexible and controllable is a massive advantage for any country.
No, it's a massive advantage for the state.
Since commies love the state controlling and exploiting their population so much, they LOVE central banks, they can control everything.
>You couldn't get a loan in the USSR neither did you have any need to.
Because everyone was equally poor.
>The gosbank did not lend money
SO WHAT? That makes it even worse, the average person couldn't even get a loan to better their lives.
They were a central bank which only benefited the state and destroyed purchasing power for it's citizens.
>it was there to implement 5 year plans and control inflation.
All central banks do is CREATE inflation.
If there was free banking, there would be no inflation, there would only be deflation.
>British rule in India saw millions die from hunger
This has been debunked by simply looking at the data.
Nobody cares about your stories anymore.
LOL pic related
Yeah a think tank run by big money is definitely not biased
Protectionism has a long history here, as do patents and various state-run or state-supported projects like infrastructure.
Imagine thinking this film wasn't bashing rich people
>Capitalism is profit seeking
Yes but it wasn't a free market.
I don't care about "capitalism", I want a free market.
According to marxists, the most economically unfree shitholes on earth are still capitalist because there is still some private control over something.
We want free markets.
>Not an argument.
How was my point a strawman then?
Would sell out my race totally for this bros
kek what a fucking retard
this has to be bait
That methodology literally counts countries as more free market because they have less corruption or more effective governance. Singapore and Hong Kong are in no way whatsoever some sort of right libertarian or dominated society.
>look at math I pulled out of my ass that Keynes never wrote
What is your view on the IRS and the federal reserve?
british rule in india didnt cause the famines.
Okay point out how they are lying.
Literally all you have to do is look at the economic policies of all of these countries and plot them based on levels of government intervention.
You'd still come to the same results.
You disingenuous shill.
There was a minimal amount of protectionism, the rest of the economy was extremely laissez faire. Protectionism if anything would have hurt their economy,
They didn't even have a central bank for fuck sakes.
>no argument
lol retard
>That methodology literally counts countries as more free market because they have less corruption
One of the metrics of economic freedom is a lack of corruption.
Corruption destroys economic production and makes the economy less free.
It's not the only factor that goes into economic freedom but it's certainly one.
See pic related to what constitutes economic freedom.
>Singapore and Hong Kong are in no way whatsoever some sort of right libertarian or dominated society.
Hong kong now not so much, but singapore definitely is.
>i argue about political economy on the television & film board of 4channel dot org
>hey I'm just going to lie without actually reading the image
okay keynes
Socialism doesn't work.
>No it's not, why do you think everyone tries to leave?
>Why do countries that embrace economic freedom become rich countries like south korea or taiwan?
Cuba is objectively better off than a lot of other poor countries if you look at the statistics in sources like the CIA world factbook. As for the emigration, maybe, just maybe, it's because despite its advantages over other poor countries it's still a poor country with a poor human rights record?
As for economic freedom, there are many, many countries that don't interfere with businesses but are still utter shitholes
Why do countries that embrace more free markets end up better off?
no shit
>Capitalism isn't a historical movement.
>It's an economic system.
One that has a history.
>The Alternative Hypothesis
Do I even need to say why he's not reliable or credible in any way, shape, or form?
>I'm debunking Keynes with something Keynes never wrote
You showed us!
>How was my point a strawman then?
Because you were obviously misrepresenting an argument?
>No, it's a massive advantage for the state.
Why are you talking about the state like its some separate entity with its goals? The state is just an extension of class.
>Since commies love the state controlling and exploiting their population so much
Mate, without the state you fucking capitalist fantasy land would be gone in a week. Why on Earth do you think massive capitalists and businessman, the wealthiest people in the world, are these poor oppressed victims of the state, which they LITERALLY control? The politicians are all bought and paid for by the capitalist class, that's why they all fucking do the same thing no matter who you vote. Because we don't live a democracy, the only people who have votes are the rich.
>Because everyone was equally poor.
