Blows Spider-Verse's animation out of the water

>blows Spider-Verse's animation out of the water

It had a good run

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I don’t get it

Episode "The Witness" of Love, Death + Robots replaced Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as the king of animation a mere three months after Spider-Verse was released

The animation was beautiful. But so was Spiderverse's, and it had the additional benefit of blowing the writing of every single one of these stories out of the fucking water.

Spiderverse > a 15 minute concept piece.

Animation is the only thing Spider-Verse had going for it. I'm not saying the LD+R stories are good, but Spider-Verse was based on some really bad Spider-Man stories, made mediocre in the movie.

most of it looks like video game shit. Not even close to spiderverse

But new animated spider-man was horrible to look at. why would any title it receives matter?

>Animation is the only thing Spider-Verse had going for it

I'd argue the characters, writing and tight script helped it along, too. But to each his own. A summation of parts will always trump individual components. The Trolls movie had better animation than the original Watership Down; doesn't mean shit in weighing the films as total pieces against each other. Spiderverse is an exceptional contribution to its genre and one of the more enjoyable animated films in recent years. Love Death and Robots is definitely nice on the eyes, though. I'm not denying that at all. I just wish it had some better writing.

>Alberto Mielgo's concept art for Spider-Verse rejected
>turns around and makes The Witness

Justice kino

Attached: Alberto-Mieglo.jpg (1600x1742, 712K)

This literal child is defending his capeshit cartoons on Yea Forums's Yea Forums board. I've never seen a single episode of that trite, and I never will. Still, I'd bet $100 that it's pure garbage, given that it's a superhero cartoon for children. I can't believe anyone would have the audacity to try and put capeshit over the works of actual published authors. Alastair Reynolds, who wrote Beyond the Aquila Rift, and Zima Blue, has been nominated three times for the Arthur C. Clarke award. You are arguing that some hack screenwriter, who almost certainly gained his position through nepotism, is a better writer than people who make millions doing literally nothing but writing, and who made their careers entirely through meritocracy. You have, IMO, one of the premier hard Sci-Fi writers in the business, versus a literal children’s cartoon, and you’re arguing that the kiddie feel good spiderman saves the day flick has better writing. I’m awestruck at how horrendous an opinion this is. If I had a list of retarded opinions I’ve seen on the internet, you’d surely be at the top. Congratulations, you’re so overwhelmingly retarded I’ve had to break my standard policy of calling you a retard and moving on. I can’t help but give a reply. If this is bait, it’s bait straight from your retarded heart. Magnificent. Please don’t post again.

Spiderverse had awful animation though

Attached: f6a0c9b5640d16c1f68205750cc20176a435c93dd9d70bcf527de6e323f958dc.png (587x378, 37K)

>can't believe anyone would have the audacity to try and put capeshit over the works of actual published authors

Hunger Games is the result of a published author. Spiderverse's screenplay is written by a duo who has received prior critical acclaim. Spider-Man 2, your derided capeshit, had Pulitzer prize-winner Michael Chabon contributing to its scripts. Since you're clearly dense, I'll point out the above point to you: writing is writing across the board and having a novel to your name does not immediately elevate your talent above a screenwriter.

Why the fuck does everyone keep saying spiderverse had good animation? It was generic CGI with an abysmal framerate

>abysmal framerate
go back to Yea Forums



I laughed harder than I should have at this.

I've on watched up to Beyond Aquilla rift, do they get any better or peak there?

1/10 - won’t achieve pasta status

I don't understand how Into the spiderverse won the animation oscar when Isle of dogs should have won for this scene alone