How did this piece of shit ever get popular...

How did this piece of shit ever get popular? The writing and acting are awful and the only remotely good thing about it are the stunts.

Attached: raiders-1.jpg (500x767, 117K)

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it refreshed kinda forgotten adventure movies from 30s or 50s and this time with in color

i liked it. now i cant watch it because later in life i came to the realization that the germans were the good guys the whole time.


terrible taste.
just awful, disgusting, horrendous taste.

That, and the entire movie is 1 continuous choreographed scene

>The writing and acting are awful
how so?

It's perfect
Last crusade is better tho

The only person who even tries is Ford. Nobody else is fucking awful, especially Marion.

>Last crusade better

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>Nobody else is fucking awful
sounds like a good thing.

Fuck, meant everybody

sage this bait threat jannies

Fuck off, contrarian tranny

But iniana fucks underage girls and makes them fall in love (it is implied this is how he first knew his love interest and fell out with his mentor)

it was epic to watch as a kid

First one was okay. Rest are terrible. I watched it in my mid twenties without the nostalgic factor, couldn't finish the 3rd one. I think the stunts were incredible for the time.

>everybody else is fucking awful
how so?

Those sort of typing errors like accidental substitutions (what you did in your other post), omissions (leaving out words in a sentence), repetitions (stuff like "the the dog"), etc. are signs of alcohol induced brain damage.


they are fun movies and harrison ford is perfect for the role

Whoever plays Marion phones in her performance the entire movie.
The villains are just evil nazi bad guy #1, #2, and #3. They are the definition of bland and their performances suffer because of it since there's literally nothing to add.
This script sounds like it was written by a 10 year old.

You must at least like the music as well.

I like Temple of Doom okay and Last Crusade is pretty good but I really do not understand all the love for Raiders. It's probably the worst one besides Crystal Skull imo.

I watched it again recently and it’s just not a well paced movie. It’s filmed beautifully. The music is great too but I remember feeling like there were long stretches of no dialogue and it’s just visuals and music. I guess that was supposed to be an homage to perhaps silent movies? I just didn’t care for it much upon rewatch. Had more fun watching the Stunt Show at Hollywood Studios honestly,

>Whoever plays Marion phones in her performance the entire movie.
how so
>The villains are just evil nazi bad guy #1, #2, and #3.
how so and why is that bad
>They are the definition of bland and their performances suffer because of it since there's literally nothing to add.
how so
>This script sounds like it was written by a 10 year old.
how so and why is that bad

Starring Harrison Ford
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Story by George Lucas
Music by John Williams
It's like the ultimate team-up of late '70s star power. Why wouldn't people love it?

But there's Belloq (however it's spelt). He's not a Nazi.

Right. Basically Indiana Jones established a new formula for a fast-paced, high-energy action movies.

same reason people like star wars, it has a few "iconic" popular scenes and good music. as a film buff i acknowledge it's nothing special but not every movie has to be, it's a movie that can be enjoyed by normies and nerds all the same in my opinion.

Preach on comrade! How come that Jones doesn't quip every five seconds and shoot lasers with his hands? I'm with Her(o).

Another one of my gripes. Sometimes it's too fast and sometimes it's too slow. Marion "dies" like 20 minutes after she's introduced and we're supposed to be sad? Then there's just a whole lot of nothing going on during the middle and then the plane fight happens. During the last 30 or so minutes it's put on fuckin turbo mode and they go to like 5 different locations.

>make a movie emulating pulp serials from the 40s
>faggot criticizes the movie for being similar to pulp serials from the 40s
You are just a fucking idiot. This is like criticizing candy for being sweet. Kindly put your head back up your ass.

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After she dies Indians is depressed and he's drinking, ready to die in a "bar fight" I feel it. They had history.

>being inspired by serials with bad acting and generic villains is an excuse for it to have bad acting and generic villains

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>germans were the good guys
>socialists join with non-whites to kill millions of Europeans
Not only that, since it was apparently Holohoax, they also failed to kill any jews.

I can't tell if all these "popular movies aren't that great" and "bad movie in the series is the best one" are troll threads or that people actually believe this.

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popular =/= good

I really wasn't crazy about the first one. I thought Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade were both better in basically every way.
>The fourth film was shit and is best disregarded

Does it mean it's bad?

Temple of Doom is better
The other Indiana Jones films are equal and this includes Crystal Skulls

Some people like popular stuff and some don't. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's undeniably good.

>The Indiana Jones show, which cast members call "Epic," has performers demonstrating stunts done in the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" movies

Doesn't mean it's bad either

It’s kino, the fact you don’t like it means you are a pleb. That is ok, we need plebs to help tell us what is and isn’t kino.

>there were no French nazis

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Temple of Doom is underrated, especially by hyper sensitive liberal types triggered by the brain-eating poos and the Chinese kid. Short Round has great chemistry with Jones and Willie. I grant that some people find Willie too annoying, but I thought she wasn't so bad had a real character arc.

Willie and Short Round are annoying as shit. The villain doesn't show up until more than an hour in the film.

Belloq is clearly established to have been hired by the Nazis during the movie. In fact there's a point in the movie where he comes into conflict with the Nazi officer about the need for the "Jewish ritual"

Swallow razor blades

ANY evidence that he was a believer, and not just working with the Nazis for his own ends?

>Short Round is annoying
faggot and pleb status confirmed.

Oh, and I never even said anything about his nationality.

>Best artifact
>Best stunts
>Best cinematography
>Best sidekicks
>Best girl
>Best villain
Seeth harder, Last Crusade will always be the best Indiana Jones movie.

Attached: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.jpg (1997x2966, 2.52M)

This guy gets it. Everything we know of history is not only incorrect, but it's presentation is manipulated in such a manner as to make the logical initial counter argument also a trap of lies and deception.

>episode ranking faggotry
All I'm doing is pointing out that Doom is underrated. Obsessing over rankings is for brainlets.

>it’s just not a well paced movie
This is what faggots say when there is nothing there to criticize.

but i agree

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Checked and agreed. The father son dynamic combined with the lore of the grail, and what has to be one of the sexiest female co-leads in the history of film pushes this one above the rest.

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>”pacing isn’t a thing”
Fuck off.

plus some scenes were almost pulled directly from other movves

its fun

that one's the worst one
1 > 2 > 4 > 3

>Ranking 4

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