No-one was poor in the USSR.
>the average person couldn't even get a loan to better their lives.
What the fuck would they need a loan for? Employment was a right, housing was a right, healthcare was a right, food and water were rights, education was a right. None of these things had to be paid for.
>All central banks do is CREATE inflation.
No they don't, they control it.
>Cuba is objectively better off than a lot of other poor countries if you look at the statistics in sources like the CIA world factbook.
Most of this data is from the cuban government themselves which has been known to lie.
When they export their doctors, most countries don't want them because they're incredible unqualified.
The only reason cuba isn't a total shithole is because before the revolution they used to be an actual decent country.
>As for economic freedom, there are many, many countries that don't interfere with businesses but are still utter shitholes
Give examples so I can laugh at them and explain why they are wrong.
>One that has a history.
Who cares? This doesn't matter at all.
All we want to know if a place in time in history allows for economic freedom, these places clearly did.
>Do I even need to say why he's not reliable or credible in any way, shape, or form?
He actually did basic research on british in india and the sources are in the description of his video. It's quite amazing what he found by a bit of digging.
Keynes literally wrote that.
>it's much better off than other poor countries.
Because it's been stealing oil from Venezuela and selling it to stay afloat.
But guess what, Guaido already said that Cuba will no longer rob them. Cuba is going to sink without stealing.
Why is socialist Europe so rich?
Maybe Germany for leeching off the rest of the EU. But those countries are cucked beyond belief.
Thankfully many of them are starting to change their laws to accommodate a growing tech sector.
based post
>Capitalism depends on state protection
You big dummie.
>Hi I have apples, wanna buy one?
>Yes, how much?
>About $3.50
>Here ya go
That's capitalism. Also how to ID the loch ness monster.
>Because you were obviously misrepresenting an argument?
explain how?
>Why are you talking about the state like its some separate entity with its goals?
Because it actually is.
>The state is just an extension of class.
LOL wow marxists are dumb
yes, this group of people with the power to control every aspect of our lives and use violence against is is somehow part of our "class"
>without the state you fucking capitalist fantasy land would be gone in a week
Socialists actually believe this.
The capitalists would just hire people to enforce security.
When socialist somalia failed, notice they didn't turn socialist, they turned into a violent shithole but with some market activity.
>are these poor oppressed victims of the state
never said that
>Because we don't live a democracy
Good, democracy needs to be violently abolished
>No-one was poor in the USSR.
Is this a joke?
People starved to death in the ussr
Most people lived in shitty commieblocs with little food.
This is objectively slavery.
You couldn't even build your own house.
>What the fuck would they need a loan for?
To buy an actual house or a fucking car or start a business?
>hurr why wouldn't they want to continue living like serfs and eating the gruel the state gives them
>Employment was a right, housing was a right, healthcare was a right, food and water were rights, education was a right.
EVery single one of these things were extremely low quality and most of the time you didn't even get these things, especially healthcare which was atrocious, HIV in the blood supply lol
>No they don't, they control it.
They CREATE IT, the USSR created LOADS of inflation.
During the periods of american history without central banking we had DEFLATION
Central banks CREATE inflation.
Free market capitalism works.
Socialism doesn't work.
Because they're extremely free market.
Scandinavian countries are some of the most business friendly places on earth.
>rich white liberals
You mean Jews?
>Employment was a right, housing was a right, healthcare was a right, food and water were rights, education was a right.
Americans and western europeans had ALL of these things, but in much higher quality and quantities.
You aren't making a good case here.
Has your doctor told you how long you have left?
Nothing works. Humans are shit and there's no system that can change that.
>Is this a joke?
>People starved to death in the ussr
>Most people lived in shitty commieblocs with little food.
>This is objectively slavery.
>You couldn't even build your own house.
Don't forget that it was illegal to be unemployed in the USSR.
It was either that or sent to the gulag.
Or if you were lucky, you got a cushy job digging uranium with your barehands to send food back to your family. And they gave people more food if they didn't talk about their co-workers dying from radiation exposure.
