Misunderstood masterpiece

misunderstood masterpiece

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it was fucking dogshit aside from the one episode raimi directed. i didnt even bother with the last season

Agreed. The heady heights of true schlockino.

the sidekick girl's acting is complete trash and the writing gets shittier and shittier as the episodes go on. Bruce Campbell is the only good part of the whole thing, even Lucy Lawless is awful.

dropped it after the first season. the sidekicks too up way too much screentime.

Fantastic show except for the last episode of each season.


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For me it's Stan Against Evil

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You must be a fag

Too much army of darkness not enough evil dead 2, tonally.

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binged whole show. Honestly I wish it would've started where the very last episode of season three left off, in the same type of post-apoc ending as in the original cut of AoD. Would've been way more interesting than what we got.

Anyone who doesn’t like it is off my Christmas card list. It was great start to finish. Dumb fun all the way

had some cringe, lots of heart, and genuinely funny from time to time, but definitely kitschy, meme'y

yep, nothing but total fags on here that aren't real fans of ED and AOD

Starz completly fucked the show airing it in February instead around Halloween

Filthy and fine

>Implying you wouldn't bang the shit out of her

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Why did I have to be born in the timeline where the series got picked up by fucking Starz of all publishing companies. I couldn't even support the show as it was airing because I lived in the EU.

Bruce Campbell makes everything he touches into kino, he's a true master of B-movie magic

Yeah you can tell they were going for that audience, not surprising with how much praise it gets but it feels a bit off.

>Lucy Flawless
>Ever awful

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Third season is great, it get back to the point and most episodes are good.

Filthy AND Fine

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lucy was awesome in this, gets naked right away too
no, it was the heeb sidekick that got annoying, the mex was great
the only faults are when the opening credits dont connect to blood spray from the scene, those episodes started off on a bad note

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imagine being this wrong

You got 5 sugar