So...this is the power of DC?

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The most embarrassing part was they couldn’t get a single DC actor to make a cameo and had to settle for a Superman photo double.

what am I looking at

donald duck good
caterpillar bad

Based mr mind

>evil bug
>even does the evil bad guy laugh while rubbing his tiny feet together


Shazam's number 1 villian.

Well none of the actors are even playing the roles anymore, so what do you expect?

What happened to black Adam and the rock

He's getting his own movie.

t. Slowpoke

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Cavill was busy filming Mission Impossible there was probably no time in his schedule to come and film a scene that anyone could do. I get that showing his face would have made the cameo better but that truly wasn't the point. It was literally just Superman walking and then standing there so there is literally no point to grab Cavill when literally anyone else can do it for cheap.

>inb4 cope or oh no no no

did DC predict AOC?


dragon dildo?

At least he doesn't have glasses.

>burn washington
>blow up world
>kill everybody
>mind kampf
not gonna lie, that's pretty edgy subject material for a children's comic. that stuff wouldn't fly now

Blahahhaaa!!! Tell me that's not fucking real? Can't wait for the typical delusional DCuck response, "Oh yeah, a CGI bug is WAAAAAY better than a cameo by the biggest movie star on the planet, The Rock."

Can't wait for the typical delusional DCuck response, "Oh another DC actor jumped this sinking ship? GOOD. We never wanted top tier actors anyway, we prefer the chick from Fast and Furious 5 and the star of A&E's Frontier"

The Rock refuses to play villains and not be the lead, so he's gotta get his special snowflake stuff before the team up.

As now the only actors still attached to their DC roles from the Snyderverse are Gadot, and maybe the guy who played Auquaman

Seems pretty stupid to cast The Rock like five years in advance and not even have him cameo in Shazam. Like how hard can it be to give him a five second scene?


sure it would, incel

no spoilers please. some of us plan on watching this via bootleg Korean stream as we do all DC garbage
kek. DC is already dead, idk why you Marvelchads persist to shit on their graves

Between this and steamboat (and maybe random copyrighted version of Frankenstein) you understand why D.C. cancelled the shazam reprints

This is incredibly based.

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wait. why am i an incel? I was saying that the older stuff shouldn't be shown to children
I thought it was more to do with the fact that Captain Marvel was a Superman knock-off. But seeing this wouldn't surprise me

>two compounds eyes
>no ocelli
>11+ pairs of legs
Does DC even know how insects work? LOL

>As now the only actors still attached to their DC roles from the Snyderverse are Gadot, and maybe the guy who played Auquaman
false unless you cite a source.

SeeBecause of this WB gave him he's own movie, some sort of prequel to Shazam. The Rock didn't want a cameo.

Mr. Mind is an alien.

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Does Marvel?

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Thanos is so dumb

which is a shame since most of their golden age comics are crap, and shazam, plastic man, and the spirit are the only comics they own from that area which are actually great


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what a fluffy?

>DC villain is a literally Dragon Dildo

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No, this is.
>faceless superman cameo