It's so incredibly insane that tankies still exist and defend this.
Goldbugs are even more stupid Communists.
yeah lol they actually want to keep what they earned and not slave away while their wages and savings get destroyed
what a bunch of retards
>Hi I have apples, wanna buy one?
>no I'm just taking them
Here is your free market.
>Hi I have apples, wanna buy one?
>>no I'm just taking them
But that's communism.
You don't even know what the gold standard is. Don't embarrass yourself.
norway has less people than a medium brazilian state and is sitting on top of a giant oil reserve
which part of it don't you understand?
>Americans and western europeans had ALL of these things
No they didn't, Americans still have absolutely none of these things.
Imagine being this deluded.
>During the periods of american history without central banking we had DEFLATION
1790: +3.75%
1791: +2.71%
1792: +1.87%
1793: +3.45%
1794: +10.95%
1795: +14.38%
1796: +5.26%
dont be a brainlet. capitalism does not exist without a government to protect property rights. you are giving an example of anarchism
>group of people with the power to control every aspect of our lives
Yes, the capitalist class. The people who own every fucking aspect of the economy and control all the resources.
>The capitalists would just hire people to enforce security.
Security against who you idiot? The fact is, without a state to enforce capitalism, the workers would just take all their bosses capital for themselves, and this has happened numerous times.
>Good, democracy needs to be violently abolished
Democracy is fine, its capitalists who need to have their vote taken away.
>To buy an actual house
No-one paid rent in the USSR, everyone had a house. You could get your own house built, but you had to save up for it.
>start a business
Lol business is cancer.
>EVery single one of these things were extremely low quality
Absolute bollocks, the USSR had the most advanced education and healthcare in the world. Even fucking Cuba outperforms america in healthcare. Also, funny you bring up HIV, which was non-existent in the USSR until capitalism was restored and now its epidemic.
>the USSR created LOADS of inflation.
No it didn't until the 80's, around they time their economy became liberalized. Introducing capitalism back into the USSR was a disaster. Capitalism managed to turn a world super power into a fucking third world country.
you just making the same gay post in every us thread
You don't even know what the gold standard is. Don't embarrass yourself.
>No they didn't
They did though.
They had far more than the USSR.
They had cars and actual houses instead of cramped commieblocs. They had a wide selection of food.
They weren't even forced to work.
I'm not talking about that period, there was still laws that allowed banks to effectively print their own money.
I'm talking about the late 1800s where we were on an actual gold standard with no central bank.
We had massive deflation.
Sorry brainlet.
I didnt like the movie, but you gotta admit that they are really good at details in this movie and get out. Like how the son face is burned because of the lighter trick
>They had cars and actual houses instead of cramped commieblocs
Europe did have apartment blocks and also had socialized housing and the USA only had housing because for most of it there's nothing there. Anywhere dense like New York the housing was fucking terrible. Also, the idea the USSR was "just" commie blocks is bullshit. In city centers yes, just anywhere else, but in the suburbs or rural areas they had houses.
>They had a wide selection of food.
Yes, most of it garbage that is lethal to consume over long periods of time. The USSR had a wide selection but they also were healthier than Americand and Euros because they didn't eat as much shit. Also, food rationing in Britain only ended in the 60's.
>They weren't even forced to work.
No-one was forced to work in the USSR, its that if you didn't work but were able to you weren't entitled to welfare. Which is had it should be.
>Yes, the capitalist class.
The state is given the right to use violence against the population. Just because you pretend the state is under the control of your "class" or whatever doesn't make their actions any better you massive brainlet.
Why are you changing the subject?
>the workers would just take all their bosses capital for themselves
No they wouldn't. Doing this would require a socialist IDEOLOGY for it to happen.
Examples in history where anarchy occurred was either a fucking warzone like somalia or a market anarchist situation like medieval ireland.
You're wrong.
>Democracy is fine
Democracy need to be abolished and all socialists killed.
