Which one is better?

Which one is better?
Just watched TLD for the first time. I wasn't impressed. Is LTK any better?

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They're both good, you're just a huge pleb.
Maybe stick to capeshit and avoid 80s spy-action movies.


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>I wasn't impressed
Literally the best Bond movie. No, you won't like License to Kill because your taste is shit.

This movie felt like old capeshit. At least the girl was hot and you could see nipple on the sideboob of that one chick.
Imo Connery > Craig > the rest > Moore. Can't stand any of Moore's shitty camp movies

>At least the girl was hot and you could see nipple on the sideboob of that one chick
I don't think films with dialogue are for you. You should check out the Transformers franchise or perhaps just fap to some porn.

shit taste
sexy bond girls are an important part of the franchise though

LTK is much better

I like Brosnan too. I grew up with him as bond.

Just not sure if I should watch LTK or skip to GoldenEye again

For me it's T. Dalt. The best James Bond.

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You should skip to Goldeneye, it is mongoloid friendly.

License to Kill is the best Bond movie. Clear revenge tale about a believable drug lord villain. Very little Q bullshit. Hot women, of course. This is the gritty Bond Craig wishes he could be.

Agreed, best bond film from the best Bond.

I actually liked the Q parts of TLD. The Q scenes we're basically Yea Forums mansion tier
>Skinny blond Moneypenny
>Strangulation by thighs
>Ghetto blaster
>Easily the best bond car I've seen yet.

There were just a lot of weird things about it as a movie in general. It felt more like sequences randomly stitched together than a coherent, motivated plot. Villains were pretty shit. Mujahadeen aged fairly badly. Overall I think it's a 3/5.

Robert Davi just plays a great villain.

Davi is great in everything. Highly underrated.

I like The Living Daylights

Imagine disliking the only Bond film to feature a gunfight on a Soviet airbase in Afghanistan. It's like they don't know what makes a good movie.

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>Kills all your MI6 agents

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I said I liked it. Just not impressed.

Why does Dalton look like a wooden puppet on those covers?
What photoshop filter is that?

Watching LTK now

Holy shit it's young benicio

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It's just airbrushed to hell and back.

Yup, his first major film role too, I believe. He's great in it.

>not impressed by the movie with the biggest explosions at the time
>not impressed by the plane fight using real stuntmen that will never be toped
>not impressed by the milk bombs
>not impressed by the ice chase
>not impressed by the fat tity cow in the begining
>not impressed by seeing talibans fight soviets
>not impressed by one of the best scores in any movie
Get fucked zoomer, put a pineapple in your rectum and die you stupid faggot

blue rays are made by pajeets just picked out from the streets

connery>>brosnan>>craig>>>everyone else

>Not impressed by cheese
No I'm not. I'd consider it "Moore bond done right" but it's still not great
LTK is way better so far

Also the plane stunt was topped in both Mission Impossible 5 and 6

Dalton is Craig for adults. Craig is Dalton for emo fags.

Nice 4Ks. What player do you have? Is your harry potter set missing the box? Or is it just facing the wrong way..

Don’t forget the best theme song. Btw what happened to attractive middle aged actors?

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What films vibrate on the same frequency of Dalton Bond kino?

Licence to Kill is so much better, like night and day. TLD was a potboiler that played things too safe and was completely unremarkable. Meanwhile Licence to Kill, despite being heavily influenced by American action films of the period, is still one of the best movies in the franchise. Great villain, great Bond girls, amazing action sequences and Dalton is much better at playing Angry Revenge Bond. He seemed uncomfortable and awkward in TLD.

>Very little Q bullshit
Q has more screen time in Licence to Kill than any other Bond flick

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (1965)
Three Days Of The Condor (1975)
The Little Soldier (1960)
Syriana (2005)

Harrison Ford movies, like Frantic or Patriot Games.

Excellent! I'll check them out.

Player is an Xbox one X. It's in the shop right now for broken HDMI out. Hence going through my Netflix catalog and deciding to watch old Bond movies

OP here. I am just about to read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, since I read the first two Smiley novels after falling in love with TTSS (2011).
Just finished and I agree. Uncomfortable and awkward is exactly how I'd describe Dalton in TLD. It's this weird middle ground between Moore's cartoon and the tone of Bond from LTK onwards.

LTK is my favourite Bond film, but it's still not perfect.

Because of the ninjas.

Why were there ninjas in an otherwise semi-realistic crime thriller?

Why were the ninjas from Hong Kong? Ninjas aren't Chinese.

Cards on the table, they're just spy movies I really like that aren't James Bond. They're spy movies enjoyed by someone who thinks Dalton is the best Bond so far. But, don't watch them expecting 1980's action aesthetics lol.
It's fantastic. I'd recommend you watch it, then watch the BBC mini-series Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy followed by Smiley's People.
>You can do the Gary Oldman movie afterward if you want, but the mini-series with based Alec Guinness is where it's at.

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>expecting 1980's action aesthetics

This is what I'm looking for.

Something like Airwolf.

It's a shame his booze and coke habit wrecked the show. He was also really good in Winds of War, which is an excellent Robert Mitchum mini-series if you've never seen it. But he gets recast in the sequel, War and Remembrance, also because of his after work habits. RIP

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Dalton was the first pg-13 bond

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Is the world ready for an R rated Bond film?

I am if it saves us from Islamic transexual Bond.

The first cut of Licence to Kill was given an R rating I believe. They had to make changes just to get it down to PG13. It's a shame that this cut isn't made available today, for some reason the Bond franchise has been very averse to things like "director's cuts."

Timothy Dalton fucking sucks
Connery and Moore are the only good bonds. Everyone else is shit


I can definitely see that. It's probably the edgiest of all the Bonds, especially the business with Felix and his wife.

Craig is Dalton for manlets.

Gramps, chill with the whiskey and geritol, lol.

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Tired blood is the worst

>tfw owning the Soviets with your homie bin Laden

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>Q Bullshit
>Gadgets are literally a hallmark of the franchise

I bet Craig is your favorite Bond

Literal plebeian right here if you think Moore was good

Hating Sir Roger is as NPC as it gets


Agreed. I also like him better than Connery by virtue of not being Scottish. I'd take Connery over Craig, Brosnan or Lazenby, though.

Moore is my favorite because he's the most likable. Also he's an under-appreciated dramatic actor, and he can and does get serious and pulls it off. The idea that's he just Silly Jokey Bond is a meme

Sir Moore was the funniest and most debonnaire Bond. The rest were too serious. Moore was a welcome relief.

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>we gave her a nice honeymooooooon

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Based Daltonchad thread!

I love Roger Moore but he's the weakest Bond and Dalton is the closest to the books.

He definitely had his own twist on the character. My approach to that is the same as many other things in life: it's fine if it works, but you fucked up if it doesn't. In Moore's case, for me, it very much worked. If you're a fan of the actor, you might also check out The Wild Geese (1978). Moore is a based African mercenary out robbing coke dealers and rescuing dictators with Richard Burton and Richard Harris.

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Thanks, I'll give it a gander

He's the Richard Lester of Bond movies. Superman III doesn't deserve all the hate it got and neither does Roger.

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The Donner film already had the perfect balance of comedy and adventure. I felt the Lester movies went too far in the comedy direction, also Superman III gives more screen time to Richard Pryor than Christopher Reeve and Lois Lane is only in two scenes. I did like Mean Alcoholic Supes though

I have to admit I stopped at Superman II, because of the bad press. I should marathon all of them to make my own decision. Although the last one with the nukes seems silly

>Greetings, noble savage. How much are you charging per kilo?

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You don't have sex if you think he wasn't good

>tfw you work for MI6 but it's time to Smiert Spionam

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I think TLD is overall better. The villain plan is convoluted and not important and a simple revenge story of TLK is in this case superior but TLD has better setting of this very late cold war era versus generic 80s stuffy unpleasant drug-filled and sweaty atmosphere of TLK (might as well be Miami Vice). But I really like both movies.

>tfw everybody forgotten about pro-American mujahedins that were killed off by Al Qaeda.

>dude they became like suicide bombers lmao I bet they feel embarassed about having Bond help them

>Problem solver?
More of a problem eliminator.

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Every Moore movie is unwatchable cringe shit. Connery created such an iconic character and his first three movies were legendary, unique spy thrillers. I don't know how it went so wrong so fast.


Great scene

OP here. In the end LTK was a much better film. After watching both back to back I still have a good taste in my mouth for TLD though. Even though I think it has too many problems it has a great deal of variety. I think in the end though LTK was all the good parts of TLD without any of the shit.

>Every Moore movie was unwatchable cringe shit but Connery was iconic and legendary
I'll bet you've never even seen a Roger Moore movie.

Nice setup

I've seen Moonraker, octopussy, and diamonds are forever

At the end of the day, it's different strokes. What's important is that you see them and decide for yourself. After I had seen every Bond movie, I definitely found my perception to run contrary to shit I'd heard other people claim.