>No-one paid rent in the USSR
Because nobody had any money, you were forced to live in a shitty cramped commibloc.
>but you had to save up for it.
With what money? lol
Americans on the other hand during the same period built their own fucking houses and could buy cars without waiting 10 years lol.
>Lol business is cancer.
increasing economic production thus benefiting the working class is cancer?
no wonder everyone was so poor in socialist countries? lol
>Absolute bollocks
How brainwashed are you?
>the USSR had the most advanced education and healthcare in the world
They had HIV in the blood supply, antibiotic resistance was rampant. They didn't discover anything of value and waiting lines were atrocious. They even had a second tier system for elites in the government that was far better than the care most people got.
>Even fucking Cuba outperforms america in healthcare.
The cuban healthcare system is a joke pic related
american healthcare has all of the technology and the best doctors in the world
>funny you bring up HIV, which was non-existent in the USSR
Dude, how do you not know about the massive epidemic of HIV in the blood supply in the ussr?
>No it didn't until the 80's
They created tons of inflation all throughout their history
But free money! Yang was going to spend 3.6 trillion a year giving people $1k a month!
The only reason the ussr was a "superpower" is because their military was so big.
People in the USSR lived like fucking slaves.
>also had socialized housing
A very tiny portion of them had socialized housing, it was mainly private housing.
>USA only had housing because for most of it there's nothing there
People in the USA built their own fucking houses in the 50s and 60s.
>Also, the idea the USSR was "just" commie blocks is bullshit. In
It WAS though.
>but in the suburbs or rural areas they had houses.
No they didnt lol
>Yes, most of it garbage that is lethal to consume over long periods of time
You're literally whining that they had fast food lol.
You didn't have to eat fast food, a wide selection of healthy food was also available you absolute retard.
Meanwhile ussr had almost nothing
The ussr was forced to rely on their tiny private sector to provide them food lol
>The USSR had a wide selection but they also were healthier than Americand and Euros because they didn't eat as much shit.
>No-one was forced to work in the USSR
Everyone except maybe old people were forced to work in the ussr.
You're a delusional moron if you deny this.
If you didn't work you didn't eat.
It seems like the conservative right has been trying everything in the last 20 years to show people that they aren't racists though
>People in the USSR lived like fucking slaves.
This is hilariously ironic considering the USA has literal slaves still in prisons, has the largest and most comicly evil military in the world and americans are wageslaves. Everyone in the USSR was paid exactly what they worked, as opposed to the USA where a person works and the boss steals most of it for himself.
The USA is a fucking warmongering police state founded on slavery on genocide and ameriburgers are the most brainwashed people on the planet and they don't even know it. Sad!
Get Out would have been better if he was arrested at the end.
>go to Israel do visit the holly sites.
>shit is pretty decent, Europe like except maybe some nigger neighbourhoods in Tel Aviv.
>go on a tour to Bethlehem, on the Palestinian side.
Yeah I'd bomb all the Middle East to if it prevented the kebaps from taking over.
>This is hilariously ironic considering the USA has literal slaves still in prisons
Wow I love your whataboutism.
Try actually refuting my argument next time you communist shitstain.
>americans are wageslaves
Americans have some of the highest living standards on earth compared to most countries.
Also I wasn't even talking about USA.
The problem here is you can't defend the USSR.
>Everyone in the USSR was paid exactly what they worked
No, they were paid almost nothing because the government controlled all of the means of production.
The country barely produced any consumer goods, but the USA produced a massive quantity of consumer goods.
Clearly the working class was better in the USA than USSR back then.
>as opposed to the USA where a person works and the boss steals most of it for himself.
Surplus labour theory makes absolutely no sense. It's debunked.
Kill all socialists.
agreed and that was the original ending people just didnt like it because it was too real
Reminder that if the working class took over the means of production they would receive NOTHING because they already consume 99% of all consumer goods.
This fact makes socialists SEETHE with anger.
dude same!