Diamonds Are Forever was Connery, shitlord!
>I grant you that Moonraker was not a good movie, but not because of Roger Moore's performance, which was superb

>Roger Moore captures the bad guys with ease, never breaks a sweat
>Dalton ends LTK looking half dead

There lies the difference

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What do you know. It's been about 15 years since I saw it so I forgot.

I also saw that one Connery movie with the Asian chick. Hated that one too. Connery made a lot of stinkers after Goldfinger. I really only like those original three from him.

The Living Daylights is the second best Bond movie in my opinion.
Licence To Kill is like a generic American 80s action movie, but it's still entertaining though thanks to Timothy Dalton and Robert Davi.

Connery=Dalton> Lazenby=Brosnan> Moore> Craig

I don't know why you fags hate Craig so much. Casino Royale was his only watchable movie but it's a near masterpiece. He's also more like Connery than any other.

That would be You Only Live Twice and it was fantastic, except for the part where Bond wears yellowface. Not that I care, it's just awkward. Anyway, fifteen years is a long time and your memory seems hazy. You might have a different take if you watched them again.

based panty slip

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I'm referring to the Bond's, not their movies.
Casino Royale turned out great, Craig is still the most bland Bond performance vise.

LTK is the best bond without Gold in the title.

You have no idea what you are talking about, it's one of the Bond movies with most Q screentime and the gadgets are the silliest yet.

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>Master cellist
>Kills Russians from long distances with precision
Is she perfect, anons?

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I thought his performance in Casino was amazing. He pulled off "rookie" Bond while still maintaining the core of the character. He has Dalton's visciousness, rule breaking, and Connery's class and intellect. I love him as Bond. It's just a shame that the movies themselves are turning out terrible.

He's a manlet

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>you will never be as cool and handsome as Dalton Bond
How do I cope with this feel, bros?

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She's got nudes.

So stop being a faggot and post them

Sounds like it's time to become more familiar with her body of work.

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Just google it, first hit gave tits.

I don't think CR is a masterpiece at all, it's easily the most overrated film in the franchise and not even in the top 10 best Bond movies.

Is that his upper body shopped on to the legs of a ten year old?

This, and 1000% unironically. Craig a shit!! FACT!

In what way is he like Connery than any other?
He's Dalton's grittines minus the charm and gentlemanlines.
He also has a lazy haircut, but so did Dalton in LTK, Bond should always have kino hair.


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I just can't imagine having this opinion
>That opening
>That music
>That chase sequence
>That villain
>That entire card game chapter
>That Eva Green
>That betrayal
>That bitch is dead
Fucking phenomenal from beginning to end. It's honestly one of the best movies of the entire 00s.

You just accept it. Dalton 007 is an ideal to which we can only aspire.

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>what happened to necros?
>he got the boot

I can't imagine loving it that much
>unnecessary "hard reboot"
>completely miscasting the lead role just to stir things up
>that tryhard "please take us seriously!" black and white opening
>forgettable story
>forced romance that isn't at all believable
>Vesper acts like a grade A cunt in her introductory scene immediately making me hate her
>We want the online poker audience
>The out-of-left field betrayal that had no impact because I hated Vesper and didn't buy their romance
>feels about half an hour too long
>Bond getting cbt
For me it's one of the least entertaining Bond movies and I rarely rewatch it

He was a great villain.
If yall haven't, check out the Maniac Cop movies, Davi is a solid lead in 2-3.

Was happy to see him getting work in Expendables 3.

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The Living Dayligts by a fucking mile

>Only two films with best Bond

it isnt fucking fair bros
at least Im not a Lazenby fag I guess

from the thumbnail i thought both of those were 3D models. weird

never seen any Dalton Bond films but he's great in Doom Patrol

Although ultimately a middling Bond, I do think he gave an impressive performance in light of the fact that it was his first acting gig basically ever. On Her Majesty's Secret Service is a quality film regardless of it. But that fourth wall breach in the first scene was cringe as fuck.

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He's also a Trump supporter

Yeah I think he has a regular writing gig at Breitbart, legit.


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Am I the only one who don't like LTK as a stand alone movie that much, but thinks watching it right after TLD makes for a comfy double feature?

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>Trump is the only candidate for me
>Nikki Haley disgusts me

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>Just watched TLD for the first time. I wasn't impressed
Kill yourself my man

>[Pretenders Intensifies]


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Casino Royale is as shit as all the others. Zoombabbies just like it because it was their first and their very overrated mommyfu is in it.

Cringe and bluepilled.
Based and redpilled.
Cringe, yet redpilled.

>Which one is better?

He's an ugly whiny manlet snoozefest

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Moonraker is the worst Moore film. If you haven't seen Spy Who Loved Me or Man with the Golden Gu,n you haven't even touched Moore.